

  • A Kuaizhou-1A carrier rocket carrying the CentiSpace-1-S3/S4 test satellites blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Sept. 6, 2022. The two new test satellites were launched at 10:24 a.m. Beijing Time 0224 GMT and have entered the planned orbit successfully. (Photo by Wang Jiangbo/Xinhua via Getty Images)

    Satellites must be deorbited within five years of completing missions, FCC rules

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted new rules to address the growing risk of "space junk."


    New SEC rules would require companies to disclose climate goals and emissions

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Public companies would be required to disclose greenhouse gas emissions they produce under new rules proposed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • MartinPrescott via Getty Images

    Court rules accessing smart meter data constitutes a government search

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    Smart meters are designed to reduce energy consumption, lower household bills and, by extension, help the planet along a little bit. But could they also be used by the government to spy on you? This is the question that was thrown into the spotlight this week when the Seventh Circuit handed down a landmark opinion ruling, stating that data collected by smart meters is protected by the Fourth Amendment.

  • golubovy via Getty Images

    The military can shoot down drones that fly over bases

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Drones can cost a pretty penny, so make sure not to fly them too near an airport... or a military base. The Pentagon has approved a new policy that gives military bases the right to shoot down or seize both private and commercial UAVs that encroach upon their airspace and are deemed a threat. While details about the policy remain classified, Pentagon spokesperson Navy Capt. Jeff Davis says the new guidance gives bases "the ability to take action to stop these threats (i.e. UAVs or drones) and that includes disabling, destroying and tracking [them]."

  • Ask Massively: Rules, sources, and buy-to-play MMOs

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    There are 4,001 words in the Massively style guide. The abbreviated version of the style guide. And that's without counting a few hundred emails detailing other rules that our writers must follow, plus English grammar and syntax, plus hand-me-downs from Captain Joystiq and peevish precepts imposed by a mean ol' editor-in-chief. Rules help us deliver a consistent product to you, the readership, and when we don't, you notice. Gamers follow a set of rules, too, when it comes to judging games. Indie games are judged less harshly than blockbuster developers. Overhyped games are held to a higher standard. Games with subs are cut less slack than freemium titles. You might not have codified all these little rules into a 4,001-word document, but they're rattling around your brain making decisions for you all the same. So let's talk about rules and how they apply to Massively's sources and buy-to-play MMOs like Guild Wars 2.

  • FCC seeks to streamline licensing requirements for 800MHz band

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    A new proposal set forth by the FCC would modify the Commission's licensing requirements of the 800MHz band by replacing its current site-based model with more contemporary geographic guidelines. Commissioners argue the change is needed, as site-based rules were originally established to consider the propagation of analog signals -- now obsolete by anyone's standards. The move would bring the licensing requirements of the 800MHz spectrum to parity with the 700MHz, AWS and PCS bands and reduce a boatload of paperwork along the way by eliminating current data collection requirements. The proposal would also create a new, two-stage auction process for the unlicensed areas, based on the new geographic approach. The FCC is now seeking public comment, and its PR can be found after the break.[Tower photo via Shutterstock]

  • FCC tells advertisers to CALM down, lowers the volume on commercial breaks

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Pretty soon, you won't have to scramble to lower the volume during noisy commercial breaks -- that's if you even watch live TV. After making its way through Capitol Hill, the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (or CALM) -- which aims to keep the sounds coming out of your flat panel even-keeled -- has just been adopted in a ruling by the FCC. Starting next December, ads and promos will have to remain in-step with the audio levels of scheduled programming. While the affected parties have a full year to get their acts together, the main burden of enforcement lies with broadcasters and MVPDs like Comcast and Verizon FiOS. So, come next holiday season, you'll be able to tune in and tune out without being blown away.

  • FCC proposing data roaming rules, not interested in commonizing carriers

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    FCC chairman Julius Genachowski briefly mentioned data roaming at CTIA last week, but now he's telling Congress that action is inbound, to ensure rural carriers don't get left behind the rest of the cellular industry. You see, in 2007 the Commission mandated cheap roaming agreements for voice and messaging services to let regional carriers compete, but cellular data is what's important now and those existing agreements won't protect the Tiny Tims of telecom in a world of VoLTE anyhow. So, as he explains in a letter sent to members of the Senate and House, the chairman has come up with a set of rules, which will "incent potential roaming partners to come to the bargaining table to negotiate private commercial deals." "The draft order under consideration eschews a common carriage approach and leaves mobile service providers free to negotiate and determine, on a customer-by-customer basis, the commercially reasonable terms of data roaming agreements," reads another letter. Needless to say, we're looking forward to hearing how the FCC will encourage competition while still letting the big boys negotiate from their multi-billion-dollar spectrum holding positions.

  • Federal Wi-Net bill proposes a femtocell and WiFi hotspot in every federal building

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Here's one way to fix the spectrum crunch: set up wireless base stations and WiFi hotspots in every single one of the 9,000 buildings currently owned and operated by the US General Services Administration. That idea, along with the proposal that such installations be made mandatory in all future federal structures, was put before the US Senate this Friday. It's argued that installing femtocells at those locations would improve reception indoors, lighten network loads in busy areas, and expand accessibility for more rural locales. Ubiquitous WiFi routers, on the other hand, hardly require any justification beyond "common sense," but you should be aware that the Federal Wi-Net bill also asks for a $15 million budget for the performance of retrofitting and future installs. Full PR after the break.

  • CALM Act approved by Congress, should make TV commercials slightly less obnoxious

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    We did say it'd take an Act of Congress to lower the volume on televisual commercials and, shockingly enough, that's exactly what we've got now. The House of Representatives has given its nod of approval to the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act, which, having already cleared the Senate, is now on its way to President Obama's desk for final validation. Once signed into effect, the new legislation will require that all advertisers modulate their volume down so it's no higher than that of the program you're watching, and it'll be the FCC's duty to ensure that they all adhere to the new rule. A year's leniency will be allowed for all those who struggle with figuring out how to turn it down from 11, but after that we should all be able to watch the dying medium that is live television without dreading the commercial breaks.

  • WikiLeaks: Chinese Politburo responsible for Google hacking

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    You had to know something interesting would come out of the quarter million diplomatic cables that WikiLeaks just, well, leaked late on Sunday, and the New York Times has picked out a doozie for us. As it turns out, that big brouhaha in China surrounding the hacking of Gmail accounts was actually a state-authorized attack. Such was the report from a Chinese informant working for the US embassy, and the disclosure goes on to say that it was part of a "coordinated campaign of computer sabotage," reaching a wide net of targets, including American government machines, American private businesses, and... the Dalai Lama. Hey, China's hardly the first country to ever engage in state-sponsored cyber espionage (ahem, Stuxnet), but we can't say we're not disappointed. Let's keep it classy from here on out, alright guys?

  • Kuwait bans DSLRs, leaves Micro Four Thirds question hanging in the air (update: no ban)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    We're not sure what the humble DSLR has ever done to offend the Kuwaiti government, but, according to the Kuwait Times, the recreational use of Digital Single-Lens Reflex cameras has now been outlawed in the country. The Ministries of Information, Social Affairs and Finance (hello, 1984!) have collectively decided to ban the use of the chunky shooters in public places, except where it can be shown that it's for journalistic purposes. This decision has left a lot of people scratching their heads, not least because every self-respecting smartphone nowadays can pump out screen-filling images. And then there's also the matter of determining where the line between compact cameras, which are still allowed, and DSLRs resides -- for example, is the Lumix G2 an illegal shooter just because it looks like one? Update: Oops. The Kuwait Times has printed a retraction of its earlier story, saying that a followup investigation showed no such ban has been enacted by the state's authorities. Thanks, Cajetan!

  • Robots learning our pain threshold by punching humans and seeing if they cry

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    The first rule of robotics is you do not talk about robotics that a robot should not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. But how does a robot know when its acts or omissions are causing nearby fleshies discomfort? The obvious way is to scan for the same signals of distress that we humans do -- facial, physical, and aural -- but another, more fun, way is to just hit people over and over again and ask them how much each blow hurt. That's what professor Borut Povse over in Slovenia is doing, in a research project he describes as "impact emulation," where six test subjects are punched by a robotic arm until they can't take it anymore. It's funny, yes, but it's also novel and a somewhat ingenious way to collect data and produce more intelligent machines. Of course, whether we actually want more intelligent machines is another matter altogether. [Thanks, Anthony]

  • Joojoo terms of sale violate PayPal rules

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    It would seem that the Fusion Garage lawyers have become so embroiled in the Michael Arrington litigation that they've neglected to read the PayPal User Agreement. There in section II, subsection 4, dubbed "Prohibited Transactions," it states that the seller agrees "not to use [his] PayPal account to sell goods with delivery dates delayed more than 20 days from the date of payment." Why does that matter -- well, because the sole means to purchase the Joojoo at present is by placing an 8 to 10 week pre-order, payable exclusively through PayPal. We shouldn't jump to conclusions though -- maybe Fusion Garage freed itself from the pesky rules by offering to sell a few special edition PayPads?

  • IEEE begins work on new cellphone battery standard, we circle 2029 for ratification

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    You'll excuse us for poking a bit of fun at the IEEE, but after it took seven years to finalize a wireless standard that didn't change for most of that time, we have to wonder how long a new battery rulebook is going to take. IEEE Std 1725 is the current set of commonly agreed rules, in effect since 2006, but apparently "the cellular industry has grown tremendously since then" and our needs as consumers have changed. No kidding, 1GHz processors and 1080p video recording can kind of do that. The Cell Phone Battery Working Group (a real entity!) will hold its first meeting on the topic in February, and the final outcome will lay out up-to-date rules on the requisite quality, reliability, construction, and discharge characteristics of modern cellphone batteries. Let's hope "smartphones that last more than a day" figures somewhere on that list.

  • New Zealand making drivers with cellphone navigation criminals, hugs ok for now (updated)

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Starting in November, use of your cellphone's GPS navigation capabilities will be illegal for drivers on New Zealand roadways while dedicated SatNav devices without voice capability are still ok. In fact, use of your modern cellphone as an in-vehicle MP3 player, compass, etc. will all be illegal under Road User Amendment Rule 2009. Here's how it reads currently:"A driver must not, while driving a vehicle, create, send, or read a text message on a mobile phone or make, receive, or terminate a telephone call on a mobile phone or use a mobile phone in any other way."A law this broad would also make your car's integrated cellphone entertainment system illegal. There are exceptions of course, one of which allows drivers to use a mobile phone to make, receive, or terminate a telephone call if the phone is mounted in the vehicle and the driver "manipulates the phone infrequently and briefly," even though studies have already concluded that hands-free solutions are still distracting and thus, dangerous. Yeah, the whole thing sounds arbitrary, over-reaching, and completely unenforceable to us as well. Update: Put down the pitchforks and torches, it looks like the law is already en route for amendment to allow cellphone "satellite navigation or music functions."[Via Stuff, image courtesy of joannapapa5100]

  • Sri Lanka to ban phone sharing in order to thwart terrorist activities

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've seen countries institute some pretty weird regulations when it comes to wireless handsets, but this one is apt to seem patently absurd to anyone outside of (and possibly within) Sri Lanka. Government officials are reportedly gearing up to implement legislation that would require handset owners to "to carry a certificate of ownership at all times when carrying their phone around." The new law will hopefully cut down on some terrorist activities that have apparently been going on, but it will also inconvenience quite a few innocent citizens as well. Ah well, at least locals can legitimately ask their mooching friends to get their own without sounding all snobbish.[Via textually]

  • A rule for catching image spam

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    It seems that I'm not the only one being inflicted with a new wave of image spam, as Bill Benson, a MacInTouch reader, has posted his rule solution for this junk that seems to so easily elude's filters. Tim Gaden at Hawk Wings, also a victim, elaborates on how to set up this rule, as a trick is involved. To summarize: for the first condition, select 'Edit Header List...' in its accompanying option, chose 'Content-Type' (or create it if you have to) The Content-Type option will then take first place in the rule (or you might have to select it from the criteria list), allowing you to finish building the rule as pictured The rule is based off of Bill's observation that these spam emails always come from a different address, and the content type header (as you might now assume) begins with multipart/related'.Since I have been receiving around a dozen of these messages on a daily basis, I think I can say that, so far, this rule has been a success. Three cheers for the power of community -based spam filtering. If you aren't using, however, I would imagine this trick can be adapted for other email apps. Anyone else try it outside of