

  • WildStar's Jeremy Gaffney praises ESO's marketing

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    In a recent thread on Reddit's Elder Scrolls Online subreddit, a user by the name of Nuclayer posted that he was curious about the approach ZeniMax and Bethesda are taking for the paid promotion of the newly launched fantasy MMO. "Maybe I just missed all the stuff about it," the user says, "but from my personal perspective [it] feels like they really didn't put that much into letting us know about this game." Because WildStar was mentioned in the post as a game that's doing marketing right, Carbine's Jeremy Gaffney jumped into the thread to offer his own opinion. "Elder Scrolls is redonculously huge as a franchise," the WildStar Exec Producer offers. "Skyrim sold, what, 16 million copies? So everyone knows about it in advance - check out the Facebook, TESO has literally 10x the likes. So Zen can be much more broad in their marketing." Gaffney goes on to explain quite candidly the marketing strategy for WildStar and how his studio is probably spending way less than ZeniMax did on ESO. He makes sure to give plenty of kudos to ZeniMax for what it's done so far with ESO. Check out the whole thread for more from the fans of both games. Spoiler alert: It's actually a friendly Reddit thread.

  • Elder Scrolls Online invites you to learn how to group

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Trying to make sense of Elder Scrolls Online's grouping tools? Need a hand in hooking up with other players to plunder dungeons? ZeniMax has you covered. The studio posted a new video today that takes you through ESO's group mechanics and grouping tools, step by step. It also contains helpful tidbits such as the fact that groups get 10% extra XP. You can check out the seven-minute grouping tutorial video after the break.

  • Elder Scrolls devs: Low-percentage drops on AH would harm 'gear chase'

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    ZeniMax has released an Elder Scrolls Online Ask Us Anything variety pack that covers everything from taunts and maintaining aggro to server maintenance times. The devs also field a question about guild stores and why they're for guild members only. "Our goal is to make the economy more player-based, but not to have a system that allows you to find anything at any time because there are so many players involved on a megaserver," ZeniMax says. "With extremely large communities, low-percentage drops can become highly available in auction houses. It ends up harming the 'gear chase' portion of the game."

  • Elder Scrolls Online's Craglorn zone 'harkens back to old school games'

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The folks over at ZeniMax have started a new series on the official Elder Scrolls Online website called the Loremaster's Archive, with the very first issue dedicated to the not-smelly-at-all-why-do-you-ask topic of the undead. The post differentiates between the four varieties of undead -- Reanimated, Returned, Accursed, and Abominable Miscegenations -- and provides a some backstory as to why people would pursue necromancy as a hobby. Meanwhile, on the fansite Tamriel Foundry, there's an interview with Lead Content Designer Rich Lambert about the development of the upcoming Craglorn zone. Citing his history of extensive raiding in MMOs, Lambert said that he was excited about developing this high-level group PvE area: "It harkens back to some of the old school games, (ugh I said 'old school') where grouping was really important for survival and stuff was hard." Lambert goes on to explain the various mechanics and specifics of how group adventures will proceed in the area, so check it out if you've hit level cap already and are ready for the next big challenge.

  • Elder Scrolls Online console releases delayed six months [Updated]

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The Elder Scrolls Online was originally scheduled to release on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in June. According to a now-removed FAQ entry on ZeniMax's website, the console versions will be delayed by "about six months." "While it has become clear that our planned June release of the console versions isn't going to be possible, we have made great progress, we have concluded that we'll need about six more months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve," the blurb explained. A Reddit user captured a screenshot of the FAQ entry before it was removed, and Joystiq has done a bit of sleuthing to verify via Google search that the text was legitimate. Massively has contacted ZeniMax for an official statement. [Update]: ZeniMax has posted an update that confirms the six-month delay. The company is also offering transfers of developed characters from the PC platform to either of the console versions.

  • The Daily Grind: Are you subbing to Elder Scrolls Online?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Elder Scrolls Online's 30-day free period ends this week, as does the five day grace period that ZeniMax granted customers on account of the game's launch issues. I'm still having quite a lot of fun in Tamriel, so transitioning to the monthly subscription was a personal no-brainer. What about you, Elder Scrolls purchasers? Are you continuing with the game now that the free period is over? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • RIFT 2.7: Binding of Blood delayed [Update: It's live now!]

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Trion has identified a "major issue" with RIFT's 2.7 update and will not be deploying the Binding of Blood patch today as planned. The firm does not have an ETA on either a fix or the revised update as of yet. Update: As of this evening, the patch is now live! Here's what today's part of the overall update includes: Four new souls: Available at the RIFT Store, the four new Souls allow Warriors and Rogues to heal, Mages to tank, and Clerics to support like never before! New Quests: All new multi-chapter Soul Quests (available to everyone) will explore the lore behind the origin of these new souls. UI Upgrades: Crafting, Quests, Macros, Wardrobe, and Achievement Tracking UIs have all been improved for RIFT 2.7. Trion is also adding all new text color options, to grant players full control over text displays.

  • Jukebox Heroes: Elder Scrolls Online's soundtrack

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The Elder Scrolls soundtrack is pretty well-known and highly regarded, even outside of our tiny field of video game music enthusiasts. That's what you get when you have smash hit games and a conductor who knows what he's doing. Jeremy Soule helmed the musical side of the franchise from Morrowind through Skyrim, but with the MMO, that streak is broken. Soule returned only for the main theme and then headed off for more SOEish pastures, leaving Brad Derrick (Warhammer Online) and Malukah to carry on the legacy with Elder Scrolls Online. I think that they did a fine job. It took me a while to listen through the 47-track album (and how awesome is it that it got released?), and afterward I let it stew in my brain for a bit. During a discussion with friends, I realized that while it's beautiful, there's little here that really pops out the way that past Elder Scrolls scores did. I think the music here would do a great job to enhance the gameplay experience, but on its own, it is pleasant and often lukewarm. It's also a soundtrack that I could play from beginning to end without it grating on my nerves, which is another testament to how it goes down the ear canals smoothly. There's a good sense of cohesiveness and atmosphere, even if it lacks the rabble-rousing tracks that I was hoping to hear. Let's dig in!

  • The Elder Scrolls Online's interactive map nabs a Craglorn update

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    ZeniMax has updated the spiffy official Elder Scrolls Online interactive map with details on Craglorn, the high-end area arriving in the game's first major content patch. If you're clicking around aimlessly, here's a tip: It's the big grey area between blue Bangkorai and green Cyrodiil. Clickable hotspots on the map reveal screenshots, lore excerpts, and even a poem, and hey, it's worth a visit just because it's pretty... even if it is Elder Scrolls' favorite color, brown.

  • RIFT concept art contest tainted by copycat design [Updated with Trion's investigation]

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    The winners of RIFT's Concept Weapons and Cloaks contest were announced this weekend with prizes going out to the best designs in the Swords, Staves, and Cloaks categories. But one particular sword entry (the second place winner) caught the keen eye of a few RIFT fans. As it turns out, the impressive golden sword that won second place is actually copied from Deviant Art user Wen-M, who uploaded the original version in 2004. "LOL, thanks," Wen-M said when a fan congratulated him on his entry. "Unfortunately I did not enter, someone lacking honesty used my work without permission. some friends informed me about it. XD ah...people." You can read more on the other contest entries on the official forum thread. [Thanks to all who sent this in!] Update: Trion has responded with an explanation of its investigation of the accusations. In an email to Massively, the studio wrote, "Thanks to our users we were able to verify that this image was indeed appropriated from another artist. We of course disqualified the entry, and did a more thorough search to make sure that no other entries were also inappropriately submitted. We've reached out to the artist (who does absolutely amazing work, and is definitely worth checking out) both publicly and privately apologizing for this use of his art. We've adjusted the list of winners (viewable here), and congratulate all of the incredibly talented folks who participated in this contest." Congratulations to all of the legitimate winners!

  • Dark Age of Camelot plans New Frontiers tweaks, player polling

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Broadsword Online continues its push to revitalize the veteran games it took over from EA earlier this year, including Dark Age of Camelot. The studio recently released yet another question-and-answer session with players, this time focusing on the new New Frontiers patch and ending with a soaring explanation of what makes the game so great after a dozen years. Some of the highlights: There are plans to revamp PvE after the New Frontiers content is properly tweaked. First on the PvE list is the top 10% most rewarding and difficult encounters. On the flipside, the devs agree there's too much PvE emphasis in the RvR Frontiers. The team is still looking at incentives for keep, tower, and relic defense. Shards will not be usable in housing zones. Legendary weapon updates are still on the table. Finally, there's a note that the game will ultimately benefit from in-game polling systems as opposed to relying on feedback from just the vocal minority of players. "You will be heard. Count on it," Broadsword promises.

  • Camelot Unchained promises 'bat-shit crazy' reveals in May

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Camelot Unchained has something big to celebrate today: the first anniversary of its successfully funded Kickstarter bid. According to today's newsletter, City State Entertainment has raised a total of $5.6 million dollars -- $2.6 million from backers and $3 million from investors, including $2 million from studio head honcho Mark Jacobs himself. How will the studio be celebrating the anniversary? Jacobs revealed via video that during May, CSE will be hosting a multi-day reveal event he's calling "bat-shit crazy days in May." Expect all-day streaming, contests, scoops on major game systems (like magic, crafting, combat, and levels), subscription details, new lore, map discussion, the official name of the game, guys in bunny suits, and flying ducks. Seriously. The video's embedded below! [Thanks to tipster Guinness!]

  • The Daily Grind: What NPC ability would you like to have?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I'm pretty content with my avatar in The Elder Scrolls Online. He looks cool, he's a badass with a crazy amount of useful combat and crafting skills, and he has a tremendous singing voice. One thing he can't do, however, is lean back and flip a coin like the NPC in the image up there. ESO does feature a couple of nifty wall-leaning emotes and plenty of other appealing fluff. But I want a coin and I want people to see me flipping it, dammit! What about you, Massively readers? Is there a certain NPC ability you crave for your character? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Today's Elder Scrolls Online AMA discusses bug fixes, housing, spellcrafting, and more

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    The Elder Scrolls Online's Paul Sage, Matt Firor, Rich Lambert, Brian Wheeler, and Nick Konkle descended upon Reddit today along with a bevy of community managers to run another ask-me-anything, perfectly timed after the release of this morning's release of ZeniMax's plans for the game in 2014. Here are just a few of the highlights: Spellcrafting will involve the rediscovering of "traditional" Elder Scrolls schools of magic, like alteration and destruction. Wheeler hinted that aesthetic changes might be en route for the Imperial City. There are no current plans for smaller scale PvP zones or dueling. Grouping, werewolf, quest achievement, and PvP vampire issues are being worked on. SLI support arrives with Craglorn. Lambert confirmed the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood will have their own skill lines. There's no time-frame for player housing right now. "We want to do it right," Community Manager Jessica Folsom said. Guar mounts are also planned sans timeline. Aside from weekly stability patches and "after the dust settles," the team still plans content updates every four to six weeks. The complete AMA is on Reddit for your review. [With thanks to tipster Leiloni!]

  • Portions of RIFT's May cash shop proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Trion and Doctors Without Borders have partnered to further the latter's humanitarian efforts around the globe. From May 1st through May 31st, purchases of the lab coat or doctor bundle from the RIFT cash shop will trigger a $5.00 donation to the charity organization. [Thanks Zuji!]

  • Elder Scrolls getting justice system, dyes, Thieves Guild, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Elder Scrolls Online boss Matt Firor has posted a lengthy look at the game's past, present, and future. He says that the development team continues to squash bugs, deal with botters, and read all of its press, both positive and negative. He also hints at future updates, including a justice system, armor dyes, Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storyline and quests, spellcrafting, additional guild functionality, new dungeon content, and more. Not much is known about the justice system as of yet, but it involves the ability to steal from NPCs and features consequences for being caught. Finally, Firor says that everyone who had an active account prior to 8:00 p.m. EDT on May 1st will receive five free days of game time as a thank you for persisting through some of the launch issues.

  • RIFT 2.7: Binding of Blood arrives May 7th

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    RIFT's 2.6.1 patch may have teased the Binding of Blood raid, but now we finally have a solid date for the full 2.7 patch: May 7th. The 2.7 update will initially incorporate the four new souls unveiled over the last few months (Arbiter, Physician, Oracle, and Liberator), new quests, and an upgraded UI. Trion Worlds will roll out additional changes over the span of the including tier 3 raids, the Greenscale warfront, a hellbug promotional tie-in with Defiance, the annual Summerfest, and a unicorn celebration. We're not judging. Every game needs a unicorn celebration.

  • Choose My Adventure: Goodbye for now, Elder Scrolls Online

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    My time with The Elder Scrolls Online has come to a close for this month's edition of Choose My Adventure, and while I have enjoyed myself, I've taken a lot more away from this experience than I expected. One month and 14 levels later, I have not only this character we've built together but several alts spanning every race, class, and alliance. But did I like the Nightblade the most? Will I continue to play after this Choose My Adventure is over?

  • Elder Scrolls Online disables forum PMs, encourages outing gold sellers

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The Elder Scrolls Online has disabled PMs... on it's official forums, at least. ZeniMax is attempting to combat gold-spammers, and it's going a step further by setting aside a portion of its Code of Conduct and encouraging players to publicly identify suspected spammers. We request that anyone who has received a private message they believe to be from a gold spammer to post the sender's username as a comment in this thread. As we have disabled PMs, you will not be able to access your inbox on the forums, but if you received an e-mail notification to alert you to the PM you received, the sender's username should be in that e-mail. Please note that our Community Code of Conduct does prohibit naming and shaming. However, in an effort to expedite the process of identifying and banning the spammers' accounts, we are making an exception for this situation. We will investigate each alleged spammer account individually to avoid false reports. [Thanks alleomurand!]

  • The Elder Scrolls Online's releases Craglorn patch notes, Shadow Knight guide

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The Elder Scrolls Online hasn't sent its first major patch to the live servers just yet, but you don't need to wait much longer to get an idea of what the patch contains. In fact, you don't need to wait at all; the patch notes for patch 1.1 are available now thanks to Dulfy, outlining the many changes taking place. The big centerpieces are the addition of Craglorn and trials; the former is a zone designed for four Veteran Rank 10+ characters, while the latter are two 12-person runs. Beyond that, the patch contains a number of changes to class and weapon skill lines as well as several adjustments to the Alliance War systems. Players can also benefit from an increase of Veteran Ranks to 12 and the doubling of veteran XP from killing monsters. There's a massive list of updates and bug fixes, as well, so avid adventurers of Tamriel would be well-served by looking at the full list of patch changes before everything goes live. [Update: The studio released today the first of its new series on player builds. First up is the Shadow Knight.]