

  • Vodafone UK now selling HTC Desire Z, can be had for free if you play your cards right

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Of course, the fact that a high-end smartphone can be scored for free on a European carrier should come as no surprise to anyone -- but in the case of the Desire Z on Vodafone in the UK, you'll be looking at a minimum monthly spend of £35 (about $55) on a two-year contract if you don't want to spend anything upfront, scaling up to £199 ($310) for the phone on a £25 ($39) plan. The specs are the same ones that you've come to know and love (or hate) -- QWERTY keyboard mounted on a crazy hinge, 5 megapixel camera, 3.7-inch SLCD, and access to HTC's new cloud-based Sense features -- so if that gets the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up, run on down to your local Voda shop now and have at it.

  • Bell Mobility hawking HTC Desire Z for $130 on contract

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    With the G2 floating around, it's easy for Americans to forget that a North American flavor of the HTC Desire Z does, in fact, exist -- you just need to run north of the border to get it. Bell Mobility has been selling the phone for the past few days, seemingly in its pure HTC Sense-ified form -- for better or for worse -- meaning you get all the features of the company's new offering, map caching, and the like. Pricing clocks in at CAD $129.95 (about $130) on a three-year deal, quickly scaling up to CAD $499.95 ($500) contract-free with options (albeit economically illogical ones) at the one- and two-year levels. Will someone please do us a solid and start importing these stateside en masse? Preferably unlocked? [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • HTC Mecha leaked on HTC Sense

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    We've been hearing the hushed whispers of an HTC Mecha handset for a few months. Now we've got solid evidence of its existence thanks to the HTC's own HTC Sense web site that lists the Mecha along side the Desire HD and Desire Z when signing up for an account. Unfortunately, the image used for the Mecha (found after the break) appears to be the old Hero handset unless HTC is planning to resurrect that particular industrial design (which we doubt). Now get out of here and hit the source link to try it for yourselves. Update: And it's gone. [Thanks, Anthony P.]

  • HTC Desire HD review

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Did you know that the word "jumbo" originated from the name of an African elephant famed for being the largest of his kind? HTC will be well familiar with that tag having already rattled off the HD2, EVO 4G, and HD7 in a smartphone-dwarfing 4.3-inch form factor. And while that may not be the largest screen you can have your Android confectionery on today, it's arguably the upper limit of what we might consider a pocketable device. The HTC Desire HD follows, and seeks to improve upon, its laudable predecessors with an aluminum unibody construction, WVGA (800 x 480) display, 8 megapixel camera with dual LED flash plus 720p video, and a modern 1GHz CPU. That hardware is put at the service of Android's latest Froyo offering, complemented with an updated Sense that includes a web interface for controlling and discovering your phone remotely. It's a rich spec sheet, that much is unquestionable, but you're not just here for tenuous wildlife-related metaphors, you want to know if the whole is equal to, or perhaps even more than, the sum of its parts. Join us after the break for a deeper look at the Desire HD.%Gallery-105849%

  • goes live, only Desire HD and Desire Z supported at launch

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Let's say you're a mobile phone maker. Now, what's the first thing you do after raking in $360 million in a quarter? We're guessing that "launching a new backup / remote wipe portal" wasn't the first thing that came to mind, but that's precisely what HTC has done. was officially introduced alongside the Desire HD and Desire Z in London last month, promising to one day allow registered owners to use the web in order to locate a lost handset, remotely wipe a lost handset and maintain a backup of your contacts, texts, customizations, etc. in the cloud. Looks like "one day" is "today," with the portal finally opening its doors to registrants. Unfortunately, the only two phones supported at the moment are the two it was introduced alongside of (neither of which are publicly available), so it looks like you'll spend most of your time at the source link ingesting what it can offer you in the future. But hey, who said a little schooling was a bad thing? Update: Pocketnow has a walkthrough of the new services (via a ROM hack on the HD2), with a video embedded after the break. We know it's tough to wait, but at least this glimpse will make it a bit easier, yeah? [Thanks, Marcus]

  • HTC Merge for Verizon gets snapped: another Android phone with Bing

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We're not sure exactly what Verizon is up to with these high-end Android phones that aren't Droids and feature Bing over Google, but it looks like the Fascinate is about to get a friend: BGR just got these snaps of the HTC ADR6325, which appears to be the Merge we've heard so much about, and the same dual-mode set we saw at the FCC. Nothing's confirmed specs-wise except a five megapixel camera, microSD slot, and SIM slot for global roaming, but we're still pretty sure this thing will basically be the CDMA version of the Desire Z / T-Mobile G2 and feature a Qualcomm MSM7630 processor with 4GB of onboard storage. And then there's that Bing logo on the homescreen -- we don't know how thoroughly it's integrated into Sense, but here's hoping it's better than what Samsung accomplished with TouchWiz on the Fascinate -- hardware this promising shouldn't be saddled with carrier-wrecked firmware.

  • HTC CEO: 'initially, we don't have time' to put Sense on Windows Phone 7

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    We think there might be a miscommunication or a disagreement in semantics here, because HTC CEO Peter Chou has mentioned in an interview with FierceWireless that its ubiquitous Sense UX won't "initially" appear on its first crop of Windows Phone 7 devices, but that "over time [they] will innovate on top of that to provide some HTC experience." That seems like odd phrasing considering that we've already seen HTC devices in the wild running bits and pieces of Sense on WP7, so we tend to believe Chou might have a more thorough, comprehensive experience in mind -- something that Microsoft is pushing back on (for now, anyway) by demanding that UI innovation be sandboxed in some pretty significant ways. In the same conversation, Chou mentioned that they'll be releasing an LTE phone in 2011, though he didn't give any details on design, platform, or carrier. MetroPCS, AT&T, and Verizon will all have fragments of their 4G networks live in 2011, and at least two of those three seem likely candidates to take delivery of some early LTE hardware from the big boys like HTC. For what it's worth, HTC already delivered the first WiMAX phone in the States -- the EVO 4G, of course -- so it comes as little surprise that they'd be looking to make a splash with LTE as well.

  • HTC Desire HD detailed in appropriately HD video

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Feeling like you're insufficiently saturated with Desire HD info? HTC's got your back, as usual, with one of its expansive video overviews, setting the specs and features you already know about to a background of soothing music and cutesy visuals. Nothing wrong with that, we say, and it makes for a great sales pitch if you're trying to convince your significant other of the life-changing benefits of purchasing said handset. Skip past the break, set your eyeballs to 720p mode, and enjoy the show.

  • HTC Desire HD ROM spawns screenshots aplenty

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We've already gotten a brief look at the recently-leaked HTC Desire HD ROM -- and the device itself, of course -- but those still looking for more may want to pay a visit to Android Spin, which has dissected the ROM and provided a fairly thorough look at what's in store for the next version of Sense. That includes some greater customization options, a new HTC Likes app that provides app recommendations, a brand new HTC eReader application and, of course, a number of new features tied to HTC's new service. Hit up the source link below for the complete tour.

  • HTC Lexikon shows up in leaked ROM update: is it the Merge for Verizon?

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    You might remember some discussion of the Lexikon about this time last month, a rumored Android piece from HTC sporting an 800MHz MSM7630 core, a 5 megapixel camera, 3.8-inch WVGA display, 4GB of onboard storage, Froyo with Sense, and a QWERTY keyboard. Sounds a little bit like the G2 / Desire Z, doesn't it? Indeed, those other models use Qualcomm's MSM7230 processor, the GSM version of the 7630 that'd be required for action on Verizon. Well, fast forward to a new ROM update leak, showing a rendered device with Verizon branding up top and a face that looks suspiciously similar to that dual-mode GSM / CDMA slider we've been tracking for a couple months (pay particular attention to the creases below the touch buttons). Separately, one of our time-tested tipsters has let us know that the Lexikon is the same phone as the so-called Merge; we hope you haven't grown attached to the flaming red keyboard, because more recent hardware revisions don't have it. Hey, maybe you'll be able to accessorize like you can with the Droid Incredible, eh? [Thanks, HTC Kid and patlex]

  • Is this HTC Sense on Windows Phone 7? (update: and is this HTC's Hub?)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Whoa, Nelly! Just 24 hours after we caught wind of a leaked webOS 2.0 video, in flies this. If the "Confidential use only" watermark is accurate, the video embedded after the break is HTC's Sense overlay on Windows Phone 7. If you'll recall, we finally heard that Sense would indeed be hitting Microsoft's forthcoming mobile OS after all back in July, but we've yet to see any real indication of what the end product would look like. Until now, of course. With "the holidays" rapidly approaching and Redmond holding funerals for rival operating systems, there's a better-than-average chance that this is legitimate. Frankly, we're digging what we're seeing thus far, but is it wrong to wish that even more panels were shown off? Update: And what's this? Yet another video has fallen into our laps, and it's featuring an HTC handset we've never seen before. Pocket PT is calling it the Hub (while tipster Eric suggests it may be the Mozart), suggesting that it's also running Sense atop Windows Phone 7 in the video after the break. When it rains, right? [Thanks, Sid and Pedro]

  • HTC Sense's new map pre-caching demoed on video

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    If you were paying attention during HTC's keynote earlier this morning, you'll have noted Peter Chou dropped a big old promise on us all: no more waiting for maps to load when zooming or scrolling. Pre-cached maps are one of the headline new features in the upgraded Sense that accompanies the Desire HD and Desire Z's announcement today, so we naturally had to go have a peek for ourselves. Requiring no internet connection, the Desire HD on hand sauntered through the streets of Sao Paulo and it was true that there were none of the aggravating grey squares of doom that we've grown used to when panning around. What isn't true, however, is HTC's claim that there's no waiting to be done. Responsiveness on these maps is far from perfect and patience will still need to be exercised. Notably, HTC said that you'll be able to download city maps free of charge, but navigation and other additional services will cost you. A final note is merited for the use of the phone's digital compass to rotate the map with you -- so that the map adjusts itself to whatever direction you point the phone. A very classy little inclusion. Eric Lin was on hand to answer the question of when this new Sense might trickle down to the classic Desire or other handsets in HTC's portfolio. Well, his answer was a non-answer: no roadmap or schedule has been set and HTC isn't ruling anything out just yet.

  • HTC Desire HD first hands-on!

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Alright, Europeans, say it with us: "finally!" Yes, having played extensively with the EVO 4G over the last few months, we can definitely say that the Desire HD is an authentic recreation of the American blockbuster, though it lacks the kickstand around back -- likely in an effort to reduce thickness, we suppose. In fact, HTC has eliminated the battery cover entirely, replacing it with a Legend-style slot (side-mounted this time) -- take a look at a shot of it both open and closed after the break. The phones HTC had on display here felt extremely smooth and snappy... though, as we all know, Android tends to bog down a bit over time, so the proof will be in the pudding after these things have been in customers' hands for a month or two. %Gallery-102287%

  • will backup and remotely locate / wipe HTC devices

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    HTC's announcing more than hardware this morning, it's also announcing an enhanced HTC Sense experience. At the heart is, a series of dashboard-connected services for backup, security, and control of your HTC handset. A new locate feature triggers the handset to ring loudly (even when set to silent) while flagging its location on an online map. If the phone was lost or stolen, owners can remote lock and/or wipe the phone. Backups will automatically archive your contacts, text messages, call history, customizations and data. Sense is also adding advanced multimedia capabilities to help ease the way we capture, share, and upload our content. HTC's also added on-the-fly capture effects and filters to manipulate depth of field or for adding distortion and vintage effects. Update: We've got a gallery's worth of interface shots from the new Sense experience! %Gallery-102313%

  • HTC Peep cooked, served a l'orange by Twitter's new authentication scheme (update: fixed?)

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    It's been known for some time that Twitter would be moving away from basic authentication to OAuth for third-party apps; in fact, they'd already officially pushed back the drop-dead switchover date once to mid-August before finally pulling the plug this week. Be that as it may, it makes sense that a bunch of lesser-known, less-maintained apps would fall by the wayside once the old security mechanism got shut down -- but HTC's Peep? Really? Sure enough, we've been able to confirm on our own Desire that the Twitter app HTC bundles with its Sense UI for Android is no longer working this morning, giving users an "incorrect username or password" error when they try to connect. We're not sure if they'll be able to fix this with a Market update across the board or if it'll take a bunch of firmware updates to get everyone back on the up and up, but either way, something tells us Twitter isn't going to flip the switch back on for these guys. Update: We can't say for certain whether Peep's working properly now, a few days later, but our Froyo-filled Droid Incredible (and those of several tipsters) seem to be displaying tweets just fine, and Twitter itself reports that it recently fixed an issue with Peep, Moto Blur and a variety of other third-party Twitter clients. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • HTC Desire (US Cellular) review

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    HTC's Desire is undoubtedly one of the headline Android devices of 2010 so far -- and heck, when you're using the already-great Nexus One as a starting point and re-upping it with an optical pad, physical buttons, and Sense, it's hard to argue otherwise. US Cellular has now become the first carrier to bring the device to the States (nearly five grueling months since its first spats of international availability, we'd like to note), and because USCC's a CDMA carrier, this is naturally a slightly different device than you're getting elsewhere. Don't get us wrong, most of the thoughts in our first review of the Desire still apply -- but needless to say, this launch is notable enough to warrant a second look. Read on! %Gallery-100792%

  • Mysterious Verizon-bound HTC handset appears mysteriously on the internet

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Hey -- what's this? Well, from the looks of it, it's a new, as-yet-unnamed HTC device. There is perilously little info available about the mystery mobile, but it appears to boast an 8 megapixel camera with a flash plus a front-facing camera, a 4.3-inch screen, a headphone jack and a kickstand. It also appears that it's going to boast HTC's own Sense UI. This falls in line with what we've heard about Verizon's Android-heavy fall launch this year, so we would not be surprised to see this device make an appearance. Furthermore, we could go out on a limb and guess that it's possible this is the Merge mentioned in that lineup, which supposedly boasts a 1GHz processor. That's all there is to the story right now but we're going to stay up late tonight to be on the lookout for further information on this one. One more photo below and hit up the source for the rest.

  • The revolving door: Froyo for Droid Incredible coming tomorrow, Froyo for EVO 4G gets rooted

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    The rich landscape of Android versioning just got a bit richer, with word of an official Froyo update for the Droid Incredible being launched tomorrow (based on the screencap pictured above), while the EVO 4G's recent Froyo software just got rooted. If you're crazily impatient, an Android 2.2 ROM for the Incredible just leaked out into the wild, and can be installed with a bit of work, but from the official-looking-ness of this leak from Droid Life, a painless official update is not far off. Meanwhile, in Sprint land, the xda-devs have a rather complicated, rather scary method posted for rooting 2.2 on the EVO 4G -- you'll have to ask yourself how much that freedom is worth to you, or just wait for the inevitably easier methods to come along and hold your hand.

  • HTC Droid Incredible finally returns to stock, not a moment too soon

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If the rumors of an August 18th Android 2.2 update prove true, we'd say Verizon Wireless couldn't have picked a better time to get HTC's Droid Incredible back in stock. 'Course, we suspect you'll think differently if you've been waiting for your backorder to clear over the past few weeks, but we digress. As of this moment in time, the handset -- which has been tough to get thanks to AMOLED shortages -- is in stock and shipping as early as today, with an unchanged $199.99-on-contract price tag. Better hurry if you're looking to buy -- who knows when those panels will hit yet another production snag.

  • HTC Desire launching on US Cellular August 27, ups 2010 Android total to five devices

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Like many carriers these days, US Cellular is looking to go all-in on Android -- but it's just getting started, having launched only the Samsung Acclaim so far. We already knew we'd be getting the Desire in August, and now we've got a date: August 27, to be exact. Pricing has yet to be announced -- and unfortunately, they specifically call out Android 2.1 in the press release, so it apparently won't have Froyo at launch -- but from an Android perspective, USCC's still at a point where they'll take what they can get. Things are looking up, though; in June, the company had promised a total of four Android models in 2010, but in this latest announcement they've upped the total to five with the Samsung Galaxy S launching in October and two models from LG "following closely behind." Follow the break for the full release.