

  • Google+ iOS app now available in 48 more countries and territories

    Nicole Lee
    Nicole Lee

    If Google+ wants any chance of beating the social media juggernaut that is Facebook -- especially after the latter's latest efforts in the search arena -- it needs to reach a far wider audience than it does now. The Mountain View company has just made a small but significant step in that direction with the availability of its G+ iOS app to 48 more countries and territories, according to a G+ post by engineer Frank Petterson. The countries listed -- Bermuda, Cambodia, Malawi and Nepal, just to name a few -- aren't necessarily known for their large populations, but we're sure Google will accept anything that'll help Larry Page make his case against Zuckerberg and crew. To find out which new areas will let you download that G+ app from the App Store, check out the source below.

  • Facebook partners with Bing to deliver web results in Graph Search

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Social media giant Facebook just announced that its new Graph Search tool will also incorporate results from the wider web thanks to a partnership with Microsoft and Bing. Obviously, people won't flock to Graph Search if it's capabilities are limited to where your friends live and the restaurants they like. Zuckerberg and crew will have to provide some way to find information that Facebook simply can't provide (for now...). That's where Bing comes in, with its ability to pull data like current weather conditions -- something your old frat buddies are probably useless to provide. This is hardly the first time Redmond has gotten cozy with Facebook. The social network is integrated rather closely with the search engine and Bing has been providing web search results on Facebook for sometime. Now there's just less of a wall between the two when looking at results. With Graph Search, Bing results are put front and center, with some social context. For a bit more information from Microsoft's perspective hit up the more coverage link.

  • Facebook launching 'Graph Search' personalized social search engine, beta starts today (video)

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Facebook this morning announced "Graph Search," a way to search all of Facebook's content for queries tailored to your profile. CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained the search by saying, "Graph Search is meant to answer very specific questions like 'Who are my friends in San Francisco?" In a video released by Facebook just after the announcement, project lead Lars Rasmussen (formerly of Google Maps / Waves fame) related a story about needing a dentist in a town he'd just moved to, and being able to search through which dentists his friends used for a tailored result. Worry not, privacy protectors: we're told Graph Search is "privacy aware;" Facebook's even dedicated 10 percent of its computing power just to the goal of ensuring privacy. And no, none of your privacy settings will automatically change as a result of signing up or using Graph Search. It's being touted as a return to Facebook's roots, when the company's main goal was forging connections between people (rather than, say, a gaming portal, or a means for companies to advertise). Graph Search is essentially a relaunch of Facebook's internal search engine, allowing its already existing users to forge new relationships with folks they may not otherwise meet, and to find content that's hyper-specific. The beta -- albeit in a limited, English-only capacity -- kicks off today. During that period only a "subset of content" is available through search, with four primary areas of focus: people, photos, places, and interests. Facebooks says Graph Search will expand, "over the coming months," with additions like searchable wall posts and song listens (only if your privacy settings allow those things to be searchable, that is). You can head right here to get whitelisted for the beta, which is apparently rolling out "very slowly." Or you could head past the break right now for the full PR from Facebook and a walkthrough video, as well as a slew of updates from our liveblog.

  • Magisto sharpens its AI video editing algorithm, adds themes, albums and group editing

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Sure, Magisto's automatic video editing algorithms are great for social media mashup clips, but what if you want to use the service's robotic sense of cinema to tell a story? CEO Oren Boiman says it's just what social video is missing, and has tweaked the service to fill the gap. Users now have access to a collection of themes to change how their footage is handled. The idea is to tip the algorithm in on the emotion the user is trying to convey, selecting "so cute" or "street beat" to cue it to select appropriately adorable or aggressive song suggestions, special effects or title treatments. The service also added a new video album feature, making it easier to organize and share videos with friends and family, and hopes to implement a collaborative editing system soon -- complete with post-production tools to tweak the computer's direction. Of course, you could always do things the old fashioned way.

  • Path 2.9 update introduces contextualized, personalized search (update: now with video)

    Nicole Lee
    Nicole Lee

    Many of us enjoy looking through our social network history to reflect on shared memories, and Path is helping users do just that with its latest 2.9 update. Adding a comprehensive search feature that uses metadata in addition to user-defined tags, searching "Photos from Thanksgiving" pulls relevant images even if they didn't have those words in the post. The same concept applies to different days and times, like "sunset" or "weekend brunch." Other contextual categories include friends, places, seasons and the weather. There's also a "Nearby" function that taps into your phone's GPS for moments captured in your immediate vicinity. One particular search that impressed us during a hands-on briefing is the ability to search for "emotions." Similar to the "like" feature in Facebook, Path lets users mark a post with one of five emoticons (smile, frown, laugh, gasp or heart). With the 2.9 update, you can search for all the posts that received a particular emoticon ("funny" searches all the laugh-tagged posts for example). As a little easter egg, if you search for "royal flush," you'll bring up the posts that have received at least one of each emoticon. It's more amusing than useful, but we found it cute nonetheless. The search feature is only in English to start, but the company is planning on additional language support in the future. Check after the break for more screens, or hit the links below to grab the latest version of Path from Google Play and iTunes.

  • Facebook adding share feature to its iOS and Android apps

    Mark Hearn
    Mark Hearn

    The house that Zuck built is reportedly in the process of bringing its desktop site's share feature to mobile, which will allow Facebook users to retweet repost and comment on content from within their news feeds. Currently available on Facebook's mobile website, this Twitteresque option will soon make its way to the company's iOS and Android apps. Whenever a person shares something, it will credit the source of the information by attaching the original poster's name to the status update. It's too early to tell how the addition of a share button will affect how people "like" posts; however, once this feature becomes widely available to Facebook's 604 million-plus mobile users, news feeds are likely to be flooded with even more pictures of cats, food and grandchildren than ever before. Bet you didn't think that was possible, but rest assured it's a comin'.

  • Social Jobs Partnership launches Facebook app, 1.7 million positions to be filled

    James Trew
    James Trew

    We've all heard stories about people losing jobs over their Facebook activity, but the Social Jobs Partnership is an initiative aimed at achieving the reverse. The project sees the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the DirectEmployers Association and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies working with Facebook to launch the Social Jobs Application today. The app helps recruiters reach Facebook's considerable audience, while also introducing a professional stream to the site. Prospective employers can list vacancies by industry, location, and skill, and there's already a bunch of recruitment sites on board, including BranchOut, DirectEmployers Association, Work4Labs, Jobvite and At launch, there are 1.7 million jobs up for grabs. A NACE survey recently highlighted that many recruiters are already leveraging the social platform to find staff, so a partnership to further facilitate the process seemed a natural progression. Missing the daily challenge of a 9-to-5, or just fancy a different one? Head down to the source, and update that resumé (but be sure to check your photo privacy settings first).

  • Livestream for Producers Android app update brings live video broadcasts over wireless data connections

    Mark Hearn
    Mark Hearn

    Android users of generation "Hey Look at Me!" can now add another tool to their arsenal of lifestyle sharing. The Livestream for Producers Android application received an update on Monday that introduces "single touch" sign up and logins through Facebook, a new app icon and some unnamed bug fixes. However, the most noteworthy addition here is the ability to run live ad-free videos over 3G and 4G data connections. Requiring Android 2.2 or higher, this free media streaming app might be an ideal companion for folks looking to incriminate co-workers at this year's Halloween costume party -- all in good fun of course. Just be sure to remember who signs your paycheck before you decide to take a broadcast live.

  • Firefox introduces preliminary support for Social API, brings your networks into the browser

    James Trew
    James Trew

    While you might use Firefox to access your social media of choice already, preliminary support for a new API has been introduced that could integrate key features into the browser itself. The aptly named Social API, will allow developers to embed services into the browser directly, letting you interact with friends and stay updated without having to open new windows, or keep hopping into different tabs. There's no solid info just yet on how this will manifest itself, or how issues such as security and privacy might be addressed, but with testing beginning soon, we're expecting the curtain to lift on the finer details soon. Interested developers can head to the source, for the other billion, you'll just have to wait.

  • Zuckerberg: more than 1 billion people using Facebook actively each month

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Active accounts have become one of the hottest currencies online, especially for social networks. Previous boasts by Facebook have been quickly shot down, but this latest number is pretty hard to ignore. According to Zuckerberg himself the site now has 1 billion active monthly users. That's right, one in seven people on the planet logs on to the social network at least once a full moon cycle. The announcement comes via the site's official news blog, which if the numbers are true, could mean most of you have read this already. Zuckerberg broke the news originally in a Q&A with Bloomberg Businessweek, also claiming that the site now has 600 million mobile users.

  • NASA's Curiosity rover checks in on Foursquare, gives Mars its first mayor

    Mark Hearn
    Mark Hearn

    Yes, seriously. NASA announced on Wednesday that its Curiosity rover had "checked in" on Mars via Foursquare. Marking the first check in from another world, the robotic rover will utilize the location-minded social network to share updates and pictures while visiting the Red Planet. While Curiosity will continue to explore the possibilities of Mars being able to sustain life, it would appear that the fourth planet from the sun just got a brand new mayor. Something tells us the universe's rarest badge is about to be bestowed.

  • Connected To The Case to use Facebook for crowd-sourced crime solving

    Jamie Rigg
    Jamie Rigg

    Ready the spandex and decide on a name for your alter ego, because come October 16th, you'll have the chance to fight crime from the comfort of your computer. On that date, the "Connected To The Case" website goes live with the aim of crowd-sourcing tips from its users to help the cops solve active investigations. You'll use your Facebook login for access, as the service pulls data from your profile to prioritize cases with which you might have a connection. Morgan Wright, CEO and Chief Crime Fighter of Crowd Sourced Investigations, told us its system looks at five key areas when digging for pertinent triggers: "date, location, time, relation and demographics." It then uses that data to tailor notifications of unsolved crimes based on -- for example -- proximity to your school, or where you used to work. Rest assured that you control the privacy settings, and if you've got useful info to share, you can do so anonymously. Law enforcement agencies can register to include their cases from today, with the initial roll-out targeting the US. The plan is to expand first to other English-speaking countries, with foreign language support in the future to build a global network of internet do-gooders. Including data from other social networks is also in the pipeline, starting with Twitter and later, Foursquare and Pinterest. A smartphone app is also on the agenda, so get your detective devices ready -- we can be heroes, if just for one click.

  • The Engadget Interview: RIM's T.A. McCann on how BB10 is going social

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    In case you missed Thorsten Heins keynote yesterday, RIM's betting on BB10 becoming the next big thing in mobile computing. Part of Thorsten's plan to put BB10 on top involves deep integration of third party social apps like Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare into the new OS. BlackBerry has always been a productivity platform first and foremost, but with RIM touting BB10's abilities as a social platform, we wanted to know more about the plan to make it happen. So, we sat down with T.A. McCann, RIM's VP of BBM and Social Communities, to find out how he's going to reach his CEO's goal of a flowing, social OS and the challenges of getting there.

  • Foursquare's 'Always On' feature tracks your VIPs near or far, Android app regains nearby check-in filter

    Mark Hearn
    Mark Hearn

    If you have an urge to always know what your close friends and family members are up to, then Foursquare has the remedy. The popular social network has announced the availability of its new "Always On" option which allows you to receive continuous check-ins from a selected list of people -- even if you have notifications disabled. This slick new feature gives you the flexibility to create a list of VIPs that you'd like to keep tabs on opposed to receiving a play by play of everyone else's weekend excursion. For now, the toggle can only be found on Foursquare's website, but we wouldn't be surprised if this toggle headed to the company's cadre of apps in the near future. The Android app specifically just received a new update that brings back the nearby friends check-in filter users lost in the upgrade to 5.0 (iOS and BlackBerry saw it return in August) plus a "social history" that shows if your friends have visited a location and how many times, as well as a redesigned me card.

  • Facebook trialling automatic Photo Syncing for Android app

    James Trew
    James Trew

    It might not be the biggest Facebook-photo news of late, but if you like to share your life with the network's Android app, there's word of a new feature on trial just for you -- photo syncing. Sound familiar? Sure, that's because you might already be doing something similar with the Google+ app with your very same phone. But, if Facebook is more your jam, then it looks like you might soon be able to shuffle those food pictures up to your profile "automagically." If you're worried that you might accidentally share something a little more private, be assured that photos sent to Facebook won't be public until you decide to share. Also, much like Google's implementation, you can decide whether to use mobile data or WiFi for uploading, with images that are shared over cellular being crunched down to a smaller size. It seems that this is still in trial though, so don't despair if you can't see the option -- or perhaps that's just how you like it. More info at the source.

  • AT&T U-verse delivers a Facebook app for TVs

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    While AT&T's U-verse TV service announced increased support for second screen apps earlier this year and enhanced its own app for iPad with sharing features recently, it's just delivered a new app that brings Facebook to the TV screen. The customized interface brings in user's status feed, friends list and photos, where they can comment or leave standard messages to the service. There's also naturally a tie-in allowing them to share information and updates about the shows they're watching on the IPTV service directly through the app. According to the press release (included after the break) it can handle up to ten different accounts on a single receiver, so they don't all have to post updates to one unlucky members account. Despite seeing many made-for-TV-screens social networking apps we haven't found one that was definitely easier to use than keeping that kind of info on a second screen phone, tablet or PC, but we'll wait to hear from U-Verse subscribers about how well this effort is working.

  • Daily iPhone App: Pushr posts your prose to a plethora of social networks

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    Pushr is for social media power users who want to share content across multiple services and multiple accounts. In its basic form, the app lets you create a message and share it across multiple social networks. You can also share comments, pictures and videos with only a few taps. You get a lot of bang for your buck as Pushr supports 16 services including Blogger, Dropbox, Evernote, Facebook, Flickr, foursquare, Google Drive, Instagram, LinkedIn, Picasa Web, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, Wordpress, Yammer and YouTube. Additional services are planned for future updates. The app is pretty simple to use once you go through each service and authorize the app to connect on your behalf. When you are ready to post, all you have to do is type in your text, add your media and hit next. In the next step, you select your social networks and hit Push when you are readyto post. It's an easy two-step process. One handy feature of Pushr is the ability to set default social networks for different types of content. For example, I can select Vimeo and YouTube as the default social networks for videos. Once I select a video clip to share, all I have to do is hit the next button, then the push button and my video is on its way to these two services. You can configure auto-post options for text, photos and video. The biggest drawback I found with Pushr is the "oops" possibility. It's very easy to tap quickly through a post and forget to turn off a service. If you're not careful, that racy post meant for your private blog could end up on your very public Facebook timeline. Pushr is available for $1.99, which is money well spent for users who post regularly to multiple social networks. The standard app lets you setup one account for each social network, while a 99-cent IAP will let you upgrade to a Pro version that supports multiple accounts per service.

  • Facebook adds mention tagging to Open Graph for more efficient name-dropping

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Facebook has given developers that link to the social network with Open Graph a new way let let users play tag with their friends -- while also increasing exposure to their app. It's called mention tagging, and allows a user to link a friend in the text body of a message, and is not to be confused with action tagging, an existing feature which references friends only in story text. The option requires a deliberate action by the user, so the developer must implement a way to clearly show how to do that with an icon (as shown above for Foursquare) or drop-down menu, for instance. Apps must also distinguish between action and mention tags, and are not allowed to pre-fill them in the message -- that can only be done by the user. Though no privacy changes are needed, Facebook requires apps using the feature to request user approval before any action can be taken. All that would increase tagging and app visibility significantly -- so developers will likely be all over it.

  • Syfy for iPad app adds Sync feature, second screen content launches Tuesday with Face Off (video)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    We're still not sure about the Sci Fi / Syfy Network name switch, but whatever you call it the network is the latest to jump on the trend of second screen features. Currently available on the latest version of its iPad app (and listed as "coming soon" for Android tablets on the official page an in the demo video embedded after the break), Syfy Sync will work with certain shows to pull up interactive content on your mobile device along with whatever is playing on TV. The first show to get the treatment is the season premiere of Face Off airing August 21st. Naturally, there's a social media element as well, with sharing to Facebook and Twitter, as well as integrated GetGlue check-ins. Whether or not you dig the second screen aspects or are just waiting for some better shows to come on, there are other upgrades with a new UI as, show related photo galleries and support for AirPlay to play the app's video clips on your TV. Syfy for iPad 2.0 with sync is available for free in iTunes, we'll let you know when the Android version is upgraded and if similar features head to any other mobile platforms soon.

  • Twitter's API v1.1 rules put user caps on third party clients, exert more control overall

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Last spring an announcement from the platform team at Twitter not-at-all-subtly suggested developers of third party clients should find something else to do, and today a list of changes to its API turns that whisper into a firm nudge. The limit that most directly affects any of the unofficial clients you may be interested in using is that existing apps currently servicing more than 100,000 individual user tokens will be allowed to double their current count, but cannot add any users past that without Twitter's permission. Going forward, any app that needs more than 100,000 tokens to do things like access the timeline, show DMs or anything else a client app might do will also need Twitter's permission to operate. Other changes include that any pre-installed client app on something like a phone, computer, or TV will need Twitter's permission before it ships (sensing a trend here?), or potentially face revocation of its application key. Moving on, the Display Guidelines about the information any app that displays tweets must provide are shifting to Display Requirements, with violators potentially losing that application key. Those Twitter Cards that started rolling out over the last few months are also getting a big push, with plans to include other ways for developers to bring their rich content to Twitter, and embed real-time Twitter content on existing websites. In a section of the blog post that specifically calls out popular third party clients like Tweetbot and Echofon, it puts them in a zone of Twitter apps that it believes developers "should not build" since they mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter client experience. Other services focused on aggregation like Storify and are also called out as not having much of a future in Twitter's view of its universe A-OK, see the update below. It's pretty clear where we're headed, as Twitter seeks to monetize a growing and talkative user base, it wants to make sure users are all seeing things in the format it wants them to. With a six month migration period ahead, developers and users may have hard choices to make. Tweetbot developer Paul Haddad has already tweeted that "the sky is not falling...the cap is pretty huge and we aren't going anywhere", and we'll undoubtedly hear from others soon. The rest of the details reside beyond the source link, but let us know first -- are you learning to love the official Twitter clients, or are you thinking paying $50 a year for an entirely unproven alternative with no users doesn't sound so ridiculous after all? Update: Twitter platform director Ryan Sarver tweets that and Storify are actually "good examples" of services it would like to see. Also, TweetLanes developer Chris Lacy is apparently encouraged by the change, thanking Twitter for "giving client devs a chance"