

  • iPhoto 7.1.3 is ready to go

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Fire up Software Update and you'll see iPhoto 7.1.3 which, according to Apple, "...Addresses issues with wire-bound books and cards." At least that's better than "Bug fixes."If you've been having trouble with wire-bound books and cards, it looks like the nightmare is over. If you experience any trouble after downloading this update, let us know.Thanks, Lee!

  • Fujifilm's Z10fd and Z100fd cameras get totally rockin' firmware update

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    For those of you who've recently dropped some dough on a new Fujifilm Z10fd or Z100fd, you've got some firmware to update. The company issued a couple of fixes today which tweak minor features on the cameras -- though we're sure a few folks will be happy to get them. The updates boost the startup speed in both models when using xD cards, enable camera-to-computer transfer with higher capacity media in the Z10fd, and adjust the underwater white balance on the Z100fd. Hit the read links, and begin your magical journey to freshness.[Via Digital Photography Review]Read - FinePix Z10fd Firmware (camera control software) Update Ver.1.01Read - FinePix Z100fd Firmware (camera control software) Update Ver.1.01

  • VUDU beams out v1.2 update, enables HD streaming

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Merely a day after the Apple TV (take 2) update was delayed, VUDU has apparently beamed out the v1.2 update for its self-titled set-top-box. According to users who have successfully downloaded it, the new build reportedly enables HD streaming and adds a new "Instant HD" speed setting along with a "Constant Audio" setting to "fix the popping issues" that some folks are experiencing. According to NA9D over at the VUDU user forums, the update has also made 64 (give or take a few) HD titles available for viewing (all are rental only at the moment, save for the third Bourne Identity), and while some of them are said to be new releases, some supposedly go back as far as 1972. For anyone with a VUDU STB in their abode, feel free to check things out and give us an idea of available titles in comments below.[Thanks, Brian S.]

  • Front Row update

    Cory Bohon
    Cory Bohon

    Looks like today was the ultimate Apple software update day in addition to that other thing that also happened! In their last batch of updates, Apple updated Front Row for Leopard. Here's what Apple says about the update: This Front Row update provides for bug fixes and improved iTunes compatibility.Please note, this update for Front Row requires iTunes 6.0.4 or later, and iPhoto 6.0.2. You can download this update by using Software Update, or by visiting the Apple downloads website.

  • HP MediaSmart Server getting security, media streaming updates

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    For those who've overcome the stereotype and admitted HP's MediaSmart Server into your abode, we applaud you. Apparently, HP thinks pretty highly of you as well, as it's gearing up to beam out a number of software enhancements to its iconic Windows Home Server-based device. First up is the addition of integrated server-side anti-virus software, which will be provided by McAfee but will only remain free for the first seven months. More interesting, however, are the updates involving PacketVideo technology and 64-bit Vista support. Apparently, the former will "enhance the media streaming process from the server to other digital media devices in the home, such as the MediaSmart TV," and it will also add "advanced graphics such as thumbnails of photos, in-menu browsing and album art." As for the latter, HP simply informs us that 64-bit Vista support will be added in. When can you expect the goods? Look for the whole lot to be delivered automatically sometime next month.

  • Apple revs security updates to fix Safari crashing bug

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    If you already installed either Security Update 2007-009 or Safari 3 Beta 3.0.4 Security Update for Windows, you may have noticed a wee bit of instability in Safari post-update. The behavior in question is euphemistically described by Apple as "an unexpected termination of the Safari application when browsing to certain web sites," or translated into English: Safari go boom now.Fortunately, before heading out to celebrate Christmas with their long-suffering families, Apple security engineers cranked out 1.1 updates to both the recent security patches, available for download now. If your Safari experience hasn't been all it can be since the updates, try the new patch versions and see if they improve matters.

  • Adobe Premiere Pro, Soundbooth updated for Leopard

    Brian Liloia
    Brian Liloia

    Here's a quickie update notice: Adobe recently updated both Premiere Pro and Soundbooth for complete Leopard compatibility. Premiere Pro 3.1.1, a 54MB update, also includes "important bug fixes" (but what they are, is anyone's guess), and is available from Adobe's website, in addition to the 4.1MB Soundbooth fix. Happy video/sound editing in Leopard!

  • Fall Xbox 360 update touches on social networking

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    With under a fortnight to go until Microsoft looses the Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard update on us, we're still learning even more about what it will entail. The latest tidbit touches on the oh-so-zany social networking craze, as gamers will soon be able to browse the friends lists of their pals in order to connect with old buddies or get all up in the digital grill of complete strangers. Starting on December 4th, the default setting will enable your Xbox Live friends to browse your list at will, and if that just doesn't set well with your conscience, you can hit the read link for instructions on how to spoil some fun prevent it. [Image courtesy of Xbox]

  • 3G iPod nano not playing nice with Nike+iPod kit?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Word on the street -- or on the Apple discussion boards, rather -- is that quite a few 3G iPod nanos aren't exactly acting as they should when interfacing with the Nike+iPod Sport Kit. Users are reporting that after updating to software v1.0.2, mileage is being displayed in kilometers instead of miles, even though the internal voice still quotes the latter. Additionally, recorded information uploaded to the Nike+ website is correctly shown (in miles), while the "Your Last Workout" section in iTunes makes you wonder if you're still living in America. Apple is apparently aware of the issue and is working towards a fix, but for now, it looks like you can turn lemons into lemonade by practicing your distance conversions on-the-run.[Iimage courtesy of jfab, thanks Gerry]

  • Wii to drop MP3 support, add AAC in Photo Channel update

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While we're sure that some Wii updates have been more highly regarded than others, it seems that MP3 diehards will want to pass on a forthcoming Photo Channel update if you just can't bear to lose support for your favorite music format. Apparently, the aforementioned channel will be revamped early next month, and while users will then be able to personalize their menu by implanting an SD-based digital image into the Photo Channel icon, gamers who previously used their Wii to play back MP3s will no longer be able to do so. For whatever reason, the Big N will be axing MP3 support and adding in AAC compatibility, and the company even goes out of its way to make sure that you realize downgrading will not possible once you install v1.1. Mark it down folks -- don't be left full of regret (if you're partial to MP3, that is) after carelessly downloading an update without reading the changelog first.[Via GameBrink, thanks J]

  • Apple posts fix for freezing iMacs

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Not a moment too soon, Apple has apparently delivered on its intentions to squash that annoying freezing bug that plagued some of its latest iMacs. Available now for Leopard (iMac Software Update 1.3) and Tiger (iMac Software Update 1.2), the update reportedly "provides important bug fixes and is recommended for 20- and 24-inch iMac models with 2.0, 2.4, or 2.8GHz processors." Unfortunately, we're given absolutely no elaboration beyond that, so for any of you out there still limping by on a freeze-happy machine, why not get your download on and let us know if your troubles do indeed vanish?[Via PCWorld]Read - iMac Software Update 1.3 for LeopardRead - iMac Software Update 1.2 for Tiger

  • Apple concedes to iMac freezing bug, promises fix

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Although this doesn't seem to relate to the janky LCDs that some users were seeing on their 20-inch iMacs, Apple has admitted that at least some of the newest machines do have an issue. Reportedly, an Apple spokesperson stated that a "small number of iMac users have made us aware that a recent software update can sometimes cause their iMacs to freeze, requiring them to restart." Apparently, the machines become "unusable, requiring a hard reset in order to recover," and Cupertino is currently "tracking down the root cause of the bug." So, if you just so happen to be moments away from chucking your new iMac through the nearest window over this, restrain yourself -- a software update with the cure should be coming "later this month."

  • iTunes update: 7.4.2 is out

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    You hardly have a moment to catch your breath here on the iTunes update desk (cue teletype sound effects); 7.4.2 has just arrived in the hopper. What's new? Well, believe it or not, bug fixes -- and a fix for issues when creating ringtones from iTunes Plus (EMI, high-quality DRMless) tracks. Note this warning from reader Patrick: "Download a copy of 7.4.1 while you still can from Apple! This update even deletes your old ringtones." YMMV.The update weighs in at 38 MB, grab it from Software Update or from here.Thanks to Mentalsticks, Patrick & Eric for the heads-up.

  • QT Compatibility and Keyboard Software 1.2 updates released

    Nik Fletcher
    Nik Fletcher

    Yes, it's that time again folks. Our friends in Cupertino have released two small (and by small we mean 'single sentence release-note' small) updates to OS X 10.4.10, namely Compatibility Update for QuickTime 7.2 and a much-desired Keyboard Software Update 1.2. The updates are available to users via the trusty Software Update option in the Apple Menu, or via the Apple Support Website (Keyboard Update / QuickTime Update). Let's hope it brings enlightenment to those of us who experienced issues with the Aluminium Keyboards, and were unable to fix them.

  • Keyboard software update 1.1 is available

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    I think this past week represents the most we've ever written about a keyboard.Apple's cryptic description of keyboard software update 1.1 - released this morning - reads:" Install this software to use your aluminum Apple Keyboard and take advantage of the special features."Run this installer if you're lucky enough to own one of those paper-thin keyboards, and let us know how it goes.

  • iPhoto '08 Already Has an Update

    Chris Ullrich
    Chris Ullrich

    A few minutes after I had ripped the shrink wrap off of my shiny new iLife '08 DVD, gotten it installed and was playing with iPhoto '08, I got a little message from the folks at Apple: iPhoto '08 (aka iPhoto 7.0) already has an update. In addition to its appearance in the app itself, the update also showed up in Software Update and at Apple's website.This update to iPhoto, which measures 8.8MB and brings the application to version 7.0.1, "addresses issues associated with publishing photos from an upgraded library to .Mac Web Gallery," according to Apple. So, if you're like me and you've already installed the new iLife '08, then fire up iPhoto or Software Update and get updating. After all, who doesn't want their issues addressed? I know I do.

  • iMac Software Update 1.0 available

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Well, that was fast. Now available is iMac Software Update 1.0 for those spiffy new 20-inch and 24-inch iMacs, the ones with 2.0, 2.4, or 2.8GHz processors. It's just over 5MB and requires Mac OS 10.4.10. What's included? Hold on to your hats, because here's the skinny, direct from Apple:"Important bug fixes."Wow. [Via MacMinute]

  • Front Row Update 1.3.1

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    The folks at Apple have been busy bees! New iMacs, new iLife, new iWork, and now a shiny new version of Front Row? That's right, fire up Software Update, kids, Front Row 1.3.1 is awaiting you. What does it do? Why, it has 'improved iPhoto compatibility.'I like compatibility.Thanks, Andrew K.

  • iTunes 7.3.2

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Did the feeling that your current version of iTunes just became woefully out of date wash over you a moment ago? It should have because Apple has just pushed out iTunes 7.3.2 to Software Update. Quoth the update: 'iTunes 7.3.2 provides bug fixes to improve stability and performance'.Who doesn't love stability and performance improvements? The update hasn't hit Apple's site as of yet, but it is available via Software Update.Thanks, Craig.

  • Apple posts Airport update

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    Last week many, many of you reported problems with wifi since the OS X 10.4.10 update. Fortunately, Apple appears to have heard your cries of anguish and has released the Airport Extreme Update 2007-4. Apple doesn't say much about what the update contains but does say it "is recommended for all Intel-based MacBook, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini computers and improves the reliability of AirPort connections."So, for those of you who had problems, did this fix it?Thanks, Kender!