

  • Software Update: Apple Security Update 2006-008

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    For your downloading pleasure, Apple presents Security Update 2006-008 (PPC and UB). Both weigh in at under 2MB and require Mac OS X 10.4.8 (client or server). You can grab this patch from Apple's downloads page or from Software Update.According to Apple, this patch "improves the security of Quartz Composer and QuickTime for Java." Specifically, it patches a vulnerability that may lead to "information disclosure" when visiting a malicious website (aka phishing site). Complete details on the flaw can be found in Apple's Kbase.Mike and I were curious about why there's both a PPC and a UB version. Seems redundant since UB means it works on both PPC and Intel. Turns out it's not truly "universal." As Mike noticed first, the System Requirements state that it's Universal for 10.4.8 Server, but 10.48 Client is Intel-only. Hence the standalone PPC-only download (which can be used on client or server.) Would still be nice to streamline this a bit more. Faithful guinea pigs, please report your experience with this update below!

  • What really got changed in the iPod 1.2.1 update

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Last night, we received a tip from an intrepid TUAW reader who pointed us to this page. He thought the page suggested that 1.2.1 update might be more involved than Apple originally stated. According to Apple, the 1.2.1 video iPod update offered "bug fixes". So the TUAW geeks got to work. We copied the download.ipsw from the firmware into our top secret lab folder. We unzipped it. And then we compared the strings in the Firmware to the strings in the last Firmware release. And found... Well, we found pretty much nothing. No smoking guns. No new hidden strings. The only changes between the two Firmware files seem to fixes.Thanks bl8ant

  • Airport Update 2006-002 now out

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Many owners of MacBooks and MacBook Pros (MacBooks Pro?) have been suffering with wireless connection problems, particularly when connecting to networks using the WPA security standard and third-party access points. In our own office WLAN, we've had DHCP and authentication issues with the Intel laptops on a WPA/Proxim network, while older G4 laptops connect effortlessly -- and, for what it's worth, the MBPs connect happily to an older WEP/Airport network. To point the finger firmly at a software or driver issue, the same MBPs that have troubles connecting to the WPA network when booted in OS X have nary a problem linking up when running in Windows XP via Boot Camp (a troubleshooting technique I never dreamed I'd use, but there it is).For software problems, we look for software solutions, and Apple's update for Airport in the Core 2 Duo laptops might just help. We hope. Details on the update are thin for now but I'll test this on an MBP and see what, if any, improvements result.[via MacNN]

  • Security Update 2006-007

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Fire up Software Update, folks, it is time to make your Mac more secure. That's right, Apple has released Security Update 2006-007 in lots of different flavors (10.3.9 client, 10.3.9 server, 10.4.8 client Intel, 10.4.8 client PPC, 10.4.8 Server PPC, 10.4.8 Server Universal).What does it do? Quoth Apple, it improves the security of: AirPort ATS CFNetwork ClamAV (PPC only) Finder Font Book Font Importer Installer OpenSSL PHP PPP Samba Security Framework VPN WebKit gnuzip perl That is a pretty serious list, so I would get to updating.Thanks to everyone who sent this in.

  • Skype version patches critical vulnerability

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    Calling all Skype users - if you haven't updated to the latest version, you really should. Version (Mac OS X), released on Tuesday, "solves a 'highly critical' vulnerability that could lead to the remote execution of arbitrary code." So says Secunia, an IT Security news company. The flaw was caused by a malformed URL and could potentially lead to your system being compromised. Oops! No need to panic, though. Just update now and you'll be covered. If you're using Skype for Mac Beta 2.x I don't believe this affects you, so don't go downgrading just yet! UPDATE: Mac Beta 2.x was updated to yesterday. and has the same fix. Thanks Sejuru!

  • Mac OS X Leopard Developer Preview Update v1.0 released

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Apple has released a v1 Software Update for all those torrenters developers who are working with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard right now. We received a screenshot of the update, and it doesn't offer much more info than: "This Software Update delivers improved reliability and compatibility for Mac OS X Leopard Developer Preview and is (of course) recommended for all users." The update weighs in at a mere 46.4MB, and should be available from Leopard's Software Update. Enjoy.Thanks Ashton and Big J

  • Snapz Pro updated for Intel Macs

    Jan Kabili
    Jan Kabili

    Ambrosia Software has released Snapz Pro X 2.0.3, an Intel Mac-compatible upgrade to its top-notch screen recording app. Other improvements include a tune-up to make Snapz Pro run smoothly on single processor machines, and a fix to ensure control over whether the cursor appears in your recording. I use Snapz Pro almost every day to make static screenshots for TUAW and for print publications, and to make movies of my screen for video podcasts. I love, love, love this program. Sure you can use the built-in screenshot capability in OS X, but Snapz Pro offers much more control over static screenshots and the added bonus of recording movement on your screen. Snapz Pro X 2.0.3 is a free upgrade for registered users of Snapz Pro X 2.0.x. New users pay $29 for the static version and $69 for the movie version.

  • ExpressCard Update for MacBook Pros

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Apple has released a software update for at least the 15-inch MacBook Pro, and possibly the 17-inch as well (I just have a 15-inch). ExpressCard Update 1.0 "resolves an issue that prevented the system from sleeping when some cards are inserted in the ExpressCard/34 slot." Have at it boys and girls.Also, do not adjust your display - the funky color scheme you see in my screenshot is the work of ShapeShifter, Unsanity's GUI theming utility.[UPDATE: At least one commenter has confirmed that this update appears for the 17-inch MacBook Pro as well.]Thanks Guy!

  • Software Update: iLife 06 Applications

    Damien Barrett
    Damien Barrett

    Apple pushed out some updates to iLife 06 this afternoon via Software Update. iMovie, iWeb, iPhoto, and iDVD all recieved updates; the most significant appearing to be iWeb, which is bumped to version 1.1 and "adds comment and search support for blogs and podcasts published to .Mac," and also "addresses a variety of usability and performance issues for all users, including image management fixes to improve site load performance."

  • Software Update: GarageBand 3.0.2

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    TUAW reader Mark H noticed that a software update is available for GarageBand. Version 3.0.2 weighs in at 32.2 MB (though both Mark H and I are on Intel Macs so your mileage may vary) and: "addresses issues with video handling, podcast exporting, and importing QuickTime markers. It also addresses a number of other minor issues."Enjoy.

  • Apple KB Article: Why Software updates vary in size

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Have you ever wondered why some software updates from Apple are different sizes on different Macs? Shouldn't they all clock in at the same size? That would seem to make sense, but as this Knowledgebase article explains there are very good reasons for the differences (mostly involved whether certain files can be updated or completely replaced).

  • Software Update: Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Release 4

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Available in a Software Update near you (if you're using Tiger) is Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Release 4, which "improves reliability and addresses issues found in earlier releases of J2SE 5.0 for Mac OS X." This update also brings compatibility with Sun's Java 2 Platform Standard Edition, version 5.0 (1.5.0_06).See this Apple Support document for more information.[via Macsimum News]

  • Mac OS X 10.4.6 Update Released [Updated]

    Damien Barrett
    Damien Barrett

    Thanks to reader Matt for pointing out that Apple has released the Mac OS X 10.4.6 update. From the brief description in Software update:The 10.4.6 Update is recommended for all users and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes for the following applications and technologies:- login and authentication in a variety of network environments- file access and byte range locking with AFP file sharing- network access when using proxy server automatic configuration files- connecting to Cisco VPN servers using IP/Sec- using Bluetooth wireless devices- searching iWork '06 and Microsoft Office documents with Spotlight- saving Word documents automatically when using a network home directory- creating Automator workflows for iPhoto 6- synchronizing contacts and calendars to .Mac and mobile phones- mounting and unmounting iDisk volumes- compatibility with third party applications and devices- previous standalone security updates[UPDATE: we noticed over on Daring Fireball's Linked List that, apparently, two restarts on PPC machines is completely normal.]

  • iPod Updater 2006-03-23

    C.K. Sample, III
    C.K. Sample, III

    If you launch Software Update, you should see iPod Updater 2006-03-23 pop up. Weighing in at 27.6MBs this update contains both New iPod Software 1.1.1 for iPod and New iPod Software 1.1.1 for iPod nano. Besides the normal group of bug fixes, the main feature being added is Volume Limit, which Apple claims will be mentioned here, although the link currently doesn't work.Cool. I wonder if it will limit the volume from blaring every time my cellphone rings, or if that bug still works around this fix.

  • Apple issues battery update 1.1 for 15" aluminum Powerbooks

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Apple has issued a battery update for the 15" aluminum Powerbook which, according to Apple, "...aids the 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook battery in performing at full capacity." Not sure if your Powerbook qualifies for this update? No problem, Apple spells it out for you here. Go and get it, and revel in your battery's new found longevity.

  • GarageBand updated to version 3.0.1

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    It's time to launch Software Update once again, as Apple has released GarageBand 3.0.1. According to Apple, this update "...addresses an issue with Podcast production using the French or Finnish localized versions." So there you go.

  • Apple releases iTunes, security updates

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Apple has made both iTunes 6.0.4 and Security Update 2006-001 available via Security Update. According to Apple, iTunes 6.0.4 "...addresses stability and performance issues related to Front Row," and today's security update improves the security of the following components: apache_mod_php automount Bom Directory Services iChat IPSec LaunchServices LibSystem loginwindow Mail rsync Safari Syndication Go and get 'em, folks.Update: Reader Bob points out that iPhoto has also been updated. It's now at version 6.0.2, which, according to Apple, "...resolves several minor issues with playing shared slideshows in Front Row." Thanks, Bob!

  • Weekend Review: This week's software

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Each weekend we review the software we've looked at over the past seven days. Here is this week's edition.Commercial Software iPhoto: Updated to version 6.0.1 iDVD: Updated to version 6.0.1 iWeb: Updated to 1.0.1 iTunes: Updated to 6.0.3 iMovie: Update to version 6.0.1 Enigmo: Pangea releases an update to its slick puzzle game Shareware Bloglight: Query several blog search engines at once BlueHarvest: Put a stop to pesky hidden files PictureSync: Send your photos to several online services Freeware  Flock: The open source browser reaches version 0.60 Tivo Desktop for the Mac: Version 1.9.2 is available Lemonade Stand: A blast from the past comes to OS X Open Source Camino: 1.0 available Quake 3: Universal Beta Q: Emulate Windows on your Mac

  • iTunes 6.0.3: "the digital signature for this package is incorrect?"

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I'm no software expert, but if you receive an error similar to the one I have pictured here when trying to install the iTunes 6.0.3 update that Dave Caolo just mentioned, I wouldn't recommend following through. I have no idea what this could mean or what could have caused it, but I think this is one time I'm going to shelve the early adopter in me. We'll post more details ASAP.

  • iLife updates abound in Software Update

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Fire up Software Update, folks, as the iLife apps have received a boost. Specifically, iPhoto is at version 6.0.1, iDVD is at 6.0.1, iWeb reaches version 1.0.1 and the all-mighty iTunes has 6.0.3 ready to go. According to Apple, specifics on each update are as follows:iPhoto 6.0.1:"This update to iPhoto resolves issues with photocasting, viewing thumbnails in large libraries, and ordering cards, calendars and books. It also addresses a number of other minor issues."iDVD 6.0.1:"This update to iDVD 6 resolves issues with integration with the other iLife applications, importing of legacy projects and some theme related issues. It also addresses a number of other minor issue"iWeb 1.0.1:"This update to iWeb 1.0 addresses issues related to publishing and blogs. It also addresses a number of other minor issues."iTunes 6.0.3:"iTunes 6.0.3 includes stability and performance improvements over iTunes 6.0.2."Thanks to all the TUAW readers who sent this in!Update: iMovie (6.0.1) has been added as well. Thanks, Taylor!