

  • OS X 10.4.10 update causing widespread wifi problems?

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    We already mentioned the audio bug that popped up with the OS X 10.4.10 update (since hopefully corrected). Now reader Josh writes in to say that 10.4.10 also introduced a nasty wifi bug that's apparently causing both repeated connection loss and even kernel panics for a lot of users. There's a long thread on the Apple discussions boards, and independent confirmations from around the macweb. The main workaround so far is to go wired (which is hardly a workaround if you ask me). If you haven't thus far updated, it would probably be a good idea to hold off yet again until Apple can get this fixed. How many of you are experiencing problems?

  • MacBook Pro EFI Firmware 1.3 out, may cause issues

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Apple released an EFI firmware update for MacBook Pro yesterday, so if you haven't grabbed it yet, it should be available in MacBook Software Update. The release isn't a big one, but is supposed to fix a display issue on the 15-inch MBP models.Unfortunately, a few people are finding the update actually does exactly the opposite, and creates problems with the display. Word has it that resetting the PRAM (push CMD+Option+p+r at boot, and you have to do it a few times, so you have to push the PRAM a lot) helps, but even if it fixes the problem temporarily, but who knows what else is happening here-- Apple may have to release an update to fix the update that fixed the original problem.Thanks Eddie, Jonathan, and all others who sent this in.

  • Mac OS X 10.4.10 Update v1.1 available

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Apple has released Mac OS X 10.4.10 Update v1.1 which, according to Apple: RAW camera support Mounting and unmounting external USB devices Support for 3rd party software applications Security updates Also note that Audio Update 2007-001 fixes the audio "popping" issue that's been occurring for people that already applied 10.4.10 to their Intel Macs. Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

  • Apple releases MacBook Pro Software Update 1.0

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    We don't have a whole lot to go on for this one, but Apple has released MacBook pro Software Update 1.0. What's in it, you ask? Well, it "provides important bug fixes and is recommended for all 2.2/2.4GHz MacBook Pro models" (the most current ones available as of this writing). Sorry folks, but that's all the update page says. If you don't see this in Software Update, head on over to said update page and get to updatin'.

  • Other new features from the Apple TV software update

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    While YouTube on the Apple TV stole the show of the device's most recent software update, Apple managed to sneak in a few other features and some intriguing hints at possible future features. As TUAW reader Brandon mentioned, there is a new iTunes Store section in the Settings menu, but all this does (for now) is allow you to select your country of residence. Could this be a precursor to shopping the iTunes Store from the comforts of your living room couch? Or is it simply a way to make the Apple TV access the streaming content (such as top songs, movies, etc.) from one's own country?Also new is the ability to use iPhoto slideshows for the Apple TV's screensaver (and possibly Aperture slideshows as well; I'll have to check on that), and a new Parental Controls section in Settings that allows you to lock the Apple TV with a 4-digit numerical password. Brandon also says he now sees a 'no audio' feedback on the Apple TV when trying to use an Apple Remote to change volume, but I don't.I'm also not sure about this one, but I believe a 'Shuffle' option is new above lists of items like playlists, artists, etc. Can anyone confirm that one? How about features we're missing? Let us know if anything else is new in the comments or via our tips form.

  • Security update for QuickTime 7.1.6

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    If you use QuickTime on your Mac running OS X, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 (heck, you might even run those last two on non-Apple hardware) then you need to fire up Software Update. QuickTime 7.1.6 is now available and it addresses two vulnerabilities with the way Java is handled. Apple recommends this update for everyone.Thanks to everyone who sent this in.

  • "Final" iPod update fixes eject issues in Windows Vista

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While iTunes 7.1 claimed to play nicer with Windows Vista, there was still reason for avid iPod users to hold back on upgrading, and now it looks like those final issues have been ironed out. Starting today, Vista users can download a software update that purportedly solves the problems some users were having as their iPod became corrupted when "ejecting them using Windows Explorer or the Safely Remove Hardware function in the system tray." Of course, those of you who got burned by this aren't as apt to become guinea pigs in finding out just how well (or not) the patch actually works, but for those mettlesome folks out there, feel free to hit the read link and commence downloading.[Via WindowsVistaBlog]

  • Revised Security Update 004 and QT CanSecWest fix released

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Those of you in the habit of waiting a week or two to apply Apple's updates may now begin to snicker in satisfaction. A revised version of the 004 security update was released this afternoon, correcting two issues (Airport problems in 10.3.9 and FTP settings on Mac OS X Server). We linked to MacFixit's troubleshooting report for the original update late last week.Also released: QuickTime 7.1.6, which applies to both Mac OS X and Windows deployments and closes the Java exploit used to win the CanSecWest $10,000 challenge. As expected, researcher Dino Dai Zovi and the Zero Day Initiative/Tipping Point are credited with the discovery of the vulnerability. The ZDI writeup notes that the time from discovery to patch was eight days... not all that bad.[via MacRumors]

  • Battery Update 1.2 for Intel laptops

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Ah, the Friday software update... how it brightens up the weekend. Just off the bench, Battery Update 1.2 is currently downloadable in Software Update. The firmware update is for all Intel laptops and promises better performance. Reuters is now reporting that Apple has acknowledged issues with some MacBook and MacBook Pro batteries, and Apple has posted an extended support page for battery replacements.After Battery Update has been installed, the battery firmware will be updated for each battery you place in your laptop (either at startup, wake from sleep, or when you put the battery in). Hopefully this will improve battery life and reduce swelling...Thanks Justin Andrew & Chris

  • AppFresh - software update for the rest of your apps

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Apple's Software Update is great and all, but unless you've purchased a membership to MacUpdate or VersionTracker for their software management clients, it might be tough to stay on top of new versions of all your non-Apple software. Sure, more and more developers are building in support for Sparkle, the auto-update framework from Andy Matuschak, but that's on a per-app basis and it simply isn't a development standard yet. Luckily, for the rest of us, there is AppFresh, a new utility that is perhaps best described as 'Software Update for the rest of us.' It can scan your Applications (though, for now, we suspect only apps in your main directory; not any that might be in ~/Applications if you've created it), AppleScripts, widgets and even Preference Panes to see if any updates are available. We don't know how and where AppFresh is checking for new versions, though Apple's own Downloads section and possibly MacUpdate and VersionTracker are the likely candidates.Since AppFresh is truly brand new (only at v0.2 so far), its developers warn that it is certainly a work in progress. Still, this looks like a great tool with a lot of potential. AppFresh actually does seem to use Sparkle to help you stay on top of its own updates, and you can also read up at the development blog for more info on just where AppFresh is headed.Thanks, Nathan

  • The Dangers of Updating: Don't Do Anything While Optimizing

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    Gruber points to this post by Rosyna at Unsanity regarding a bug in Apple's Software Updater. According to Rosyna, "when you see the 'Optimizing System Performance' phase of a software update, Mac OS X is really updating prebinding. Updating prebinding has a very, very nasty bug in it... If multiple processes are updating prebinding at the same time, then it is possible for a system file to be completely zero'd out. Basically, all data in the file is deleted and it is replaced with nothing." Yikes! Rosyna claims most of the problems that arise from software updates are manifestations of this bug. The upshot: "When 'Optimize System Performance' appears during the update process do not touch your computer and definitely do not launch any applications." I know some are inclined to blame the Unsanity APEs for pretty much any and everything, but I think it's worth considering what Rosyna has to say.In response to this Gruber points to a old post of his own on updating (we even mentioned it back in the day). Basically, Gruber advises waiting a full day until after the update is released, then installing the update clean (with no other applications running), letting it finish, and then rebooting. These seem like prudent steps, and probably worth the hassle in order to avoid the prebinding bug.Update: fixed.

  • Apple Releases iTunes 7.1.1

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Less than two weeks after releasing iTunes 7.1 and people encountering library corruption and other issues, Apple has released iTunes 7.1.1 for both Windows and Mac. This new update addresses stability and compatibility issues and hopefully will stop those unfortunate library corruption problems. Thanks, Jonathan.

  • Apple releases Mac OS X 10.4.9 update for Intel and PowerPC Macs

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Fire up Software Update boys and girls, for Mac OS X 10.4.9 is upon us. This update includes "general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes or compatibility updates for the following applications and technologies": RAW camera support Handling of large or malformed images that could cause crashes Image capture performance Mouse scrolling and keyboard shortcuts Font handling Playback quality, and bookmarks in DVD Player USB video conferencing cameras for use with iChat Bluetooth devices Browsing AFP servers Apple USB Modem Windows-created digital certificates Open and Print dialogs in applications that use Rosetta on Intel-based Macs Time zone and daylight saving for 2006 and 2007 Security updates Wow, sounds like quite a collection. If you want to know more than the blurb Software Update gives you, this Apple support document should quench your thirst.

  • Nokia Software Update goes gold

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    After a rather lengthy "trial run" that really had all the markings of a released product, Nokia is calling its Software Update good and dialing up the publicity. The updater, which allows end users to re-up the bits 'n bytes in their phones without the heartache of a trip to a service center -- or worse yet, a mailing -- supports a healthy percentage of Nokia's modern mainstream models (at least, the ones complicated enough to warrant occasional updating) via a PC connection or, on a few handsets, a quick, painless over-the-air zapping. We trust the bricking incidents have been ironed out at this point, but as always, proceed with caution.[Via Tech Digest]

  • QuickTime 7.1.5 and iTunes 7.1 released

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Apple just released QuickTime 7.1.5 and iTunes 7.1 via Software Update for both Macintosh and Windows. The QuickTime update addresses security issues (possibly the continuation of those raised by the Month of Apple Bugs) and adds numerous bug fixes. iTunes 7.1 adds AppleTV support, new full-screen Cover Flow, and better sorting options. I'm downloading both updates now, and can't wait to play with the new sort features. Thanks to everyone who sent this in.Update: Apple's latest RSS support feed mentions that the Windows version of iTunes 7.1 addresses compatibility issues with Vista, but that Apple "is actively working with Microsoft to resolve a few remaining known issues."

  • Democracy Player update fixes important bug

    Brian Liloia
    Brian Liloia

    A bug fix release for Democracy Player has just been posted that corrects some startup problems that a few Mac users have encountered since the 0.9.5 update. Democracy resolves the issues originally caused by a conflict between versions of py2app and some input managers like Growl and a Camino extension. The team has upgraded to the latest py2app and all issues should now be resolved, so users can once again video channel surf to their heart's content. Recommended update.

  • Apple posts WWAN Support Update 1.0

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Earlier today, Apple posted WWAN Support Update 1.0 for Intel-based Mac portables. According to Apple, this update offers support for the following: Available on the Cingular network: Novatel Merlin XU870 ExpressCard (HSDPA) Available on the Sprint network: Novatel Wireless Merlin EX720 Express Card (EVDO Rev. A) Novatel Wireless Ovation U720 USB Modem (USB Adapter, EVDO Rev. A) Available on the Verizon network: Novatel XV620 ExpressCard (EVDO Rev. 0) Novatel V740 ExpressCard (EVDO Rev. A) Novatel Wireless Ovation U720 (USB Adapter, EVDO Rev. A) Thanks, Alex!

  • Four MOAB bugs swatted by Security Update 2007-002

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    As Erica just noted, Security Update 2007-02 is out, and four of the open security issues raised by the Month of Apple Bugs project are now history. These problems have been addressed by the ongoing patch efforts of Landon Fuller, but his fixes should defer automatically to the new official versions. Finder -- Mounting a maliciously-crafted disk image may lead to an application crash or arbitrary code execution iChat (2 flaws) -- attackers on the local network may be able to cause iChat to crash, & visiting malicious websites/AIM URLs may lead to an application crash or arbitrary code execution UserNotificationCenter -- local users may be able to escalate to system-wide privileges Install with caution.

  • GeForce 7300 GT Firmware Update available

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Apple released a GeForce 7300 GT Firmware Update today. According to Apple, "The GeForce 7300 GT Firmware Update will update the firmware on all of the NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT graphics cards in the Mac Pro. The updater application will be installed in the /Applications/Utilities folder. Please follow the instructions in the updater application to complete the process."I love the explanation that the Firmware Update will update the firmware. If you're lucky enough to own one of these Mac Pros, check Software Update.

  • Software Update: iChat Update 1.0 for Tiger

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    Apple just rolled out iChat Update 1.0 for Tiger on both Intel and PPC platforms.Apple says: "This update renews the .Mac certificate required by iChat for encrypting text, audio and video conferences. For detailed information on this update, please visit this website:"Obvious enough, but I like to be thorough so I visited that website, as Apple suggested, to see if there was more to learn. Nope, nothing there yet. That page says "This update renews the .Mac certificate required by iChat for encrypting text, audio, and video conferences. This document will be updated as more information becomes available." Hmmm... Ok then. I can take a hint.UPDATE: I was remiss in not warning you all that a restart is required after this update. Why? I have no idea. I generally just force-quit Software Update and continue on with my business until it's convenient for me to restart...Thanks, nevrozel and everyone else who sent this in!