spy shot


  • Sony Ericsson's W707 Alicia lives again in spy shots

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Though it may never live the proper life it should have, Sony Ericsson's now-canned W707 is alive and well in these spy shots. Of course, being that the Alicia is officially dead, you won't find any updated specifications or a super-secret release date, but the gallery of images in the read link is a mighty fine look at what could've been. It's never too late, SE...[Via DailyMobile, thanks Daniel]

  • iPod nano 4G leaked in actual, factual, really-real spy photo

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Look, you know the drill here. This may be the painstaking result of some CAD-school-dropout's nights home alone, or the latest in cheapo knock-offs from the Far East. You may be looking at a Photoshop spackled together from newspaper clippings, puppy dog tears, and Steve Jobs' fever-dreams. Or, this could be a really crappy, actual photo of the iPod nano 4G in its packaging. It sure looks enough like what we've been seeing lately to be any / all of the above. Regardless, we'll know the truth real, real soon.[Thanks, anonymous tipster]

  • GamePark's GP3X leaked in spy shots, called the 'Wiz'

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Apparently, a leaked shot of GamePark's next iteration of the GP2X -- the GP3X (not to be confused with the Pandora project) -- has gone and gotten itself leaked onto the interblogs. According to a post on GP2X News, the new system (which is being called the "Wiz") isn't set in stone, but will contain some form of a system-on-a-chip, and apparently will allow GP2X emulators to run after a bit of recompiling. There's not a whole lot of information available right now, but we'll keep you posted -- in the meantime, enjoy the photo.[Via GP2X News]

  • First spy shot of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo surfaces

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's not often that we get to cover spy shots here at Engadget, but we're as giddy as school children about this one. The SpaceShipTwo design was officially rolled out in January, and if Flightglobal is to be believed, that image above is the first capture of the craft. Reportedly, the shot was taken in Mojave, California where the vehicle is being constructed at Scaled Composites. One step closer to the next big leap for mankind? Sure looks like it.

  • Helio's Ocean 2 in the wild

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Sure, Helio is going through a bit of a rough patch right now, what with those retail outlet closings and nasty Virgin merger takeover, but as far as we can tell, the company is moving forward with the Ocean 2. As you can see by the above shot -- nabbed from a YouTube video -- the slider looks eerily similar to its predecessor, though we know it's getting spec bumps all around. Apparently the source material has been wiped out of existence, and if things keep moving in the same direction for the MVNO, this might as close as you get to one of these babies. Enjoy!

  • Palm Treo 850 spy shots leak out

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    It's finally, really happened. The Boy Genius has gotten his hands on pictures of a brand-spanking-new Palm device -- a heretofore unknown model called the Treo 850. As you can see in the above photo, this is a whole new look for the ailing smartphone maker, though it certainly bears a resemblance to the Centro and Treo 500. Apparently the Windows Mobile device will sport a 400MHz CPU and a 100MB of RAM, though other details are sketchy at the moment. Honestly, not a bad turn for Palm at all -- now if you can just whip up that new OS and some new form factors and...

  • HTC spy shot reveals handful of new phones

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Apparently, HTC is having a little trouble keeping people with cameras out of its offices, as evidenced by this totally great spy shot of a what appears to be a bunch of (or two) new phones. We're familiar with quite of few of these devices, like the TyTn II, Touch Cruise, and Touch you see in the upper row, but things get a little stickier down below. Save for that P3470 that's second from left, we have no clue what those slick looking square numbers are. The far left model and the far right might be the same device, but its hard to tell. It also looks like all the devices in this picture are using Windows Mobile, but we're holding out hope that maybe the model on the far right boots Android... and soon.[Via IntoMobile]Update: So we figure that one of the two on the right is likely the MDA compact IV for T-Mobile, although that still doesn't explain the generous QWERTY board depicted over there on the left. Can't you just feel the excitement building? Thanks, Marios!

  • Sketchy pictures of new MacBook, MacBook Pro, and 32GB iPhone surface

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Whoops! Apple's gone and leaked its brand new aluminum MacBook and redesigned MacBook Pros to the interblogs. Yeah, it seems old Jobsy has really loosened the binds over in Cupertino -- he doesn't care what gets out these days. No, but seriously, some cats on the internet supposedly discovered a .Mac page which appears to display mockups (or actual product renderings) for a new line of laptops, as well as adverts for iTunes 8 and iPhones in the 32GB variety (for Australia, naturally). Of course, this is wild, crazy, unfounded speculation, and likely has no basis in reality at all. Then again, you never know... stranger things have happened. Steve, we await your takedown requests. See full pages for yourself in the gallery after the break.Update: Looks like MacRumors got duped by its own forum members -- these are fan-made mockups. Oh well, at least we can dream.[Thanks, al and sleuth]%Gallery-20760%

  • T-Mobile's Shadow II revealed in spy pic

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Just when we were getting used to T-Mobile's Shadow, it appears we're going to have to make room in our pockets for its successor... the Shadow II. Picking up almost exactly where the first iteration left off, this grainy spy shot reveals that its going to be more of the same for the revamp, save for some new rounded edges and oh-so-chic reflective finish. We'll assume the company is sticking to the plan with a slide out numeric keypad, but you never know; they could be hiding a QWERTY under there... or some kind of weird Gremlin.[Thanks, Jason]

  • Canon's Rebel XSi turns up in retail spy shot

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    You know that Rebel XSi we saw pop up on Amazon? Well thanks to a tipster, we now know it's appearing in more than one location. That photo above shows one of these babies fresh out of a shipping crate at Best Buy -- so if you've been saving your pennies, they could find their way into the hands of a blue-shirted sales associate any day now.

  • Nokia N830 WiMAX-equipped internet tablet photo leaked?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Just when you think Nokia doesn't have any more tricks up its sleeve -- wham! the WiMAX-equipped N830 internet tablet gets all up in your section (maybe). According to a sweet, sweet photo which appeared in Best Buy's February Mobile Buyer's Guide, the Finnish giant is preparing to unleash a new version of its popular N810 tablet, and it seems like this could be the rumored WiMAX device that we've heard whispers about. Of course, this could also just be a new paint job and refreshed number -- though something in our heart tells us that ain't the case. Word on the street is that we'll know what's up come CTIA. In the meantime, feel free to zoom, zoom, and zoom some more on this picture, and check out the full page of the brochure after the break.[Via IntoMobile]Read - WiMax N810 Leaked, To Be Announced At CTIA?Read - N810 at Best Buy/New Color

  • Is this the BlackBerry 9xxx?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Just in case you'd been getting tired of iPhone rumors, Zune 2 leaks, and more Centro "in the wild" shots than you can really stomach, we've got something to alleviate the pressure. Enter the Photoshopped yet appropriately-blurry, rumored next phase of the Research In Motion takeover... the BlackBerry 9xxx. Okay, adjust your eyeballs and listen up -- according to the Boy Genius Report, the new device is slated to launch sometime in early 2008, and will be delivering mouth-watering goods like HSDPA-ified 3G, a 600Mhz processor, and an integrated backup / restore function which should help keep the suits from sweating themselves out of their expensive leather office chairs. Of course, this is all deeply, deeply unconfirmed at the moment, though the Boy Genius says he has a source. We suggest taking it with a grain of salt -- but feel free to dream.

  • Sony Ericsson's mysterious red and white candybar peeped

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    We could make up just about anything we please on this new bit of dashing design, but will lay off the imaginary specs and let you come to your own conclusions. Before anybody falls out of a chair with claims of "ZOMG! that phone is like, like, transparent!" it isn't, we're pretty sure it's just missing some bits. It does, however, seem to lack a forward facing shooter, which may --stressing may here -- mean it also lacks 3G services, but hey, we've almost come to expect that from Sony Ericsson over here. All in all, pretty simple, but Sony Ericsson has made a pretty successful business with simple designs -- think T610, K750, K790.

  • LG's VX9900 caught again?

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    The kiddies over at Howard Forums are offering up even more blurred shots of what we all expect is the LG VX9900. This time, splayed wide for your weirdo QWERTY kicks. Love it or hit it, this followup to the VX9800 communicator should be coming to Verizon soon, as in any day now. Click-on for the purported VX9900 caught in a more bashful moment.

  • iPod video "spy shot" a fake

    Dan Pourhadi
    Dan Pourhadi

    Well, well, looky here: Turns out that widely-distributed image of the supposed 6G "true video" iPod was a total and utter f-a-k-e fake. MacRumors points to this video (YouTube) that documents the creation of the original image, and this blog post right here shows why the second pic is also a fake.That's too bad. I really wanted one of those.Update: Readers are posting links to various sources (link, link) that point out discrepancies in the video vs. the actual image, hinting that the video itself may be the fake. This whole thing is starting to hurt my head. How about you compare them yourselves and make your own judgement -- and then we'll wait to see what Apple actually announces, making all of this speculation pointless anyway.