

  • Choose My Adventure: Do all the levequests!

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Hello again, ladies and gentlefolk, and welcome back to another riveting installment of Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XIV edition. Last week you fine people voted for me to dive headlong into combat in pursuit of Lancer level 15. Also, you had me betray my home of Limsa Lominsa for Ul'Dah, and I hope you're happy with yourselves because I have a few bones to pick with you for that. But more on that later. I regret to say that I did not quite succeed in my goal of reaching level 15 because in the name of all that is sweet and holy I could not grind out another levequest without shoving the nearest pointy object into my eyes. However, I did make it to about level 10, so nine levels and a billion levequests later, I think I have a pretty good impression of combat. So follow on past the cut and join me as I share it with you, would you kindly?

  • Wakfu unveils release date trailer

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Wakfu, Ankama Games' upcoming tactical MMORPG, has been in beta for quite some time now, and people were beginning to wonder if it would ever get a release date. Well, wonder no more. Ankama has released a rather stylish trailer in order to announce the game's prospective launch window. You can find the trailer after the cut, but just in case you're terribly impatient, the game is slated to release in February, 2012. Now what are you waiting for? Go watch the trailer. It's adorable.

  • Choose My Adventure: Meet Alira

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Everyone, I'd like you to give a warm welcome to my brand-new Final Fantasy XIV Choose My Adventure character, the Miqo'te Lancer Alira Zhyn. Before we get down to the nitty-gritty, let me go ahead and address the fact that yes, the top vote for gender was male, while the top vote for race was Miqo'te, and it's not possible to roll a male Miqo'te. I made an executive decision to allow race to override gender, as I feel race is a bit more of a deciding factor when creating a character than gender is. Now that that's out of the way, head on past the cut to read about Alira's first few days of adventure in Eorzea!

  • Glyph Wakfu's Feca class a break, it rocks

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With the nation of Sufokia on the horizon for Wakfu, it's easy for players to think, "They can't possibly top this!" But they can. Oh yes, they can. With the update will also come the newest class to the game, the Feca. Feca disciples utilize a mixture of protective shields and glyphs to protect themselves and lay down elemental law on enemies. They may not top the damage charts, but their durable nature and flexible spellcasting system allows Feca to fit in anywhere that's needed. Feca glyphs take a little bit of preparation to get going, but once they're up and running, they provide helpful area effects. Feca's water abilities focus on support, the fire branch is all about offense, and the earth branch is defensive in nature. It seems as though the Feca are geared toward jack-of-all-trades players, so if that fits the bill for you, you may be interested in reading more on this class in the latest Wakfu dev diary.

  • Choose My Adventure: On to Eorzea

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    And it's a landslide victory for Final Fantasy XIV! After about a day of neck-and-neck competition with Earthrise, FFXIV pulled ahead for a devastating victory, surely due in no small part to the efforts of the Final Fantasy XIV community, which rallied on the forums to see the game to victory. So well done, FFXIV fans. Hopefully I'll be able to do your game justice. I would like to take a moment to highlight the disconcerting number of people in the comments who voted for Final Fantasy XIV in hopes of causing me some kind of lasting mental harm (I'm looking at you, Bree). Well, you played right into my hand! After hearing Eliot's emphatic reassurances that the game has improved by leaps and bounds, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the game again. But now, I get to do it for money! Eat that, suckers! Ahem. Now that that's out of the way, head on past the cut for the moment you've all been waiting for: the opportunity to choose what character I play!

  • Wakfu unveils the nation of Sufokia

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Players of the upcoming tactical MMORPG Wakfu will be able to visit all sorts of interesting, exotic places. One such location is the freshly announced Sufokia. The paradisiacal archipelago is not all sunshine and shining seas; it holds its fair share of dangers, like the irritable Albatrocious and the deadly Zordfish. Sufokia will be available for players to experience in the next beta patch. If you're not in the closed beta and would like to jump in and see what the big deal about this uniquely strategic MMO is, just head on over to the official site and register for an account. [Source: Ankama Games press release]

  • Choose My Adventure: What is this I don't even

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Where am I? What's going on? How did I get here? I'm so confused! Oh, uh, hi there. I'm Matt, or as most of you probably know me, the new guy. It looks like I'm next on the chopping block for Choose My Adventure, and I am contractually obligated to say that I was in no way coerced, blackmailed, or threatened into doing this column. Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with it. A bit about my MMO history: I've played everything. All right, super. That being said, I don't always play everything a whole lot, and right now I'm what you call "between games." That's where y'all come in. Help me out of my MMO slump by forcing me at gunpoint to play a game of your choosing. It's that simple! My playstyles vary wildly, and I can easily go from carebear PvE to hardcore PvP to melodramatic RP depending on which game I'm unceremoniously thrust into. So do your worst, Massively readers. If you're interested in knowing the logic behind the games I chose for the poll, read on past the cut. Otherwise, skip straight to the voting bit and be sure to get your votes in by 11:59 p.m. EDT on October 14th. I'll see y'all again next week!

  • PAX 2011: Wakfu reveals the Pandawa class

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    No, it's not that MMO and its panda-people, but Square-Enix will probably forgive you if you get Wakfu's newest class confused with another game. As Square-Enix shows off its tactical anime MMO at PAX this weekend, the company is proud to announce the latest addition to Wakfu: the Pandawa class. One of the game's 14 classes, the Pandawa are tough fighters that fight best when completely and utterly sloshed. You read that right -- Pandawa change their fighting style depending on how much they've had to drink. Sober and they're great as a support class, but get them drunk and they'll open up a can of bamboo on your butt. Pandawa wield axes and use the art of the right-hook to deliver the pain. Square-Enix recommends putting these warriors on the front lines of any battle to smack groups of enemies around at the same time. Wakfu is currently in closed beta, and we'll be keeping an eye out for it at PAX.

  • Square Enix to host Wakfu panel at Anime Expo 2011

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Do you like a little tactical strategy in your MMORPG? Are you planning on attending Anime Expo 2011 in Los Angeles? Then boy howdy do we ever have an announcement for you. Square Enix, publisher of the upcoming turn-based tactical MMO Wakfu, is slated to host a panel at the massive California anime convention. Producer Franko Fonseca will be present at the panel to discuss the upcoming title and reveal new information on the game's development. To top it off, panel attendees will have a chance to win some adorable Wakfu plushies. So if you're looking to attend Anime Expo 2011, be sure to swing by the panel and let us know how it goes (and win us a plushie while you're at it!).

  • It's a Wonderful World of fresh screens and concept art

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    When we finally are able to pry loose the cartridge for It's a Wonderful World from its plastic case, we imagine the world will be wonderful. Birds will sing, the skies will part and the sun will shine down onto us exclusively. We'll laugh as we walk down the street and a band will trail behind us, just a few steps, playing that famous song. It will surely be a great day.But, until then, guess we'll just have to settle for a few screens and some concept art.

  • Taking a look at the upcoming torrent of Square Enix titles

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Our parental unit site Joystiq published a rather in-depth look at all of the upcoming Square Enix titles set to grace the DS. The piece not only details each of the eight upcoming games, but also provides trailers and other tibits of interesting info. Seriously, it's a great read and demands your attention.

  • Project Sylph gets a trailer

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A trailer for Project Sylph is now available to the Japanese Marketplace. If you don't have access to the trailer -- or if you have qualms about fake Live accounts -- you could always just watch it at Gamebrink, or download it from Xboxyde. Be prepared for lots of high gloss CG and just a teeny, tiny, microscopic glimpse at actual gameplay. With any luck, Project Sylph might give space shooter fans something to cheer about.

  • More Sylphy screens

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Man, Xboxygen has gone mental for Project Sylph. It seems like they publish something about it every day now. For day number three -- that's today if you're keeping score -- they've posted some direct feed images of the game. The images reveal a few new details about the game. In addition to the handsome devil you see above -- it is a guy, right? -- the screens show off the game's HUD and what looks like a ship customization feature. Xboxygen also points the way to the official Project Sylph website. It's only a splash page now, but promises to open on July 7th. We'll be sure to keep you informed. We could all use a little space shootery goodness, no? [Thanks again, gaetge]

  • Project Sylph scans, see for yourSylph!

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    French 360 site, Xboxygen, has posted Famitsu scans of Square Enix's upcoming Project Sylph. Xboxic points us to IGN, which has gone to the trouble of translating the scans for some details. The game looks to be an extension of the Silpheed franchise and promises massive space combat and -- of course -- loads of CG cinemas. Hit the read link to see the rest of the scans and some (French) commentary. [Thanks, gaetge]

  • June 27th says: "No Live for you!" [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    PlayOnline has announced that Xbox Live servers will be down on June 27th from 2:00 'til 6:00 PDT for maintenance. It looks like this will only affect PlayOnline, but it might mean no Live for anyone. No word has actually come down from Microsoft about Live being down so, who knows? The announcement mentions that those already connected to PlayOnline will stay connected, but once you disconnect you won't be able to access PlayOnine until the maintenance is finished. So, 360 Final Fantasy XI fans (both of you) better connect now before it's too late. [Via Xboxic] Update: Reader bigC24 let us know that the Live outage is official. Check out Major Nelson for details.

  • Final Fantasy XIII announced for PS3 [Update 1]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    As we just reported, Final Fantasy XIII has been announced for the PlayStation 3 (and, so far, only for Sony's console) -- showing that Square Enix is still supporting Sony. According to Chris Kohler at Game|Life, the trailer "looks amazing. Female main character. Looked like prerendered video, except it was realtime. Dramatic action-packed battles with crazy camerawork."The title is being produced by Yoshinori Kitase (Final Fantasies 5-8 and 10, Chrono Trigger) and directed by Motomu Toriyama (FFX, X-2, and the Final Fantasy VII tech demo shown at last year's E3).As far as we know, this is a PlayStation 3 exclusive. While no love was shown for Microsoft, the Xbox 360 does have three RPGs on the way from Japanese developer MistWalker, formed by Final Fantasy veteran Hironobu Sakaguchi.Update: Gamespot reports that there are actually 3 different Final Fantasy XIII titles. The second title, featuring more spiky-haired madness, is also bound for PS3 and is directed by Advent Children's Tetsuya Nomura. The final game in the XIII trio is destined for mobile platforms.