Star Trek


  • Star Trek Online official site offers free history lesson

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Cryptic Studios promised that it would explain what happens in the Star Trek universe between the film Star Trek: Nemesis (the last canon entry in the franchise) and the time period of Star Trek Online. Fulfilling that promise, it posted on the official STO website the first of a series of articles of fiction describing events from Nemesis onward.The article covers 2379 and 2380. Hardcore Trekkies or Trekkers will be satisfied to find that canon is respected, right down to details such as the number of Cardassian casualties in the Dominion War, as revealed in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. We're not sure what we think of the idea that pretty much every character, no matter how minor (such as Keiko O'Brien) moved on to an historically significant role. It's probably meant to please the fans but it seems like a bit of a stretch.The Star Trek franchise is already known for that sort of stretching though; that's one of the reasons we love it so much, right?

  • A Star Trek Online interview about time travel and travel time

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    We've said before that the main source of information on Star Trek Online at this point is hints and implications peppered through interviews with Cryptic Studios' Jack Emmert. The latest of those interviews is lighter on details than were previous conversations, but it's still worth a read.Speaking to Ten Ton Hammer at Gen Con, Emmert started out vaguely answering questions about character customization. Nothing new there. But it got a bit more interesting when he used time travel as an example of something pivotal to the franchise, but that's made difficult to implement by technological and budgetary limitations. He spoke as if he'd already given a great deal of thought to it; perhaps that's a clue that despite the problems, time travel is something Cryptic intends to put in the game.Other topics included the uniqueness of Star Trek ship design, instancing, procedurally-generated areas for exploration, and travel time.

  • First Ask Cryptic for Star Trek Online addresses ship customization

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The very first Ask Cryptic leveled at Star Trek Online takes some time to address cannon questions about the game. With regards to whether or not Cryptic plans to make the game as close as possible to the official canon, worry not. They're watching and re-watching all the TV shows and movies to make sure your Gorn attacks are as authentic as possible. They've also received all the sound effects featured in the movies and TV series from CBS. So your phaser blasts and teleports will sound pitch-perfect. As for the music, Michael Henry -- Cryptic's director of audio -- has been a huge trek fan for a long number of years. So plan on hearing music both new and old that helps recall you to many a days spent watching Star Trek.Other answers include adherence to exploration as an "integral" and encouraged aspect of the game, not just a side thought. We really like hearing that said. Although, what we especially like hearing is further confirmation that extensive customization (a Cryptic trademark, really) for both interiors and exteriors of player ships is definitely part of the game. Now we can finally dress our Klingon ships in bright pink stripes, oh happy day!

  • Some fresh Star Trek Online customization info (for humanoids only)

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Cryptic Studios made clear the basic framework of its vision for Star Trek Online immediately after announcing the game, but the occasional interview or FAQ has revealed greater detail over the past few days. The latest example is a video interview at MMORPG with Cryptic's Jack Emmert, who in the interview reveals specifics about character, race, and starship customization. He also talks about Cryptic's relationship with the previous holders of the Star Trek Online mantle, Perpetual Entertainment.As far as the customization goes, you'll be able to customize the "skin, eyebrows, antennae, and hair" of your characters and races. At launch, it's likely that all players will be humanoids. Ship geometry, colors, decals, names, and even serial numbers can all be set by players. It sounds like they'll use basic "kits" of tools based on which faction (Federation or Klingon) they choose.Emmert also says that "war games" within factions would be possible, allowing players to engage in PvP with members of their own factions in a limited way. He doesn't sound at all certain that it will be possible at launch, though.

  • The Digital Continuum: Pondering Star Trek Online

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    As a kid, I grew up on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Mostly because my parents watched it constantly, but also because I found that I enjoyed the show. Another staple of my nerd-influenced upbringing was a steady diet of Star Trek movies. Since those formative years I've also watched Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, Voyager and more recently Battlestar Galactica. So it's safe to say I'm at least a casual sci-fi and space nerd. In fact, when I'm not entrenched in some form of entertainment, I tend to spend my extra time over at the official website of Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Of course Star Trek has never been purely about Science. It's always been -- to me, at least -- a mixture of social-political issues, engaging drama and several degrees of actual science. Different writers and directors have, over several decades, writ large their envisioned versions of Star Trek, with varying amounts of the three critical factors that make up a Star Trek experience. So, obviously, I now find myself wondering what Cryptic Studio's massively multiplayer online version is going to be like.

  • Star Trek Online could have cross-platform play

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Think about it, is it really very strange that Star Trek Online could have cross-platform play? After all, Captain Kirk had all kinds of cross-species lovin', so why not? According to the Star Trek Online FAQ, the upcoming muhmohrpuguh from Cryptic Studios might have cross-platform play between the PC and it's console cousins. Regarding the possibility, the FAQ states "We would like that to be the case. There is nothing technologically keeping us from making it so." It's not an outright declaration that there will be cross-platform play, but it's not a denial either.For the sake of peace throughout the galaxy, let's hope that Cryptic does indeed make it so.[Via Joystiq]

  • The Daily Grind: The Federation or the Klingons?

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Star Trek Online details have been flooding in since the Las Vegas announcement. Everyone who's interested has his or her favorite bit of info about the game, but hardcore Trek fans might make the case that the biggest news is that the two factions in the game will be the Federation and the Klingons. After a century of (only occasionally broken) peace, the two old enemies are clashing once again!Turns out the first choice you'll make as a new player will be choosing between the two factions. So which one will you choose? Will you join the United Federation of Planets, an idealistic democracy and diverse coalition of races that Roddenberry based on the (perhaps unreal) American ideal? Or will you take the path of Awesome™ and choose the Klingon Empire, a battle-crazed, feudalistic warrior culture dedicated to honorable bloodshed?

  • Star Trek Online FAQ describes PvP rules

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Even more Star Trek Online information has beamed in. This time, it's in the FAQ page just published by Cryptic Studios. The FAQ is a good place to catch up on the highlights from the recent revelations, but there's new stuff too.The most substantial revelation is that there won't be PvP, PvE, or RP server types as in World of Warcraft and other games. There will only be one server type. There will be far-flung regions of space in which open PvP will be possible. In the nuetral zone (the border between factions), consensual PvP engagements will occur. It's implied that PvP will not be possible deep within Federation or Klingon space.Oh, and the FAQ includes some grim news for certain would-be players. It turns out that you'll actually need an internet connection to play Star Trek Online! Oh man! Say it ain't so! That's unacceptable, right? Maybe we should start a petition.

  • Podcast interviews two Star Trek Online guys, gets lots of new info

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Star Trek gaming podcast Hailing Frequency interviewed Cryptic Studios Chief Creative Officer Jack Emmert in the wake of the big Las Vegas unveiling of Star Trek Online. The two part interview is available in both audio and video, and it's one of the best sources of details beyond the unveiling video itself at this point.There are a lot of reveals and hints in the interview. Some examples of interview topics: post-launch plans for user-generated content, an economy without a monetary currency, and details about starship combat. Emmert speculates that cross-platform play and non-region-specific servers are possible, but that no final determinations have been made. Listen to the interview for more!Hailing Frequency also spoke with STO's new community manager, JR Sutich, who is better known to folks in the MMO community as Razor. He was a regular writer at WarCry before he started with Cryptic. That interview, also available in both audio and video, deals exclusively with the game's community and forums.

  • Star Trek Online gameplay trailer debuts

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Welcome, Trekkies! [Insert clever Star Trek reference here] Cryptic Studios has beamed up (har) a gameplay trailer for Star Trek Online as it debuted today at the Star Trek Experience Event in Las Vegas. All footage is in-game, according to the developer. As revealed earlier, you'll be able to create your own alien species to play as, possibly even a Super Smurf (our conjecture). We imagine the cartoony art style will have a better reception than, say, Diablo 3.The trailer is available via the official site; we've also made a new gallery of images from the trailer if you're too impatient to download. (Update: Video embedded after the break.)%Gallery-29372%

  • Cryptic reveals first Star Trek Online in-game trailer

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    This download is for all of you -- us included -- who've been patiently awaiting the arrival of some in-game footage of Cryptic's Star Trek Online. Everything you're seeing in this trailer is in-game footage and while the art direction is a tiny bit "cartoonish" for our tastes it's certainly not bad by any means. Though we do have to admit that EVE Online looks like it may trump Star Trek Online in terms of shockingly beautiful objects floating around in space. It's still early though so all bets are off. In fact, for all we know there could be some crazy black holes or binary star systems just waiting for the chance to grab ahold of our jaws and slam them to the floor.We do have to admit that the combat looked pretty well developed for a game that just got announced. The fact that there's both space-battles and in-ship battles being shown in the first trailer gives us hope for an earlier-than-expected release date. We guess that we'll just whittle our time away with some superhero MMO until that time comes. Right, Cryptic?

  • Associated Press reveals new Star Trek Online details

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We're just hours away from Cryptic's world reveal of Star Trek Online during the Star Trek Experience event in Las Vegas, but those wishing to jump the phaser on all the hubbub would be wise to read a recent AP interview with Cryptic Chief Creative Officer Jack Emmert. In said interview, a number of intriguing details about the MMO are revealed -- chief among these include word that players will be able to choose an alien species to play as, or create their own, in an uncharacteristic show of disregard for Star Trek canon.New players will then captain their own Starfleet or Klingon ship, the size and crew of which will grow as the player progresses. Players will also be able to leave their ships to explore planets in true Trek fashion. Don't expect to see many familiar, pointy-eared faces on your travels, however -- Emmert explained that the game takes place "a few generations" after the last Star Trek film. It seems your best bet of running into Shatner in an MMO is to continue searching World of Warcraft for a shaman with unusual vocalized pauses.[Via 1UP]

  • STO August 10th webcast information revealed

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    So you can't make it to the Sunday, August 10th Las Vegas Star Trek convention to see Leonard Nimoy reveal Star Trek Online to a huge crowd of Trekkies? (Or Trekkers, we don't really know) We understand that you probably feel left out, especially considering that Cryptic is going to be showing live gameplay footage at the convention. Well worry not, for Cryptic has released the webcast information that allows all interested parties to watch as well. Commence rejoicing drive!You can follow this usefully highlighted link at 1:30pm PDT this Sunday, August 10th to watch all the commotion. Who knows? You could possibly get so excited over seeing Star Trek Online actually being played that you knock over your soda/water/coffee (depending on your timezone) but still don't care, because of how excited you are! Even if beverage knock-age doesn't occur, we're pretty certain most of you will be excited regardless.

  • Spock to pimp new Trek MMO in Vegas

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    If you haven't been to the Star Trek Experience inside the Las Vegas Hilton, you might want to try and get yourself there on August 10th. That's when Mr. Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy, will be unveiling gameplay footage from the upcoming Star Trek Online.This long-in-the-making and often troubled MMO has had a shaky path down the development road, and Vegas might be the perfect place for it to make one of its first appearances. Developer Cryptic could renew their Star Trek vows with a quickie wedding in true Trek style. One Vulcan Vow Renewal to go, please.

  • Leonard Nimoy to unveil Star Trek Online in Vegas

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    You may know him as the the singer of the late 60's mega-hit The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, but others remember Leonard Nimoy for something else. What could possibly top that masterpiece, you might ask? He also appeared on a little TV show called Star Trek as the pointy-eared Spock. You may have heard of him.However, the real news here is the fact that Mr. Nimoy will be appearing at the Las Vegas unveiling of Star Trek Online, courtesy of Cryptic Studios. This will take place this coming Sunday, August 10th at the Gene Roddenberry Theater at the Las Vegas Hilton. The event will also play host to the first public showing of gameplay footage and will be shown as a live webcast on the main website for those who can't attend.

  • SpaceX's rocket destroys Scotty's space-bound ashes in a demonstration of tremendous irony

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Finely riding that razored edge between tragedy and comedy, the New York Times reports that not only did the SpaceX Falcon 1 rocket lose its three satellites and fail to reach orbit during a recent launch, but it also destroyed the remains of actor James Doohan, best known as the original Star Trek's Chief Engineer "Scotty." The actor's ashes -- as well as those of over 200 others -- were being carried into orbit by the rocket when complications with the ship's stage separation led to the (assumed) destruction of the craft. This recent mishap puts a sad period on the end of the sentence that already included an earlier loss and eventual recovery of the remains.[Via Slashdot]

  • The Daily Grind: Name your MMO dream team

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Almost every big MMO these days is a marriage between an established intellectual property -- such as The Lord of the Rings, or Conan -- and a proven development studio like Mythic or Cryptic. It seems like every setting is getting MMO-ized, from Star Trek to the DC Comics universe. But there are lots of worlds left to explore.That's why we're asking you today what world you want to explore, and who you want to make it. In other words, which franchise and which developer would you like to see come together?Battlestar Galactica and Funcom? Lost and SOE? No idea is too crazy. After all, it's likely none of them will become reality anyway!Please keep in mind that Hello Kitty Online has already been done! Sorry to steal your thunder, folks!

  • Ask Cryptic touches on player-created content

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Every time Cryptic puts up a brand new Ask Cryptic article we have a tough time picking only one or two answers to talk about. However, this week was pretty easy. The very first question presented asks about how deep Champions Online will delve into the concept of player-created content, whether it be mods or actual in-game content. Jack Emmert responded reasonably by mentioning that the Nemesis system, costume creation, power selection and power customization features are merely the beginning. Apparently we that we can, "look to see [Cryptic] continue to open the door for more player-generated material." Which really makes us wonder what that means for Star Trek Online.We must admit to this being an exciting proposition. It's our hope as comic book and MMO nerds that there's a future where we can submit completely unique costumes to go through moderated approval for each of our crazy characters in Champions Online. Or even custom animations! That would be unequivocally and unabashedly awesome. Don't disappoint us now, Cryptic.

  • The hidden art of Star Trek Online

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    There is much buzz in the MMOG universe this morning about the upcoming title Star Trek Online. Being absolute fanboys and fangirls of Star Trek ourselves (much like our friends at STO Zone who had the same idea) we wanted to show you a couple of nuggets of interesting art that we've extracted. These two images were taken from the backgrounds of the Cryptic Star Trek Online site that was unveiled last night. The top image shows an Andorian female in the foreground of what appears to be an away team. Some of the staff think that may be either a Bolian, Benzite or an Orion male to her left, but it's very hard to make out. (Not that many people remember the Orion males anyway.) Below that is a Klingon at the helm of what appears to be a Bird of Prey with a Human, Ferengi, Cardassian and Vulcan manning the controls, dressed in Federation uniform, or wearing Federation insignia. Speculation from some blog sites suggest that Cryptic is likely looking at a period of time post-DS9, tied to the Officer Exchange Program that started in the episode "A Matter of Honor" during the TNG series. It seems like an excellent spot in the continuity to place an MMO, we think.

  • Cryptic Studios unveils Star Trek Online, launches website

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    With the intergalactic cat already out of the bag this weekend, Cryptic Studios has officially announced Star Trek Online and unveiled a website for the in-development MMO. The developer has also released a handful of screenshots and promises to reveal gameplay footage at the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention on August 10 (there's a countdown on the STO site if you need something to stare at for the next 13 days). For those who can't make the convention, or decide to stay home because your prosthetic Vulcan ears didn't look just right, Cryptic will be streaming the presentation online. %Gallery-28626%[Via Massively]