Star Trek


  • Can the sci-fi genre succeed?

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Earth and Beyond. Star Wars Galaxies. Auto Assault. Tabula Rasa. For a genre that dominates television and written media, science fiction can't seem to find a good foothold in the MMO industry past EVE Online. Even the upcoming Stargate Worlds is on shaky ground, and it hasn't even stepped over the threshold into the market. With a genre so plagued by failure, what can a company do to succeed like CCP? Can Star Trek Online, Jumpgate Evolution, and Star Wars: The Old Republic shake the curse?These were the topics of a recent interview between Cody Bye of Ten Ton Hammer and Rob Hill and Kevin Beardslee of Trion World Network, the developers behind the Sci-Fi channel's MMORPG/television tie-in game. The interview covers all manner of things, like how Trion seeks to differentiate themselves from the current MMO market, how they want to interact with their community, how they are handling the creation of the game next to the television series, and how Blizzard's polish mantra can really support a well made game. You can check out the full interview over at Ten Ton Hammer.

  • The Digital Continuum: Five MMOs to watch out for in 2009, part 2

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The next few years are certainly going to be interesting, especially when we get to the point when three superhero MMOs are on the market with a fourth (CoH2) on the way. Anyhow, getting back to the point: DC Universe Online is especially lucky for its IP, which is most definitely the strongest of all the superhero MMOs currently known to be forthcoming. Although, the rather unfortunate SOE stigma may cause a little turbulence in the formative months that come after any MMO is released.

  • First Starfleet ship detailed for Star Trek Online

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The Star Trek Online official website has a Christmas day present in the form of the first ship description and details. While there's no actual in-game goodies, it's the first information we've been given on something that will probably end up in the final code of the game. We even a pretty good ship to start with: an iteration of the sexy Sovereign-class ship seen in the last Next Generation movies.If there was ever any doubt that there wouldn't be much combat in the game, the NX-91001 (or as we like to call it, "The Nixy") is armed with 16 heavy-duty phaser arrays and 8 torpedoes. For the sci-fi tech nerds out there, the computer systems use a "Bioneural circuitry" that mimics organic neurons for super-crazy-fast computing. And no Star Trek ship would be complete without regenerative shields. Although this ship also boasts some incredibly thick future-alloy armor, as well.We know Star Trek isn't all about combat, and we hope Star Trek Online will be more than that, but there's no denying that the allure of hopping into the bridge of this ship and kicking some space-butt is strong.

  • Atari acquires Cryptic Studios

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    In a piece of news that comes out of nowhere, Atari has announced that they've bought Cryptic Studios, the developer originally responsible for creating City of Heroes. Right now, Cryptic has three upcoming games: Champions Online, Star Trek Online and a third unannounced title. As part of the acquisition, Atari will have access to Cryptic's technology for use their games as well as for their website portal.However, the most interesting part is that after an initial USD 26.7 million upfront payment to Cryptic, they stand to earn even more money through a performance-related bonus. How much? Try another USD 20 million in cash or stock, so long as the 2010-11 revenues of Champions Online and Star Trek Online outperform specific undisclosed targets. It would appear that Atari is expecting Cryptic's upcoming games to perform fairly well, and to launch fairly promptly. We can only hope, Star Trek and Champions fans.Phil Harrison, director of Atari, has said in the past that the company's main focus would be online games and digital delivery. So while this news isn't out of the ordinary in that respect, it certainly came out of the blue. This also may fuel the fire of the rumor that Cryptic is bringing both of their upcoming titles to the PS3. There's no word yet on whether or not this affects the 2k Games publishing deal made for Champions Online.[Thanks, Stan]

  • Star Trek Online timeline update covers the year 2382

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Cryptic has updated the Star Trek Online timeline that leads up to when the game takes place. Just to refresh everyone's memory, Star Trek Online is set in the year 2409, which is thirty years after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis. The newest update on the official website covers the events of the year 2382, or 27 years prior to the game.The biggest part of this updates deals with the Romulans (biological cousins to the Vulcans) who are heading down a path to civil war, as political in-fighting continues to grow. Meanwhile the Unification movement, represented by Ambassador Spock, once again attempts to push their agenda by seeking the support of the Federation Council. Ultimately though, the Federation declines to support the movement to unify the two races, as the Vulcan members of the council aren't too keen on such an uncertain and essentially illogical idea.%Gallery-28615%

  • Ken Moore goes where no man has gone before, turns Wiimote into theremin

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Ken Moore likes to fiddle around with things. His latest project turns the Wiimote into a theremin, which is one of the earliest electronic instruments and the first that is actually played without touching. Above, you'll see a video of Ken providing a tech demo and brief history lesson on the instrument. Past the break, you'll see Ken attempt to do the theme for the original Star Trek show.

  • Ken Moore's Wiimote theremin hack explores the final frontier

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Are you worried that your Wii remote's innards are atrophying during the recent dry spell of Wii titles aimed at the discerning "core gamer"? We recently stumbled upon a great way of giving your one-handed peripheral a nice workout -- using it to make music. Oh, no -- not like that. We're speaking of the latest Wiimote homebrew, from the musical mind of Ken Moore, which effectively turns your controller into a theremin. You know, the only musical instrument that you play without touching. What, your parents didn't make you take theremin lessons in grade school?We've got a history lesson and tech demo posted after the break, as well as Mr. Moore's attempt at the opening theme for Star Trek. The original theme, that is -- not that wretched "Faith of the Heart" cover.[Via Destructoid]

  • New Star Trek Online screens look better than ever

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Three new screens for Star Trek Online have surfaced and they look quite amazing, especially the dry dock shot above, which you can click on to see a bigger version. The first thing that jumped out at us when looking at these shots are that the graphics engine for the game has already come along a ways. We can't quite put our finger on it, but things are starting to look decidedly more Star Trek and less, well, Champions Online.If it's one thing we've continually learned about MMOs in-development, it's that they always look better and better the closer to get to launch. And with Cryptic's track record on City of Heroes past visual updates, we're really looking forward to seeing how Star Trek Online turns out in another year-plus.%Gallery-28615%

  • Diverting information from shields to weapons in newest STO Ask Cryptic

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    This edition of Ask Cryptic is especially interesting for Star Trek fans wanting to know how combat is going to play out in Cryptic's Star Trek Online. We now know that it will be possible to divert power from one system in the game to another. So a player will be able to drop engines by 40% and boost weapons with that diverted power, allowing them to make a heavier attack.Related to this is the new knowledge that there won't be a "mana bar" style power system in the game. Players will never have to worry about being able to fire their phasers because their energy is too low, but of course if they divert too much power from said phasers they won't be hitting very hard with them. Another possibility -- although unconfirmed as far as we know -- would be if your phasers were damaged too much from concentrated fire.Finally, we're happy to hear that Cryptic is certain that a grouping of smaller ships will definitely be able to take down a larger battleship. This means that Star Trek Online's leveling system will not be the norm, another plus for anyone hoping that the game won't be "WoW with starships" or anything of the sort.

  • Star Trek Online producer confirms familiar races and locales

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Bet you'd just about forgotten about Star Trek Online by this point, hadn't you? There was a big explosion of information when Cryptic announced its iteration of the game in August, but since then, we've seen less and less information as time's gone by. But lo! There has been an update at the officlal site! Turns out the executive producer, Craig Zinkievich, did an interview with Skewed and Reviewed.It makes for a decent overview if you're new to Star Trek Online, but there isn't much in the way of new gameplay information except for some specific revelations about visitable locales and playable races. First of all, he confirmed that Deep Space Nine -- the setting of the TV series of the same name -- will be in the game. He also rattled off a few of the playable races (but not all, and remember you can create your own): "Human, Vulcan, Andorian, Klingon, Orion and several others." Trekkers / trekkies should be glad to hear that there will be no shortage of scantily clad green people or blue antennae.

  • The Digital Continuum: Fantasy's upcoming vacation

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Is the MMO fantasy genre finally ready to relax and take its long overdue vacation? It does seem to be the case, as nearly all of the highly anticipated titles in the coming years are exceptionally not high fantasy or even really general fantasy. So while the sun is setting on the age of fantasy, a new dawn appears to be rising elsewhere. With it comes a tidal wave of new genres into the industry, some new and others a bit more familiar. Don't believe or agree with me? Keep reading and maybe you'll change your mind.

  • STO combat and character questions answered in latest Ask Cryptic

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Combat is the main topic this time around in the latest Ask Cryptic for Star Trek Online. The first question pertains to melee combat and just how it'll work. Surprisingly, it looks as though melee combat will actually be more than a simple aside to back-and-forth phaser fire. Cryptic says that Klingons will make use of bat'leth and the Federation will use lirpa -- that historically memorable staff-like weapon Spock and Kirk used to battle it out. It still remains slightly unclear whether or not players from opposite factions will be able to effectively use melee weaponry.As for question number two -- and probably the second-most important -- a forum poster asked Cryptic whether ship combat would be point-and-click like EVE Online or more tactical like traditional Star Trek battles. Thankfully, the answer was that yes, players can expect to have full control over their ship in order to hide their weaker points while attacking the structurally unsound targets of their enemies' shields and hull.

  • The Daily Grind: Where do you see yourself in a year MMO-wise?

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    A lot can happen in a year and typically there are at least one or two prominent new MMOs released in about that time. With Warhammer Online out now and expansions for both World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online right around the bend, we're wondering where you think you'll be in just one year.There's also content updates to consider, like the first one coming for Mythic's Warhammer Online. Blizzard's content updates are anyone's guess, really. Then there's titles like Jumpgate Evolution and Champions Online to think about for anyone getting worn out on the fantasy setting. Not to mention the possibility of Star Trek Online hanging over the heads of many Star Trek fans this time next year -- assuming it gets a late '09 or early '10 release date.Us? We're probably going to be playing all of them off-and-on throughout the year. Don't ask us how much that's going to cost, because we try not to think about it.

  • Catch up on your Star Trek Online essentials

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    For anyone who's missed out on the information train for Star Trek Online, a good place to catch up would CVG's recent preview. The reason being that it touches on all the basic talking points for Cryptic's crack at Star Trek Online. There are even a couple things in this preview that people somewhat familiar with the upcoming title may not know about -- probably due to Cryptic living up to their name when it comes to information. One such detail concerns a player's bridge crew and the fact that they level up along with the Captain of the ship. Another would be that the general crew (or redshirts) while expendable, will serve as a sort of resource mechanic in the game.It's a short yet interesting read, perfect for killing a few minutes while satiating your Star Trek nerd lust.

  • New Star Trek Online screenshots reveal character customization depth

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The newest trio of screens to come out for Star Trek Online give us a taste of what to expect from the character customization options touted in the MMO. But simply calling it character creation would be underselling it. Cryptic is promising fully-featured racial creation tools here, which explains why the lady in the upper right of the image above looks like a green Klingon. Don't get us wrong, we're totally cool with green ridge-head ladies -- they're just the bee's knees. Though in truth we've always had a soft spot for Betazoids, if we're going to be honest here.Aside from this visual tease, the other two images focus on the game environment like most of the previous screenshots we've seen. We're happy to be getting a little bit more information out of Cryptic, even if the offering has only made us lust for more customization details. Consider us on watch for visual starship customization examples.%Gallery-28615%

  • Star Trek Online wallpapers are 75% generic, 25% gorgeous

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    There's been a dearth of Star Trek Online news or information these past few weeks. We've been upset about it. Cryptic just broke radio science at long last, though: four Star Trek Online wallpapers have been posted at the game site. We've got all of 'em here for you to see, but head over to the official gallery for the full breadth of resolution choices. One of them is a rare in-game glimpse at a planet surface. It looks gorgeous, although we're suddenly worried about the minimum system requirements. Hopefully those nice lighting and shadow effects will scale back for low-end desktops and notebooks. %Gallery-33932%

  • The Daily Grind: Are you ready for Steampunk MMOs?

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    We've been inspired to create today's The Daily Grind by a post on Grimwell's blog concerning Stephen H. Segal's viewpoints on the ubiquitous and compelling nature of the steampunk genre. Stephen's entire outlook boils down to the idea that what steampunk does for science fiction is make it inspirational once more. The classic sci-fi stalworts like Star Trek or Star Wars tend to present a future world as a place that we all take for granted, a world where teleportation and energy swords are commonplace. On the other side of the coin sits steampunk, a genre that approaches science in a fresh and highly creative way and as something to be looked upon with awe and wonder.In the MMO genre it's a similar situation with the fantasy genre. We've seen so many fantasy-based worlds that more and more of us are becoming jaded by to most of their wonder. When was the last time an MMO consistently took your breath away or instilled within you a sense of awe? So we ask you, dear Massively readers: Are you ready for something else other than fantasy, something perhaps, very steampunk?

  • Revealed: Star Trek Online ship classes and more customization

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    It's that time again! The latest issue of "Ask Cryptic" has found its way onto the internet. It includes answers from the development team to six Star Trek Online-related questions.Here's the critical information up front! The ships in the game are based off of canon ships such as the Enterprise and the Defiant. Ships will be divided into three categories: Cruisers, Escorts, and Science Vessels. Any player character will be able to train to use any ship, although his or her specialized crew and attributes will affect its performance. Starfleet and Klingon uniforms will be highly customizable, as will bridge officers (including name, race, appearance, and gender). Ground PvP will be in the game, and PvP instances probably will be too.Finally -- and perhaps best of all -- the article teases playable Horta and 3D chess games as planned-for post-launch content. But how can the Horta play 3D chess with no appendages? Oh, they don't necessarily mean they'll be playable at the same time. Okay. Or do they?

  • Star Trek Online is Game Informer's October cover story

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Magazine Game Informer's October issue (due to appear on stands any day now) will feature a ten page report on Star Trek Online, with new information and artwork. The game even graces the cover of the issue, which can already be seen online (to the right here). It's not a screenshot, though. It's just some artwork depicting Sovereign and Galaxy class starships.Previously featured articles in Game Informer have generally been quite substantial; they have combined tons of new images with descriptions of gameplay and dozens of quotes from developers. We haven't seen the STO piece yet, but it's probably worth flipping through at your local newsstand.There has to be at least something new to fill up ten pages, right? There probably aren't ten pages worth of info on the game out there at this point!

  • Ask Cryptic explains how Star Trek Online will handle canon

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The latest Ask Cryptic focusing on Star Trek Online addresses a number of questions sci-fi fans have about where the IP is heading in the MMO space. Not surprisingly, many of the questions asked of Cryptic deal with how well they'll adhere to Star Trek canon. The Cryptic Studios devs were asked about how they would handle the iconic story and characters of Star Trek, namely with voiceovers and cut scenes. The devs state that Star Trek Online avoids issues of tampering with Trekkie canon by setting the game in 2409, a good 30 years after Star Trek: Nemesis and Star Trek: Voyager. So while some of the locales familiar to Star Trek fans will be present in the game, players shouldn't expect to bump into any (or many) familiar faces.