

  • Steve Jobs' greatest quotes

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    It seems like the whole Mac community is in a contemplative mood as Apple approaches its 30th birthday. In fact, Wired has posted an article that lists some of their all-time favorite Steve Jobs quotes, sorted into categories. My favorite from among Wired's selections is:"If I were running Apple, I would milk the Macintosh for all it's worth -- and get busy on the next great thing. The PC wars are over. Done. Microsoft won a long time ago." -- Fortune, Feb. 19, 1996It's a fun quote to read when you consider what an earth-shattering success the iPod and iTunes have been. So, TUAWers, do you have a favorite? I've always been fond of, "It's better to be a pirate than join the Navy."Photo by Arnaud Hubert

  • Steve Jobs magazine covers

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Steve Jobs has graced the covers of more magazines than some super models. Don't believe me? Well, check out this site that has a number of magazine covers featuring His Steveness.Now, I like magazines and Steve Jobs as much as the next guy, but this website is a little creepy, even to me![via Kottke's Remaindered Links.]

  • Engadget Podcast 072 - 03.07.06

    Randall Bennett
    Randall Bennett

    We've been a little while since our last podcast, but we're back, and just in time, too. After last week's Apple non-announcements, we got some blockbuster business news: RIM and NTP finally settled? AT&T buying BellSouth (and thus the controlling stake of Cingular) for 67 billion dollars? Microsoft learns how to launch a buzz campaign with Origami? And if that wasn't enough Engadget turned two years old last Thursday. It's been loads of fun, but we're only getting started. Also, be sure to phone, Gizmo, or email in your usual questions and comments -- and especially your tech support horror stories for our support nightmare podcast later this week. Thanks for the last couple of years, here's to a couple more! Get the podcast [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (MP3). [RSS] Add the Engadget Podcast feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically (MP3). [MP3] Download the show (MP3). [AAC] Download the show (enhanced AAC). [OGG] Download the show (OGG). [Vote] Vote for us on Podcast Alley! Hosts Peter Rojas and Ryan Block Producer Randall Bennett Music J J J - 'Suits' in Japan Format 1:26:10, 39.7 MB, MP3 Program 01:48 - Engadget turns two! 06:16 - Steve Jobs Keynote 11:47 - Intel Mac Mini 12:14 - iPod Hi-Fi 15:28 - Microsoft's Oragami 27:26 - AT&T buys BellSouth, Ma Bell is back 35:11 - RIM & NTP settle for $612 million 40:59 - Former Gizmondo executive's wrecked Ferrari 47:34 - ROKR E3 exclusive 52:18 - Listener Voicemail 84:43 - SXSW, and the week ahead LISTEN (MP3) LISTEN (AAC) LISTEN (OGG) Contact the podcast: 1-888-ENGADGET, Engadget (Gizmo Project) or podcast at engadget dot com

  • Found Footage: Steve Jobs' Macworld bloopers

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    In a move that I'm sure is just begging for the wrath of Jobs, someone has put together a well-crafted blooper video that looks at the best quirks, mistakes and glitches of Steve Jobs' Macworld keynotes. The video is hosted at YouTube and we're linking to it here, so you should be able to click on the image above and play it right here in TUAW (or your RSS reader) as long as Flash is enabled.I have to agree with the post at FreeMacBlog: it's pretty tough to watch this and not squirm at least a little, especially during my personal favorite: the 2005 keynote when I believe it was Sony's CEO who painfully stumbled and blundered through a speech about... well I don't even remember what it was about anymore.This video is a nice reminder of those unfortunate (yet darn funny) blooper moments of Macworld keynotes that we all so easily forget once we open our new [insert Apple product here]. Check out FreeMacBlog's post where I found this, or head over to YouTube where the video lives - at least for now.

  • "The world's biggest backyard fence to talk over"

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    MacTV has posted a really interesting videocast 'flashback' on the early days of computing in 1981 (iTMS link), including news footage and computing expo coverage.  An intriguing but brief interview with "multi-millionaire Steve Jobs" made it into the vidcast, and barring any discussions of how ruthless his Steveness may be, he exhibited the same kind of well-spoken zest for computing in 1981 that he still has on stage today. At the least, it's a short but fun glimpse at what all this computer stuff was like 25 years ago. If you haven't subscribed to the MacTV vidcast (or the iPod edition) yet, this is a great time to start. They consistently post interesting video bits like this both new and old, covering topics you typically won't see elsewhere.

  • Microsoft lawyer handling latest iPod lawsuit

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Earlier this week, John Kiel Patterson filed a class action suit against Apple regarding the iPod's potential to harm listeners' hearing. He is seeking compensation for damages and upgrades to the iPod that will make it safer. Now, it's pretty easy to say that everyone knows that listening to music via headphones at a high volume for prolonged periods of time will damage your hearing. Still, it wouldn't kill Apple to put a warning sticker on the packaging. But here's where the story gets weird. Mr. Patterson won't state if his hearing has been damaged from using an iPod. But his lawyer, Steve W. Berman, says that's beside the point, as it's the iPod's dangerous potential that Patterson is concerned with. Also, Steve Berman is (and has been) on retainer with Microsoft. I'm just saying.Start your engines, conspiracy theorists.[Via MacDailyNews]

  • Jumping Steve iTunes plugin

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    I like iTunes, generally, but there has always been something missing. I often found myself wistfully looking at my iTunes window and thinking, 'You know what this could use? A little more Steve Jobs dancing to my music.' It seems that the evil geniuses (I mean that in the best way possible) behind the Joy of Tech, and the folks at Memention, were secretly reading my mind because they have teamed up to unleash Jumping Steve.Jumping Steve is an iTunes visualizer plugin (PPC Macs only) that shows a little Steve Jobs rocking out to your music. You can also toggle it to feature a Steve Jobs iPod silhouette that will... rock out to your music.iTunes can now be considered the single greatest piece of software ever written, only if Jumping Steve is installed though.[via Macminute]

  • Steve in the Magic Kingdom

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Businessweek has posted a great article detailing the Pixar/Disney deal and what Steve Jobs might mean for Disney. Looking back at his past the article paints a portrait of a perfectionist who isn't afraid to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty. However, at Pixar Steve isn't the notorious micro manager that he's known as in the halls of Cupertino. He has a more hands off approach, letting the creative folks do what they need to do.Which Steve will be sitting on the board of Disney: control freak Steve, or benevolent benefactor Steve? Only time will tell, but Disney could do with a little perfection right about now.

  • Poll Results: The future of Pixney

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Yesterday, we asked for your opinion on the quality of films that will come out of the Pixar/Disney union. In our utterly unscientific poll, your options were: Fantastic news! Disaster! Disney will kill future movies I'll wait and see I have no opinion Of the 2,008 of you who voted, a full 45% selected "I'll wait and see." "Fantastic news" and "Disaster..." were very close at 26% and 24% respectively, and 5% of you really couldn't care less about this.I'm with the skeptics. As long as Disney lets Lasseter and co. do what they do unfettered, we should be all right.

  • Steve Jobs: capitalist, Bill Gates: philanthropist

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Say what you will about Bill Gates (and I am sure you can say many things), but the man is concerned about the world, and he puts his money where his mouth is. Using the Gates Foundation, Bill has given away more money than either you or I will ever make in our life times (unless you're Bill Gates and you're reading this in your massive mountaintop retreat). But what about his Steveness?Leander Kahney, of Wired News, wonders if Steve deserves his rock-star-like status, given that he isn't known for his charitable works (Leander grants that Jobs might give anonymously). Sure, you have to admire Jobs for having a vision and sticking to it, but shouldn't Gates get more credit for his work?What do you think, readers: are we cutting Steve too much slack, or does he deserve to be put on such a high pedestal?Thanks, AJ Ballou.

  • More on the Pixar buyout

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    The finance obsessed people at Bloomberg have a very comprehensive article up covering the Disney/Pixar deal (it was as if they were working on it before the deal of finalized. Imagine that!). Disney will pay $59.78 a share for Pixar stock (and since Steve Jobs is the largest stockholder of Pixar he is going to make out like a bandit), though Disney will be paying with Disney stock (helping to diversify his Steveness' stock interests in the process).Disney is hoping that Pixar will transform the company into the animation powerhouse it once was. Disney is taking the right steps by placing Pixar people in key positions, however, something tells me that Disney and Pixar have very different corporate cultures.Only time will tell.

  • Bill Gates runs like a girl

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    G4TV may be a shell of what TechTV was, but Attack of the Show still has the power to make me laugh out loud (that's LOL for you Internet addicts out there).They recently produced this little skit (Warning: it plays automatically) that spoofs a Stevenote and knocks both Bill Gates and Google. How can you not like it?The Steve Jobs' impression could use some fine tuning but it is still darn funny.Thanks, Jeffbot.

  • Thank you Steve site adds "Daily Stevequote"

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Apple is celebrating it's 30th anniversary this year, and Thank You Steve is a site that has been set up to commemorate the occasion. Their official launch is scheduled for this Friday, January 27th, but in the meantime you can check out the daily "Stevequote." Some of the selected gems include "...You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new." Ah, Steve, you're so smart. We're also glad to see that they're including Woz in their list of quotes.Good luck to Thank You Steve! We look forward to Friday.

  • Iconic mosaic - literally - of Steve Jobs

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Rising up the ranks of my "those with too much time" list, a creative Flickr user by the name of "tsevis" has created an iconic mosaic of Steve Jobs using all sorts of different icons, ranging from product boxes to your favorite pics from the IconFactory. He does a pretty good job of capturing his Steveness in my opinion, and the rest of his Flickr set is equally creative.Kudos, tsevis. Now where's some mosaic love for Ive?[via digg]

  • PodBrix to offer Wozwear T-shirts

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    The folks at PodBrix have done it again. PodBrix occasionally releases limited-run, Apple-themed Lego minifigs. Previous releases have included Woz, Steve delivering a keynote and "Mr. Brix," which is a small figure that attaches to your headphone cord. On January 17th at 9:00 PM EST, they will release the Wozwear 6502 T-shirt. According to PodBrix,"...the Wozwear 6502 and is a custom made shirt featuring an image of our previous Woz minifig holding a 6502 processor chip. The interesting aspect is that we use an actual 6502 processor chip and attach it to the shirt with a magnetic clasp." Here's the best part: It's a working chip, and if removed from the shirt and popped into an old Apple machine, it would work (you may remember that this is the chip used in the Apple II's). These things usually sell out in a matter of minutes (they sold out of 270 Woz minifigs in less than two minutes in August), so have your credit card and mouse ready. Podbrix will make 300 Wozwear 6502 shirts available for $34.99US each starting at 9:00PM EST tomorrow night. Good luck.[Via Cult of Mac Blog]

  • Newsweek interviews Jobs

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Steve Jobs sat down with Steven Levy of Newsweek after the keynote and talked about several things whilst sipping on tea. Some items of note: Jobs says the MacBook Pro's battery performance will be like the Powerbook's He'll be starting a blog in a few days (methinks he was joking, but Steve if you want to blog for us let us know) The form factors of the iMac and Power/MacBook are 'perfect'

  • Steve Jobs movie poster contest inspires Photoshop artists

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    Steve Rubel tipped me off to this Photoshop contest/iPod giveaway that was held over at Mike Davidson's blog. The contest appears to be over now but the images that Mike's readers spawned are destined to live on. The theme of the "Mike Industries iPod Creativity Competition of 2005" was to design a movie poster featuring Steve Jobs... "Just feature the man we all know and love in a cinematic role, keep your image exactly 418 pixels wide, and insert your entry inline in the comments of this post." At first glance, it looks like there were more than 200 entries! Some of my favorite entries include Kill Bill, The iLife Aquatic and JAWBS. Check out the associated pictures after the jump...

  • Gmail quote of the day features Steve Jobs

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    I logged into my Gmail account this morning to be greeted by the quote above from Steve Jobs. How appropriate given this week's events.

  • Is Steve's "one more thing" yet to come?

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Leander at the Cult of Mac blog has been feeling like Steve's keynote from this past Tuesday just didn't have the polish or energy that Macworld keynotes typically do. He was discussing this with a friend recently who, he says, is very much "in" at Apple, when his friend had something quite interesting to say. Namely, that "key products" had to be omitted from the keynote due to "supply issues." Now, this is rumor, of course, so do with it what you will. Leander writes:"'They can't get enough Core Duo (chips),' said my source. He also said that if he were me, he probably wouldn't order one of the new MacBook Pros. I asked if there would be MacBook replacements for the 17-inch and 12-inch PowerBooks, but he said, 'Oh, it's much cooler than that. Much cooler.'" Here we go again. So, what didn't we get to see and when wiill it be released? Let the baseless conjectures begin!

  • Apple stock leaps 6% following keynote

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    With Steve's voice still echoing from the stage at the Moscone center, Apple's stock climbed 6% to $81.89 by the early part of this afternoon. It would appear that Mac fans weren't the only ones impressed buy the new hardware and successful holiday shopping season. I'd say things are going well in Cupertino.[Via Macenstein]