

  • Nokia 700 'Zeta' caught in spyshots, ready to give mobile makeovers

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    While we're busy recovering from a recent overdose of Nokia eye candy, secret agents are hard at work hunting down more visual goodness for us to ogle at. These shots above are of the Nokia 700 "Zeta," which appears to be a replacement to the C6-01. The photos show it running on Symbian Belle -- Anna's successor -- and packed with a 5 megapixel camera, LED flash, and NFC support. The source indicates the Zeta will house a 1 GHz CPU and 3.2-inch nHD AMOLED display, weighs a smidge over 80g, and measures out at 10mm thick. Oddly enough, we dug up a leaked snapshot of the Zeta's spec sheet claiming it'll be the "thinnest smartphone ever," which at 10mm isn't anywhere close to earning that title. Though no other phones were pictured, the spec sheet (shown below) brought attention to three other Symbian offerings on the roadmap: the Nokia 701 Helen has the best specs of the bunch with 8 megapixel camera and 3.5-inch ClearBlack display; there's the Nokia 600 Cindy with NFC, 5 megapixel shooter, and 3.2-inch AMOLED; also, we've likely seen the Nokia 500 Fate already leaked as the N5. There's no indication on when (or if) we can expect any of these phones to hit the market, but it looks like Mr. Elop is intent on keeping his promise. More photos after the break. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Nokia N5 leaks, continues the Symbian Anna love?

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    It's a hard and fast rule that all new gadget leaks pass through a Mr. Blurrycam filter, and these shots of a wild Nokia N5 sure uphold that legacy. Making good on Elop's earlier promise of Symbian support, these spyshots reveal what looks like the revamped Anna OS we've seen shipping on the E6 and X7. Other notable glimpses of the obvious reveal a candybar form factor and touchscreen interface of as yet determined size -- though we're betting against the four-inch sweet spot, and looking at something more in line with the 5800 / X6 school of design. Considering Nokia's more profitable recent decision, we're keen to view this as make-goods for the platform's 2016 separation anxiety. Symbian faithful should be sure to check the source for extended shots of Nokia's prodigal OS. [Thanks, Vivek]

  • Nokia and Accenture seal Symbian handover deal

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    The Is have been dotted, the Ts have been crossed with a flourish, and pretty soon Nokia will have very little indeed to do with its formerly beloved Symbian OS. Oh sure, the company promises to keep it going with such standout devices as the Oro, but responsibility for developing and supporting Symbian is being wholly handed over to Accenture, along with 2,800 employees. When announced back in April, the deal called for 3,000 Nokia worker bees to make the jump over, so we suspect a few more (hopefully voluntary) redundancies are making up the difference with the new number. Now that everything's been finalized, you can expect the switchover to take place in "the early part of October." Accenture promises to care for its ailing patient through 2016, after which point even the most die-hard of fans will have to make the switch to a mobile OS from the 21st century. Full PR after the break.

  • Symbian Anna shipping on N8, E7, C7 and C6-01 in July, download set for August

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    We've already seen Symbian Anna begin shipping on the Nokia X7 and E6, but this little lady is about to become much more popular. Nokia has announced it will begin distributing its latest OS on the N8, E7, C7, and C6-01 -- all beginning next month. Unfortunately, if you're among the millions who already own one of these handsets, you'll have to wait until August for an OTA or PC-assisted update. Not like there's any rush, seeing that Symbian will be kicking until 2016 and all.

  • Nokia E6 hits Amazon unlocked, loaded, and available for pre-order

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    It isn't easy being a US-based Nokia fan in 2011. The Finnish handset manufacturer just doesn't get a lot of love from stateside carriers. Thankfully, however, the company's phones do pop up unlocked through sites like Amazon, which, as it so happens, has opened up pre-orders for the Symbian Anna-rocking E6. You can get your thumbs on the smartphone's QWERTY keyboard for $446, when it start shipping in one to two months, chock full of Ovi-branded goodness. [Thanks, Matthew]

  • Nokia brings Symbian^3 to China Mobile, officially announces T7-00 and 702T

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Though its visits have been few and far between, Nokia has had a presence on China Mobile for many years. The carrier's never been blessed, however, with any TD-SCDMA devices powered by Symbian^3 -- until now. Two new flagship models, known as the T7-00 and 702T, were announced by both companies and slated for Q3 release. If both phones seem oddly familiar, there's a very good reason why: the T7-00, as we originally speculated, is a variant of the Nokia N8 with a lower-quality 8 megapixel EDoF sensor; the 702T is the TD-SCDMA version of the E6, though the keyboard has been altered slightly to include larger Function and Ctrl buttons, allowing for easier switching between Chinese and English input. Both phones will be pre-loaded with the Anna update, and could be a big factor in helping Nokia hit its goal of selling 150 million Symbian devices before the OS goes the way of the Dodo. Check out another image after the break.

  • Radioshack sucks at OS recognition: close, but no Android

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    "Make it an Android?" Are you trying to tell Elop he chose the wrong OS, Radioshack? [Thanks, Travis]

  • Nokia Play To adds DLNA streaming to waning Symbian (video)

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Still rockin' a Symbian phone from Nokia? Don't let Android and WP7 owners hog all the media streaming fun. Nokia Play To brings DLNA's push features to Symbian^3, albeit in beta form. Hit up the source link, install the app, and you'll imbue your handset with the surprisingly rare ability to beam videos, photos, and music to any DLNA-capable receiving device jacked into your TV -- heck, it could be your TV. Check out the video after the break if you want to see it in action before you click download.

  • Nokia N8 Pink gets creepy dismembered doll treatment, even more pink (video)

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    Earlier this month, we were rather unimpressed with Nokia's rebranding of the N8 Symbian smartphone, and it seems someone took note. Because the promo video for the N8 Pink is anything but unimaginative. In fact, it's downright frightening. The video features a series of contorted Barbies dolls, prancing about in Lady Gaga-esque undergarments, with accompaniment by British girl group Sugababes. This is one marketing campaign we won't soon forget. For a glimpse at the disturbingly enthralling cotton-candy romp, check out the video after the break. [Thanks, Dillan]

  • Nokia's online stores go offline in France and Spain (update: Netherlands too)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Nokia's "around breakeven" outlook announced earlier today is discouraging at best, and now it looks like the company has begun shuttering online stores in response to growing competition from resellers, which offer lower prices on the same hardware. So far, online stores in France and Spain have been replaced with a closure notice, so customers in those countries will need to turn to third-party vendors to get their smartphone fix. European online stores in Germany, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, and the UK remain open for business, but low online sales figures (and the inevitable death of Symbian) mean we may see more countries falling offline in the near future. "Prices are too subsidized by the carriers and sales were low, so they will keep providing support," a representative from Nokia Spain told us today, so as expected, the shutdown only affects sales operations -- of course, you'll still be able to turn to your local Nokia site for support. Update: The Netherlands store is closed too [Thanks, Reppu]

  • Nokia lowers devices and services outlook for Q2, increasingly confident about first Windows Phone in Q4

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    You know what happens when you tell the world that you're abandoning Symbian for Windows Phone? Right, Symbian sales dry up. No matter how many times you boast about plans to sell an additional 150 million new Symbian devices, and no matter how long you commit to supporting Symbian devices, the OS is essentially dead to developers and consumers alike. So, we're not surprised to hear that Nokia just lowered its devices and services outlook for Q2 of 2011. The updated guidance calls for devices and services net sales to be substantially below the EUR 6.1 billion to EUR 6.6 billion expected in Q2 due to lower than expected average selling prices on lower volumes. It also sees margins drifting below the expected range of 6 percent to 9 percent due to lower than expected net sales -- Nokia expects its non-IFRS operating margin to be "around breakeven." As a result, Nokia is also pulling back its annual targets for 2011 and will provide further updates as its situation becomes more clear. On the positive side, Nokia does say that it has "increased confidence" that it will ship its first Windows Phone product in Q4 2011. Let's hope so. Update: Stephen Elop highlighted the influx of new Android devices in China and Europe as a primary factor for Nokia's revised outlook. During a conference can today, the Nokia CEO said, "It is the case that certain competitive forces, in particular Android, are really gaining momentum in certain regions."

  • Nokia X7 and E6 Symbian Anna phones start shipping into obsolescence

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    While we eagerly await Nokia's first Mango device, millions of others (we're told) have been patiently anticipating shipments of the first Symbian Anna smartphones. Well, today's the day, good sir. Nokia just loosed its 4-inch X7 media slab and E6 portrait QWERTY with 326ppi display into the shipping lanes. Look for the E6 worldwide while the X7 will skip the US carriers (as expected) targeting the friendlier Symbian climates of Europe, Eurasia, China, India and other countries around AsiaPac. Huzzah?

  • Nokia Oro passes FCC, cleared for a gaudy stateside landing

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    The odds that you'll have a North American spotting of Nokia's audacious 18-karat gold Oro just became more likely. That's because the handset recently appeared before the FCC and was certified for frequencies utilized by AT&T, Bell, Telus, Rogers, T-Mobile, Wind and Mobilicity. That's not to suggest any of the carriers are taking a bet with this one, but it leaves a good opportunity for someone to flaunt their excess while using their network of choice. The stark photography certainly doesn't embellish the bling that we'd seen in earlier press shots, but don't kid yourself -- anything lavished with gold is likely to scream "Mug me" on busy street corners. Lest we reiterate, the phone is nothing more than a gilded C7 and it's selling for under a Benjamin on contract as the Nokia Astound. If you're genuinely wanting to attract attention in the US, running Symbian is thoroughly sufficient.

  • Nokia: iDoalotmore talking about Symbian than a zombie OS deserves

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    When you've got an OS in the final throes of life, your choices for stimulating interest are a little limited. Having exhausted the usual avenues of introducing pink and gold-plated versions of its older phones, Nokia is now resorting to the mobile industry's standby marketing crutch: poking fun at Apple. Its latest ad campaign in India features the tagline iDoalotmore, which takes a rather overt shot at Apple's iPhone and general tendency to preface its wares with an "i." Sadly, there are no spec-for-spec smackdowns over on the accompanying promo site, but you can learn all about Symbian's excellent features and radically new rounded icons. Or are they iCons now?

  • Elop: Symbian will continue getting updates until 2016, at least

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    How much does it take to convince Symbian users their OS is doomed? Just the one slide you see above. Now it seems Nokia CEO Stephen Elop is attempting damage control. In an interview with Nokia Conversations, Elop attempted to placate his shareholders and customers by stating that the OS's last update will take place somewhere around 2016 at the earliest. He isn't switching the focus away from Windows Phone as his company's bright new future, but he does want to assuage folks who sunk money into Symbian that their investment isn't just going down the drain. Stating there is "a long history still to be paved for Symbian in the future," Elop didn't volunteer any additional details on update strategy or how much longer new Symbian phones will be sold. We're a bit surprised at the length of this extension of relevancy; we can't help but feel as though it's all because Nokia's breakup with Symbian was too emotional and they're both trying to stay friends. Or perhaps four years is just how long the company thinks it will take to sell all of the remaining 150 million units it originally planned to push. Either way, check out the full video after the break and let us know what you think below. [Thanks, Chris]

  • Nokia E6 available to pre-order in UK, still on track for June release

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    The pre-ordering frenzy already began for the Nokia E6 in other parts of Europe, but the baton finally landed in the hands of UK Symbian enthusiasts. The sleek and sexy portrait QWERTY is up for grabs SIM-free on the official site for £349. We imagine this may not be enough to entice the average Joe, but then again, any folks interested in doing a pre-order have likely been eyeing this device for quite some time now. We can understand the intrigue, as this is an ideal upgrade for E71 or E72 owners: it's the same overall design, but adds Symbian Anna and a 2.46-inch capacitive touchscreen that employs the same pixel density (326ppi) as the iPhone 4's Retina Display. If pre-orders aren't your style, we're expecting it to land in stores sometime near the end of June. But if you just have to be the first kiddo on the block to own an E6, move onward to the source link to start the pre-order.

  • Nokia Oro is covered with 18ct gold on the outside, tinged with Symbian regret inside


    Nokia has just unveiled a strange new beast of a smartphone. Internally, it's your good old C7 -- 3.5-inch AMOLED screen, 720p video recording, 8 megapixel camera, a pentaband radio, and Symbian as your zombie OS -- but externally it's taken on a lick of gold paint and a rear cover made of real leather. The price for a phone built quite so luxuriously is said to be upwards of €800 ($1,126) before taxes and subsidies and launch is expected in Q3 in select countries across Europe and Asia. Russia in particular is called out as a successful market for such "premium" phones, with Nokia's Gabriel Speratti, General Manager for its operations in the country, explaining that: "We have a large number of users who are looking for products with a build quality and superior materials that attest to their success and social standing. In some areas, possession of such premium products is the passport to being taken seriously." We have to agree, owning a phone like this will certainly have an effect on your social life, we're just not so sure it'll be a positive one.

  • Ovi Store follows the pack with integrated app updates, charms us with refined algorithms

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Sure, the Ovi Store may be getting a name change, but this week Symbian^3 users will get an upgrade to the familiar storefront complete with application updates and more relevant suggestions. After signing in, the client queries Nokia's servers and then notifies users of relevant new versions with a green flag inside the account button. It's certainly not revolutionary, but it's nice to get a feature that's otherwise taken for granted. Additionally, the S^3 crowd will be treated to Top Free and Best Sellers lists that are specific to their device and locale. For example, if E72 owners are especially fond of reeling in Fishing: Off the Hook, these downloads won't affect the results for N8 handsets. The same logic is applied to application suggestions, where Ovi Store provides recommendations based on the habits of similarly situated users. In other words, it looks like we'll soon learn who loves Angry Birds most of all. Any takers?

  • European Commission regains sanity, cancels €22 million SYMBEOSE project

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Last November, to the surprise and dismay of many, the European Commission decided it needed to stimulate some homegrown innovation in the mobile space and pulled together €22 million in a public/private investment designed to help Symbian get ahead. It was intended to turn Nokia's former lover into the Embedded Operating System for Europe (hence the name SYMBEOSE), but alas the breakup between Symbian and the Finnish mobile maker was too much to overcome. The EC has decided, quite rightly, that there's no sense in continuing its symbtopia project, and now a member of Neelie Kroes' team has confirmed the entire venture has been cancelled. European taxpayers (two of whom you see on the right) will also be glad to know that no money has exchanged hands, so the bullet has been well and truly dodged. Guess that's why they're looking so happy. [Thanks, Danijel] Update: Nokia has confirmed the foregoing in a statement, which you can find after the break.

  • NTT DoCoMo announces 24 new mobile wonders (yes, really) to flood its network

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    So, Japan... want a new mobile device? How about 24? This grandiose announcement comes straight from NTT DoCoMo, which commonly lays its cards on the table for the delight of consumers. Among the selection you'll find eight new Gingerbread phones, six incredibly high-res shooters (ranging between 12.2 and 16.3 megapixels), eight waterproof handsets, and one embedded with Swarovski crystals. We're particularly thrilled to see the mighty Galaxy S II, 3D-capturing Aquos SH-12C, 700-nit Optimus Bright (contrastingly-named but nearly identical to the Optimus Black), ultra-slim MEDIAS WP N-06C, and mobile payment-enabled Xperia Acro. Oh, and don't forget about the LOOX F-07C -- a multi-talented handset that's running Symbian and Windows 7 Home Premium -- while two LTE-enabled WiFi routers are sneaking into DoCoMo's party, too. That's a lot to absorb, so check out the source for individual release timeframes, which begin now and continue through August -- or just check out the PR after the break.