

  • Video: Alienware invades TGS: will 'shake the gaming world to its foundation'

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Alienware's been running a series of teasers hyping an invasion. Get it, invasion... aka, new product launch? The Round Rock mothership reveals that the big unveil will occur at the Tokyo Game Show, presumably Thursday when the event officially begins. A launch so big that it will "shake the gaming world to its foundation," according to its Facebook page. Well, in that case anything less than a mutated lizard, gigantified by a diet of radiation and city buses will be a disappointment. It is Tokyo after all. Latest video tease after the break.

  • Video: BudsGoBlue teaser hints at iPhone 3GS-controlling BT headphones

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Itching to command your iPhone 3GS via voice control, yet aren't willing to wrap one more cable around your precious dome? Your wildest dreams could possibly come true next month, when BudsGoBlue launches an iPhone-friendly set of Bluetooth earbuds that should act as headphones and a BT headset. We're hearing that the loops on each earpiece are "completely flexible," and judging by the teaser video hosted up just after the break, they look fairly seductive, too. Hop on down and have a peek for yourself, won't you?[Via mobilitysite, thanks Toni]

  • Scribblenauts Facebook page teases 'special announcement'

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The Facebook page for 5TH Cell's Scribblenauts is teasing ... something. "Get your rooster hats ready!" a message posted on the game's "Wall" reads. "We have a very special announcement coming very soon..." We have no idea what's being announced, or even when, but it seems really early for a sequel announcement. Maybe another platform? Or maybe something outside the game, like a contest. In any case, if you like Scribblenauts, 5TH Cell is going to tell us all something that will probably be delightful. Speaking of delightful, the pictured object is "Game of the Year" as rendered by the game. That's just adorable. [Thanks, Josh!]

  • Voodoo's Rahul Sood emerges from hiding, gives us all the low-down

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    For years now, Voodoo PC's fearless leader (that'd be Rahul Sood) barely went a month without teasing this or that, or better yet, introducing the new hotness. In terms of cutting-edge design, these guys were at the front of the class. And then came the HP tie-in, along with the worry that the Voodoo name (and "DNA") would eventually be swallowed whole. After dishing out a smattering of VoodooDNA machines under the HP label, Rahul and his company went radio silent. In fact, we haven't heard a peep from Mr. Sood for nine whole months, and we really began to wonder what was going on when HP issued the new Envy 13 and Envy 15 with nary an official hint of Voodoo's fingerprints.Now, at long last, Rahul has emerged from hiding, and he's got a story to tell. In short, Voodoo is still alive and well, but it's certainly not the same company that shocked the world with its ENVY m:790 laptop in late 2004. In fact, Rahul's been working on some pretty unorthodox projects, ranging from healthcare (okay?) to futuristic stuff for HP's Innovation Program Office. In a lengthy letter to the world, he explains that the initial push to get Voodoo completely underneath HP's wings was done in order to give Voodoo access to global partners, and in turn, to ship its products to every corner of the world. When speaking about the Envy 13 / 15, he proclaims that HP's own laptop team simply lifted ideas from Voodoo prototypes and designed them internally; the truth is that Voodoo didn't design either machine, it only influenced them. The removal of the "VoodooDNA" tagline -- according to Rahul -- has to do with "the overall design language, the target market, and the fact that [Voodoo] wasn't directly involved in the design." In the end, Sood admits that there's still a chance you'll see another Voodoo-branded machine in your lifetime, but he also confesses that it has transitioned from a desktop and laptop company to "something beyond." He also makes clear that he hasn't forgotten about his promise to change the future of desktop gaming, and that new products from HP will continue to boast Voodoo's fingerprints. Typical Rahul -- it just wouldn't be a formal conclusion without a tease or two, now would it?

  • Dell teases new ultrathin Adamo XPS

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We've seen some thin laptops in our day, but 9.99mm is pretty dang thin (thinner than an iPhone, in fact). There's no other info on this new Adamo, and Dell is calling it the "9.99mm Design Concept," which doesn't really help us know how far along it is. Let's just hope Dell didn't have to succumb to Atom to get the size down this far.

  • Explore the Void with Aksys and Gaijin Games

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Gaijin Games is up to its old tricks again, offering inscrutable teasers for an upcoming game, though the new "Explore the Void" site is much more quietly lovely than the Commander Video mysteries we're used to. Over the last week or so, the developer has posted images to the site that have now been revealed as extreme closeups of satellite dishes in silhouette. What does it mean for the next game? Bit. Trip: Dish? Bit. Trip: Transmit?Bit. Trip: Zoomed In Images of Everyday Objects? At least we have pretty pictures to look at while we contemplate this puzzle.

  • The Ballad of Gay Tony gets its first trailer this Tuesday

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Notorious for not saying much about the GTA series until the very last minute, Rockstar Games stuck to form today in announcing the first trailer for upcoming GTA IV expansion The Ballad of Gay Tony. According to the company's website, a trailer for Episodes from Liberty City will be released this Tuesday, "featuring The Ballad of Gay Tony." The only images we've seen so far from the DLC haven't been much more than loading screen art, and now the shot above of what looks to be Luis jumping out of a plane. Wait, jumping out of a plane? There were no planes in GTA IV! What is this madness?!

  • Crytek teases Crysis 2's new Nanosuit

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Crytek has released a pair of teaser trailers for Crysis 2's Nanosuit 2, the new and improved version of the first game's human enhancer, via a viral site for Crynet Systems, the manufacturers of the fictitious suit. Taking the viral approach even further, there's also a 16-page PDF brochure advertising the suit you could never afford. Did you know that the tech actually introduces parasitic lifeforms into the wearer's brain to aid in real-time combat analysis? Has Crynet Systems learned nothing from Kirk's epic battle against Khan?There's also an alternate version of the above video that features a more, uh, blue look at the new threads. Head past the break to check that one out.[Via Big Download]

  • Sound Blaster site may hint at expansion details

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Creative Labs posted a teaser flash video on their Sound Blaster site today; though to what they're announcing or counting down is currently unknown, we can definitely see that it's WoW-related, given the Horde crest in the center of the screen, and the Lament of the Highborne playing in the background.Now, normally this wouldn't be very interesting, but when brightness and contrast are adjusted on the image's background, two distinct maps appear. The first is what is clearly Azshara on the left side of the image, and the second is the peninsula of Gilneas on the right side.So why is this interesting? Well, those are the starting zones that the leaked Cataclysm information states are for the new races coming with the expansion. It seems that the zones are in the spotlight a bit too much for it to be a coincidence. It very well could be an announcement meant to be timed with BlizzCon, or it could just be that the maps typically surround the Maelstrom and thus their positioning makes sense with the swirling Maelstrom graphic in the center. We'll see what Creative has to say when the teaser ticks down some more!

  • Creative posts World of Warcraft teaser

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Computer audio manufacturer Creative Labs sent us a note that their Soundblaster page has a brand new teaser on it, which appears to be hinting at... something. Something World of Warcraft-related, apparently: the Lament of the Highborne song plays in the background while an image of the Maelstrom and some circular hardware gives way to a glowing Horde symbol and the message "to be continued..."What is it? Given that Creative makes audio equipment, it's probably something audio-related, and given that BlizzCon is later this week, it's probably something released in partnership with Blizzard. But other than that, the guessing is up to you. A new WoW-branded sound card? Something music-related? It's anyone's guess. Stay tuned to WoW.com to find out more soon.

  • Mythos teaser and closed beta registration page emerges

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Things are stirring behind the scenes in the world of Mythos, the little MMO that could. A newly launched site offers a very small teaser, but also, a closed beta registration form which is of far more interest. While Mythos was much-loved in its previous form, we don't doubt the followers of the Diablo-esque dungeon-crawler are keen to see if the magic is still there in HanbitSoft's re-envisioning.If you're not up on the history of this title, now (at its new beginning) seems a good time for us to sum things up. It started out as a way for Flagship Studios to test their networking technology for the then-upcoming Hellgate: London, but soon grew into a popular game in its own right through a widespread closed beta test. It was all set to transition from experiment to fully-fledged title and move into open beta when the well-documented trouble at Flagship derailed the whole thing. However, Flagship's Korean publisher HanbitSoft acquired the game's license and decided to make use of it. They reassured eager fans only a few months ago that Mythos would be re-born better than ever. Only time will tell if that's true, but with this new closed beta registration, it shouldn't be too long before a select group finds out for themselves. In the meantime, all of the old Mythos devs will be working away on Torchlight at Runic Games. Torchlight undoubtedly stands to be significant competition for Mythos in the future, but it won't be ready (in its MMO form at least) any time soon.

  • Razer preys on unsuspecting StarCraft fanboys, teases new mouse, keyboard and headset

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We wouldn't go so far as to say that Razer is taking a note from the teasers over at Voodoo, but the gaming accessory outfit is definitely hoping to play on the emotions of anxious StarCraft fanatics. With the long (long!) awaited sequel finally nearing release, Razer has decided to link up with Blizzard in order to develop a new mouse, keyboard and headset designed specifically to cater to future StarCraft II gamers. For now, all we have to go on is the image above and whatever our imagination deems fit for believing, but we suspect all will be revealed when Blizzcon kicks off later this month. You can hardly wait, huh?[Via HotHardware]

  • Samsung's 'Tap and Take' teaser hints at revolutionary, unicorn-approved Smart Cameras

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Samsung sure has been milking this whole "teaser" thing for all it's worth of late, with the newest mystery coming to us in the form of its fresh 'Tap and Take' campaign. From now until August 12th, users can give the read link a visit in order to ingest clues about the outfit's upcoming line of Smart Cameras. These wildly intelligent shooters will purportedly "transform the way consumers take pictures," and they just might provide each and every American with free health care, solve world hunger and put the mighty Hubble to shame. The whole thing will be revealed in full on August 13th, but for now, why not drop a comment below as to what you think will be so revolutionary about the forthcoming point-and-shoot range?[Via Korea Newswire]

  • Cowon teases keychain-esque iAudio E2 DAP

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Typically, it's iriver who does the teasing, but you won't catch us griping about Cowon pulling a similar trick with its elusive new iAudio E2. The image above is all we have to go on for the moment, which shows a digital audio player that's capable of doubling as both a USB storage device (maybe) and a keyring (definitely). Make of those funky icons what you will, but as we learned with Lost, you're probably just wasting your time reading betwixt the lines.[Via DAP Review]

  • DC Universe teases their Comic-Con exclusive poster

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Who does this lovely face belong to? That's for you to decide as DC Universe Online teases their exclusive San Diego Comic-Con poster on their Myspace blog.The full poster, which will be given out to anyone who visits the DCUO booth at Comic-Con, hasn't been revealed just yet. However, according to bad puns placed on official blogs, we will be "clawing" to get our hands on one. Catwoman? Huntress? (We're voting for Catwoman, personally.) Either way, it looks like another iconic hero will be revealed and confirmed as appearing in the final game. Now all we have to do is barge our way into Comic-Con, use our ingenious grapple guns to swing over across the convention floor, and then steal all of the posters so no one will ever know who the new hero is. Then that will lead into our plans for world domination... oh, wait, we probably shouldn't have blogged that out loud.Um, er... Who do you guys think it is?

  • Capcom's mystery game is Sengoku Basara 3

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Capcom's latest teaser site, which was last showing the number 1600, was generally believed (and hoped) to be leading up to the announcement of a new Onimusha game. However, the game being teased is actually a new entry in Capcom's other action series starring fictionalized versions of real feudal Japanese warlords: Sengoku Basara, (barely) better known here as Devil Kings -- a series which features Onimusha's bad guy Oda Nobunaga as the protagonist and title character.No platforms or really any other information were revealed about Sengoku Basara 3, other than the logo, two character silhouettes, and a 2010 date. Previous Sengoku Basara games have been released on PS2, PSP, and Wii (along with an arcade-based 2D fighting spinoff).The series isn't that well-known in North America, but in Japan, its popularity (and the sudden popularity of actual Japanese history) is boosted by the tie-in anime series.

  • Capcom creates countdown-free teaser site

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Hate countdowns? Love mysterious teaser sites that barely hint at an upcoming game? Good, because Capcom cooked this one ready for your perusal. The number 1560 simply fades in and out, moving from left to right. While some are postulating it's another Onimusha game (the first game took place in the year 1560, and is based on the Battle of Okehazama), we'll use the power of Wikipedia to show us some of the more interesting things that happened in 1560: "Denmark buys the Estonian island of Saaremaa from its last prince bishop." "The first tulip bulb is brought from Turkey to the Netherlands." "Jean Nicot introduces tobacco in the form of snuff to the French court." Hmm. Okay, we'd rather have an Onimusha game, Capcom.

  • Ubisoft leaks 10 second clips from Assassin's Creed 2, Splinter Cell Conviction [update: they're pulled]

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Ubisoft seems to have developed two new areas of expertise over the past few months -- accidentally leaking videos to the gaming press, and developing 10 to 15 second teasers for their highly anticipated titles. Today, we get an excellent example of both of these new habits in action -- the massive French publisher recently leaked two 10 second clips from Assassin's Creed II and Splinter Cell Conviction onto their FTP site. Watchful fans grabbed the vids and threw them on YouTube. We've got 'em posted after the jump.Our observations are as brief as the clips themselves. First, Assassin's Creed II protagonist Ezio is made entirely out of springs, as evidenced by his survival following a spectacular dive. Second, Sam Fisher no longer looks like an emo hobo. Maybe -- just maybe -- he's an emo hobo in disguise, walking amongst the world's non-transients, hiding his penchant for My Chemical Romance and malt liquor behind his clean shaven face. We're on to you, Fisher.Update: It appears as though a "copyright claim by Ubisoft" has rendered the videos after the break moot. Sorry, folks, looks like we'll all be waiting 'til E3 this week for more on these titles.

  • Splinter Cell: Conviction site gets updated

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We're not sure if it was brilliant or just really, really annoying, but Ubisoft has finally doled out a trailer for Splinter Cell: Conviction piecemeal on a teaser site for the game. There's now a new (final?) portion and it's just as vague as the previous iterations.So, Sam's been wronged, and now he's going to wreck shop on the parties responsible. If you need a slightly lengthier version of that same short story, click away.

  • Alienware's Allpowerful laptop teases with riddles

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Five days before launch and out pops another teaser for the Alienware Allpowerful gaming laptop. The image above again comes courtesy of the cats and kittens over at the NotebookReview forums. Noted symbolist, Larven, went so far as to translate the gibberish on the picture setting the forum into a tizzy of code cracking. It reads line-by-line as follows: The sum of the first four primes (Answer: 17 hinting at a 17-inch display or Core i7 maybe?) Denotes a state of two parts (Core 2 Extreme or dual-GPUs perhaps?) Known as the gentleman's muscle car of 1967 (Plymouth GTX pointing to NVIDIA graphics?) When pure, it will carry a yield strength of 7-11 mpa (Aluminum chassis?)Is always empty in zero sum games (Core?) Of course, with a name like Allpowerful, we're expecting something big here. We've seen Core i7 laptops before, but dual GTX 260M / 280M GPUs might be a little much? We'll turn the sleuth-work over to you now dear readers. Best guess gets a HTTP cookie.[Thanks, MAG]