

  • The Daily Grind: Should trailers use only in-game footage?

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    The purpose of a game trailer is undoubtedly to showcase the game and generate some excitement for it. Many companies opt to release trailers using in-game footage, making a big selling point of their game's graphics. This strategy has been used to successfully promote games from World of Warcraft to TERA. With a trailer containing actual game footage, players can get a good impression of what the game will look like before giving it a try. On the other end of the spectrum, some companies choose to create vivid cinematics to showcase the game's story and get fans excited. These tend to show some key point in the game's lore, which fans of that IP are likely to respond well to. We've seen some pretty epic cinematics for World of Warcraft's Cataclysm expansion, DC Universe Online's in-depth story, Lego Universe's unique gameplay ideas and Star Wars: The Old Republic's epic backstory. With the latest few EVE Online trailers, there has been a strange merging of those two ideas. EVE's trailers were once filmed using only in-game footage, but over the past several expansions, CCP has begun moving into a more cinematic style. The trailers still depict the in-game environment but are rendered in an external scene-composition suite using higher resolution versions of all the models and textures in-game. The latest trailer for EVE's upcoming Incursion expansion certainly looks good and tells the story of what's to come, but is it missing something fundamental by using out-of-game graphics? Where do you stand on this issue? Should game trailers use only in-game footage or do you find well-done cinematics more enticing? And is there a middle ground where the two can meet? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • G-Star 2010: From the show floor

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    With the booming popularity of Korean games in western culture, the G-Star convention in Busan, South Korea is quickly turning into an international event. We had an opportunity to attend the four-day convention to see the latest and greatest from Korean online gaming. Follow along after the jump as I describe my experiences on the first day of the convention, as well as take a look at what else you can expect as we go into days two, three and four.

  • G-Star 2010: TERA G-Star reveals outlined

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Curious about the TERA-centric G-Star revelations the week has in store? We are too, and even though we've got Editor-in-Chief Shawn Schuster as our man in Korea, we're still combing the intarwebs for the very latest about the fantasy title from Bluehole Studio and En Masse Entertainment. En Masse has provided a helpful scorecard for the G-Star event in the form of a forum post that outlines what fans can expect to learn over the course of the convention. Bluehole representatives will be revealing information about the game's skill system, equipment system, PvP mechanics, guild systems, and the mysterious political system. Check out all the details at the official TERA website, and also have a look at the various translations available via TERAfans.

  • G-Star 2010: Bluehole shows off new TERA trailer

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Lock up your kids, kids, as it's time for a new TERA trailer! Actually, you can let them out for this one, as it's less likely to offend the skimpy armor police than most of TERA's previously released footage. That's right, nearly everyone is fully clothed for the duration of the clip's two minutes and 37 seconds, though if you look hard enough there are a couple of cleavage shots, so don't say we didn't warn you. In other news, the trailer itself looks to be a mixture of gameplay and CGI, and it shows one heart-pounding action scene after another, along with some idyllic shots of gorgeous scenery, players and NPCs milling about, and even a touchscreen device (nope, we're not kidding). Check out the goods after the break, and stay tuned to Massively all week for the latest TERA and G-Star 2010 coverage.

  • G-Star 2010: Bluehole devs talk TERA payment model, launch date

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're a TERA fan, chances are you're anxiously awaiting the smorgasbord of news sure to come out of this week's G-Star convention in Korea. Bluehole Studio has a large presence there of course, and thanks to the TERAfans website, we have an interesting translation of an interview with Bluehole CEO Kang-Suk Kim and developer Hyung-Kyu Park. The duo discusses everything from TERA's pending stress test (happening soon after G-Star) and upcoming open beta, to the decision to steer clear of the free-to-play payment model. "We can't say that TERA was made specifically for a subscription-based model, but we thought a lot about what the game was worth to players. We came to the conclusion that a monthly subscription would allow players to enjoy the game most easily. We are not interested in cash shops or partially making the game a pay model like some MMORPGs out there," Kim said. The interview also sheds a tiny bit of light on the game's political system, a feature that has been hinted at over the past several months but has, so far, lacked any definitive explanation. "The political system will be added in the [open beta test]. The political system is actually end game content so it won't really be active until the game's launch," Park said. Check out the full interview at TERAfans, and also bear in mind that this is a fan-made translation.

  • Massively's exclusive TERA lore: Brothers

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Massively is proud to bring you another TERA exclusive this week, in the form of a new lore snippet penned by En Masse Entertainment scribe Bridget McKenna. The piece fleshes out more of TERA's extensive backstory by offering a glimpse into the lives of two Amani soldiers preparing for the endless war against the argon. Turn the page for another intriguing master and apprentice yarn, this time focusing on the stoic Nariiz and his tough-as-nails lance instructor Furad. Don't forget to gawk at our exclusive screenshots sprinkled throughout the text, and check out our previous lore exclusives that you might have missed.

  • TERA reveals second race and class series installment, achievement info

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    En Masse Entertainment is back with another carefully rationed dose of TERA information that manages to stave off our withdrawal pangs -- even if it isn't the large-scale expose we'd like. This time around, TERA's North American publisher presents a brief look at the game's achievement system as well as the latest installment in the ongoing race and class series. Join us after the cut for a bit about the Amani race as well as the Lancer class. Don't forget to check out the gallery of new screens below and the Lancer-focused video after the break. Finally, look for Massively's exclusive TERA lore reveal later this week. %Gallery-105090%

  • This week on the MMO Report

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The MMO Report returns to its familiar studio digs this week, and host Casey Schreiner has a lot of ground to cover in the segment. In between shots at the Tea Party and senator-elect Rand Paul, he even manages to discuss a few MMOs. First up is the new user generated content tool in Star Trek Online, called the Foundry and currently undergoing beta testing. BioWare's new The Old Republic Imperial Agent video also makes an appearance, along with a brief discussion of Entropia Universe's new Van Helsing monster planet. Finally, Casey reveals his soft spot for TERA via the newly released Slayer video, and also talks a bit about Cryptic's decision to go F2P with Champions Online. As always, you can find The MMO Report after the cut, and on display every week at G4TV.

  • New TERA screens feature Kaiator defenders

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    En Masse Entertainment is back with another installment of its long-lived TERA Screenshots of the Week featurette. Today's images take us inside Kaiator, the Iron Bastion of the North, home city of the stoic amani race and an impenetrable fortress that has withstood 30 years of sustained argon attacks without a single breach. The shots show off a pair of amani warriors, male and female, the latter of which sports decidedly conservative armor (by TERA standards). Have a look at the Kaiator defenders in our updated gallery below, and don't forget to head to the game's official website for more information. %Gallery-96720%

  • TERA Korean beta news rolls in, Knox talks translation and marketing

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Yes, TERA news is coming in from overseas, lots of it in fact. That said, En Masse Entertainment's Brian Knox cautions us to take the translations and suppositions with a grain of salt. First up is TERAfans checking in with another translation of an article by Bluehole Studio's community manager Mr. Blue. This time around, Blue details TERA's advanced skill system and discusses item stats, the newly added glyph system, racial abilities, and PvP skills. There's a ton of info to sort through, including nifty screenshots direct from the Korean client. The only problem is that some of this stuff might not make it into the western client (or might look very different) according to Knox. In a blog post on the official TERA website, he warns against taking all of the translation news from the recent G-Star gaming convention at face value. "Our fans do a great job of translating articles very quickly but the fact is there will be differences -- in terminology, game play mechanics, and services provided by the publisher -- between the western release and NHN's release of TERA. With these translations there will certainly be some misinterpretation, and we will do our best to react and clarify to the community," he writes. Why all the secrecy? Knox chalks it up to the challenges of releasing a global product, and the need for local distributors to get their share of timed exclusive marketing information.

  • TERA shows off spooky Eldritch Academy screens

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    We're back with another round of new screenshots from En Masse Entertainment's TERA. Actually, since we somehow missed last week's set, we've got twice the awesome for you this week in the form of four new shots for our ever-growing TERA gallery. Keeping with the Halloween theme, today's Screenshot of the Week featurette highlights Eldritch Academy, home of eerie toys, blood-sucking vampirs (nope, not a typo), and of course the ever-controversial attractive female avatars. Last week's shots come to us from the Freeholds, which are former farmlands recently occupied by federation soldiers waiting to take up arms against the Free Brotherhood. Check out both sets of images in our gallery below, or on TERA's official website. %Gallery-96720%

  • Bluehole Studio details new TERA itemization tweaks

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's been awhile since we've heard any newsworthy tidbits from TERA's Korean testing phase, and TERAfans has come to the rescue with a new article translation detailing itemization and fusion enchantment tweaks. Mr. Blue, community manager for Bluehole Studio details a plethora of loot item additions, as well as a new equipment rank system (normal, rare, or legendary). In addition to providing players with a quick way to gauge the worth of a loot drop, the new system also adds extra stats to the more desirable pieces (one, two, and three extra stats for each successive rank). The article also touches on fusion enchantment, crafting tweaks, and visual equipment variation. Check out all the details, including renders and screen captures from the Korean client, at TERAfans.

  • TERA creeps us out with a monster movie

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    En Masse Entertainment has presented beautiful render after beautiful render of its highly anticipated action MMO TERA. We've seen revealing armor sets, robust cities, thunderous monsters, and creepy villains. The vampires of Popolion were pretty freaky when we showed them off a couple of weeks ago, but when coupled with the silent-film motif, the evil chills cause your body to shudder. Who doesn't like the classic monster movies? Bela Lugosi's Dracula is still the best. To say Happy Halloween to the fans of TERA, the developers have put together their own version of a spine-tingling monster movie. Don't miss the baby-dolls with cleavers, clowns with sinister sneers, and, of course, the vampires with top hats. Follow after the break for the full video, and prepare to be TERA-ized.

  • TERA fly-through videos show off Celestial Hills and Pora Elinu

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    En Masse Entertainment invites you to run to the hills, the Celestial Hills to be exact (and you don't even have to be in a big-haired metal band). The North American publisher for Bluehole Studio's TERA MMORPG has released a pair of fly-through videos to close out the week, showing off both the Celestial Hills and the Pora Elinu regions of Arborea. The hills feature a series of mysterious monoliths -- rock formations whose true origin and purpose is unknown -- as well as bands of roving cultists and deadly orcans. Pora Elinu is the tree-city home of the popori race and, though the land of endless night holds many beautiful sights and sounds, it also plays hosts to deadly dangers including cultists and vampirs. Check out both of the new videos after the cut or at GameTrailers.

  • En Masse revamps TERA website, adds dev blog and class skill videos

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    TERA's visual style is a big part of the forthcoming title's identity. From the high poly-count graphics to the controversial outfits and animations, En Masse Entertainment's Asian import is covered in a shiny, shimmering gloss. Earlier this week, the publisher revamped TERA's official website to match, doing away with the older Flash design for a sleeker, slicker content-focused look. The site boasts an array of new features, including a new developer blog section and a media area with several new class videos viewable among the entries. In addition to the game's trailers, check out the skill-based videos for the various classes, including Lancer, Berserker, Priest, Slayer, Archer, Mystic, Warrior, and Sorcerer (the last of which you can also view after the cut).

  • Bluehole Studio's TERA westernization team interviewed

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Inevitably, one of two things happens when we post a story about TERA's westernization. First, folks compare it to Aion (and the general consensus is usually that it will be similarly grindy). Second, people bring up Brian Knox, currently an En Masse producer who formerly worked as an NCsoft producer responsible for bringing Aion to western audiences. Happily, TERAfans has brought us information rather than speculation about TERA's journey overseas, in the form of a lengthy interview translation with members of Bluehole Studio's Korean localization team. The article, translated from the Korean original, touches on the challenges inherent in bringing a game to the North American market that values story presentation a bit more than the game's native Asian audience. "The English version really takes priority for the game's story. NA players consider a game's story a portion of the game's content. With that in mind we are currently working on how we can best convey TERA's story. For example, the story cannot just be told through simple text, but with many background stories for the NPCs and zones," says Young-Kwang Kim. The piece also makes clear that the job of westernization is much more than simply translating quest text into the appropriate language. Whether you're talking about the German, Japanese, or American markets, Bluehole's team is especially mindful of what it terms "culturalization" as opposed to localization. "It is true that we are careful about cultural differences more than anything. TERA's localization is more than a simple translation, word for word. We want to make it easier for players around the world to understand the game without hitting cultural walls," says Hee-Soo Lee. Head over to TERAfans for the full interview.

  • TERA talks costume contest, shows off new screenshots

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Looking forward to TERA? Like cosplay? If so, En Masse Entertainment has a Halloween costume contest just for you. Send in a picture of yourself dressed as a TERA player character, NPC, or monster, and you could snag TERA merchandise and multiple beta invites. The contest will also feature five runners-up, each of whom will take home t-shirts, posters, and lanyards as well as one beta invite. Entry requires a Twitter account, and you'll need to reply to the official TERA Twitter with a link to your costume photo and the hashtag #teracostume. Be sure and have a look at the costume contest rules on the official forums. Speaking of costumes, you can also check out the latest Screenshot of the Week featurette for a potential idea in the form of a Castanic Free Brotherhood farmer. %Gallery-96720%

  • En Masse's Brian Knox details the Slayer's evolution

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Is he a Rogue? Is he a Warrior? Is he an '80s thrash metal band? Whatever TERA's Slayer may be, En Masse hopes that you will find him bad to the bone. En Masse's Brian Knox sat down for an interview with ZAM about how the class was evolving and changing during development. Originally, this Rogue/Warrior hybrid had heavy armor, but due to his extreme DPS output, the devs decided to concentrate more on movement and dexterity instead of damage absorption, and they downgraded his armor to reflect this. When asked about the class' defining traits, Knox listed a combination of two skills -- Knockdown and Leaping Strike -- which, when used together, would both throw a foe off his balance and deal him significant damage. Knox spent time also talking up the Slayer's roguish abilities, such as being able to speedily dash up behind an enemy and backstab for big numbers. Unlike most MMO rogues, TERA's Slayer is limited to using one (1) big honking sword, but En Masse doesn't think this will hurt the class' appeal in the slightest. You can read the full interview at ZAM, and don't miss our exclusive Slayer lore piece!

  • Massively Exclusive: TERA lore - The Slayer's Spark

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Yesterday we brought you news of En Masse Entertainment's new Race and Class series, which kicked off with a profile of castanics and slayers, as well as a collation of TERA's extensive world lore. Today, Massively is proud to bring you an exclusive look at even more of the upcoming action MMO's backstory, courtesy of En Masse scribe R.K. MacPherson. Join us after the cut for The Slayer's Spark, a master and apprentice tale featuring the no-nonsense castanic Isaura and a fresh-faced amani Vanguard recruit named Jahangir.

  • TERA unveils race and class series, world lore

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    While we've all enjoyed the steady diet of screenshots En Masse Entertainment has been feeding us over the past few months, it's been a while since the devs have deigned to deliver a dish that approximated a main course. Today, the makers of TERA have revealed a bit of filet mignon to go with all of the appetizers, in the form of the first entry in their Race and Class series. Today's profiles outline castanics and slayers as well as a new synopsis of the game's lore and world backstory. If that's not enough for you, keep an eye on Massively tomorrow for an exclusive TERA reveal. Slash past the cut for the juicy details, and don't forget the gallery of new screens below. You can also read more about the slayer class via Zam's in-depth class preview. %Gallery-105090%