

  • Engadget giveaway: win a 'Star Trek' prize package courtesy of ThinkGeek!

    On September 8th, 1966, TV audiences were taken on a journey where no one had gone before. This was the date Star Trek first aired and whether you're a fan or not, it's likely made an impact. The 50th anniversary of this space adventure's first voyage is officially just two days away, and to celebrate, ThinkGeek has provided us with some serious Star Trek merch for one lucky reader. Think you'd ace the Kobayashi Maru? Try pitting your strategies against your friends in the Star Trek 50th Anniversary Risk game, or just sit on the couch and zap your TV with this phaser replica remote control. Motorola's StarTAC may have paved the way for real-world flip communicators, but now you can have the real thing (via Bluetooth). These and a pile of other spacey gadgets are all part of this week's prize package. Have no fear, though, everyone can stock up on all they want over at ThinkGeek. For up to three chances at winning this stack of Star Trek gear, all you need to do is head to the Rafflecopter widget below. Live long and prosper! Winner: Congratulations to James D. of Los Angeles, CA!

    Jon Turi
  • Engadget giveaway: Win a 'Star Wars' prize pack courtesy of ThinkGeek!

    You may still be reeling from the recent sweep of date-related events (Pi day, Alien day, and 420) but the ride's not over yet. Tomorrow is May the 4th, which is observed by many as a Star Wars "holiday" and may garner a lot of attention this year on the coattails of the recent blockbuster The Force Awakens. To help celebrate, online gadget purveyor ThinkGeek has delved into its large offering of Star Wars gear to help one lucky reader get into the spirit. To kick things off, we have a life-sized BB-8 floor lamp with adjustable LED settings and a stand "so it doesn't go off adventuring." To help set the mood throughout the house, we also have a BB-8 table lamp, a Death Star mood light and Bluetooth speaker. To help fly that fan flag when you're out in public, we also have a Chewbacca messenger bag and three Star Wars beach towels. All you need to do is head to the Rafflecopter widget below for up to three chances at winning. Winner: Congratulations to Jeff M. of Atlanta, GA!

    Jon Turi
  • ICYMI: Self-cleaning fish tank, satellite launcher and more

    #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-455867{display:none;} .cke_show_borders #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-455867, #postcontentcontainer #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-455867{width:570px;display:block;}try{document.getElementById("fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-455867").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Today on In Case You Missed It: Anyone with goldfish is going to be into this fish tank that claims to clean itself. Virgin Galactic is testing mid-flight satellite launches with a converted 747. And a teenager built a flamethrowing UAV and how could that go wrong?

    Kerry Davis
  • Hold on, now GameStop's buying ThinkGeek

    There was a hushed silence as the Priest shouted "should anyone have an objection to the marriage of ThinkGeek and Hot Topic, speak now or forever hold their peace." Suddenly, a side-door slammed open as GameStop rushed in, demanding that the ceremony stop, because it alone was ThinkGeek's one true love. Hot Topic blanched as ThinkGeek struggled to make eye contact, before nodding in agreement, apologizing and bolting from the altar. As ThinkGeek and GameStop ran down the aisle, arm in arm, the online retailer knew that it had done the right thing because, after all, GameStop had loads more money.

    Daniel Cooper
  • Hot Topic is buying ThinkGeek

    High school is teenage tribalism, which is why the Lip Service kids aren't going to hang with the Forever 21 set in the lunch hall. Now, however, Hot Topic has realized that it's got plenty in common with ThinkGeek, and has decided to swallow the niche retailer in a deal worth $122 million. Hot Topic CEO Lisa Harper believes that it's a good fit, since both companies share a strategy of "delivering great products for avid fans of various licensed properties." Or, in non business-school buzzkill speak, selling y'all t-shirts with Marvel characters on them will make the company even more bank if it owns one of its rivals.

    Daniel Cooper
  • Bust a move with ThinkGeek's Mega Man Buster Gun replica

    Hey kids! Are you bored with your regular arms? Tired of swinging around those useless tubes of meat? Introducing the Mega Man Buster Gun from ThinkGeek! Featuring authentic sounds and a light-up side display to make you feel like you're really Mega Man! Embarrass your loved ones! Save the day from eight questionably-themed Robot Masters!* Everyone's talking about it! "I was a skeptic, but the Mega Man Buster Gun replica really works!** I can't believe it!"*** Available this December for one low, low payment of $79.99. Don't delay, bookmark the store page now!**** * Robot Masters are not real. Do not use Mega Man Buster Gun to fight anyone. Always aim away from face. ** Mega Man Buster Gun does not actually fire bullets of concentrated energy. *** They can totally believe it. **** This post is written as an infomercial for entertainment purposes only, and should not be viewed as an advertisement or paid editorial. ThinkGeek is not affiliated with Joystiq. Joystiq retains the right to make jokes that can sometimes be hit-and-miss. [Image: ThinkGeek]

    S. Prell
  • Engadget giveaway: win a charged-up camping combo courtesy of ThinkGeek!

    Keeping gadgets juiced up while enjoying the great outdoors can be tough, but the technology is out there, so it's no reason to stay at home. The folks at ThinkGeek always have a slew of gadget solutions on hand and this week they've provided a powered-up combo for two lucky Engadget readers to enjoy. There's the Power Pot thermoelectric generator for keeping USB devices charged while stewing up some vittles and the Pocket Socket hand-cranked version to provide juice in standard outlet format. To help you lug all of this tech out into the wild, there's also the Plan B Evac sling pack. You could even drag the old man along to celebrate Father's Day and load him up with dad-style swag from ThinkGeek's specifically tailored gift center. Camping and cooking go hand-in-hand after all, and you'll want someone with experience manning the grill. To get your shot at winning this charged-up combo, all you need to do is head to the Rafflecopter widget below. There might be an adventure on the horizon and this time you could glamp it up without worrying about dead devices. Winners: congratulations to Chris M., Taylor, MI and Charles R., Plainwell, MI.

    Jon Turi
  • Weekends with Engadget: Amazon's Fire TV, Microsoft announces Windows Phone 8.1 and more!

    Welcome to Weekends with Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines from the past seven days -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. For even more action, subscribe to our Flipboard magazine!

    Andy Bowen
  • Daily Roundup: April Fools' roundup, a tour of ThinkGeek's headquarters, and more!

    You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.

    Andy Bowen
  • This is not a prank: ThinkGeek and the business of April Fools'

    Snow was falling in the form of those soft white, potato-flake chunks you usually see in films. I'd barely finished my morning cup of coffee and without that crucial mental aid, I was having a hard time finding the entrance to ThinkGeek's ranch-style headquarters in Fairfax, Va. In the blur of 8:57 AM on a Tuesday in this winter-like spring, every window of the sprawling complex looked like a door to me. So I chose one and, miraculously, was spotted by Chris Mindel, a senior buyer for the company, who let me and my videographer inside the toy-filled halls. It was then I noticed the sign on the open door and burst out laughing. It read: "This is not the door you're looking for." I'd had Willy Wonka on the brain before, but it was clear now I needed to switch, or at least integrate, gears. This was well-informed geek territory I was treading upon -- hallowed Star Wars-quoting superfan territory -- and I'd just been granted a one-day golden ticket to explore it.

    Joseph Volpe
  • Here's a look at ThinkGeek's 2014 April Fools' products

    Those of you with the appropriate geek cred know the score by now. Every year on April 1st, ThinkGeek, purveyor of nerdy novelty delights, takes part in the "I fooled you, internets" game. But unlike other April Fools' pranksters, ThinkGeek's products have a shot at becoming more than just joke fodder; they sometimes become real. Okay, so maybe the spray-on facial hair power of Mr. Beard up there is a bit of a stretch. (But hey, once upon a time, so was the idea of spray-on tans.) Join us after the break then for a whimsical walk through ThinkGeek's 2014 April Fools' lineup.

    Joseph Volpe
  • Live from the Engadget CES Stage: ThinkGeek VP Ty Liotta

    After last year's shenanigans, we naturally wanted to get ThinkGeek's Ty Liotta on stage. What better way to help wind down the final day of CES than with a grab bag of weird and wonderful tech toys? January 10, 2014 4:00:00 PM EST

    Brian Heater
  • 3Doodler 3D printing pen coming to Brookstone stores later this year

    If the only thing standing between you and a $99 3Doodler was the ability to mull the decision over in a nearby massage chair, 2014 is your year. Wobbleworks announced today that its 3D printing pen is finally getting a little retail distribution, namely Brookstone, which will be adding the peripheral to its offbeat gadget arsenal later this year. The 3Doodler's also extending its online reach, thanks to ThinkGeek, the MoMa Store and Maker Shed. The Wobbleworks team is apparently heating up even more retail partnerships, though it's not quite ready to offer up any information for the time being.

    Brian Heater
  • Scottevest's 22-pocket Tropiformer gadget jacket on sale now for $150

    It's been a hot minute since we've seen a new wearable from the labs of Scottevest, but for those looking to cram all sorts of gadgetry into their coat as a strange sort of airplane carry-on item, we're here to clue you in on a new option. Tag-teaming with ThinkGeek, Scottevest has announced the Tropiformer -- a relatively normal looking coat that somehow includes no fewer than 22 integrated pockets. Specifically, there's a dedicated tablet pocket (seriously), a Personal Area Network for internal cable management (seriously), a locking pocket (seriously) and a Quick Draw Pocket that supports capacitive devices (seriously). Moreover, the sleeves are removable in the event that you'd like to completely humiliate yourself, and we're told that the jacket "can easily be packed into itself" -- whatever that means. It's shipping right now for $150, and those needing a bit more convincing can get precisely that just after the break.

    Darren Murph
  • Making the virtual a reality at CES 2013

    Microsoft's decision to drop out of CES prompted a lot of questions with regards to the future relevance of CES, not the least of which was how much the industry really needed an in-person tech trade show in an age where business is primarily done online. Of course, there's still a fair amount of value in offering members of the media and buyers the opportunity to actually interact with the technology in person. And while software companies have long been a staple of the show, their presence is most often an acknowledgement of hardware partners. It's fitting, then, that many of the show's offbeat highlights came in the form of companies looking to offer hardware solutions to our increasingly virtual world. Parrot's always-amusing CEO, Henri Seydoux said it best while showing off the latest additions to the company's AR.Drone on our stage. "Today, the kids have video games," he told us. "They've replaced toys, because it's a much more interesting experience. With the drone, we've tried to make toys as fun as video games." And it's easy to see how such a product can be taken as a real-world answer to smartphone gaming, with video from the built-in camera being overlaid with AR content.

    Brian Heater
  • Princip Interactive LED Futuro Cube hands-on

    Playing around with ThinkGeek's table full of toys was unquestionably a highlight of 2013 CES experience, which is (thankfully) nearly at an end. In amongst the always awesome licensed Star Trek and Star Wars toys was the Princip Interactive LED Futuro Cube, a strange game device created with ThinkGeek. The device brings to mind the Rubik's Cube, if only because its a geometrical puzzle game. In place of colored squares are a series of different colored LED lights. Like Rubik's famous three-dimensional toy, the Futuro isn't particularly easy to master. It has a menu system and offers up a series of audible commands to access its different games. Getting started takes a quick shake and it can be put to sleep with couple of taps. There's also a USB port on one side for downloading software updates, including new games.

    Brian Heater
  • Live from the Engadget CES Stage: an interview with ThinkGeek (update: video embedded)

    Toys? Toys. We'll be talking to ThinkGeek about running a successful online business, how to stay novel in a world of noise and Toys. Mostly toys. January 11, 2013 5:30 PM EST Check out our full CES 2013 stage schedule here! Update: video embedded

    Brian Heater
  • ThinkGeek offers $500 HAL 9000 replica, makes you answer to 'Dave'

    It was a little over a year ago that ThinkGeek gave folks a chance to add a bit of 2001 to their home with the IRIS 9000 iPhone dock, but it's really gone the extra mile this year. The retailer has today announced its new HAL 9000 Life-Size Replica, a $500 device that's said to be built using the original 1967 blueprints and image files. What's more, while it isn't exactly "fully functional," it is able to respond to voice commands and most IR remotes with a variety of suitably unsettling phrases (yes, including a rendition of "Daisy Bell"). The downside is that it will set you back considerably more than the $60 of its smaller counterpart -- ThinkGeek is asking a full $500 for this conversation starter, each of which is "hand-assembled to make sure they are perfect." Would-be purchasers can get a taste of what's in store in the video after the break.

    Donald Melanson
  • ThinkGeek's latest USB gadget makes every day a day of the tentacle

    It's harder than ever for a USB gadget to stand out these days, what with nearly everything seeming old hat, but ThinkGeek has cooked up something new that's sure to get noticed. While it unfortunately doesn't double as a memory stick as you might expect, the retailer's new USB Squirming Tentacle is very much a tentacle, and a squirming one. See for yourself after the break, and be prepared to shell out $25 if you feel the need to answer this particular call of Cthulhu.

    Donald Melanson
  • Inflatable Portal 2 Personality Cores now available at ThinkGeek

    ThinkGeek, purveyor of fine caffeinated gummy bears and assorted nerdicological sundries, has added inflatable Personality Cores to its already bustling assortment of officially licensed Portal 2 memorabilia.At $25 each, the spheres themselves measure about 12 inches in diameter and are made from "Non 7 phthalate PVC vinyl, CPSIA Standard," whatever that means. Test subjects can choose between "Wheatley" and "Spaaaaaaaaaace" color palettes, though neither sphere appears to be truly sentient and/or inherently evil either way. All we need now is an inflatable GlaDOS, and then maybe we won't have to be so alone at night.

    Jordan Mallory