

  • TTH posts a guide for crossers of the Trestlebridge

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    A few weeks ago, Ten Ton Hammer wrote up a guide to the quests of the Forsaken Inn - a level 15-25 hotspot in The Lord of the Rings Online. It was a good resource for players in that level range. After the Forsaken Inn, the two most common places to go are Ost Guruth and Trestlebridge. So it makes sense that TTH has chosen Trestlebridge as the spot for its next quest guide.Trestlebridge divides the wild and dangerous northern lands of the North Downs, Evendim, and even Angmar from the idyllic farm lands surrounding Bree. Put another way, it's where the bad guys start meaning business! The guide lists the rewards, objectives, and locations of every quest in the region. Next step: Esteldin!

  • Unusual holiday gifts for LotRO players

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    We'll bet good money that the Lord of the Rings Online player in your life already has the Platinum Series Special Extended Edition Boxed DVD set ($65) and the 50th Anniversary Edition Leather Bound trilogy book set ($54). So we delved into the depths of the Internet to find some unusual gifts that will surprise and delight. Let's start with the funny. Cartoon Stock allows you to order any of their many licensed drawings on mouse pads ($25), t-shirts ($30), even sun-screens for the car ($28 for a pair). Check out all their humorous LotR images. Personally, we're waiting for the customized laptop iron on.Since LotR movie posters are a common gift, you may want to consider a wall scroll instead. For the same price as a standard poster, you can get a "Return of the King" Aragon poster art print ($20) or "Return of the King" montage poster art print ($15) on a 31" x 42" tapestry. It's printed on a "soft silk-like material." We don't know what that means exactly, but if it's more tapestry and less velvet Elvis, it will look very cool on the wall.

  • LotRO Lorebook features guide on using the Advanced Search function

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    There is a feature guide at Lord of the Rings Online's Lorebook on using the advanced search function to peruse the wealth of information available there. You might ask yourself, why do I need a guide on running a search? Well the truth is, you probably don't -- the sign of a good search is its simplicity of use.The benefit of the guide is in letting people know that the advanced search exists. It is a recently implemented feature, and with more information being added to the lorebook on a regular basis, it certainly comes in handy. The categories you can search in are Weapons, Armor, Quests, Deeds, Traits, NPCs, and Recipes. Following this, you can narrow your search down some more with other options that are based on the category. The pictured example shows an advanced search for Recipes, Tier 2, and Scholar.Although the lorebook is incomplete, the advanced search is a useful addition to the site, and you can give it a spin here.

  • One Shots: The flame of Turian

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This screenshot, sent in by reader Gregory, may not be the most impressive we've featured thus far, but it was sent in with a bit of interesting backstory to explain what we're seeing. We're looking at the flame of Turian in the Caverns of Korromor in Dungeons and Dragons Online. By activating the flame, as the group above is about to do, you draw the attention of some folk who aren't pleased to see you there and unlock another piece of the puzzle of the caverns. Says Gregory, "This dungeon has the standard LOTR 'they dug too deep' thing going on..." But much like the Matrix -- you can't be told what the game is, sometimes you just have to see it for yourself.Have you snapped a shot lately that highlights an important moment in the story of your game? One Shots wants to see them! We only post what you send us -- so send your screenshots and stories to oneshots@massively.com. You may see it featured here tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel! %Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Bwak!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    When Lord of the Rings Online developer Turbine announced their new "session play" feature which would allow players to play as a character other than their normal character. Said Turbine, "You could play as a Ranger, a Troll, or... a chicken. It's an opportunity to explore Middle-earth from a different -- and sometimes unexpected -- viewpoint." Though many players thought this to be some sort of belated April Fools' joke, Turbine actually did introduce chicken play into the game with Book 9. And in this shot we join reader Julien exploring the dangerous world of the Shire in chicken form. All we can say is: bwak?Do you have any screenshots in your collection that show off your favorite game from an unexpected point of view? One Shots wants to see them all, especially the ones highlighting your chickeny adventures! We only post what you send us -- so send your screenshots and stories to oneshots@massively.com. You may see it featured here tomorrow, same time, same place. %Gallery-9798%

  • LotRO offers (conditional) lower monthly fee for the holidays

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Planning on sticking with The Lord of the Rings Online for a while? If so, you can save five bucks a month on your subscription costs thanks to a holiday promotion recently announced by Turbine. LotRO players both new and old will have access to a special billing plan until January 31st. You have to pay for three months in advance, but if you do, you pay only $9.99 per month. Or put another way, it's like getting every third month free. This plan is not very helpful if you're not comfortable committing to your life in Middle-earth for a few months, but if you are, you can start a new account in the plan or change an existing account over to it.We're not sure how the "holiday" part enters into the deal, since the three month subscription is not a a gift you can buy for a friend or family member, but it's nice anyway.

  • LotRO DirectX 10 screenshot contest crowns week 3 winners

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Week 3 of the Lord of the Rings Online DirectX 10 screenshot contest has rolled around, and there are two more winning snaps to share (full-sized versions available from the forum post). Both of the winners this week have shots that show off some nice tree shadows, and the reflection of the castle in the above shot is good too. Incidentally, an upcoming patch to the game will improve performance of DX10 with shadows in particular.If you missed the other winners so far, here is our coverage of Week 1 and Week 2. There should be two more weeks of entries still ahead, and we'll be sure to report them when they come through. It's also not too late to enter, if you have a ridiculous machine to back you up, so check out the contest rules if you want to get a chance at having a featured screenshot.

  • One Shots: The shores of Evendim

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Peneros of Watchers of Middle Earth on the Elendilmir server sends us this shot from the western reaches of Evendim, an area added in first major content update to Lord of the Rings Online. Though we haven't adventured this way ourselves, and Peneros' e-mail gives little additional detail, we believe we're looking across the Lake of Twilight (appropriately shot at in-game twilight hours) to the abandoned city of Annúminas, the former capital of the kingdom of Arnor.One Shots can only survive on a healthy diet of your screenshots! We only post what you send us -- so send your screenshots and stories to oneshots@massively.com. You may see it featured here tomorrow, same time, same place. %Gallery-9798%

  • LotRO lorebook heads north, finds civilization

    Louis McLaughlin
    Louis McLaughlin

    Turbine have returned to their Lord of the Rings Online lorebook groove with a spotlight on Ost Forod, one of the main outposts in the Evendim region. Last week it was wolf-men, this week it's brigands and tomb raiders. No, not Lara Croft.Northeast of Lake Evendim (which in itself is north and east of the Shire), Ost Forod is a trading village not so much built on the bones of an ruined fortress as part of one. But by the time you visit, there's more than a little bit of trouble in paradise.Turbine have really flexed their creative muscles for the whole Evendim area. Even if you're not a fan of LotRO, you have to admire Turbine's phenomenal handling of the enviroment; they're living and breathing lore so well it's not always obvious what's Tolkien and what's Turbine.

  • Monks, Half-Orcs, and Half-Elves coming to DDO

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    The folks at TenTonHammer tend to get some great interviews done, and a recent chat between managing editor Cody Bye and members of the Dungeons and Dragons Online development team is no exception. Kate Paiz and Steve Muray took some time out of the dev cycle to talk about plans for the upcoming Module Six update. This is going to be another massive content update, centered around an invasion of devils into the prime material realm of Eberron.The module is called the Thirteenth Eclipse, and it's scheduled to release sometime in January. In this update we're going to be introducing a completely new storyline centered around the invasion of an army of devils into Eberron. The players are going to have to combat the devils on an all new landscape called the Veil of Twilight as the Plane Shavarath is being interwoven into the very fabric of the player landscape.

  • Double dev chat goodness for LotRO Book 12

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Two Lord of the Rings Online dev chats within one week? It's like Christmas came early for LotRO players. But it looks like some players are getting presents and others are getting coal. German website, Lotro-Welten, held its monthly LotRO dev chat for European players last week. And last night US players got their own dev chat at MMORPG. Strangely, the EU dev chat held a wealth of new information while the US chat had very little new or interesting. Here are the highlights from Lotro-Welten's chat, mostly applying to the upcoming Book 12 content patch: Fishing is being introduced as a new profession category called Hobbies Hobbies are professions that anyone can level up in regardless of their other tradeskill choices The barber in Book 12 will offer new hairstyles The new cosmetic system allowing you to display different clothing will not extend to hand held items and will be entirely disabled in PvMP zones More solo content is a big priority for the dev team and Angmar is getting a pass in Book 12 to become more solo friendly

  • TTH guides you through the Deeds of Evendim

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Ten Ton Hammer's series of Deed guides for The Lord of the Rings Online continues with a guide to the Deeds of Evendim. Their guides to the North Downs, Ered Luin, and Angmar were all great, and this one's just as helpful.Titles you can earn in Evendim include Slayer of the Gauredain, Enemy of the Giants, Bane of the Kergrim, Keeper of Mysteries, and more. Of course you can get all sorts of helpful traits as well.Evendim was added to LotRO's world in Book 9 and is home to Annuminas, the former capitol of Arnor (the western sister to Gondor). Now it's populated by all sorts of unpleasant northern terrors such as the Gauredain.

  • Comprehensive music guide helps you rock out in LotRO

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    You may have been playing a bunch of Guitar Hero III or Rock Band recently, and be a little upset that when playing other games no one realizes what a rock god you are. Well, for players of Lord of the Rings Online, this excellent music guide will get you on your way to importing your musical prowess to the MMO scene.The guide includes information on getting started with LotRO's music system, and then proceeds to teach the scores to some well-known tunes, with most being filed under a difficulty rating. Those with rock-withdrawal will find songs like Metallica's Fade to Black and Guns 'N Roses' Sweet Child O' Mine, but there are other cool choices like the themes from Zelda and Mario, and even the Beverly Hills Cop theme Axel F. I will anxiously await the first Man, Dwarf, Hobbit or Elf to bust out Through the Fire and Flames on a lute -- coming to a tavern near you![via Lotro-life]

  • One Shots: This place looks familiar...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This game looks awfully familiar, doesn't it? The peaceful landscape, the cloud-covered sky, even the interface looks like something we've seen recently, doesn't it? But we're here to tell you, this is not the game you are looking for. Though this shot in particular bears a lot of similarity, both in setting and interface, to Turbine's latest MMO offering, Lord of the Rings Online, this shot is actually from the now defunct Asheron's Call 2. Schad, who sent in the shot, tells us, "It died, but I still have the screens!"We're pretty excited to see screenshots in the One Shots mailbox for games other than Guild Wars. Not that we don't like Guild Wars -- but variety is the spice of life and we love to see shots from games we haven't highlighted lately. We only post what you send us send your screenshots and stories from games long dead to oneshots@massively.com. You may see it posted here tomorrow! %Gallery-9798%

  • MMOGology: A link to the future

    Marc Nottke
    Marc Nottke

    After a discouraging bout of the level 70 blues I took the advice offered by a few of my readers and took a break from World of Warcraft. I think my break lasted a whole two days. However, during the brief hiatus from Azeroth I returned to another world I love, the world of Hyrule. I had progressed a little over halfway through the latest Zelda game, Twilight Princess, before other distractions pulled my attention elsewhere. Playing Twilight Princess was exactly what the doctor ordered. It only took a few moments until the Wii controls felt natural again and I was working my way through a dungeon in the Gerudo Desert known as the Arbiter's Grounds. One thing I've always loved about the Zelda series is the ingenious environmental puzzles. Nothing makes me feel smarter than successfully navigating a dungeon full of traps. A defining aspect of most Zelda dungeons is that you receive a new tool in almost every dungeon that aids in solving puzzles. When the new tool is introduced you get a great "aha!" moment and soon you're employing that new tool in clever, inventive ways. These tools, like Link's boomerang, bow, hookshot, or in the case of the Abiter's Grounds, the spinner (which you ride on), allow you to either manipulate or navigate the environment, often in unexpected ways. For example, in the Goron Mines dungeon you use Link's iron boots in conjunction with giant magnets to walk up walls or on the ceiling. This type of inventive gameplay is something you typically don't experience in an MMOG and as I played through Twilight Princess I couldn't help but think, why isn't this game an MMOG? Now, let me say that I would never want The Legend of Zelda to disappear as a single player game; but the world of Hyrule and the aspects that make Zelda a great single player game could make a really interesting massively multiplayer game. There is an intriguing mythical world, fun and useful items, real-time combat, the joy of discovering new lands, and those clever environmental puzzles. Most of these gameplay elements could be easily integrated with standard, current generation MMOGs, and then expanded upon to bring the unique, interactive Zelda experience to the MMOG community.

  • Dungeons & Dragons Online live event postponed

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    According to Quarion and Patience of the Turbine community team, the Dungeon & Dragons Online servers got unlucky and rolled a 1 earlier today. As any good Dungeon Master would, Turbine consulted the critical fail tables and it would appear that the servers will remain offline until at least 7PM Eastern. What this means is that the final chapter of the Emerald Claw Conspiracy event that has been eagerly anticipated will be postponed for the time being. As we'd stated before, live events in MMOs are sadly uncommon, so we're certain that this is something that the DDO player base will be keeping their eyes on. We know we were looking forward to seeing some screenshots of it for One Shots, as world events are a lot of fun to check out! Hopefully things will work out soon and the DDO servers can get some new dice with better roll mojo for the future.[Thanks, Schad!]

  • Chat with the LotRO team next Monday

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    There will be a chat with the developers of The Lord of the Rings Online at MMORPG on December 3rd. Fans will have the opportunity to ask questions about pretty much anything. Hopefully they'll manage to wrangle out some Book 12 info. Maybe they'll even get a slip about next year's expansion! Okay, probably not.If you have a question or just want to sit in and read it as it happens, show up at the MMORPG chat room at 7:00 PM sharp (EST) on Monday. MMORPG also provide info on how to log in via IRC if you don't want to use the web-based chat interface, or if you're just totally old-school.The future is looking bright for LotRO; Turbine's Jeffrey Steefel and Adam Mersky have eagerly talked about the soon-to-come launch in Korea and all sorts of customization options that will be going live with Book 12. We're looking forward to new class balance initiatives and some updates to the reputation system as well. So there should be no shortage of things to pry about in the chat!

  • Tchurvul and Derneal battling openly in DDO

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I don't even play the game, but I am digging the work of the live events team over at Dungeons and Dragons Online. Last time we heard that Emerald Claw smuggler Derneal was seen carrying some suspicious cargo around Sorrowdusk Isle, and it appears players did their job well there, because the Emerald Claw has been scattered to the wind. Unfortunately, desperation has driven Derneal and his former partner, Tchurvul, into open battle on the streets of Stormreach, and the live events team is warning players to watch out for their fighting. Reader Schad, who tipped us off to both of these events, says that this means an even bigger live event is probably coming soon.At a time when quality live MMO events are few and far between, it's awesome to see the game that's based on good ol' pen and paper roleplaying pulling off fun stuff like this. It's too bad there's not a wiki around anywhere tracking the entire campaign for players just getting started...

  • Wannabe werewolves featured in Lorebook

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    North of the land once known as Arnor (the setting for The Lord of the Rings Online), there is an icy wasteland called Forochel. That grave place is inhabited by savage men who have mostly tended to their own wars and concerns, and who do not participate in the affairs of Middle-earth, except to occasionally sweep south and plunder.Some of those cruel men inhabit Dol Haedir -- a landmark Turbine created in northern Evendim, and the subject of the newest official Lorebook entry. According to the entry, the men of Dol Haedir are savage cannibals called the Gauredain.One of the cool things about Turbine's aspirations of authenticity is its careful use of Tolkien's languages even for newly invented peoples and places. The Sindarin "Gauredain" translates roughly to "Werewolf Men." These guys certainly look the part ... and act it too, what with the eating human flesh and all.

  • Read the patch notes for AC's November update

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    The patch notes for Asheron's Call's November update were recently published by Turbine. Most of the changes are bug fixes and tweaks, but a couple of things are worthy of note.Rare item drops have been increased world-wide, new items have been added to "the various special vendors across Dereth," and some more masks have been put into the game. The patch notes also cryptically say that "there appears to be some sort of plague affecting the Carenzi of Marae Lassel." Presumably Turbine wants us to figure out what's going on there for ourselves.It's good to know that Asheron's Call is still getting some patch love on a regular basis; some older games aren't so lucky.