What If


  • Marvel's What If...? on the Apple Vision Pro

    Marvel's "What If...?" for Apple Vision Pro looks incredible, but plays terribly

    Devindra Hardawar
    Devindra Hardawar

    Marvel's What If...? is an intriguing experiment for the Apple Vision Pro, but it plays terribly.

  • A freeze frame of the new What If...? mixed-reality interactive story.

    Marvel's What If...? for Apple Vision Pro gets a trailer and release date

    Sarah Fielding
    Sarah Fielding

    What If...? is coming to Apple Vision Pro on May 30 and now has a trailer.

  • An ad for What If...? for Apple Vision Pro.

    Marvel’s making an ‘interactive story’ based on the What If...? show for Apple Vision Pro

    Lawrence Bonk
    Lawrence Bonk

    Marvel and Industrial Light & Magic have teamed up to make a mixed-reality interactive story for the Apple Vision Pro. This content will be based on the show What If…?

  • Infinity Ultron

    What kind of show was Marvel's ‘What If…?’ meant to be?

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    An anthology isn't meant to have ongoing storylines.

  • The Watcher fires an energy bolt

    The Watcher takes center stage on this week’s 'What If…?'

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    The Watcher has taken an oath to never interfere, but he forgot about the observer effect.

  • Girl handles a black-bladed lightsaber

    ‘Star Wars: Visions’ breaks from canon while Marvel’s ‘What If…?’ refuses to

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    'Star Wars: Visions' and Marvel's 'What If...?' both explore their multiverses in different ways.

  • Erik Killmonger

    ‘What If…?’ put superheroics on pause to explore a more militaristic MCU

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    What if Eric Killmonger took the MCU off its heroic rails entirely?

  • Bruce Banner, Kurt, Hope Pym, Peter Parker, Sharon Carter, Happy Hogan

    ‘What If…?’ is a tantalizing glimpse of future Avengers lineups

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    The second-stringers shine in this week's episode of Marvel's alt-reality cartoon.

  • Benedict Cumberbatch voices Stephen Strange

    Marvel’s 'What If?' expands beyond its anthology beginnings

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    This week's episode of Marvel's 'What If...?' went a little dark.

  • Nick Fury and Hawkeye

    Marvel’s ‘What If…?’ turns grim in its third episode with mixed results

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    This week's episode of 'What If...?' went a little dark.

  • Captain Carter and the Howling Commandos

    Marvel’s ‘What If…?’ is a fun diversion, but not required viewing

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    The new Marvel 'What If...?' is a show for the die-hard fans.

  • Alberto E. Rodriguez via Getty Images

    The biggest streaming announcements from Comic-Con

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Another San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone, and as always, there were a colossal number of trailers and previews for upcoming shows and movies, including many in the streaming realm.

  • Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP

    Disney+ will play a huge part in MCU phase four

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Marvel has provided the first details for phase four of its Cinematic Universe, and it won't surprise you to hear that Disney+ will play a large role. There are no less than five superhero shows reaching the streaming service, although you'll have to wait a while to watch them. And you'll have to watch them if you're an MCU completionist -- at least some of them will provide context for events in upcoming movies.

  • China News Service via Getty Images

    Marvel is reportedly making a 'What If' animated series for Disney+

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    What if Captain America was elected President? What if Spider Man had joined the Fantastic Four? What if those and other What If plots came to TV? According to Slashfilm, Marvel Studios wants to adapt the popular What If comic books into an animated series to stream on Disney+.

  • What If: Clash of the Frozen Thrones

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    I love doing lore columns, and I really enjoy doing Tinfoil Hat Editions of Know Your Lore -- I like the process of finding all the loose threads from expansions past and pulling them together in a way that is just weird enough to feasibly work. Sometimes, however, I come up with ideas that are just a little too far out there for a Tinfoil Hat Edition. Certainly they're interesting enough, but feasible? Not in the slightest. When it comes to Warlords of Draenor, there are a lot of questions that haven't been answered. This is to be expected. We haven't even seen the beta for the expansion yet. We have absolutely no idea where that story is going to lead, other than commentary at BlizzCon suggesting that it will directly feed into the expansion following. Yet that tiny little comment, along with some thinking about Warlords itself gave me a theory regarding the next expansion. No, not Warlords -- I'm talking about the expansion after that. It's entirely implausible of course, which is why I'm not sticking it in the Know Your Lore column. But what the heck, let's take a moment and ask ourselves what if -- and consider the possibility of Azeroth's greatest villain reborn.

  • Remember Me dev Dontnod enters 'judicial reorganization' following financial struggles

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    Remember Me developer Dontnod Entertainment is in financial mire, but CEO Oskar Guilbert claims the company isn't on the brink of bankruptcy. Speaking to GI.biz, Guilbert dismissed reports coming out of France today that the Parisian company is in fatal trouble after it entered "judicial reorganization" this week. "We started new projects and those new projects need some investment and we decided to resize the company in order to match these new needs. That's why we needed judicial reorganization," Guilbert asserted to GI.Biz today. "I cannot say that we have no financial difficulties, we have some, but I think that now they are behind us, not in front of us." Judicial reorganization or redressement judiciaire is a similar process to receivership, where the French courts appoint an administrator to oversee a company's restructuring when it has troubles paying its debts. The process can be drawn out over many months, but it's often a precursor to liquidation. Guilbert says Dontnod is in "close negotiations with one big partner," presumably to take over, and in "very close negotiations for our next project with one of the top publishers." Despite being published by Capcom, Remember Me was a game that struggled to live up to its name, both critically and seemingly at retail; Capcom failed to even note the game in its financial brief for the quarter following its release last summer. In March 2013, Dontnod received 200,000 euros from France's National Center of Cinematography, apparently for a separate project denoted as "What if?" – here's hoping that isn't an ominous name too.

  • What If: Shadows of the Assassin

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    When we last left off with the what-if challenges, Rossi wrote up a perfectly delightful idea for the premise of Shandris Feathermoon being a main antagonist for an expansion, then left me with the notorious half-orc assassin Garona Halforcen for my next challenge. One would think it'd be easy enough to build an expansion around someone who makes a habit of stabbing people, but Garona has essentially been a non-entity since we last saw her, briefly, in the Twilight Highlands. Her absence from the final fight with Cho'gall was noticeable. One would think that she'd be more than happy to pitch in and help defeat the creature that had been controlling her the majority of her life, forcing her to do things that colored her fate in such a way that she's been forced into hiding. Yet ... Garona wasn't there. In fact, she's all but disappeared. Which makes one wonder ... how much of Garona is, in fact, Garona -- and what would she do if given the unique opportunity to change her fate?

  • What if: Rage of the Kaldorei

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    If you saw the previous installments in this little fictive game Anne and I are playing, you know the score. You take an unlikely character from Warcraft lore (they have to be alive as of the time of the writing) and you speculate on how you could build an expansion pack around that person. I went first, so I got to pick Velen for myself and gave Anne Alexstrasza, and she retaliated by handing me Shandris Feathermoon. And if you know me, you know I happen to think Shandris is a heck of a character and I'd love to see her get used more. But how do we even conceive of an expansion with Shandris as the main antagonist? Note, I didn't say villain. Shandris Feathermoon has been through a lot over the past ten thousand years. A child when the Burning Legion first came to Azeroth, she lost her family and indeed her very home village to the Legion. Effectively 'adopted' by Tyrande, Shandris grew up with a bow in her hand, and following the Legion's defeat she became leader of the Sentinels, the Kaldorei military, when her erstwhile paramour Jarod Shadowsong, who had led the night elves in battle against the Legion, turned his back on their people and walked away. Not Shandris - she has spent the past ten thousand years defending the night elves of Kalimdor. And at present, Kalimdor has become a very hostile place for the night elves.

  • See Ultima X: Odyssey in glorious action

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    One of 2004's most anticipated MMOs, Ultima X: Odyssey, was struck down by parent studio EA near to its completion date. The strong interest in this title coupled with the advanced state of its development has always been one of the most maddening "what if?" scenarios in the industry. While it is slightly outside of our power to restore the Ultima X project and push it out the door, the folks over at Ultima Codex unearthed a 34-minute gameplay video to at least show us how this title looked in action. Clear out a half-hour and check out what could have been with the following footage! [Thanks to John for the tip!]

  • Wouldn't this be cool? Another draenei ship

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    My good friend Matthew Rossi's Wouldn't this be cool? post took hold in my brain at just the right moment in time to spark my own crazy idea. Wouldn't it be cool if there were another draenei ship out there, lost to the stars, that Velen somehow found a way to rendezvous with? The draenei version of the Battlestar Pegasus could be out there, floating in the dark, those inside not knowing of the continued threat of the Burning Legion or Velen's flight from Draenor and triumphs on Azeroth. Let's face it: After The Burning Crusade, the draenei were shunted off into a corner and never heard from again. We saw a naaru in Wrath, and there were those draenei in Borean Tundra being refused by the Alliance military, but that was it. The draenei were even less present in Cataclysm, with their corrupted Broken brethren actually getting the lion's share of the shaman roles in the most recent expansion. Velen has been reduced to a punch line.