

  • Got Klout? You may qualify for a free Windows Phone

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Turns out that Microsoft's hoping to get some influential people on board with Windows Phone, and it's choosing a unique strategy to do so. It's partnered with Klout, a service that uses social media analytics to weigh the influence you have on your social network, to give away 500 free devices -- along with VIP passes to one of five Windows Phone launch parties across the country -- to those who qualify through Klout Perks. The winners appear to be determined by their Klout score and if they live in the same city as one of the five shindigs. But it's clear that the Windows giant wants to be heard, and it might just work: according to Klout's official blog, "top influencers are trusted by their audience to share their real opinions and more and more brands are recognizing this power." In short, Redmond's banking on the possibility that some mightily influential people will have great things to say about its product. After all, word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Head to the source link to find out how to learn if you're one of the lucky 500.

  • Microsoft to keep Windows Phone monogamous with Qualcomm's chipsets, for now

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Microsoft may not be jumping on the dual-core bandwagon just yet, but it does place a high amount of emphasis on making sure its phones run smoothly. To do so, Windows Phone President Andy Lees stated to Bloomberg that it would continue to keep Qualcomm as its exclusive chipmaker, and has no plans to work with any other company. According to Lees, the monogamous relationship was made to allow Microsoft to use specific technical details, ensuring a smoother experience on all Windows Phones across the board. Lees also mentioned that the kind of production volume generated by such an agreement also allows production costs to dip down, which makes the platform even more appealing to OEMs. If any of you have dreamed of a Windows Phone with NVIDIA or TI running the show, don't try to pinch yourself -- you may be dissatisfied with the results.

  • Nokia Sabre brandished ahead of launch, expected to unveil its Mango of steel next week?

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Andy Lees mentioned at AsiaD that Nokia would be launching more than one Windows Phone at its London-based event next week, and there's a chance that the prototype you see above could be unveiled alongside the Nokia 800 Sea Ray. Pocketnow is referring to the Mr. Blurrycam-produced image as the Sabre, said to be running on a 1.4GHz single-core CPU, 1GB of RAM, a 3.5-inch WVGA display and a 5MP rear camera. The alleged price won't stab your wallet, as the source claims it'll cost somewhere between $410 and $480. Of course, there's less than a week before Nokia World begins and the speculation ends, and we'll be there to deliver the blow-by-blow action as it happens. Update: Commenters have made the connection between this mysterious device and the recently-announced Nokia 603, a Symbian Belle handset, with the hardware buttons simply whited out at the bottom. And we're definitely seeing the resemblance -- in fact, if you look closely enough at the Metro UI it appears slightly crooked, as if the stack of tiles is leaning to the right. We'd say the chances of this image being a fake are quite high.

  • Nokia Q3 2011 earnings: operating profit sinks 60 percent, but sales beat estimates

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Man, can Nokia World get here any faster? Nokia needs Windows Phone in perhaps the worst possible way, and if you had any doubt whatsoever on that, just take a look at the outfit's woeful Q3 2011 earnings. Right off the top, net sales dropped 13 percent year-over-year (and three percent from Q2), while operating profit plummeted a staggering 60 percent year-over-year (and 36 percent since the prior quarter). All told, the company recorded net sales of €9 billion ($12.35 billion), and while things are gloomy in comparison to the glory days, it still has a whopping €5.1 billion ($7 billion) in its coffers. And the good news doesn't end there. The company's shares actually surged on word that the losses weren't as bad as anticipated, and that overall sales beat estimates. Only in a stock market can the loss of €68 million ($93 million) be "positive," but hey -- we're sure Nokia will take all the silver linings it can find. Of course, things should be on the up-and-up after a spate of WP7-based Nokia devices are revealed later this month in London, but it still remains to be seen how soon the company can ship, and if it can penetrate a smartphone market that's gaining iOS and Android loyalists by the truckload each day. Hit the links below for more percentages than the average simpleton can shake a stick at.

  • Microsoft's Andy Lees: talking to your phone isn't super useful, NFC coming soon to Windows Phone

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Microsoft's President of Windows Phone, Mr. Andy Lees, just wrapped up a diverse interview with Ina Fried at AsiaD, in which he took the chance to gloat on Nokia's behalf about the impending launch of its wide array of WP7-based smartphones. Moreover, he proudly responded to claims that WP7 sales have been suboptimal by clarifying that Windows Phone 7 sold more in its first 12 months on the market than did Android. Granted, the smartphone market was entirely more prepared for another entrant when Microsoft arrived, but we digress. He also held no punches when asked to opine on Andy Rubin's swings at Windows Phone from last night's interview, noting that "Android is very techy," and that it's a great OS for a certain population. He stated that Android hits you "with a grid of apps," instead of taking a "people approach," which WP7 presumably has. Of course, we all know how The Social went over... All jesting aside, he responded to Ina's questions surrounding hardware choices with this: "We wanted to stop problems with fragmentation, so we've locked a lot of things down. We want partners to add value, but not in a way that's chaotic. As an example, we do hardware acceleration of the browser -- no matter which WP device you choose, it all works in a consistent way. Some things in 2012 will extend that." Moving on to more competitive questions (surrounding Siri, mostly), he affirmed that users can indeed talk to their Windows Phone handsets, but that the kind of implementation seen in Siri isn't "super useful." He also -- oddly, we must say -- noted that WP7's voice implementations rely on Bing, which harnesses "the full power of the internet, rather than a certain subset." Last we checked, Siri and Wolfram Alpha were connected to the internet, but we get his point -- in theory, at least. He confirmed that speaking to one's phone was practical in places like motorcars, but he seemed to imply that barking commands to a phone in public wasn't something that Microsoft was inclined to ask its users to do. On a hardware-related note, Andy affirmed that NFC chipsets will indeed ship on WP7 devices within the next year, and while Microsoft's not interested in competing with Google and the like from a platform standpoint, it's more than happy to enable mobile payments via services that already exist. To quote: "Microsoft is providing technological building blocks so payments can be done on the phone -- we aren't competing with other people providing services. We'll have a platform approach." Finally, he also alluded to the inclusion of LTE as the infrastructure behind WP evolves, leaving us to wonder if it'll be Apple (or someone else entirely) as the final 4G holdout.

  • Microsoft's Andy Lees: Nokia will announce 'its Windows Phones' at Nokia World

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    No surprise here, but you can officially mark Nokia World 2011 down as must-watch TV. Andy Lees just confirmed here on stage at AsiaD that the London-based event, which kicks off on October 26th, will be the launchpad for Nokia's Windows Phones. Yes, phones. As in, plural. He specifically stated: "[Nokia will] have differentiating hardware and software." We've already caught plenty of sneak peeks at what may be on tap, and you can bet we'll be on hand to bring you the details as they're poured out. First Mango, now Nokia. Looks like it'll be quite the holiday season for the WP7 department. Update: Here's a quote near the end of the interview from Andy. "Nokia will announce its rollout plans with Windows Phone, among other things. It made an evaluation early on, and saw our roadmap for this year and next year, and it decided to bet the whole company on Windows Phone based on that. We've seen that other hardware makers have seen this occurrence as an accelerant, which in turn helps both Microsoft and Nokia. I'm also excited about naming some new OEMs that will be coming onboard [with WP7]."

  • Microsoft's Andy Lees shows off Titan, Focus S, and Focus Flash

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Straight out of AsiaD, we've got our first look at Mango's next three handsets: the HTC Titan, the Samsung Focus S (pictured above), and the Samsung Focus Flash. Well, not strictly first -- the Focus S has slipped out into the wild before, and we've already clashed with the Titan and the Radar Lees is showing off, but we're still happy to get a proper look at Sammy's new stars. The Focus siblings both outpace their older brother with matching 1.4GHz processors, but split the difference in screen size, with the Focus S brandishing a larger 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus display, and the Flash stepping down to a 3.7-inch plus-free Super AMOLED. Cameras? They've got 'em, an 8 megapixel peeper clings to the back of the Focus S, while the Flash retains its predecessor's 5 megapixel cam -- both slabs lay a happy claim to front-facing cameras. Further details are scarce -- we know that the Focus S measures in 8.55 millimeters at its thinnest point and promises "4G" speeds when it lands later this year, but when that might actually be is still a mystery. We'll let you know when we hear something. Check out the galleries below for a better look.%Gallery-137063%%Gallery-137062%

  • HTC Titan review

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    We knew as soon as we first clapped eyes on this hulk of a phone that it'd make a brave purchase. It's not just the 4.7-inch screen that requires a leap of faith, but also the Windows Phone operating system, which is presented here in all its Mangofied glory but is still very much an early adopter's ecosystem. After all, if you love the Titan's hardware but prefer a more established OS, you can always wait for the Sensation XL, which is essentially the same phone running good ol' Android and which should have a similar £480 ($750 converted) SIM-free price tag. The question is, do you have the guts to make that jump to something more exotic? Yes? Maybe? Then read on before you begin your run-up. %Gallery-136413%

  • Nokia 710 spotted on developer site, probably not running 'Internet Tablet OS 2008 Edition'

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    With barely a few weeks before the phone giant's annual hurrah, Nokia World, kicks off in London, details have leaked of a new phone possibly winging its way to the Finnish faithful. According to MyNokiaBlog, the 710 is slightly longer and wider than the MeeGo-powered N9, with a 1.4GHz Cortex A8 processor, a 3.7-inch TFT screen and a five megapixel camera topped with some 720p video-capture frosting. All these details were swiftly pulled from the site, but not before the blog managed grab the screenshot above. A Nokia 710 also made a brief appearance on Occasional Gamer, which registers phone use on WP7 games. Most of the details match up with the Nokia Sun we saw earlier this month, though there are some inconsistencies -- is it TFT or AMOLED? We're hoping for the latter. It'll be a few weeks before Nokia has anything official to say, but whatever it is, it's going to have to wow us. The competition's never been tougher.

  • Sprint buyback ad deems HTC Arrive too old, iPhone page lightly suggests you chuck it (update: official response)

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Ready to trade in that phone you just got? Sprint thinks you are, teasing you from its iPhone landing page to "go green and get green" by recycling your probably still in-contract HTC Arrive. Sure, its $73 buyback kickback might help you subsidize something fresher, but you aren't tired of Metro already, are you? Update: We just received word from Sprint, mentioning that the HTC Arrive was chosen at random and that no actual connection exists between it and the BuyBack program.

  • Microsoft officially launches Windows Phone in India with trio of Mango devices

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    You may have already been able to get a Windows Phone device in India without too much trouble, but Microsoft has only just now made things fully official -- complete with Windows Phone Marketplace, voice recognition support, and a trio of Mango devices. That includes just the HTC Radar initially, which will be available next week for the local equivalent of $490, while the Samsung Omnia W and Acer Allegro (believed to be the same as the W4) are set to follow sometime in November. Of the three, the Allegro is said to be the cheapest of the lot, and there's also some reports that it will launch in Europe for €299 (or roughly $400) off-contract. Those curious about the Radar can check out our review from a few days ago.

  • HTC Radar review

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    HTC Radar 4G gets November 2nd launch date on T-Mobile with $100 price tag Mango rollout going smoothly, now available to half of all Windows Phones 1.5 GHz Scorpion and quartet of HTC Windows Phone 7 handsets headed to North America? It took life as the Omega, but it didn't take long for HTC's Mango handset for the masses to be christened the Radar. Alongside the higher-end Titan (with its gigantic 4.7-inch screen and souped-up 1.5GHz CPU), it holds the potential to replace numerous devices in the company's Windows Phone lineup -- the Trophy, Mozart and HD7 all come to mind. Yes, we may see additional options down the road, but for the moment, it comes down to these two. While the Radar's aging chipset, sealed battery and limited 8GB headroom will undoubtedly discourage some buyers, it's managed to find a soft spot in our jaded hearts. Just how'd it do that? Read on, as we count the reasons why. %Gallery-136126%

  • First Nokia 800 ads spotted, announcing the arrival WP7 for Finnish faithful

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Nokia keeps promising that its first Windows Phone 7 device will be shipping by the end of the year and, though the company is cutting it close, we may actually see that vow fulfilled. It's already been caught in spy shots a few times over, but now marketing materials for the Nokia 800 have started to leak out. With Nokia World only a few weeks away, it makes sense that the Finnish manufacturer would want a campaign ready to roll. The ads for what was formerly known only as Sea Ray talk up WP7's social features, with one declaring "Take, tag, sort and share. All in a flash." It's hardly a confirmation, but this is as good as sign as we've seen that Nokia will actually deliver us a little slice of Mango before it's time to buy a new calendar. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Another Windows Phone spotted, Nokia Sun on the horizon?

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    It's getting increasingly difficult to pin down exactly how many Nokia Windows Phones we can expect to see this year, now that the French WinPho obsessives at Mon Windows Phone have added the Nokia Sun to that list. The site got its hands on the vague screengrab above, which shows this mystery phone joining Orange France's ranks of forthcoming devices. With names like the SeaRay and Sabre already being bandied around, the Sun does fit in with Nokia's naming trend for Mango handsets, although it could be another name for previously leaked hardware. The accompanying spec sheet, meanwhile, hints at a very N9-esque device with an AMOLED screen, eight megapixel camera, polycarbonate shell, and (perhaps) a Micro SIM slot -- all centered around a slightly smaller display. Who knows, maybe this is the anonymous (and possibly fake) phone we saw last month? All bets are on the table at this point, but with Nokia World set to kick off in a few weeks, we shouldn't have to wait long for an answer. We'll be there to sniff out all the details on the Finnish colossus' Windows Phone offerings -- however many they decide to shower us with.

  • Soon, Xbox Companion will let you control your console from Windows Phone

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    We just reported that Microsoft is partnering with Verizon and Comcast (among others) to continue expanding the reaches of its Xbox 360 entertainment suite, but would it be complete without adding compatibility to its mobile empire as well? The Windows Phone Team says nay; it spoke up this morning about an upcoming app called Xbox Companion, which will access the Xbox Live Marketplace and also act as a remote, allowing you to navigate your console or control video playback directly from your handset. You can call it laziness or convenience -- or both -- but either way, it's still going to be a clever new addition to the Marketplace. The app's currently in beta and will be available as a free download "soon." For a peek, check out the video below at around the one-minute mark.

  • iPhone 4S vs. the smartphone elite: Galaxy S II, Bionic and Titan

    Myriam Joire
    Myriam Joire

    Now that we know how the iPhone 4S stacks up against the iPhone 4, let's take a look at how Apple's latest smartphone compares to its mightiest competitors on the other major platforms -- Android and Windows Phone. In Google's camp we chose the superlative Samsung Galaxy S II models (focusing on the announced US variants) along with the Motorola Droid Bionic for its qHD and LTE chops. We then picked the upcoming HTC Titan to bat for Microsoft's team. RIM's not included here since it's still stuck in the junior leagues. We left out the intriguing Nokia N9 because it's a niche player. Check out the fancy table after the break -- the results are pretty clear cut!

  • Mango kills Microsoft's always-on location tracking, makes good on letter to House of Representatives

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Remember all that iPhone tracking hubbub back in April? Sure you do -- you probably also recall Apple's denial, the subsequent Senate hearing, and the rest of the fiasco's dramatic fallout. Amid the ballyhoo, Microsoft stepped out to admit that its Windows Phone also collected location data, but quickly promised to knock it off following the next scheduled update. According to ChevronWP7 collaborator Rafael Rivera, Windows Phone 7.5 cinches it: Mango "no longer sends location data prior to being granted permission to do so." Redmond previously told the US House of Representatives that it only collected location data if a user expressly allowed an application to send it along -- a claim which Rivera debunked last week, noting that simply launching the camera application captured and transmitted "pin-point accurate positioning information." The big M maintains that the collected location data was anonymous, and that it shouldn't have been sent at all unless the user allowed it. Either way, Microsoft's chapter in the big location tracking blunder of 2011 seems to be at a close, squaring the firm with Congress, its developers, and hopefully its customers.

  • Long live the Samsung Taylor: prototype device to receive Mango?

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Keep looking at Microsoft's "where's my Windows Phone update" page, concerned that Mango may never make it to your WP7 device? You may be comforted to hear that even the Samsung Taylor -- the beta device awarded to devs last summer that got left in the dark when NoDo came around -- is reportedly receiving the refresh to Windows Phone 7.5, inferring that the range of devices covered by the annual overhaul is pretty wide. It hasn't been made official, but the above screenshot was posted on the Facebook Wall of a Microsoft employee (which has since been taken down), offering a solid indication that the idea isn't too far-fetched. If you're one of the lucky few to have the prototype handset in your possession, be on the lookout and keep us apprised if Mango comes knocking on your door. Everyone else should feel at ease knowing that if the Taylor can get it, it's likely that every other Windows Phone can too.

  • HTC Radar 4G headed to T-Mobile in time for the holidays, chock-full of Mango

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Looks like the HTC Radar 4G is the real deal, after all. T-Mobile outed the Windows Phone Mango-sporting handset today, talking up the device's 3.8-inch screen, 1GHz Snapdragon processor, five-megapixel camera (with a devoted camera button) and, of course, the titular 4G speed. No precise date on the thing yet, but the magenta carrier says it should be out in the States before the holidays.

  • Windows Phone 7.5 'Mango' update begins rolling out today

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    It's raining Mango, Hallelujah! Windows Phone 7.5 is now officially ready to get pushed to existing devices, and in a big way. Taking lessons Microsoft learned from the update debacle that was NoDo, the company's eager to do a much more efficient (and quick) job of rolling out its latest revamp. While Redmond didn't offer any exact details on which phones would be the lucky recipients right away, it'll be keeping the masses posted through its "where's my phone update" page. If your handset is listed, hook it up to your computer, load the Zune client and there should be a lovely message waiting for you. As always, don't feel too discouraged if your device isn't available right away, since these rollouts have a habit of taking a bit of time to get to everyone. In addition to the rollout, the Web Marketplace will also make its debut, giving Windows Phone users the opportunity to do what Android users already enjoy -- the ability to surf for apps online and have them downloaded directly on the phone with no sideloading required. There's one bit of sad news to relay to anyone that already has a Windows Phone, however: Microsoft confirmed to us that Internet Sharing -- the long-awaited mobile hotspot functionality -- will not be available for existing devices. There's no word on if this will be offered through a future update or if it's a permanent deal, but at least it's only a single thorn in an entire rose garden of good news.