World War II


  • New Heroes & Generals trailer shows gameplay, community

    We told you earlier this week about Heroes & Generals, the new World War II strategy/shooter mashup from Reto-Moto. Today the devs have a released a new promotional trailer called Come Out to Play, which is a tongue-in-cheek mixture of real-world footage and clips from the game. Reto-Moto invited a few of H&G's most active community members to pal around with the dev team at various locations near the firm's Copenhagen studio. The new trailer is the result, and Reto-Moto says it's a nod to the fact that the game really is built with its community in mind. "We wish to create a living and breathing game universe, where we deliver the setting and the scene, but the real star is the community who plays out all the active roles in a persistent war and helps us tweak the experience into the game that they want to play," says game director Jacob Andersen. [Source: Reto-Moto press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • Heroes & Generals brings persistent WW2 action to your browser

    If you haven't checked out Heroes & Generals yet, what are you waiting for? Reto-Moto has just updated the game's beta to something called the Bradley build, and the devs have released an accompanying video diary that details all the changes. The update brings several weapon tweaks, new weapon modifications, and new town map layouts to the World War II shooter. And before you make the mistake of thinking that H&G is yet another FPS, have a look at the feature set as well as some of the other videos on display at the game's official website. The title is basically two games in one. You've got a massively multiplayer online FPS and a strategic asset management game, both of which affect the other via persistent campaigns. All of this happens in your browser, too, though how Reto-Moto manages the game's high-fidelity visuals and sprawling environments is part of the company's proprietary Retox engine secret sauce. Check out the dev blog after the break, and take a gander at our first impressions for further gameplay details. [Source: Reto-Moto press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: Hands-on with Heroes & Generals

    During the first 10 minutes of my time with Heroes & Generals, I killed once, died twice, and drove a tank, a jeep, a half-track, and a bicycle (not necessarily in that order). I also rode shotgun on said tank and said jeep, manning a nifty vehicle-mounted machine gun in the process. I marveled at the visuals, took way too many screenshots of my squadmates looking at the blow-away badass in-game map (it's the little things, amirite?), and generally had a helluva good time. Did I mention that all of this happened in a browser?

    Jef Reahard
  • GDC 2012: on World of Warplanes, clan wars, and taking over the world had a huge presence at this year's GDC, and why not? The firm is growing at an exponential rate, and we're not just talking about the fact that it has World of Warplanes and World of Battleships coming down the pike. CEO Victor Kislyi told me that over the past year the firm has expanded to include 700+ employees and a global presence that features development centers in Kiev, Ukraine, and Russia. The firm's flagship World of Tanks title currently boasts 18 million players worldwide, and it is paving the way for the second and third entries in a World War II trilogy. Its clan wars mode is also the starting point for a grand vision of military combat at the squad level.

    Jef Reahard
  • Canned Call of Duty: Devil's Brigade was like Inglourious Basterds on steroids

    In 2007, while Infinity Ward was building the first Modern Warfare, Underground Development began working on a top-secret, third-person shooter in the Call of Duty franchise, titled Devil's Brigade, Vox Games reports. Based on a real-life group of ruthless, almost superhuman American and Canadian soldiers in World War II, Devil's Brigade was Activision's fallback if fans didn't get the switch to a contemporary setting with Modern Warfare.Devil's Brigade focused on tactical strategy, stealth missions and super-athletic Special Forces combat. The real Devil's Brigade scaled a mountain carrying more than 50 pounds of supplies and weapons to defeat the camp below in two hours, and they were known for infiltrating German trenches and slitting soldiers' throats, slapping stickers that read "The worst is yet to come," in German, on the dead men's helmets. Underground Development wanted to capture this essence for the game version of Devil's Brigade.But, as history shows, players did understand Modern Warfare. When Devil's Brigade was ready for its final green light, it got lost in the shuffle of Infinity Ward's success and the Blizzard/Vivendi merger. Activision closed Underground Development in 2008 with nary a whisper about Devil's Brigade. For now, we have some screenshots of the game and the memories of throat-slitting action that could have been.

    Jessica Conditt
  • World of Planes renamed, evolves 'beyond pure aerial combat'

    Gaijin has renamed its forthcoming aviation-centric World War II action MMO. The title was formerly called World of Planes (not to be confused with World of Warplanes), but will henceforth be known as War Thunder: World of Planes. The official website has been redesigned to reflect the change, and most interestingly, Gaijin states that aviation is no longer the title's sole focus. "This name change is significant because the online multiplayer universe Gaijin is developing has evolved beyond pure aerial combat. The massive historical battles featured in War Thunder cannot be fought with aviation alone -- World of Planes is only the beginning," the site says. What this means is anyone's guess, since Gaijin has not offered any details regarding ground- or sea-based combat as of yet. The company has released a new screenshot gallery, though, and you'll find that and more at the new official site.

    Jef Reahard
  • French tanks rumble into World of Tanks looking for payback is allowing players to participate in a little revisionist history by unleashing French designs into World of Tanks. Will the Germans finally get what's coming to them, or will the Panzers dominate as they did back in the 40s? With today's Update 7.1, the French have arrived in the game with several new tanks available for players to drive. Light, medium, and heavy versions of French armor will present a new twist on the established gameplay, with choices like the AMX 13-90, AMX 40, AMX 50 B and Lorraine 40t that feature automatic loading systems and oscillating turrets. Later this year will add French tank destroyers and SPGs as well. Lead Game Designer Mike Zhivets believes this will present a unique challenge for players who think they have it all figured out: "Our players already know how to play with the 'big three' tank nations, but the French are all-different. You'll have to reconsider the way you think tanks behave before they let you tame them. And that's what we love them for!" You can scope out these French beauties in the gallery below. [Source: press release] %Gallery-96260%

    Justin Olivetti
  • The Firing Line: An early look at World of Planes

    Today I'd like to expand on the World War II flight shooter theme introduced in last week's episode of The Firing Line. We've talked a bit about's World of Warplanes, but there's another MMO in the works that features intense aerial battles, sexy 1940s-era aircraft, and a "World of" title.

    Jef Reahard
  • talks World of Warplanes features and functionality has published some new World of Warplanes info in part three of its ongoing community question-and-answer series. The free-to-play World War II aviation title is shaping up to be an action-heavy game with a casual playstyle that is similar to World of Tanks. Over the course of 30 questions, covers a lot ground including joystick controls (available but not required), cockpit views (not available), and airborne vs. ground spawn points. "Aircraft will be spawned in the air at the beginning of the battle. As an option, you will be able to land the aircraft at the end of the battle and a successful landing will give you additional experience. An unsuccessful landing will break the plane and will [incur repair costs]," according to a post on the official WoWP forums.

    Jef Reahard
  • The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Unity of Command

    Indie developers are the starving artists of the video-game world, often brilliant and innovative, but also misunderstood, underfunded and more prone to writing free-form poetry on their LiveJournals. We at Joystiq believe no one deserves to starve, and many indie developers are entitled to a fridge full of tasty, fulfilling media coverage, right here. This week, we figure nothing gets people into the holiday spirit like recreating World War II's Easter Front -- and 2x2 Games agrees. Their game, Unity of Command, recreates historical battles from 1942-1943, but more fun, as explained by the team, and developers Tomislav Uzelac and Nenad Jalšovec. What's your game called and what's it about? 2x2: Unity of Command is a turn-based strategy game about some of the biggest Eastern Front battles in World War II. It's a game that tries to capture the essentials of traditional, hex-based wargaming without being excessively complex. On the surface, it's your regular strategy fare complete with cute little toy soldiers and tanks. The UI is friendly, the information is clearly presented and the strategic challenge is plain enough: Take your objectives, fast. As you go deeper, however, you will find there's a substantial historical and simulation component underneath. Hopefully by the time you master the game you'll have learned something new about the grim rules of war and/or the stern lessons of history.

    Jessica Conditt
  • World of Planes updates include screenshots, fan video, and interviews

    Timing is everything, a wise man once said, and Gaijin's PR department surely knows this. That's why we've finally got some new info on World of Planes after weeks of silence. Yes, we said World of Planes, not World of Warplanes, and we're sure it's a big ol' coincidence that Gaijin has chosen to open the floodgates just after released its first tech tree earlier this week. At any rate, there is some cool stuff to see if you're into World War II-era aviation. First up is a fan-made (and developer-endorsed) video that we've embedded for after the break. Then there is the new screenshot gallery on the official WoP website. Lastly there are a couple of noteworthy forum threads including a beginner's guide and the second interview in a series focusing on alpha testers who are real-world pilots. [Source: Gaijin press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • World of Warplanes reveals American tech tree, new trailer

    Today's a big day for World of Warplanes fans, as is publishing a bit of info about some of the American fighters to be featured in its upcoming free-to-play aerial shooter. The initial tech tree features two branches full of famous aircraft like the P-51 Mustang, the F4U Corsair, and the F-86 Sabre. The American lineup also features a unique branch of carrier-based fighters that won't be available with the German and Soviet tiers that will ship with the finished game. World of Warplanes is currently in closed alpha testing and tells us that the game is scheduled for a 2012 release. You can check out the American tech tree and a new teaser trailer after the break. [Source: press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • World of Tanks 7.1 update to feature French armor has been trumpeting the 7.0 release for its World of Tanks MMO for a while now. Today the company dropped the first hint about what lies beyond with update 7.1, which it will feature the long-awaited introduction of French tanks. The new tech tree boasts 18 new French fighting vehicles (there's a pacifist joke in there somewhere) divided into light, medium, and heavy flavors. also says that the French armor will "enrich the combat and bring all-new tactics into the game." We're not sure how the new tactics will work as of yet, but we'll bring you the very latest as the devs make it available. Finally, says that French SPGs and tank destroyers are planned for a later update. [Source: press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • releases World of Tanks' 7.0 update has announced the official release of its seventh major update for World of Tanks. Crazily enough, it's called the 7.0 update, and it features a bundle of new content designed to make little tanker hearts go pitter-patter. First up are two new game maps, the Swamp and the Fjords, and there's also a bit of tank customization in the offing thanks to new camouflage and various horn effects. Tank company levels are also being tweaked, as are the game's visual effects (including smoke, shots, and explosions that have been tuned to allow for lower system requirements). If you've ever wanted to relive your multiplayer battles (and you don't have a copy of Fraps handy), you can now save and view replays at will. Finally, new technology will allow for users "to play on any cluster of the server group with same unified account." Head to the official site for more, and don't forget to fire up your patchers to start the update! [Source: press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • The Firing Line: A look at World of Tanks

    I'm not the biggest tank fan in the world. Don't get me wrong; I'm a red-blooded American male who loves engines, horsepower, and most types of heavy machinery, but for whatever reason, I've never looked at a tank and come away particularly aroused. Imagine the surprise, then, when I loaded up World of Tanks a couple of weeks ago and found myself having a jolly old time.'s free-to-play action title is a deceptively simple shooter with a lot of depth under the hood, and despite what some players refer to as pay-to-win shenanigans, I highly recommend it.

    Jef Reahard
  • World of Warplanes turns off the 'no forums' lights

    While you can't yet throw yourself into the cockpit of a World War II-era fighter and take off for the stratosphere, at least now there's nothing stopping you from talking about it with like-minded pilots. World of Warplanes, the upcoming fighter plane MMO from, has launched its official forums. The categories are quite extensive, ranging from developer feedback to a place to write poems about flying. There are even several sub-forums that cover the history of aviation if you're looking to brush up on your basics. The title is the third in the "World of" series, and is currently in closed alpha testing. By having the forums up, hopes that it'll be useful for refining the testing process and to balance the title before it's ready for the masses. World of Warplanes covers combat aviation from the 1930s all the way up through the 50s. Potential pilots are encouraged to read our conversation with about the game from GDC earlier this month.

    Justin Olivetti
  • World of Tanks retail box coming to Europe in November

    World of Tanks boxed editions landed in American brick-and-mortar stores last month, and a new press release indicates that European retailers are about to join the party. Deep Silver has secured the publishing rights to's World War II-based action MMO, and the company will be bringing the game to the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Greece, Benelux, and Nordic countries in short order. The package features the game itself plus bonus content in the form of in-game currency, premium account access, and a premium German tank. The World of Tanks box will cost £7.99 and is scheduled for a November 15th release. [Source: press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • releases new World of Warplanes screens

    The latest salvo in the battle between forthcoming free-to-play aviation MMOs has been fired by The company has released a fresh batch of screenshots detailing its new World of Warplanes title, which is the second in a trilogy of World War II-based action games that includes World of Tanks and World of Battleships. The screenshots show a small cross section of classic aircraft slipping the surly bonds of earth and engaging in various maneuvers designed to fill enemies full of hot lead.'s press release says that "every plane will feature multiple variations of ammo types, engines, and other crucial modules," and players will be able to guide their pilot avatars through a virtual career that begins in 1930s biplanes and culminates in the cockpit of Korean War-era jets. See the sights in the gallery below, and check out our exclusive interview with project manager Alexander Zezulin for more details on World of Warplanes' features and mechanics. [Source: press release] %Gallery-130862%

    Jef Reahard
  • publishes World of Tanks development plan has gifted World of Tanks fans with a development roadmap for the World War II-based action MMO, and a visit to the game's official website will give you a preview of what's coming down the pike over the next year. The post lays out quite a bit of information, most of it marked with vague release windows like Q3 2012 and so on. There's the standard "dates are subject to change" disclaimer, but it's nonetheless interesting to see what looks to be a fairly complete development schedule. What are the highlights? Well, more tank models, of course, followed by new game types including historical battle, escort, garage battle, assault, and company battle modes. There's also an expansion of the clan wars map in the works, as well as new customization options, vehicle physics, and more. [Thanks to Greg for the tip!]

    Jef Reahard
  • dangling World of Warplanes alpha tester carrots

    Think you've got the right stuff to be a World of Warplanes alpha tester? Well, you may have it, but you'll also need to have a strong stomach when it comes to installing third-party apps on your computer. has thrown open the application process for its upcoming World War II aviation MMO, and would-be testers will need to install both Overwolf and Xfire on their gaming rigs. A news blurb on the official World of Tanks website spills the beans, and says that the aim of the test is to "discover how functional and comfortable these programs are for you." In addition to the alpha tester position, the devs are also dangling some sort of "special award" carrot. We're not sure whether it's an in-game title, ability, or other perk, but we do know that simply signing up doesn't guarantee you access to the testing phase. There's also a questionnaire that needs filling out, and "those of you who [...] provide [the] most detailed and descriptive answers will be awarded with the chance to become alpha testers [for] World of Warplanes!"

    Jef Reahard