

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Party time

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend Canada! As for everyone else, well, you can enjoy the comics knowing that soon enough, you too will be feasting and we Canucks will have to hear about it. And watch all those mouth-watering food commercials. Daily Quests: A Simple Re-Quest. Battlemasters: You...I Remember You. This fairly new and awesome comic is still settling into its own artistic groove; something that was interrupted when Zach was separated with his art supplies. Now that he has replaced some of them, we can settle in and watch the two artists refine this comic's style. Dark Legacy Comics: Mr. VanCleef. LFG #294: This one reminds me vaguely of that Alien Ant Farm song, Happy Death Day. Teh Gladiators: Brewmaster's Revenge. NPC: Negotiations. These terms are genius. I wonder how long it will be before she stops tallying up /played to exchange for real quality time. NPC: Choose Your Butt. Careful; Cadychan draws a pretty nice cow butt! NPC: Noob Unleashed. She doesn't quite have the terminology down, but she seems to be settling in. Happy Belated Birthday, WoW, eh! Do You KNOW How Much Mats Cost These Days?! Beyond the Tree: Gryan the Fierce. Cru the Dwarf: Adieu. She really likes to give that Chapeau away. The Scout Report: Scout reflects on her situation. Fortunately, she meets someone interesting, although perhaps not in the way that she thinks. The Scout Report: All is revealed!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: 'Stache

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week, I have a treat for you; a nice, long list of comics, with some of my brilliant commentary. Well, you'll have fun with the comics anyway! Daily Quests: From the people who brought you Emergency Kindergarten! The Battlemasters: The Bang and the Clatter. Don't forget to read the accompanying notes. I, too, am enjoying the use of spell icons to tell the story. To the WoW community, they are interchangeable with text descriptions, and I'm sure if we could type using them, we would. I also love the fact that it's an "inside" means of communication. Ctrl+Alt+Del: Bringin' the Deeps. That mountain of gold is awesome. Ctrl+Alt+Del: Fail Druid strikes again! Thanks for the tips guys. How quickly can you spot the fail that doesn't get pointed out (directly) in the comic? Scroll back for a few more while you're there. Dark Legacy Comics: The Collaboration. In the latest LFG, there's some scantily clad kissing action. If that doesn't get you to click, I don't know what will. Teh Gladiators: Tyrande, My Love! More after the break!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Swing it

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Today is the beginning of Brewfest, and with it comes the opportunity to finally get your Violet Proto-Drake. Before you jump into the festivities, why not read through the latest batch of WoW-related web comics? Dark Legacy Comics: Everyone Loves Marmalade. Check out the latest from LFG. Teh Gladiators: Mayhem's the Word. The Scout Report: Scout is getting hit on in Ironforge. In fact, she's getting hounded. Noobs: Needy. Beyond the Tree: Reap What You Sow. NPC: Futility. NPC: End Game. I think after retirement, the trick will be to just not have any more birthdays! NPC: What's your DPS? Check out the latest from Kuo. World of Warcraft, eh: Good Intentions. Cru the Dwarf: and How to Swing it. NoObz: Hard at Work.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Unlikely transformation

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    It's Sunday Morning Funnies Time! Coincidentally, this could coincide with Peanut Butter Jelly Time, if that is how you roll at breakfast. Today we explore the origin of a mysterious sound, find out how Worgen came to be Druids, and then escape from a Blizzard dungeon, all while drinking our morning coffees. Dark Legacy Comics: Clink Clink. Well that is one way to save money, isn't it? Check out the latest from LFG. Pay extra special attention to the discovery made in panel six, because it isn't made by looking! Teh Gladiators: I Am Your Father. I wonder if martial arts are a rat racial ability? The Scout Report #75 suggests that Scout may be stuck as a Gnome for awhile. She may be slow to take a hint, but she eventually figures it out, although that fight probably would've been amusing. Noobs: The Deadmines. I think someone is about to get schooled in loot etiquette. Beyond the Tree: Staggering Knowledge. NPC: Kiblets. NPC: Tail of Escape Part 1 and Tail or Escape Part 2. Part two is so awesome and adorable that I can't even begin to comment! WoW eh: Yes, Google Is That Old. I love how disinterested the Worgen looks in the last panel. Cru the Dwarf: The Exorcist. I love the artwork in this one!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Lookin' familiar

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Once again, I have a new comic to list! Keep the tips coming. Somewhere in the list today is the secret identity of last week's "mystery" picture! Check out Noobs, a new comic, and one that is not to be confused with NoObz, which isn't WoW-related this week. Scout Report: We finally find out why Scout's sister is hanging around! This of course leads to a rather strange conversation, about kittens (of a sort). Cru the Dwarf: Bless This Thy Holy Boot. Well, they've reached the Scarlet Monastery. The message at the bottom says it all! Dark Legacy Comics: Gretta's Plan. Experience Points: Vincent is planning his trip to BlizzCon with his new pal, Steve. Experience Points: Vincent hangs out with Steve on patch day. I am kind of afraid of his sandwich. LFG: Meet the Mistress of Magma. NPC: Overcome. NPC: A break seems to be in the couple's future, but Smelly Demographics shows the flaw in the first activity suggested. So, they decide to take a different sort of trip, because they've had Too Much WoW. Check out the latest from Teh Gladiators. Kuo: This guest comic is awesomely cute, and in translation. For regular comics, evidently, Sylvanas just wasn't as cool before she died. Beyond the Tree: No purse, no pursuit. WoW-eh: The Mis-Adventures of....

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Awakening

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Today, not only do we have a reader submission and a few unexpected updates, a long-dormant but awesome comic has awoken. The Scout Report has updated! Looks like last week's whining was but a moment too soon. Hurray! Cru the Dwarf: Slobberchops. Dark Legacy Comics: Marmalade. Experience Points: Vincent continues on his journey, and finally gets to meet the person who sent the iPhone message. Check out the latest from LFG. NoObz: World of Stars. NPC: Binge. This is exactly how most days start for me too! NPC: Break. Note: Looking at your Twitter feed, that's hilarious that your Mom said mats! I love it. Teh Gladiators. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: I Blame Blizzard. I totally know this feeling. By now, I should have at least two Azure Whelpling pets, but no. Reader submission from themightysven: Nobody Scores. Warcraft the Dark Spider Wrath Thing from Kuo. Beyond the Tree: It's all green. WoW eh: I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Facepalm

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    It's a thrifty list this week, but with three from NPC and a newbie to the list, you should still have a fair amount to read. Disgraph is set to start updating again, Cru is on a break, and Kuo is being delayed due to studies. Flintlocke vs. the Horde has officially ended, Shakes and Fidget was shut down awhile ago, and I'm missing my Scout Report pretty hard. Just throwing that out there.Now that that it's Sunday morning and you know where your comics are, carry on! The Secret Meeting. Dark Legacy Comics. Experience Points has posted quite a few updates on a new story arc. I recommend starting with this one, which was linked last week, and then shuffling forward on your own. GU Comics: Call it Research. The latest LFG is quite interesting. I don't know if I'm more perplexed by his decision not to put on pants, or if I'm mostly nervous about his eyes in the last panel. Coercer has pointed out a comic I haven't listed before called Beyond the Tree. Check it out, and next week I'll start posting from the latest rather than the first. Thanks for the tip! NoObz: Undercover. NPC: 5 Pounds of Turkey Livers and Bink Quits WoW? and finally, Picked On. Teh Gladiators: Face Off! There will be no Road to BlizzCon this year! Still, if you're nostalgic or you missed it, now is as good a time as any to catch up. WoW eh: Dual-Speculating. I love this one! Particularly diabolical. You should also note that World of Warcraft eh?'s first store has been opened, and there is artwork to be had! Check out the latest from Two Lumps: the Adventures of Ebenezer and Snooch.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Bearded Snuggle Bunny

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Last week's Funnies had quite the commenter turnout! To add my two cents (sorry, Canadian money), I would like to point out that despite the name of this column, web comics do not actually have to be funny to be included. Serious submissions, especially when coupled with stellar artwork, are always welcome. Incidentally, the name of this column was probably created just to confuse you.I'd also like to know when everybody allegedly started to prefer one-shot comics to those with a story arc? Personally, I love both types. I also enjoy recurring themes and "inside" jokes. I do try to feature comics that stand well on their own, but I'm not going to omit something good just because it doesn't appeal to everyone. Cru the Dwarf: Bedsheet Bump in the Night and the rather comical Brain Freeze that ensues. Experience Points: Vincent has his hands full with gear disputes, an overactive imagination, and the new iPhone Armory app that's acting a bit strangely. Flintlocke vs. the Horde: The Showdown, part 22. LFG: #270. Monkey Punchers: Turning Point. Kuo: Chapter 3, Kobold's Ambition 6. WoW eh: Milk: It'll Do Your Body Good. I love that last frame especially! Teh Gladiators: Fight it, Papa! NPC: Speciesists. The cats write a forum post in to Blizzard with some, er, suggestions, and Blizz Responds. I love these kitties! NoObz: NoobyNoob. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: Hail the One True King. Thank goodness I wasn't drinking anything when I read this! In fact, I think I've learned instinctively to put the cup down before I start reading this one. I recommend reading it over a few times, because the awesomeness doesn't fade. Side Note: Not WoW related, but totally kitty and MJ related, from The Adventures of Ebenezer and Snooch. Next, I will include a link to something that we've been tipped off to all week.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: If you wannabe

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week's list is short but sweet. Tried and true. We're still missing Disgraph (cries) but most others are present and accounted for. Check out the latest from LFG. NoObz: Who's Up For.... NPC: Outrage. (I miss my kitties). Teh Gladiators: Papa! WoW eh: The End of a Memory. Again, I love the artwork. It's always evolving. The armor looks fantastic. Check out the latest from Kuo, and be sure to read the description underneath the comic. Flintlocke vs. the Horde. Vincent checks out Twitter in WoW, and tests the Mountain Dew drinks. Well, at least one of them. Society for the Betterment of NPC Characters. Dark Legacy Comics. GU Comics: Wannabes.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Just a quickie

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    It's Sunday, the 5th of July, and somehow I think that some of you guys are either traveling, sleeping in, or "mysteriously" a little ill. This one's dedicated to all of you. I hope you had a happy Fourth of July, and here's a quickie to enjoy before you realize that today is the last day of the Midsummer Fire Festival and you never did get around to finishing those achievements. Cru the Dwarf: A Pile of Dried Plums. Dark Legacy Comics: On the Run. GU Comics: If the Armor Fits. On Experience Points, Vincent finds a way to solve his problem. Flintlocke vs. the Horde. Check out the latest from LFG. NoObz: Crafting. NPC: Time Spent and 17 Pound Catfish. Teh Gladiators. World of Warcraft, eh?: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. I agree with the comments, there are some great facial expressions in this one! Plus, a pretty cool bikini.

  • The Daily Quest: Wokka wokka

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We here at are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Episode 48 of the Twisted Nether Blogcast is available for download. Their guest this week is Cadistra of WoW, Eh? Slice and Dice has basic tips for Rogues trying to get into PvP and the arena. Mangle-ian Beef is the latest addition to our favorite food-for-gamers blog, Nourish! You do own a wok, don't you? Defeat Dragons, a guild/raid management blog, discusses boosting the performance of your raiders. Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • The Daily Quest: A podcast, eh?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We here at WoW Insider are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Serennia discusses the 2v2 arena bracket. Would we be better off if they replaced it with a 4v4 bracket? Too Many Annas answers reader mail regarding a fairly widespread (in my experience) phenomenon: RPers griefing RPers that raid simply because they raid. Are you a Hunter? Are you a Hunter that hates Naxxramas as much as I do? The Hunter's Rhok shows you how to gear up for Ulduar without it! Episode #115 of All Things Azeroth has been released. This week it features an interview with Cadistra of WoW, Eh? along with a whole load of other topics. Those of you using our profile system... we want your blogs! Have you written something that you think is worth being featured on The Daily Quest? Have you discovered another good blog here on Send them in using the link below! No, this doesn't mean we're going to stop linking to other sites, so don't worry! We have enough love to go around. Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • Children's Week Child's Play auction is live

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Children's Week is here, and with it this year comes our friend Brigwyn's Child's Play auction. You can look through all of the available items in his on-site catalogue, or head on over to eBay and start bidding on whatever you like. All of the proceeds from the auction will go to help Penny Arcade's very worthy Child's Play charity, which goes to help put videogames in hospitals where sick children can play with them. Brigwyn himself has experience with their work (which he's written about over on his site), so he knows just what kind of good they can do.And of course, we'll point out our own contribution to the auction page -- we've donated a free guest spot on our podcast, the WoW Insider Show. If you've ever wanted to tell me in virtual person how wrong I am, or encourage Turpster's already oversize ego, or weigh in with us during the Meat of the Show, now's your chance. With your bid there, not only are you helping children who are going through some terrible experiences, but you might also get the chance to speak your mind about World of Warcraft right alongside us on the show. Oh, and we'll poke around our WoW Insider prize closet for some other fun stuff for you, too -- maybe loot cards, a Turpster drawing, or whatever else we've got sitting around.So please bid -- on our item or any of the others. There's also some loot cards, some items from BRK and other well-known bloggers from around the community, and lots of extremely fun one-of-a-kind WoW items (Sure, this original signed art by Cadistra of WoW, Eh? is nice, but a Hooter's t-shirt? That's Epic if we ever saw it). The bids are coming in already, so please get yours in there ASAP!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Failed analogies

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Can you believe it's almost April? I'm afraid of the impending warm weather. This week, we have two absentee comic authors, not counting those that do not update regularly. Fortunately, both left us filler content, so it's almost as if we're not missing anything. We also have a new, one-time comic this week. Awkward Zombie: Bully Mammoth. Check out the latest from Cru the Dwarf. I like this one, or "heart" it as it were. Dark Legacy Comics points to Death Knights as our latest common enemy, but did anyone pause for the butterfly? Blizzard has a fifth game in development, you know. Experience Points. Flintlocke vs. the Horde shows that while Trolls might be questionably gruesome, they're also pretty forgiving. Giant Sewer Rat. GU Comics. Check out the latest from LFG. Man, I love that bunny. New Venture, from Monkey Punchers. NoObz filler. NPC: Toxic Guilt. Teh Gladiators: All he wanted was to play. More filler! Due to the flu, Disgraph is filler this week. I wouldn't recommend reading it though if you're eating or have sympathetic reflexes. World of Warcraft, eh?: The Horse Men Cometh. SMBC has posted a WoW-relevant comic. Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Stop your orating

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Howdy folks! I'm pleased to announce that not only do I have another list of newly updated comics for your enjoyment, I also have news, and not the sad "Fargo is leaving" or "Ding! did it again" news. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf has moved to a fancy new location! It is sleek, and less orange, which is what I was going to say before I checked the old site and realized that it isn't orange at all. Was it ever orange, or did Blogspot's icon somehow imprint this into my brain? Cru has the power of comedy. Dark Legacy Comics has something For Every Occasion. Flintlocke vs. the Horde is going PvP. Shakes and Fidget: New Old Friends. GU Comics has an interesting bit pertaining to MMOs. You should also know that There's a Difference, you know, even if it isn't clearly defined. Check out the latest from LFG. Noobslatoxx. Kitty Aggro from NPC comics. Mine like to hold down modifier keys. Check out the latest from Teh Gladiators. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: Creative Writing by Blizzy. World of Warcraft, eh?: In the Beginning. Also, definitely read through her latest blog post!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Kick off 2009

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Happy New Year! While everyone has been a little off of their normal schedules due to the holidays, you may notice that some of your comics faves are absent this week. Fortunately, after digging a little deeper, I managed to come up with a sizeable list, including a comic that has not been previously featured on the Sunday Morning Funnies. Check out the latest from LFG. Behold, the Snowshaman! Okay, so this is not a comic, but it stands in place of a few that haven't updated recently. Awkward Zombie talks about the next patch and the Justice that it will bring. You should also check out The Root of the Problem from Awkward Zombie. Thanks for the tips Cameroo! Manic Graffiti presents Noobcow and the Winterlag. She's not the only one who is suffering from lag, disconnects, overpopulation, queues and general frustration either! Hurray for the holidays! NoObz makes some Resolutions. Wanted: Dead or Alive from Teh Gladiators. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf has not been updating due to some technical difficulties, and I have missed it dearly. Fortunately, Disgraph is back to some capacity until everything can be righted. Check out Episode 30: Notes from Northrend. Check out Snowball.exe from Penny Arcade. Be sure to check out the latest from Cru the Dwarf. There is a relative on the horizon on The Scout Report. World of Warcraft, eh? wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Smawt in the bwain!

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    In case you might have forgotten, like I almost did, today is yet another Sunday. The stores are crowded, the kids are home from school, and competing to finish your dailies is a little more stressful. Why not relax with your weekly dose of WoW-related comics? Flintlocke has been terrorizing Darnassus. Donald's Dedumbification is the latest Dark Legacy Comics entry. Experience Points examines the economy, and the obviously unforeseen consequences of username choices. Check out Simple Minds from Extra Life. Check out LFG's latest. Noobcow Pugs a Heroic. Teh Gladiators presents Stupid is the New Black. WoW, eh? hosts another guest comic.