

  • Screenshots of the Dead

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Not actual screenshots of the dead, obviously -- that would be horrendous, and would shatter all boundaries of good taste.No, we're actually referring to new shots of Sega's English of the Dead, which just shambled our way from Japanese site Gemaga, and which are now waiting for your fleshy, delicious EYES in the gallery below.Incidentally, the image for this post is taken from a promotional flier for the game (full version viewable here). We just put it there because a zombie in a mortarboard best sums up the inherent hilarity of Sega's game, a title in which gigantic, two-headed serpents can teach us the Japanese word for "bicycle."%Gallery-19510%[Via Go Nintendo]

  • Zombie BBQ concept (un)lives up to its awesome name

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    "Once upon a time there was a fantastic world where fairy tale creatures dwelt and all was peace and harmony ... till the zombies came to eat out their brains!" What an introduction! Despite the entertaining scenarios we came up with to accompany Zombie BBQ's name, we doubted that the actual project would satisfy our hopes. After all, Barcelona-based Gammick is a newcomer publisher, and developer Enjoy Up's last release, Chronos Twins, didn't capture the hearts of many gamers.With those concerns now out of the way, we're happy to report that Zombie BBQ is definitely worth your interest! In this unique title, you play as a gun-toting Little Red Riding Hood in a vertical-scrolling shooter (think Gunsmoke), blasting an array of monsters that have invaded "Fairy Tale land."We have a collection of screenshots and artwork in the gallery below (the better to show you, dear readers!), so skip on over and start clicking. Zombie BBQ is scheduled to hit stores this October, just in time for Halloween!%Gallery-19218%

  • Zombie BBQ sounds appetizing

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Since Gammick Entertainment and Enjoy Up bestowed no details about Zombie BBQ upon us other than its awesome name, we're going to have to make our own assumptions. We're picturing a bunch of zombies kicking back in someone's backyard, throwing brains on a grill and drinking some microbrews. Or, perhaps this will more like Cooking Mama, only infused with George Romero's favorite creatures of play. We hope you like your brains smothered in barbecue sauce. Personally, we prefer them in a wasabi glaze, but that's only because we're cultural.Then again, the game could take place after the Zombie War, a time when humans will eat zombies as some sort of sick form of payback. That's pretty gross, though -- not even the deliciousness of barbecue sauce can take the edge off of rotting flesh.Assuming we haven't disgusted you to the point that you're now uninterested in this game, the international lunch (er, launch) for this title will be in October.[Via GamesPress]

  • Sega: More Dead games if you buy 2 & 3 Return

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    According to JeuxFrance, Sega is dangling quite the juicy carrot in front of our faces. They say that should enough people pick up House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return, they'll hook us Wii gamers up with House of the Dead 4. Not only that, but they're supposedly promising to bring the Typing of the Dead games to the console, as well.We're going to keep this labeled as a rumor, for the time being. Why? Well, it's not like JeuxFrance sources anything for this bit of information, so we're going to remain a bit skeptical, even though we'd love for Sega to hook us up with more Dead games.%Gallery-10506%

  • GDC08: Zombies in space

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Not much can compare to some good old-fashioned zombie shooting. Add a space station and a light gun to that formula, though, and you're guaranteed to come away with something special.Siliconera's Spencer Yip, the lucky guy, got to try his hand at Forbidden Terror on Space Station Z at the Game Developers Conference. While we'd like to say we aren't brimming with envy, that would be a flat-out lie. This may not be the next "Game of the Year" (although it will be in our hearts), and it's actually not even a game (just a tech demo, unfortunately). Yet, it involves shooting zombies in space -- and at the end of the day, that's all we really want in life. As if that wasn't enough, we're completely smitten by the title of Forbidden Terror on Space Station Z. Why is terror forbidden? Our own Eric Caoili suggested that they might be attending an intense seminar at the space station on getting over their fears.While there wasn't much to the demo, Spencer described it as "amusing" and "pretty entertaining." Unfortunately, it may never actually turn into a full-fledged game. Spencer asked Emergent Technologies if they would consider releasing this for Wii Ware, however, and they seemed willing if they could work something out. Here's hoping!

  • Video proof of the renegade satellite's destruction

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Sure, it's one thing to hear about that satellite getting blown to bits, but there's nothing like cold, hard video evidence to really cement our belief in the Navy's extreme skill at hitting fast moving objects in space with huge missiles. Yes -- the video is grainy and hard to make out, but if you can't tell how bad we blew that thing out of the sky... well maybe you're not looking hard enough. See it all go down (literally) after the break.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Alien or zombie threat averted: the spy satellite has been destroyed... probably

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Just like the Navy told us, they shot that nasty satellite out of the sky with the kind of laser-like precision they've been claiming they're capable of for years. At right around 10:30 this evening, expensive missiles were fired from the deck of the USS Lake Erie, traveling into space at an excess of 5,000mph, which then slammed into the Alien / zombie-juice / Russian controlled satellite (which itself was traveling at 17,000mph). Right now details are still sketchy on just how much damage was done to the object, but word on the street (aka, from the Navy) is that just about any hit to the satellite would put it out of our misery, due to the speed and trajectory at which it's traveling. The story is still developing, so if any of the zombie spore does manage to reach Earth and spark an undead holocaust, we'll be the first to let you know.

  • TurpsterVision: London is HELL!

    Mark Turpin
    Mark Turpin

    Every Tuesday think "T" for Turpster and take the "a" in "day", capitalize it, remove the little bit in the middle, turn it upside down and you get a "V". Put the two together and you'll have TV for TurpsterVision -- the best Internet video podcast on Massively! (Never mind that business about it being the only video podcast on Massively...)Welcome back to TurpsterVision! I'm lovin' it that you could join me for my second show; not a lot of people realize this but the video below is a live stream to my camera and I have to act out the episode multiple times a day for you, the lucky viewers. This week I have decided that it is finally time to find out which is truly the best MMO out on the market. If you want to find out, join us after the break to see what you should be playing!

  • Oneechanbara: the Revolution has been televised

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Oneechanbara Revolution does indeed look much better in motion than in stills, losing the awful scanline look that has made us question whether D3 should have been releasing screens at all. In motion, Revolution actually looks quite a bit better than the original PS2 game -- not only graphically, but in terms of smooth movements and combos. Initial impressions make it seem that the game actually has quality this time, and that the new controls are fun (if tiring). Even though we were less than totally enthused with the PS2 game, we could see ourselves really enjoying some blood-soaked waggle combat with this. After the break, there are two more videos, including a demonstration of co-op gameplay. These videos, as well as the one above, are very violent and bloody and absolutely for adults only and not safe for work. If your mom or boss is severely disappointed in you, don't blame us.

  • WoW Moviewatch: I is Legendary

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Yesterday's Moviewatch focused on too much of a good thing, but today's post is about not enough! Kangarooster posted an epic trailer for I is Legendary, the World of Warcraft version of I am Legend. If this is indeed his first machinima, then I'm impressed.While he used the original music from the movie and voiceover by Will Smith, he found some interesting ways to illustrate the loneliness of the lead character. I particularly enjoyed the golfing bit and the scene with the zombie creatures. I think that he should recreate the entire film in WoW![Via Warcraftmovies.com]Previously on Moviewatch ...

  • Website of the Dead now live

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Speaking of official websites: Sega has put up a teaser site for their absolutely enchanting zombie-shooting/English-training game The English of the Dead. It doesn't contain much in the way of screens, but it does have some wonderful chibi zombie art which is not to be missed. And it's not like you're being cheated out of screens, because Famitsu totally put some up! It might be an academic distinction, but this appears to be a ported version of The Typing of the Dead rather than The House of the Dead 2, in that the axe-zombie guy has his red mallet from the typing game here, and the ranking display looks the same. It's kind of hard to pinpoint the source of a port when both Dreamcast games are the same game running on the same engine. Whichever game it started from, we have to admit that we're impressed with Sega's ability to shrink it down to the DS.We want to learn English now.

  • Pirates vs. Ninja Dodgeball: robot contenders profiled

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    When we initially heard about Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball, our first question was, "what about zombies and robots?" (Actually, we first wondered why pirates had top-billing, but that would've led to a long and pointless debate.) Fortunately, developer Blazing Lizard heard our cry and sent assurance that zombies and robots were, indeed, ready to fight. Our sister site X3F has new, robotic pictures and concept art for the upcoming Xbox Live (and possibly PSN) title. Peruse the gallery below and enjoy robot profiles adjacent to the images. Gallery: Pirates vs Ninjas Dodgeball: Robots

  • Invasion of the slightly underwhelming trailer

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    We want to love Ignition's Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys, and thanks to its camp title, satirical take on '50s sci-fi, daft storyline, and brain-feasting anti-heroes, Ignition's platformer had already caught our eye from the other side of the bar.However, just as we were preparing ourselves to waltz over and strike up conversation (this is possibly the worst analogy ever -- sorry), this new trailer appeared. Featuring lead villain Big Brain laughing and joshing his way through dialogue that is -- to put it kindly -- creaky, it smacks of a particularly bad Saturday morning cartoon. Maybe some of you will find that to be part of its appeal. But seriously: the crickets are still chirping after that "snicker" pun.[Via press release]

  • Pirates of the Burning Sea's supernatural side

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Gamespot has added a preview of Pirates of the Burning Sea that is solely to do with the supernatural content found in the game, and makes us anticipate the game's release even more. Apparently, a significant portion of content (10-15%) will take place in an area known as the Bermuda Triangle -- you may have heard of it. Happenings in the Triangle tend to lean towards the decidedly-spooky, and the quests that Gamespot managed to see involved zombie armies, voodoo priestesses and possessed crew mates. Some of the finer details in the preview show the effort that developer Flying Lab Software is putting in to make their game unique. An interesting part of the article tells of how the remains of a vanquished zombie can be donned and used as a disguise, to hide within enemy ranks. However, since the NPC monsters themselves move at walking pace, if you happen to break step and move a little too fast, the other zombies will realize something is up and turn on you.

  • Ignition takes on zombie genre for Nintendo DS

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    With Ignition Entertainment's Banbury development studio, best known for the Mercury series of puzzlers, now in the hands of UK developer Rebellion, Ignition has begun to look elsewhere for its next great property, and while its latest announced project may not end up being a winner, we certainly have to give it props for its mouthful of a title -- Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys! Currently in development for the Nintendo DS and expected to ship in North America and Europe next Spring, Teenage Zombies already has us chuckling at its absurd plot, which sees aliens capturing the human race using mind control, but then succumbing to the zombie "super race," which has of course has little to no mind to bend to their will. The game follows a trio of teen zombies who rise from their graves and begin to munch on the aliens and their 'pulsating pink brains,' before finally settling down for lunch on the alien leader, the 'Big Brain.'While few specifics have been revealed about the game so far, Ignition describes Teenage Zombies as featuring a "whimsical style" that parodies 50s style sci-fi and the zombie genre using comic book-style story panels. This, of course, makes us think back to Artificial's Monster Madness, which was a disaster, though we remain hopeful, if for no other reason than this game's promise of letting us be not one zombie, but three.

  • Wii Warm Up: Your fears

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    In honor of Halloween later this month, we thought we would take some time to ask about your fears. Oh, not in general (though if you're also planning for the eventual zombie apocalypse, we'll talk strategy and escape routes later), but rather, your fears and worries about upcoming Wii games. There's always some little worry about possible disappointments, even with dependable franchises and developers, and more when the concepts are untried or untested. So tell us what worries you this morning, and let's try to assuage each others' fears.And hey, it's okay if it's just little things, like maybe you're worried about Super Mario Galaxy because you didn't think Super Mario Sunshine was all that, or you're afraid everyone will suddenly start using the Zapper, but you hate it. You're among friends here (mostly). We'll try not to judge.

  • Hellgate: London demo impressions

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    I spent a little time today to download and look at the Hellgate: London demo. Now, bearing in mind that I don't have what anyone might reasonably describe as 'reflexes' and my hardware can only aspire to being as good as lousy compared to the rigs around these days (that Radeon 9200SE has got to go). If you don't want to flip below the fold, and just want the short form, it rocked. Download the demo, run through it, get your credit-card out and preorder. Longer impressions after the jump. %Gallery-9112%

  • Blu-ray movie releases for the week of Sept. 30

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    Now that we're entering the month of Halloween, we'll be seeing an influx of Blu-ray horror movies, and we can't be more excited. This week we're treated with vampires, zombies and psychotic killers, but if horror isn't your thing, you should be covered with A Room with a View and Galapagos. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Bram Stoker's Dracula The Day After Tomorrow Halloween Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn Dawn of the Dead Day of the Dead Galapagos A Room with a View Any time two George Romero and Sam Raimi classics are released in the same week, you know you're in heaven. Do yourself a favor and at least pick up Dawn of the Dead; it's the best zombie movie ever made.

  • Fresh UC screens show Ken doll zombies

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Sometimes a zombie is just going to be naked. We've all been there, fighting for our life against a horde of the undead, only to find one or more of them lacking clothes. It's pretty funny for a moment, then we've all got back to the dispatching of the undead. Old hat, we know.But these new Umbrella Chronicles screens are the stuff of nightmares. Naked zombies taking on a sort of doll-like appearance, lacking any kind of gender definition whatsoever? Man, that's all kinds of scary. Oh, and the mutant monkies aren't exactly the stuff of pleasant dreams, either.%Gallery-3286%

  • Umbrella Chronicles images move from scans to the screen

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    If you saw these scans the other day and thought, "wow, I'd love to see those screens," then this post's for you. Dengeki Online has that very thing -- the latest in Umbrella Chronicles shots. If they're just cleaned up, then it's a very good job. Regardless, we're happy to get a closer look at some of the images! Head on over if you want to see for yourself.