

  • Scientists may have found Earth's largest canyon

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    An international team of researchers led by Durham University believe they've discovered the largest canyon on Earth. Using satellite data and ground-penetrating radar, they estimate it to be more than 100 km long and as deep as 1 km in places. They'll need to make direct measurements to confirm these findings, though that will be difficult given that the canyon is buried under several kilometers of East Antarctic ice sheet. The team suspects that the canyon was either carved out of the bedrock by water flowing under the ice or is so absurdly old that it was around before Antarctica shifted to the South Pole via tectonic forces and frozen over.

  • Classrooms of the future to have multitouch desks, probably a few Terminators

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Researchers at Durham University in the UK are working hard to ensure that the academic sector isn't left out of the multi-touch craze. The still-unnamed "interactive multi-touch desk" is a major part of the SynergyNet framework, an interactive classroom environment they're building based on a gaming engine called jMonkey. There's no word on how soon SynergyNet will change the world, but when it does the software will be open source -- allowing anyone to get into the code and tweak it to their liking. In the meantime, schools looking for a "high tech initiative" of their own will have to be content with throwing laptops at their students. Stunning video demonstration after the break![Via The Raw Feed]