
Fanswag: Gears of War Modeling Book Winners

Our Gears of War Modeling Book Contest has come to an end and we had some talented folks send in some great Locust creations. Not only did we have some great entries, but we also received entries that weren't really entries. Looking in our inbox we received emails from out of the country (this is a US only contest), entries that didn't include any attached artwork, and entries that were out of the country AND didn't include artwork. Those emails made us laugh and exercise our "delete email" finger. But, in the end, we came away satisfied with the creations our fellow fanboys submitted. So, we bet you are wondering which three entries were chosen to win a copy of Ballistic Publishing's d'artiste: Character Modeling 2, what the Locust creations look like, and if Epic Games will be using the winning designs in the Gears of War sequel. Well, the answers to all those questions and more are posted after the break. Click along and come join our Locust art gallery fun.


And the winners are ...
Rick Kump
A Locust that lives in the water, has a hammerhead AND has a claw. A+!

Tarl Lambson

It's an adorable yet evil looking Locust baby ... enough said.

David Richman

We like Locusts and things that are spiky. We also like dismembered heads being held by their hair.

Oh yeah ... we almost forgot. Epic Games will not be using these entries in any Gears of War sequel, that was almost a given. Though, they may use the evil baby as inspiration for something.