
Join the Engadget HD podcast live on Ustream

It's Monday, and we know that getting the week started can be tough. We're here to help by letting you peek into the recording booth when the Engadget HD podcast goes to tape Monday the 22nd at 6:30pm. Think of it as a kind of time machine that will help you power through your day by reviewing what happened in the week HD-wise. Embedded Ustream tools and a list of topics after the break.

Avatar Blu-ray & DVD official for April 22, "ultimate version" in November and 3D...?
Three for 3D: ESPN 3D adds Home Run Derby, Sky 3D launches 4/3, AcTVila makes the jump this summer
Comcast's 3D Masters broadcast explained
Cablevision bumps Comcast to the back, 3D sports at home starts next week
Panasonic Touch the Future Tour lets production Full HD 3DTVs hit the public stage
XpanD X103 3D glasses universally compatible with 3DTVs, but not all wallets
Best Buy's 3D bundle pricing isn't as much of a deal as it appears
Netflix streaming in HD on the PC expected this year
Analog HD from Blu-ray isn't going anywhere
Comcast looking to compress HD even more
A CableCARD replacement is due by December 2012, bandaids by this Fall
TiVo Premiere spotted in Best Buy with March 28th retail date
Google TV: Android-based web platform for the living room, with help from Intel, Sony, and Logitech
Verizon, AT&T and Dolby join the exclusive group of DLNA Promoting Members
Research firm shocks the internet, says most viewers loved NBC's Olympics coverage
Poll: Watching Life on Discovery tonight?

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