

  • Warner, Redbox agree to 28 day delay on disc rentals, UltraViolet support for Redbox Instant

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Redbox and Warner Bros. were at odds in January when Warner wanted to extend the window before discs hit kiosks to 56 days, but now the two have come to an agreement that keeps it at a 28 day delay. When their previous deal expired Redbox said it would find other ways to obtain discs and offer them day and date to its customers, although actually finding them in kiosks could be tough. The new two-year deal covers movies that debut after January 1st, 2013, and claims to improve economics for both Warner (which has apparently seen fit to eliminate the delay entirely for brick & mortar renters) and Redbox. Additionally, Redbox has joined with the DECE team and will support UltraViolet with its upcoming Redbox Instant service. With the new deal, it can offer UltraViolet digital access to Warner movies, and distribute movies through its subscription service. We'll have to wait for Redbox Instant to launch to know more information about that, for now check out the details in the press release after the break.

  • Warner Bros. to ditch 28-day release delay for rental stores?

    Jamie Rigg
    Jamie Rigg

    Warner Bros. may have doubled its 28-day embargo on new releases for kiosk operators (even if they side-step it), but endangered bricks-and-mortar rental stores could be treated to the exact opposite. A rumor coming from Home Media Magazine's unnamed sources suggests the WB is going to ditch the embargo for these locations altogether, starting on October 30th. We have no idea why this break would be offered to the relic stores, although we doubt they care if it gets a few more bodies through the door. Warner Bros. has a recent habit of quiet implementation, but just to be sure, we've reached out for confirmation and will update you if-and-when we hear more.

  • Must See HDTV (October 22nd - 28th)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    While baseball's postseason moves on to its final round, football is just hitting its stride and NBA preseason action is just beginning to get interesting. This week Blade Runner gets yet another HD home release, there's one more presidential debate, and on Friday the maker of Pushing Daisies returns for a one-off / backdoor pilot attempt called Mockingbird Lane -- check out a teaser after the break. Look below for the highlights this week, followed after the break by our weekly listing of what to look out for in TV, Blu-ray and videogames. I, Robot (3D) A 3D Blu-ray release isn't uncommon these days, however I, Robot has a fresh twist: it wasn't in 3D in theaters, ever. Fox has made the interesting decision of converting the flick in post and releasing a 3D version exclusively for the home. Fans of the 2004 Will Smith flick can snag a $24.99 Blu-ray 3D set, but if you pre-ordered at Comic-Con, it comes with a bust of the robot character, Sonny. We'll have to wait and see if this trend takes off (Fox says it has more titles in the pipeline), or if people prefer the standard original releases. ($24.99 on Amazon) Forza Horizon The Forza series has brought its brand of sim racing to Xbox consoles for several generations, but this latest version takes all of its underlying technology on a trip to the arcade side of town. You won't be doing so much tweaking under the hood this time, but there's still a healthy selection of cars plus options for night and off road racing to keep you interested. Joystiq was impressed enough by its "massive toy chest of hyper-accurate Hot Wheels" to give it four out of five stars, racing fans can check out a demo on Xbox Live now. ($59.99 on Amazon) World Series Baseball fans, it all comes down to this. For the championship in 2012 the Detroit Tigers will face TBD in an epic battle that kicks off Wednesday night. Either St. Louis or San Francisco will be representing the National League in the World Series, but we'll have to wait until tonight's game to know which one. The days for the games are already locked in however, so clear your schedule as needed.

  • Logitech's K810 keyboard pairs with up to three devices, has a button for switching apps in Windows 8

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    It was last week that Logitech announced two mice and a trackpad, all optimized for Windows 8. As it turns out, the outfit wasn't quite finished unveiling its Win 8 lineup: the company just outed the Illuminated Bluetooth Keyboard K810, which has a hotkey for toggling between open programs. It also features Easy Switch, a technology first introduced on the K760 that allows the device to pair with up to three Bluetooth-enabled devices at once, regardless of the OS. As for the switching bit, each paired device gets assigned to one of three function keys; just press the button to start using the keyboard with that device. In theory, then, you could have the same keyboard hooked up to your PC, tablet and phone, and be able to type on all of them from minute to minute, though that admittedly seems like an unlikely scenario. As the product name would suggest, the keys have a backlight glowing from underneath. The lighting will automatically turn off if you haven't been using the keyboard for a certain period of time, but thanks to proximity sensors they'll kick in again when the keyboard detects your hands hovering close by. Lastly, the keyboard has a rechargeable battery rated for a month of runtime, though given the fact that it charges over USB, we can see some people bypassing the wireless connection entirely and leaving it plugged in. The K810 will sell for $100. Look for it to hit US stores in October, with European availability following a month later. In the meantime, we've got some hands-on shots below. (Psst... the Fn key is where the app-toggling button will be on final models.)

  • The Expendables 2 Blu-ray ships November 20th and is the first one with 11.1 channel DTS Neo:X audio

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Just when we were getting used to 7.1 channel surround sound audio tracks on our movies, our friends at High Def Disc News have pointed out Lionsgate's announcement of The Expendables 2 on Blu-ray that cranks the audio up to 11 -- 11.1 to be exact. The extra channels come courtesy of the new DTS Neo:X codec which includes support for speakers in the front mounted both high and wide to create more of a 3D audio effect that can simulate planes flying overhead or a car driving past. While those who have upgraded their receivers and added extra speakers will mostly experience the effect thanks to upmixing, it does allow for an 11.1 audio track with the extra channel info matrixed into a standard 7.1 audio track. Of course, with a supercharged action flick like TE2 there should be plenty of explosions to give any audio system a workout, and now we have one more reason to check it out when it's released November 20th (just beating the also Neo:X ready Step Up Revolution to the punch.) Beyond the audio there's also several making-of featurettes if you need more Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme in your life, plus UltraViolet and regular Digital Copy; all of which is currently available for pre-order on Amazon for $27.99. Check out a press release with all the specs plus a theatrical trailer for the movie and a video explaining DTS Neo:X audio after the break.

  • God of War: Ascension demo included with Total Recall remake Blu-ray

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Wow, there's a reason to consider buying the Blu-ray of the Total Recall remake! If you purchase the "Director's Cut" Blu-ray, or the Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, you'll get the E3 demo of God of War: Ascension. The Blu-ray, and the God of War demo, arrive December 18. The demo is exclusive "through 3/8/13," suggesting that a demo will hit PSN four days before the March 12 launch.God of War demos and sci-fi movie Blu-rays have been mashed together before. Back in 2009, Sony tossed a God of War 3 demo in with District 9 on Blu-ray.

  • BBC Worldwide announces first four Blu-ray / DVDs with UltraViolet digital copies

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Coming nearly on the anniversary of its US launch, the UltraViolet digital locker system is getting a boost in the UK from BBC Worldwide. The BBC's commercial wing is releasing four Blu-ray / DVD titles that are UltraViolet-enabled and is partnering with Warner-owned Flixster to allow users to redeem their copies. The digital versions are available via streaming and downloading for viewing on or offline, and the first four titles queued up consist of Doctor Who Series 7 Part One, Rollercoaster, a new Top Gear special and Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild. UltraViolet was already live in the UK, and recently announced it's spreading to cover Canada, Ireland and Australia. We'll see how users like the signup process with its multiple logins, but a quick check of previous Blu-ray releases didn't show any iTunes or Windows Media digital copies at all so at least they'll appreciate the option.

  • Must See HDTV (October 8th - 14th)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    The fall premiere season is hardly over, with CW taking the wraps off of if its new comic book adaptation, Arrow (preview video embedded after the break) while NBC and ABC unveil Chicago Fire and Nashville. Of course, some old favorites are returning too, and web series Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog is making its TV debut Tuesday night. Oh, and some little flick called E.T. is coming home on Blu-ray for the first time. Look below for the highlights this week, followed after the break by our weekly listing of what to look out for in TV, Blu-ray and videogames. The Walking Dead After season two's exciting finale we are once again all in on AMC's zombie apocalypse series. Fans of the comic are looking forward to seeing characters like Michonne and The Governor, but first our ragtag band of survivors will apparently try to take control of a prison. Should be a piece of cake. Check out the season three trailer embedded after the break and set your DVR for Sunday night. (October 14th, AMC, 9PM) Prometheus The sci-fi movie that has produced more divisive opinions than any other in 2012 finally hits Blu-ray this week. Complete with a 3D edition and requisite iPad companion app, the hook is promises of extra scenes and background information that may help fill in this story. Unfortunately, unlike one of director Ridley Scott's other flicks, Blade Runner, the extras aren't smoothly integrated as an XL-sized director's cut, at least not in this edition. Still, if you dig it there should be plenty to keep you watching once the movie is over, and while it's playing the visual effects will entertain. ($24.99 on Amazon) The League Whether you're as obsessed with fantasy football as we are or not (hopefully not, it's just unhealthy at some point) this series about a group of friends and their league is one of the most consistently funny shows of the last few seasons. Last season ended with the Shiva trophy getting a viking funeral at sea, and while we have on idea how they'll top that, we suspect Rafi will be involved somehow. Of course, it's not the only show on FX Thursday night, as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia returns ahead of it this week, with shows from Russell Brand and W Kamau Bell bringing up the rear. (October 11th, FX, 10:30PM)

  • Sony's 2012 PlayStation torn down, shows its evolved roots (update: another teardown)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We've looked intensely at the outside of the redesigned PlayStation 3 ever since it was unveiled in Tokyo last month. Getting a look inside has proven unusually tougher, but French YouTube member K0st3yr has volunteered to do what few gamers dare and tear down Sony's updated console. As we've quickly learned, Sony hasn't chosen to radically rework the insides like Microsoft did with the slim Xbox 360. The Cell processor and its RSX graphics companion are still separate parts, and a similar power supply capacity suggests that neither of the main chips has been built on a more efficient manufacturing process. Instead, it's everything else that has been given the shuffle: a smaller Blu-ray drive and more clever overall construction appear to be the tickets to the 20 percent volume reduction compared to the last model. While the revealed internals might be disappointments to those who were hoping the PS3's possible sendoff would involve more of a bang than a whimper, they do hint that Sony might have breathing room if it wants to advance the design any further. Just have some popcorn and a grasp of French on hand if you'd like to have a peek at the three-part video dissection found after the break. Update: Not to be outdone, iFixit has conducted its own teardown. There aren't any shockers in the mix beyond improved repairability, but you'll find many of the components given their exact names as well as more explanations of what's been changed to shrink the PS3 a second time.

  • Prometheus Blu-ray specs unveiled, arrives with seven hours of extras October 9th (video)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    While Ridley Scott's latest flick is already available on just about every downloadable movie store you could name, Prometheus is still a few weeks away from making its debut on disc and now Fox has officially released all the details. The extras listed in an earlier leak appear to be accurate, with a Second Screen iPad app that promises access to character Peter Weyland's archives, while much of the 15 minutes or so of deleted and alternative scenes have already been posted on the internet (search around if you absolutely must know what else there is and can't wait / don't want to spend the cash). Arriving October 9th, there's a four disc set with both a Blu-ray 3D edition and bonus extras disc with featurettes for a total of seven hours of bonus materials, while the two disc set trims it to just one Blu-ray and DVD / digital copy. The two disc set is currently selling for $24.99 on Amazon, while the four disc edition bumps the price another $5. A trailer with a peek at some of those extras and the full list of details awaits after the break, but an explanation for why anyone would ever try to touch some weird alien snake is something you'll have to find on your own.

  • The Dark Knight Rises Blu-ray officially set for December 4th, limited edition Bat Cowl revealed (Update)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    After false starting a couple of weeks ago, the Blu-ray trailer for The Dark Knight Rises is back, and Entertainment Weekly has heard from Warner Bros. that December 4th is the official release date. Also on display from EW is this limited edition Bat Cowl packaging which will be available at launch. While there's not a full spec list, extras will include a Batmobile-focused documentary and more than a dozen featurettes about going behind the scenes of the movie with Christopher Nolan and his team. We expect to see more details soon, for now just check out the trailer embedded after the break. Update: The press release with all the details and an image of the Blu-ray box art are out, posted by TheHDRoom. While it's not all listed on Amazon yet where the prices will likely be lower, the standard Blu-ray edition has an MSRP of $35.99, while the Bat Cowl Limited Edition's tag is $39.99. Additionally, fans can nab the whole trilogy in the The Dark Knight Trilogy Limited Edition Giftset which has a price of $52.99, although they might want to wait until 2013 when The Dark Knight Trilogy Ultimate Collector's Edition will arrive. Got all that? Check after the break for the list of extras plus the box art for both versions due this year. Update 2: Check out the full press release after the break, including word about a The Dark Knight Rises app on iOS as well as Android for newer Samsung Galaxy devices. Already out on iOS as the Gotham City's most wanted app, it will add more photo modification and interactive features, and when the disc is released it will become a second screen app for use during the movie.

  • Tarantino XX Blu-ray set brings 20 years of Quentin, eight movies and ten discs home November 20th

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    If you dig Quentin Tarantino flicks, an eight movie, 10-disc Blu-ray boxed set is on the way that will probably pique your interest. Lionsgate and Miramax are collaborating on the Tarantino XX set, which captures 20 years of the filmmaker's career and includes Reservoir Dogs, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Death Proof and Inglourious Basterds. Additionally, there's special collectible packaging and artwork (shown after the break, along with the press release and full list of specs) and the two extra discs are filled with five hours of all new bonus interviews, retrospectives and the like. It seems unlikely to answer the mystery of what was in Marcellus Wallace's briefcase, but it will be available November 20th with an MSRP of $119.99, although Amazon is currently listing it at $83.97.

  • Redbox app for Android updated with a new UI and better filtering, no Instant streaming yet

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    The official Redbox app for Android hasn't seen many changes since it was first introduced early last year, but that's changing with version 3.0. Now available in Google Play, it brings a new look that should make browsing a bit easier, plus enhanced filtering (you can sort Blu-ray discs by genre) and the ability to sort by date or alphabetical order. Finally, support for push notifications could mean unsubscribing to those weekly texts for coupon codes, and users report you can now input the coupon codes in the app while making reservations. We poked around but couldn't find any references to its Instant streaming service, so there's at least one thing to expect for the next update. Android powered kiosk renters can grab the app at the source link below.

  • Oppo continues its legacy with two new top end Blu-ray players

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    Regarded as the best of the best when it comes to disc players, Oppo has two new ones that can easily handle any disc you've got. Physical media isn't the only game in town, obviously, so in addition to Netflix, Vudu and local file support like MKV, Oppo has stepped it up even further by adding an HDMI port in front for use as an MHL input. This allows you to leverage the high-end Oppo's processing to do wonders on content stored on your portable or other MHL source. Speaking of video processing, both the new guys use Marvell's Qdeo video processor and are capable of doing both 2D-to-3D conversion as well as up-scaling to 4K. From a control perspective, a back-lit remote is included, but there's also an IR input, RS-232 and mobile phone apps. The BDP-103 will surely satisfy any videophile at $499 this October, but if you happen to be an audiophile too, then you'd probably want to wait until the BDP-105 is released later this year. Not only does it feature two ESS Sabre32 Reference DACs and a Toroidal linear power supply, but there are also dedicated stereo outputs with both RCA and XLR balanced connections and a headphone amplifier -- if you know what all that is, we're sure you really want it.

  • The Dark Knight Rises Blu-ray trailer appears, confirms December 3rd release date (Update: Pulled)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Good for over $1 billion at the box office, Christopher Nolan's third Batman movie is probably this year's most anticipated home video release (The Avengers next week may have something to say about that) and now Warner Bros. has given us a trailer for The Dark Knight Rises on Blu-ray. Previous movies in the series have always delivered on Blu-ray, as well as his other recent hit, Inception. Unfortunately the video maxes out at 480p, but we don't need any additional resolution to see the release date listed for both disc and digital download is December 3rd. Rumors have flown about different releases dates and possible extras like a director's cut, but recently sources have indicated no such extended offering is in the works. Whether you think the flick was long enough (or even too long), you can press play to check out the clip embedded after the break...and clear the first Monday in December on your calendar for a trilogy viewing marathon. Update: The trailer has now disappeared from YouTube (trust us, you didn't miss much other than a quick "Blu-ray and digital download" tag at the end) along with the page sporting the 12/3 release date. We've slipped a screen grab in after the break, we'll let you know once there's some official information to go on.

  • Amazon placating delayed Marvel Cinematic Universe pre-orderers with free Avengers Blu-rays

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    About a week ago we got the bad news that Marvel's entirely over the top Cinematic Universe: Phase One Blu-ray set would be delayed until spring 2013 while Disney works up a new case, but there is a silver lining for those who preordered from Amazon. One of our readers forwarded us an email sent out to those who preordered, indicating that in the meantime, they will receive The Avengers two disc Blu-ray / DVD combo package, free of charge. It's not a S.H.I.E.L.D. suitcase w/ glowing Tesseract cube built in of course, but we guess it will have to do until the replacement packaging is ready to go. Anyone who put in an order between June 1st and August 28th are eligible for the free copy and should have received their redemption code via email. [Thanks, Nick]

  • Marvel Cinematic Universe 10-disc Blu-ray set delayed, that sweet Tesseract case is to blame

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Remember that $139 Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One - Avengers Assembled Blu-ray boxed set and its S.H.I.E.L.D. case (pictured above, video after the break) with the sweet glowing Tesseract cube? Good - now forget it, at least until spring 2013. has an official statement from Disney that sadly informs us it will not make its predicted September 25th ship date, and has been pushed back. The statement does go on however, noting that buyers will receive a new briefcase with even more (unspecified -- may we suggest Tony Stark's Iron Man briefcase?) special features. It doesn't go into precisely why all this happened, but an earlier report from TheHDRoom noted a legal squabble between Marvel and Rimowa, the company that apparently created the metallic briefcase it was based on, and subsequently sued Marvel and Disney's home video arm, Buena Vista Home Entertainment for trademark infringement and the like. Whatever the cause, the set is on ice for now -- we'll let you know when it's safe to preorder again.%Gallery-160266%

  • Must See HDTV (September 3rd - 9th)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    After college football got its season under way last week, now it's the professional's turn. But the NFL isn't all we have for you, while a light TV schedule is supplemented by a long list of high profile Blu-ray sets arriving this week. Of course, none of them are bigger than the 32-disc Harry Potter collection pictured above, check after the break for some video of what's inside. Look below for the highlights this week, followed after the break by our weekly listing of what to look out for in TV, Blu-ray and videogames. Harry Potter Wizard's Collection Fans of the glasses-wearing kid wizard can invest in the massive Harry Potter Wizard's Collection Blu-ray boxed set this weekend, which arrives packing 31 discs in its collector's edition casing. 3D, never before seen bonus clips, and digital copies -- it's all in there, and all your for the low, low price of $350 or so. Whether or not you're willing to shell out that kind of cash for all eight movies, there's a video look at the set after the break as some of the series' stars take turns unboxing it. ($344.99 on Amazon, September 7th) NFL Our fantasy leagues are drafted, our pick 'em leagues are registered for (you're registered for ours, right?) and the beer is getting cold. It's finally time for the NFL to return to us, and it all starts Wednesday night with kickoff festivities leading up to an NFC East grudge match between the Giants and Cowboys. Of course, that's just a teaser for Sunday's action, and finally the first Monday Night Football of the year next week. It doesn't get better than this. (September 5th, NBC, 8:30PM) 2012 Basketball Hall of Fame For basketball, the Hall of Fame covers both pro and collegiate ranks, and for 2012 it's inducting a class with members like Reggie Miller, Don Nelson, Katrina McClain, Phil Knight, Ralph Sampson, Chet Walker and Jamaal Wilkes. NBA TV is also producing a documentary about Reggie Miller that will air Tuesday night before he joins his sister Cheryl in the hall. The presentation airs Friday night, hoops fans can use it as a crutch between the Olympics / summer league festivities and the regular season which is still several weeks away. (September 7th, NBA TV, 7:30PM)

  • VidaBox unveils vPlayer and vStreamer Media Extenders with slicker looks, green credentials

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Most VidaBox Media Extenders have borne a closer similarity to mini PCs than to the kind of equipment you'd stack on top of a home theater receiver. That's already been changing, but the company's new vPlayer and vStreamer are virtually invisible in the living room by comparison. Either has a newly streamlined, stackable design that feels entirely at home in the den and keeps the noisy buzzes and whines to a minimum through a new cooling system. Although VidaBox is wonderfully vague about specs -- both hubs tout a "dual core processor," for example -- its units have been modernized enough to use a thrifty 35W of typical power. The boxes lack dedicated media storage space and curiously have to be factory upgraded to get HDMI 1.4 instead of 1.3, but they'll output 7.1-channel audio and 1080p video while integrating with most common home automation systems over RS-232. We haven't been quoted prices to simplify any buying decisions; we expect the gap to be small between the two offerings, since the vPlayer and vStreamer are identical on the inside except for the vPlayer's Blu-ray drive. Dealers will have a better answer for you when VidaBox starts shipping the extender duo on September 4th.

  • Redux promises to bring a 'lean-back TV experience' to new Sony and LG devices

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Smart TV and set-top box users unhappy with tedious menu-clicking might have already found Redux, a Google TV app that streamlines online content selection. Now though, buyers of new Sony Google TV and LG Smart TVs and Blu-ray players will find the handy streaming guide baked right in. It works by allowing user "curators" to create their own video channels on subjects like music and tech, which the software then presents in a directory for other like-minded viewers. Redux also has deals with publishers like Hearst, letting it stream premium content from Popular Mechanics, Car and Driver and other brands. Already one of the top apps in the Google and Samsung TV ecosystems, the new deals with Sony and LG mean it could appear on up to 40 million devices by the end of the year. So, if you're tired of hunting and pecking and want to couch-surf online programs more traditionally, check the source for more info.