

  • Google buys Snapseed developer Nik Software, raises the eyebrows of Instagram shutterbugs

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Google makes a lot of acquisitions, some of them more important than others. Its latest purchase might skew towards the grander side, as it just bought imaging app developer Nik Software. While the company is known for pro photography apps like Capture NX and its Efex Pro series, the real prize might be Snapseed, Nik's simpler image tool for desktop and iOS users. Both Nik and Google's Senior Engineering VP Vic Gundotra are silent on the exact plans, but it doesn't take much to imagine a parallel between Facebook's buyout of Instagram and what Google is doing here: there's no direct, Google-run equivalent to Instagram's social photo service in Android or for Google+ users, and Nik's technology might bridge the gap. Whether or not Googlegram becomes a reality, the deal is likely to create waves among photographers of all kinds -- including those who've never bought a dedicated camera.

  • Shazam now rides shotgun with any TV show in the US, gets cozier with Facebook

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Shazam doesn't want to let GetGlue control all our couch potato time -- it just rolled out an upgrade to its TV component that lets the mobile app provide social sharing, soundtrack and trivia details for nearly any TV show in the US, not just those deemed worthy of special attention. The app mirrors the program it's looking at -- we'll see stats instead of IMDb if we're watching hockey, for example. Whether or not attention is locked on the bigger screen in the living room, Shazam's little screen is making Facebook more a centerpiece of the experience. Media mavens can comment on friends' tagging habits and post their own tags to their Facebook timelines for all to see. The wider universe of TV shows should be available today, although we'll have to wait for an update in the "coming weeks" to broadcast our tastes in media with the rest of the world.

  • LG outs Pocket Photo mobile picture printer, says it's the smallest of its kind

    Alexis Santos
    Alexis Santos

    Hankering for an instant photo solution without the vintage Polaroid look? LG's Pocket Photo, which measures up at approximately 2.8- x 4.7- x 0.9-inches and is touted as the world's smallest mobile picture printer, might fit the bill. Images are slung from smartphones to the Optimus Vu-sized hardware via NFC, Bluetooth or USB with the help of an Android app, which can also be used to apply filters and overlay QR codes and messages. Unfortunately for iPhone-toting photographers, there's no mention of an iOS companion application. Leveraging heat-activated Zink paper, the rig can churn out 2- x 3-inch prints without relying on conventional ink. Pocket Photo is making its way to shelves in South Korea with a roughly $169 price tag dressed in orange, pink and silver accents, but there's no word on a US release. Head past the break to catch a video of the gizmo in action.

  • SiriusXM for Android update brings On Demand and offline listening

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you're an Android-toting SiriusXM fan, you've probably spent the last month wondering when your smartphone would get the newfound flexibility to tune in beyond live radio. As of Sirius XM's version 2.2 update, Android is back on equal footing. The upgrade supplies On Demand streaming, both for catch-up and the occasional classic, as well as downloadable copies to keep the music and talk flowing offline. As before, the access is considered a free perk of a SiriusXM subscription; if you enjoy Howard Stern's cynicism enough to want it at odd hours of the day, your angsty fix awaits at the source.

  • NVIDIA loses mobile division lead Mike Rayfield

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    NVIDIA's road into mobile may have just taken an unwanted (if temporary) detour. The company confirmed at week's end that its Mobile Business Unit's General Manager Mike Rayfield quietly left the company on August 24th to join another firm, although we don't know whether he's headed to a rival or in another direction altogether. NVIDIA also hasn't yet said who replaces Rayfield at the helm. No matter who takes his place, the departure is a significant blow to the crew in Santa Clara: the executive had been heading mobile development at NVIDIA since 2005, before anyone really knew the company was interested in the handheld space, and helped make the Tegra name synonymous with fast Android phones and tablets like the One X and Nexus 7. There's little doubt that more than a few competitors would like to have him onboard.

  • Microsoft employees 'sign off' on Windows Phone 8 RTM

    Alexis Santos
    Alexis Santos

    Windows Phone 8 may not have a firm release date, but reports are flooding in that it's just been released to manufacturers (RTM) so they can work on their side of the equation: hardware production. According to LiveSino, pictures posted to Chinese social network Sina Weibo show members of the Windows Phone team signing a banner marking the milestone. In particular, Terry Myerson, Corporate Vice President of the Windows Phone Division, was caught penning his name alongside others. ZDNet's own sources corroborate that Ballmer and Co. have deemed the operating system fit to ship. With manufacturers seemingly taken care of, developers will be able to get their mitts on the WP8 software development kit in roughly two weeks.

  • Apple, carrier stores open at 8AM on September 21st for iPhone 5 sales, early pre-order tallies are 'incredible'

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Apple regularly likes to kickstart major launches with early retail openings, and it's just confirmed that the natural order of things is intact: both its own stores as well as those for AT&T, Sprint and Verizon will open at 8AM local time on September 21st to take iPhone 5 sales from anyone who missed out on the pre-order rush. As for how well those pre-orders have gone so far? Apple's statement on the subject doesn't give us concrete numbers at this stage, but it certainly hints at an upbeat outlook: "Pre-orders for iPhone 5 have been incredible," said Apple spokeswoman, Natalie Kerris. "We've been completely blown away by the customer response."

  • ITC says Apple didn't violate four Samsung patents with iPad, iPhone

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    This just hasn't been Samsung's summer. On top of Apple winning its earliest civil lawsuit against Samsung, the International Trade Commission has just handed out an initial determination that Apple didn't violate any of four Samsung patents (including two reportedly standards-essential examples) by offering the iPad and iPhone. While Judge James Gildea didn't publicly outline why Apple was in the clear, he added that Samsung lacks a domestic business that uses the patents -- important when it's trying to claim economic harm in the US. The verdict still gives Samsung at least four months' room to breathe while the ITC reviews the decision, but it's hard to see Samsung enjoying the reduced offensive strength when it's already on the defensive in American courtrooms.

  • iPhone 5 shipping times slip almost immediately to 2 weeks, early birds feel validated

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    When we suggested it would be a good idea to stay up late (or wake up early) to guarantee a launch day iPhone 5, we meant it. Those bent on pre-ordering through the Apple Store saw the company's online portal exhaust itself within an hour of the 3:01AM availability -- faster than the iPhone 4 and 4S, and no doubt crushing the hopes of North Americans who value their sleep. Individual US carriers weren't quite so quick to sell out, although they weren't far behind. AT&T is now quoting two to three weeks for any new orders, and Verizon doesn't see any new orders on their way until September 26th. Only Sprint is left taking pre-orders with the expectation that they'll arrive next Friday, and it's certain that the supply situation won't get better in the near future. We're curious to see just how many iPhones sell before the weekend is out, or even the day; given the briskness of pre-orders for the iPhone 4S last year, we wouldn't be surprised to see some braggadocio from Apple or the carriers by the time Monday rolls around.

  • T-Mobile USA nano-SIM poses for the camera, may arrive in October (update: official)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    T-Mobile's American branch would really like to scoop up a few iPhone owners, and we're getting a better sense of just how far it's willing to go to lure refuseniks who'd otherwise go to AT&T. A product matrix leaked to TmoNews both shows the US carrier's specially branded nano-SIM cards and suggests they'll be available in October. And while there wasn't really any doubt, the cards should be in stores just for unlocked iPhone 5 models -- "no T-Mobile devices require this SIM card," the company tells its staff. The wait could be a pain, but the sighting at least provides some comfort to those who would only let their iPhone 5 run on Magenta's network. Update: Talk about under-the-radar confirmation: T-Mobile has mentioned in conversation that it hopes to carry nano-SIMs in mid-October.

  • Apple confirms iPhone 5 won't do simultaneous voice and LTE data on CDMA networks

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you're still struggling to decide which carrier to use for your iPhone 5, you may have had some of the decision made for you. Following statements by Verizon that hinted simultaneous voice and data still wouldn't be an option despite the inclusion of LTE, which theoretically frees up CDMA for calls, we've confirmed with Apple spokesperson Natalie Harrison that this is indeed the case. It's "not yet possible" to do side-by-side CDMA voice and LTE data on a "single-radio" design like the iPhone 5, she says. That's technically true, although it may be a case of Apple wanting to keep hardware differences to a minimum between CDMA and GSM users. AnandTech founder Anand Lal Shimpi tells the New York Times that Verizon phones like the Galaxy S III, which don't have this limit, follow a different approach: where Apple uses a second antenna to improve overall reception for a single connection, Samsung and other phone makers use theirs to keep both data and voice flowing in harmony. While it's a tradeoff with its own benefits, the choice means that iPhone 5 units for Verizon, Sprint, and every other CDMA carrier still won't let you check your e-mail in mid-call without WiFi. If that's an issue, you'll have to turn to AT&T (or T-Mobile with an unlocked phone) to get your fix.

  • PSA: iPhone 5 pre-orders kick off on September 14th at 3:01AM ET

    Alexis Santos
    Alexis Santos

    Ready to hop on the iPhone 5 bandwagon after tuning into yesterday's unveiling? Keep an eye on the clock and pull out a credit card, because Apple, AT&T, Sprint and Verizon will kick off online pre-orders tomorrow at 3:01AM (or at 12:01AM PT for folks on the West Coast). Sixth generation iPhones begin shipping on September 21st and start at $199.99 for 16GB models bound to two-year contracts. Those who relish a healthy dose of suspense can always test the hand of fate -- and retail availability -- by visiting Apple's brick-and-mortar establishments at 8AM on launch day.

  • Isis' NFC mobile payments delayed past September target

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Isis must have spoken too soon. Just days after the alliance committed to launching its mobile payment system in September, its marketing lead Jaymee Johnson has warned FierceMobileContent that the rollout won't make the promised summer target. The delay is portrayed as a collection of minor hiccups, although we're not bracing ourselves for a short wait: Isis plans to update us on the situation in October, and that suggests we won't be making NFC-based purchases on Isis any sooner. It's another disappointment for the future-is-now crowd hoping to leave cash behind -- not that Apple and Google will object to a rival's misstep.

  • C Spire, regional carriers join the iPhone 5 deluge on September 28th

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Don't worry about Cricket hogging the spotlight during the second wave of the iPhone 5's US launch. C Spire, Appalachian Wireless and Alaska's GCI have also promised to carry Apple's taller smartphone on the same September 28th date. Details of the arrival will have to wait, although they're not likely to veer sharply from the prices and rates that carriers were setting back in the iPhone 4S days. There are a few gaps in the narrative versus the earlier releases: we have yet to see news from GCI's Alaskan neighbors as well as Cellcom or nTelos, for example. The plan is nonetheless a sign that Apple wants to blanket the American landscape with new iPhones as quickly as possible. [Thanks, Colby] Update: Not surprisingly, nTelos has also confirmed (PDF) that it's hopping aboard the September 28th iPhone 5 train.

  • BitGym Motion SDK brings Kinect-style games to Android and iOS, no huge living room required (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If there's a common barrier to playing with a Kinect controller, it's free space. The sheer amount of necessary distance between sensor and player is fine for suburbanites with expansive living rooms, but not so hot for apartment dwellers. Thankfully, BitGym is doing its best to bring hands-free gaming to small spaces with a new Motion SDK for Android and iOS developers. The kit takes advantage of the front cameras on phones and tablets to track three-axis movement, leans and multiple players without any special hardware -- and without necessarily rearranging the furniture. It's built to work with Unity 3D and most common app code on both platforms, all with a reportedly low overhead for mobile processors. Just don't anticipate any leaps and sidesteps in your loft for the next little while. Although the SDK is ready today, we won't see shipping games built on the motion-friendly framework until early 2013.

  • Intel wraps up Jelly Bean port for Atom smartphones, can't say when devices get it

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Intel was fast to promise a port of Jelly Bean to Atom-based smartphones. We were left in the dark as to when that port would be ready, but mobile group general manager Mike Bell has put that to rest for PCWorld with news that the Medfield-native Android 4.1 build is both complete and running on Intel workers' devices -- including his. Before dreaming of Google Now searches on an Orange San Diego, though, we'd warn that the usual delays apply. Bell notes that phone makers and the carriers still need go through the lengthy process of signing off on any upgrades. Existing owners will no doubt find it frustrating to be so close and yet so far, although the limbo at least proves that Intel-based hardware isn't being held back relative to its competition; ARM-running phone manufacturers are in the same boat.

  • Apple counts 400 million iOS devices sold as of June

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Wondering just how well Apple's iOS device sales have been faring versus their Android counterparts? CEO Tim Cook has just revealed that Apple has sold (not just shipped) 400 million iOS devices from the 2007 launch through to June 2012, a hike from the 365 million it reported at WWDC. For context, Google's Andy Rubin mentioned just Tuesday that a total of 500 million Android devices had been activated, although the gap may be closer than implied at first: there's been a few months between then and now, after all. Still, the new tallies show that Google wasn't waiting for the iPhone 5 to quicken its pace, even if Apple's sales are still very brisk. Check out all the coverage at our iPhone 2012 event hub!

  • Ubuntu One Music Store comes to mobile and web, skips the plugins

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you'd wanted to shop Ubuntu One's Music Store in the past, you had to use a plugin through an app like Banshee or Rhythmbox. Not very convenient, we'd say. Someone must have been listening up in Canonical's cloud, as Ubuntu One just brought its 7digital-based store to the web and mobile devices. Apart from widening the software scope, it's billed as a more direct interface to shop for tunes and send them to Ubuntu One's cloud for either streaming or syncing. Don't think that's enough of a perk? Early purchasers get half a year's worth of Ubuntu One Music Streaming for free -- as strong an incentive as any to dip a toe into the (music) stream before jumping in.

  • Nokia reaffirms WP 7.8 support for existing Lumia handsets, announces handful of features

    Alexis Santos
    Alexis Santos

    Nokia's legacy Lumia devices won't be graced with Windows Phone 8, but the company has reaffirmed its support for keeping them fresh with version 7.8 of Microsoft's handset OS. In addition to a revamped start screen, the introduction of City Lens and other expected perks, Espoo is tossing in a few extras. Among the new additions are the Cinemagraph GIF creator, a ringtone maker app, updates to Smart Group Shot and Bluetooth support for both file transfers and the firm's Contact Share application. Yearning to load up your smartphone with the raft of new features? Elop and Co. say the upgrades will be be rolled out in phases for the Lumia 610, 710, 800 and 900 models, but promise more details when their ETAs close in.

  • Insiders claim Siri co-founder Adam Cheyer has left Apple

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    It's not uncommon for executives of smaller companies to jump ship within a few years of the business selling to a larger firm, whether it's out of entrepreneurial restlessness or unhappiness with the corporate status quo. We don't know which of the two (if any) is a factor with Siri co-founder Adam Cheyer, but tipsters for AllThingsD and Bloomberg still say that he left Apple in June to "pursue other projects." The reported departure follows that of Dag Kittlaus, who quit Apple a year earlier, and should leave the Siri team without the brunt of its early leadership two years after Apple bought the company. Although the impact is uncertain, this doesn't necessarily mean Apple's version of Siri is at risk: along with holding on to any remaining Siri staff, Cupertino will have had a long time to familiarize itself with the code. We'd also take it all with a grain of salt. Apple has declined to comment, and Cheyer's LinkedIn profile still shows him as an Apple employee. Whatever's the truth, the rumor's sources don't have the best timing. [Image credit: Araya Diaz for TechCrunch, Flickr]