

  • Bodycount confirmed for Xbox 360, PS3; early 2011 release

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Bodycount says: One! One new gallery of screens from Codies' new IP digg_url = ''; Taking aim at the "whack-a-mole mechanics" of your typical cover-based shooter, Codemasters is finally ready to take the wraps off Bodycount, the new first-person shooter IP in production at Codemasters Studios Guildford under the direction of Black creator Stuart Black. "Our shredding tech enables us to create a different kind of gameplay, where players and AI can't hide behind indestructible cover," says Black. "Here the environment is constantly changing as the game world is shot to hell; it's going to be a huge amount of fun." That huge amount of fun will be built on the EGO Game Technology Platform, an evolution of Codemasters' EGO Engine, for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The story has something to do with killing 'Targets' – those are the bad guys – on behalf of the 'Network' – ostensibly the good guys. In addition to a full campaign, Bodycount will feature expected FPS enhancements like online multiplayer and co-op modes. Codies' "first internally produced new IP for many years" will be shredding environments in Q1 2011. We'll let executive producer – and former Sony London director – Tom Gillo have the last comically hyperbolic word on Bodycount: "From the jaw-dropping devastation caused by firing into enemies or shredding the world around you in a hail of bullets, Bodycount will crystalize that moment of pulling the trigger into an exhilarating sensory overload of action." %Gallery-87733%

  • Codemasters' new FPS, Bodycount, announced briefly

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Codemasters' new FPS from Black creator Stuart Black has been revealed by OXM UK -- and then promptly unrevealed, when the article was taken down. Bodycount is not based on Ice-T's metal band Body Count, because the world couldn't possibly be that beautiful. However, the cover of OXM (accessed through a Google cache of the article) calls it "the ultimate shooter." Since there won't be any shooters after this one, we assume that means it's really cool. We'll find out more this week as the magazine arrives in UK homes, and presumably when an announcement is put online for good. Given the venue of announcement, we at least know it is an Xbox 360 game. [Via Destructoid]

  • Steam weekend deal: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is 75% off

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Codies may have grounded the DLC chopper for Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, but that hasn't stopped Valve from dropping a nuke on its price tag and featuring it as the Steam weekend deal. Up until Monday, you can grab the military shooter for a meager $7.50 -- 75 percent off the usual asking price of $30. As for what to do with the cash you save should you choose to download, you could tuck it in the piggy bank or even use it towards financing your own real war in a fictitious country. We really wouldn't suggest that, though -- real life is woefully lacking in respawns. Also, $12.50 only gets you like 1/300,000th of a tank.

  • GRID: Reloaded hits PAL PS3 on March 11, includes two DLC packs

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    2007's street-based cousin to DiRT is coming back around for another lap, with Codemasters revealing GRiD: Reloaded for PS3 -- a Platinum range bundle set for the PAL-region starting line on March 11. Download codes for both the Prestige and 8-Ball DLC packs will be included in the package, which will retail for £24.99 ($34). An Xbox 360 version is scheduled to arrive later this year. The 8-Ball DLC pack is currently available on Xbox Live and PSN, and adds two new multiplayer events and eight new cars into the mix. The Prestige pack is new and will be available added to PSN on March 11 for £7.99 ($10.80) -- it adds the Australian Bathurst circuit and ten additional cars. There's no word of when it'll be on Xbox Live. Codies also revealed that two different game compilation packs are in the works: an Xbox 360 bundle for £29.99 featuring the first DiRT and GRiD (sans DLC packs); and an even cheaper and more content-rich bundle for PC that features DiRT, GRiD and Fuel at £19.99. Both will release to Europe alongside Reloaded on March 11.

  • It's a wrap for Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising DLC

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    "... I just wanted to inform you all that the team have now completed the 'Dragon Rising' chapter of Operation Flashpoint and that's it for DR-related content going forward." And with that simple proclamation, delivered by Codemasters Community Manager Helios, comes the end of Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. While fans on the boards are predictably upset, we're hard-pressed to find fault in Codies' DLC strategy. With two DLC packs released to date – the Skirmish and Overwatch DLC packs, which included four new multiplayer maps, two new multiplayer modes, and four new Fire Team Engagement missions – it would appear Dragon Rising has already received more post-release support than most games in its class. But if it's simply more Operation Flashpoint you're after, Helios drops some not-so-subtle hints about the future of the franchise. "... in the grand scheme of future plans and schedules the vast majority of the team are already busy planning the future of modern combat," Helios assures the angry mobs before adding, "... please keep on posting and letting us [know] your thoughts regarding the game, or even what you'd like to see in future titles and maybe sequels!" See that, everyone? There are "future plans" about the "future" of modern combat and they want to know your thoughts on "future titles." Do we have to spell it out for you? Operation Flashpoint 3 will take place in the future! [Thanks, Skwurl; via 1UP]

  • Codemasters working on new FPS from creator of Black

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Hey, remember Black, the PS2 and Xbox FPS created by Criterion Games before it went all-in on Burnout Paradise? Turns out the name wasn't just short for "black ops" -- the senior designer on the title was Stuart Black, and the vice president of development for Codemasters has now confirmed that he's working on a new game in a new studio for the company. Black will join former game director at Sony London, Tom Gillo, and senior producer Andrew Wilson on an 80-person team working with Codemasters' EGO engine to develop the brand-new IP, which the UK's Official Xbox Magazine seems to be hinting is "the shooter that everybody asked for." We've heard a lot of people ask for a next-gen No One Lives Forever sequel, but that's probably not what they mean. Black did have some nice stylistic twists, however, so while this game is definitely not a direct sequel (Criterion still owns that IP), we'll expect to see Black's ideas assembled in a new form.

  • Codemasters denies US closures, admits layoffs

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    IGN reported yesterday that Codemasters, after disappointing stateside sales last year, was laying off staff at its U.S. office and was planning on shuttering it. But according to an official statement from the company, the story's only half right: Though six employees were laid off (three from marketing, three from elsewhere), Codemasters told Edge there are no plans to close the U.S. operation, saying "Codemasters' office in Burbank CA remains operational under the management of Bill West and we look forward to a focused relationship with our distribution and marketing partners going forward." So, not to say it won't happen eventually, but it looks like this is one death certificate that was issued too soon.

  • HEI$T gets away from Codemasters' lineup

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Remember HEI$T? No? It was a bank robbery game set in 1969, being developed for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 by Codemasters. Remember it now? Okay, now forget about it. "After a much extended development period," a Codemasters rep told CVG, "Heist has been terminated as a project and removed from our release schedule." That extended development goes back at least until 2007, when the game was first announced. Following the cancellation of the inXile-developed action title, Codemasters intends to focus on "high quality titles that will, in the majority, be developed and produced by our internal studios."

  • LotRO announces Volume III, Book 1: Oath of the Rangers

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Lord of the Rings Online fans have been speculating for a while, wondering what the name of Volume III, Book 1 was going to be. Turbine's Sapience has been giving increasingly specific hints in a hangman-style game in the forums. Now the game's over, he's had his fun, and we have a title. Volume 3:Allies of the King, Book 1: Oath of the Rangers is on the way, bringing with it plenty of new additions to the game. Players will be returning to Dol Guldur for four skirmishes in the brand new twelve person mode, and a fifth skirmish in the Depths of Nûrz Ghâshu. Crafting will receive a some attention as well: players will be able to craft items up to level 65, and there will be crafting updates for Jewellers, Cooks, Woodworkers, Farmers, and Weaponsmiths. Of course, these are just a few of the highlights for the newly-titled Volume. All the current details are on the official site, so take a look, and we'll keep an eye out for more information!

  • Report: Codemasters to secure new investor amid financial woes

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    According to a recent report from the Times Online, UK-based publisher Codemasters is "close to securing" a new investor and will announce the mysterious source "shortly." The news is said to be paired with an upcoming balance sheet restructuring -- a necessity, we imagine, after less than huge releases last year like Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Fuel, and Damnation. The report also indicates that current investors Balderton Capital and Goldman Sachs will "inject new funds" into the publisher, seemingly holding steadfast in their efforts to build up Codemasters as a major publisher in the global market. The two investment firms have already sunk £100 million ($163.3 million) into the company, so, um, well, maybe they know something we don't? We sure hope that's the case -- we certainly wouldn't want any of our golf buddies at Goldman Sachs to lose their bonuses.

  • Best of the Rest: Randy's Picks of 2009

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes If I had my way ... well, a lot of things would be different. When it came to video games, I'd make sure that everyone -- whether they own a Nintendo DS or not -- had a chance to play Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes. Now, I know, Might and Magic? Isn't that some long-dead RPG franchise that's probably best left in the ground? Well, yes -- but Clash of Heroes is about as far from any of the other games in the series as you can get. At its core, it's a puzzle game -- a combat puzzle game -- developed by Capybara, the same team behind PSN's wonderful Critter Crunch. Take that game's core mechanic, add a load of clever new ones and build a story-driven experience around it and you have one of the finest (not to mention most addicting) DS games ever.

  • Operation Flashpoint 'Overwatch' DLC on Xbox 360 today, PS3 & PC 'soon'

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The second wave of DLC has finally deployed for Codies' Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising on Xbox Live Marketplace, and where the first pack focused on more team-based content, this new DLC addition, dubbed "Overwatch," is -- uh, actually, it's more multiplayer stuff. It's kinda this game's thing, you know? Overwatch adds two new multiplayer modes: Blindside and Supremacy. In the former, PLA players are tasked with accomplishing goals as quickly as possible, while the USMC players are charged with preventing the PLA team from achieving said goals. Supremacy pits players in a race to capture strategic checkpoints featuring "multipliers," including gun emplacements and air strikes. And, just like the Skirmish DLC before it, Overwatch also packs two new Fire Team Engagement missions to play though: Friendly Skies and Hostile Takeover. You can get the new DLC on Xbox 360 today for 400 ($5) -- PS3 players ($4.99) and PC gamers (free download) will have access "soon."

  • Codemasters offers Lord of the Rings Online "Log In To Win"

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    If you're a former European Lord of the Rings Online player, you were probably looking at Turbine's recent Welcome Back Weekend offer with a bit of envy. Well, Codemasters has got you covered with something even better. How about a week of free play? Just like Turbine, Codemasters has re-activated your account and it's and waiting for you to return to Middle-earth from December 23rd-30th. You'll also enjoy a +10% XP boost and special drops while you're in-game. But wait, there's more! Codemasters didn't stop with a free week for returning players; they've added the Log In To Win competition for all players. Log in during the event week, answer a quick question on the site, and you have a chance at winning some great prizes. Alienware laptops, graphics cards, Siege of Mirkwood hoodies, Logitech keyboards and headsets, and Siege of Mirkwood special editions are at the top of the prize list, but aren't the only items offered. Check out the official site for a list of prizes offered, and good luck!

  • Okay, for serious this time, DiRT 2 is coming to PC on December 8

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    After suffering from a series of delays, Codemasters rallycross racer DiRT 2 is arriving on PCs this December 8. As confirmed by Codies community man "Ice" on the developer's forums, the game will be arriving a week late to the PC due to a reason that is "far too boring to go into." He assures fans that it's not a "technical issue in any way, shape, or form," and that he has assurance from the US office that the game's ship date is confirmed for December 8. Just a few more days, PC-owning DiRT fans! We promise this time! %Gallery-45501%

  • DiRT 2 PC demo hits the track

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The PC version of Codies racer DiRT 2 may be a bit behind the console pack, but it's crossing the finishing line in style. The extra time has allowed the team to throw a couple of more DirectXs in there (they've got it up to 11 now!) and fine-tune all of the game's tessellation. And if you're still on the sidelines, wondering whether the game is for you (or, more importantly, if your puny rig can handle all of this Xtreme tessellation action), then why not try the game out right now? Codemasters was kind enough to hook up our sister site Big Download with a PC demo, so feel free to get a little dirty. Just, uh, change your clothes first. Your mom would kill us if you ruined that new Nickelback T-shirt.

  • Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising DLC to add more multiplayer modes

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    It's Monday, and you know what that means -- it's ... Monday. Er, we mean it's time for news from the world of Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising! In this case, it's word that a second helping of DLC for Codemasters' hardcore military FPS is on the way. While the developer "can't give out too many specific details at the moment," Ian Webster, the game's community manager, has confirmed that "the pack will include amongst other things additional MP modes" on Xbox 360 and PS3. More info on the content is promised soon. We hope you'll join our internet petition in the event the DLC doesn't introduce the ability to ride actual dragons into battle. (Ohhh ... never mind, it's Dragon "Rising.") [Via]

  • Look flashy in incoming Operation Flashpoint Avatar duds

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    [Image Source] It's a good thing our Avatars have endless walk-in closets, because there's yet more wearable advertising licensed clothing coming for them, this time from Codemasters and its military sim Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. According to the game's community manager in a post on the Dragon Rising forums, the clothing will be available "soon" and start at the seemingly standard 80 ($1) -- probably for one of the several T-Shirts. Speaking of which, check out how gung-ho Dexter's sis, Deb, looks wearing one of them (right).

  • GRiD brings weird capitalization to Games on Demand

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Another Tuesday, another entry in the ever expanding Xbox Games on Demand library. This week, it's Race Driver: GRiD, the well-reviewed 2008 racer from Codemasters. The game is available everywhere except Japan, which gets Raiden Fighters Aces, a fact that fills us with jealous rage. Still, if you're a fan of the Codies school of racing, you might consider picking it up (be sure to try the demo first). As usual, prices vary by region. Add GRiD to your 360 download queue [Via Major Nelson]

  • Everyone agrees: new IP needed for industry 'to survive'

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    What do Sony's Michael Denny, Square Enix's Yoichi Wada, and Codemasters' Rod Cousens have in common? Okay, they're all middle-aged men that happen to work in the video games industry -- but they also share a common belief in pursuing original IP. "For me the answer is clear, simply, we must support new IP creation to survive as an industry. Consumers crave new things. If we want to stay relevant in an increasingly competitive marketplace, we have to continue to produce new experiences," Denny told Certainly, SCEE has been pushing a lot of new IPs this generation, with Denny overseeing games like Heavy Rain and EyePet. Wada agrees with Denny's sentiment, noting that "as an entertainment company the business won't be viable if we don't continue to nurture new IPs." This may be ironic coming from a company that's releasing a game called Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers this holiday, and both Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIV next year, but we can credit them for making The World Ends With You, right? Cousens goes a step further, saying innovation has always been at the heart of the industry. "From day one since we walked in the door we've always tried to be experimental, to be innovative, to take things into new areas and to make it interesting." Obviously, the reason why publishers need to invest in new IPs is clear -- let's not forget that games like Madden used to be an original IP at one point. Source - Sony: Industry needs new IP to survive Source - Wada: Business 'not viable' without new IP Source - Cousens: Industry must pursue new IP

  • Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising getting DLC tomorrow

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Tomorrow's one of those days when it'll be nice to be a PC gamer. Not only will you be able to get a title update for Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (the full details of which are available here) you'll also be the first to get your hands on the "Skirmish" DLC, which includes four new multiplayer maps and two new Fire Team Engagement missions. The console title update (which you can read about about here) is due on the 360 tomorrow and on the PS3 "shortly after." Moreover, when Skirmish is eventually released on consoles, it'll come with a price tag of 400 points ($5) on 360 and $3.99 on PS3. Sure, the price discrepancy will cause a flare up in the console war, but what do you care? You're a PC gamer. You rise above.