

  • Devil May Cry trailer and screens show off Ninja Theory's spin

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Ninja Theory's take on Devil May Cry really gets off the ground in the Gamescom 2011 trailer. Dante might look like an emaciated Brian Molko in this one, but at least he's still got a knack for juggling.

  • Devil May Cry screens and trailer ('cause humans do care)

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    And they thought DmC: Devil May Cry was gonna change just because Dante got a haircut -- and a dye job when the devil trigger goes off. SHAME ON THEM!

  • Devil May Cry movie rights acquired by Screen Gems

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Screen Gems' last partnership with Capcom was a resounding success: the Resident Evil films have grossed over $580 million worldwide. It is undoubtedly looking to replicate that success with its latest acquisition, Devil May Cry. Kyle Ward has been hired to write the script. Ward is currently unproven; his first feature-length script, Fiasco Heights, will debut later this year. In addition to Devil May Cry, Ward is also signed for another video game adaptation: Kane & Lynch. According to Variety, the film will feature Dante on a quest to "avenge his mother's murder by killing off demons." Given the early status of the project, it's unclear if the film will be based on the classic games, or on Ninja Theory's upcoming reboot. Given Paul Anderson's creative freedom on the Resident Evil franchise, it's entirely possible that the Hollywood Dante will be an entirely original one, as well. [Image credit: Jo Chen]

  • Capcom: Dante redesign controversy raises DMC's visibility

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The reaction to Dante's new look for the Devil May Cry reboot had Capcom asking, "Why so serious?" The publisher's VP of Strategic Planning and Biz Dev. Christian Svensson told IGN that the company knew Dante's new look would bring a "knee-jerk reaction from fans." He said, "To be fair, I think some of the strategy here was to create that discussion and dialogue, and I think it drastically raises the visibility of the title versus if we had just done another Dante." He explained the original concepts that came back for the new Dante were too close to the flamboyant source material. Capcom's Keiji Inafune and Hideaki Itsuno weren't having any of that and told the team to, according to Svensson, be "much more creative." Svensson explains that, "This is meant to be an origin story, so this is Dante before you knew who Dante was." Wait, you mean he was more than that guy with the white hair, wearing a red leather trench coat? Surprising, 'cause that's all we can seem to remember about him.

  • DmC: Devil May Cry to utilize Unreal Engine

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It would seem that DmC: Devil May Cry is really going the distance with the reboot concept -- to the point that Ninja Theory's upcoming stab at the series will employ a completely different game engine than DMC4. The developer confirmed on its forums that Dante's next adventure will be powered by Epic's Unreal Engine (just like it's Enslaved for Namco Bandai) and not Capcom's go-to multiplatform development suite, MT Framework; which has powered many of Capcom's premier titles this console generation, including the last DMC game. To date, only internal Capcom studios have created games with MT Framework, but the company has said it's willing to share with external studios. Earlier this year, Capcom published its first Unreal Engine 3 game in Airtight Games' Dark Void. Ninja Theory's Enslaved, which will be released next week (published by Namco Bandai), is also an Unreal-powered game. [Thanks, original fred]

  • DmC video interview reveals variations of Dante's new design

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    PlayStation.Blog recently went straight to the team behind the upcoming Devil May Cry reboot in search of answers to some of the most burning questions in the history of games. You know, questions like "Dante, what have you done with your hair?" Check out Ninja Theory's responses in the video below.

  • Devil May Cry reboot likened to James Bond's Casino Royale

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The new version of Dante found in DmC: Devil May Cry -- you know, the one who has retroactively ruined every previous game in the franchise by having black hair -- was inspired by another refresh of a popular franchise, which also involved exciting new innovations in the field of hair color. Specifically, the Daniel Craig version of James Bond. "When you see the Casino Royale remake," Capcom's Alex Jones explained to Eurogamer, "you see Bond before he's actually killed anyone, and it's a really traumatic event. He's rough-hewn, he's not polished or debonair, but you can see the essence of what that character will become. That's what we want to do with Dante. The core of him is there, it's just a rougher version. It's a becoming. He's not fully actualised." So this Dante might be surprised the first time a sword flies directly into his torso of his own accord. "Of course long-time fans are worried about us handing over such a big title to another company, another development team," Capcom's Hideaki Itsuna said. He expressed his confidence in Ninja Theory and his belief that "they're very serious about making this game good." Itsuna explained that the reboot is intended to increase the fanbase by bringing in new buyers as well as Devil May Cry series fans. Well, at least those who aren't hung up on the hair color thing.

  • Devil May Cry reboot, in trailer and screenshot form

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Announced just moments ago at Capcom's pre-TGS press conference, here's just about everything we know about Ninja Theory's "reboot" of Devil May Cry: a trailer. Found after the break, this trailer (and the accompanying screens and artwork) share a new look for Dante, and a new direction for the franchise. Let's make this scientific, though. What do you think of the Devil May Cry reboot? %Gallery-102294%

  • New Devil May Cry in Ninja Theory's hands

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It was no coincidence that a new Ninja Theory game announcement and a "DMC" trademark were discovered at the same time. Capcom has confirmed that Enslaved/Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory is applying its expertise to demon hunting, with a trailer for DmC: Devil May Cry. What, no number? It's a "rebirth of Devil May Cry," starring a younger Dante who may or may not be experiencing the events in the game for real, judging from the appearance in the trailer of a chained character who may be hallucinating. "We're hoping to make a game that even Capcom can be proud of," Ninja Theory director Tameem Antoniades said on stage. No wonder -- there's good money in pleasing Capcom.