

  • PSA: Devil May Cry demo now on XBLM, drops onto PSN later today [Update: Trailer]

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    The demo of Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry reboot is now up on Xbox Live for Gold members. PS3 owners have to wait until later today for it to arrive on PSN, unless they're in Europe in which case they'll have to sit on their hands until tomorrow*.There are two missions in the demo, one of which features a (probably ridiculous) boss battle. One completion of the demo makes the Son of Sparda difficulty available. The full game roars onto Xbox 360 and PS3 on January 15, 2013, and PC at a later date.*Or bide the time however they choose, we're not picky

  • DmC: Devil May Cry voice actors fight the power

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Sage Mears and David de Lautour talk about their roles as Kat and Vergil in this "making of" trailer for DmC: Devil May Cry. Capcom's next entry in the series will launch January 15, 2013 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

  • Devil May Cry demo tears onto Xbox Live, PSN next week

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    The Devil May Cry demo is coming to Xbox Live and PlayStation Network next week, arriving in North America on November 20. As for Europe, it drops the same day on Xbox, but a day after on PS3. Capcom didn't mention a PC demo in its announcement.The demo offers two missions, including a boss battle. After one completion it unlocks the special 'Son of Sparda' difficulty, which plays around with enemies' placements and behavior as well as making them tougher to beat

  • Vergil is playable in DmC DLC 'Vergil's Downfall,' out early 2013

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    "Vergil's Downfall" is the first DLC pack announced for DmC: Devil May Cry, and it contains Dante's twin brother, Vergil, as a playable character.Vergil's Downfall will be available via XBLA and PSN for $9 (720 MS Points) in early 2013, and Capcom makes sure to note that it is not on-disc DLC. North American pre-orders through GameStop or EB Games get a code to download the content, along with the Samurai Weapons Pack, at no charge.Vergil's Downfall tells "the untold story of Dante's twin brother," and considering it's labeled "downfall," we wouldn't bet that it's a particularly happy tale. The above trailer shows Vergil fighting with his classic Yamato sword, and the DLC promises new weapons, locations, enemies, combos and a separate storyline.Vergil is also playable in Devil May Cry 3. Earlier this year we asked producer Motohide Eshiro if Vergil would make a similar appearance in DmC, but at the time we were told only "there's more to come; watch this space."

  • Capcom makes DmC 'Home Truths' gameplay vid official

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Most footage we've seen of DmC: Devil May Cry shows off the new, electric environments, neon-demonic levels and jazzy combos. The above gameplay footage, dubbed "Home Truths," harkens back to the series' classic, gothic feel, and contains minor story spoilers regarding Dante's ancestral background.Capcom says the Home Truths video "has been floating around the interwaves for a bit now," and it provides some insight into DmC's holistic value. Specifically, Capcom notes that it "bears a stark contrast to the other areas we've seen in gameplay footage so far" and it's "a bit more exploratory than some of the more action-focused locales we've been showing off."Skip the story spoilers and cut straight to the action at 1:30, but make sure to tear your eyes away by 2:53. Feel free to resume at 3:30.

  • DmC: Devil May Cry actors play around with absolute power

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    While the cast of DmC: Devil May Cry is fictional, their realization is brought to life through the skills of actors like Robin Riker, Louis Herthum and Tim Phillips. It looks like playing a God is right in Herthum's comfort zone.

  • Why DmC runs 30 FPS on consoles, according to Capcom

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    DmC is capped at 30 FPS on consoles, but according to director Hideaki Itsuno, the game will feel like it's running at 60 FPS – and it all comes down to mind games."60 FPS is a speed the brain and the eye can catch up with and understand," Itsuno tells Eurogamer. "But at 30 FPS there's a technique where you take advantage of the brain's ability to fill in the blanks. So even though you have it running at 30 FPS, you create the motions and the poses in such a way that the brain will naturally fill in what would have been the extra frames."Of course 60 FPS "would be better," Itsuno says, but DmC's button-response design and visual style make 30 FPS just as good. DmC features living, moving environments that would have been forced static if Capcom and Ninja Theory pushed for 60 FPS on consoles, Ninja Theory technical art director Stuart Adcock adds. Remember, the PC version of DmC does run at 60 FPS.Previous games in the series, such as Devil May Cry 4, run at 60 FPS on consoles. Devil May Cry 4 was built with Capcom's MT Framework engine, while DmC uses Epic's Unreal Engine 3. This engine swap contributes to the 30 FPS cap, Adcock says: "We were limited a little bit by the engine capabilities.""We did a lot of work trying to simulate the effects of fluid motion even at 30. We simulated more motion blur and made sure the animations had solid in-betweens and nothing that might feel too jerky," Adcock says.

  • DMC's inventive difficulty settings take Dante to Hell and Hell

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    DMC: Devil May Cry will change the experience up with multiple special difficulty modes, beyond the included "standard" modes, which are called Human, Devil Hunter, and Nephilim.According to a Capcom-Unity post, the "Son of Sparda" mode changes enemy placements and increases enemy difficulty, including new enemy behaviors. The "Dante Must Die" mode starts with that, and adds "the strongest enemies and insane attack waves.""Heaven or Hell" mixes it up further by enabling one-hit kills on everyone in the game, including Dante. And "Hell and Hell" is the same mode, with only Dante susceptible to one-hit death. The common thread in all these new experiences: you'll die over and over again.%Gallery-170014%

  • Devil May Cry's new trailer shows some things don't change

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    As this new trailer from the New York Comic Con shows, not everything's changed in the alternate reality of Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry. The music remains familiar, very much the Joystiq-turn-that-racket-down-right-now-or-so-help-me-Lord brand of heavy metal.Capcom also revealed at NYCC that it's bringing a DmC demo out before the game launches. The demo is definitely coming to consoles, but there's no word yet on it coming to PC. The game launches on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on January 15 2013.

  • DmC demo incoming, Mundus returns as the Demon King

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Capcom is planning an online demo of DmC: Devil May Cry prior to the game's launch, giving fans and on-the-fence aesthetic nuts a chance to try out Dante's new look for themselves. Capcom has no firm date for the demo yet, but it is coming to consoles at least, producer Alex Jones tells a panel at New York Comic Con. There is no word on a PC demo.Mundus, the main baddie from the first Devil May Cry, returns as ruler of the underworld in DmC. The Demon King joins another past character, Vergil: We previously asked if Vergil would be a playable character as he was in Devil May Cry 3, and got stonewalled. Jones provides a little more insight, saying Vergil as a playable character "will not be on the disc" and Capcom has no firm plans either way.Players will learn more about Dante's (and, by proxy, Vergil's) parents in DmC, Ninja Theory's Dominic Matthews tells the panel. DmC will have "a few novelty modes" made available after beating the game, Jones says. The PC version of DmC will run 60 FPS with enhancements, and Xbox 360 and PS3 is 30 FPS.

  • DmC pre-order bonuses slap some new paint on Dante's weapons

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    DmC Pre-order bonuses for Gamestop, Canada's EB Games, Best Buy and Amazon all "transform Dante's Shotgun, Scythe and Axe" into various re-skinned versions of themselves, Capcom announced today.Gamestop and EB Games get the Samurai Pack and three free upgrade points, while Best Buy gets the Golden Pack and access to the "Item Finder" (Guess what that one does?), and Amazon gets the Bone Pack and Orb Harvester, the latter of which allows faster weapon and combo perk enhancements. Personally, we think the Bone skin looks the coolest in trailer form, perhaps because it stands out the best in 720p. Check out the perks for yourself in the videos above and below.

  • Devil May Cry PC being outsourced, coming after consoles

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    The PC port of DmC (Devil May Cry) is outsourced to Polish outfit QLOC and is being released after the console versions, Capcom has confirmed to Eurogamer. QLOC has collaborated with Capcom on PC before, having handled Resident Evil: Raccoon City and Street Fighter x Tekken.That leaves Ninja Theory able to concentrate on the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of DmC, which arrive in North America on January 15. Capcom is showing them off at the Tokyo Game Show right now, which means we have a new trailer and some screenshots.%Gallery-166122%

  • Monster Hunter 4 playable at TGS, Capcom and Sega unveil lineups

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    A playable version of Monster Hunter 4 is coming to this year's Tokyo Game Show, Capcom announced on its newly launched TGS portal.The company also unveiled its current lineup for the show, with Resident Evil 6, DmC, Lost Planet 3 and EX Troopers joining the 3DS Monster Hunter. Meanwhile, Sega also unveiled its current line-up, which features Yakuza 5, Yakuza 1 & 2 HD, and Phantasy Star Online 2. So, no surprises there – yet.The show runs through September 20-23, when lucky attendees can see for themselves if Monster Hunter 4 really does have a whiff of the Dragon's Dogma about it.

  • Doubts over DMC's Dante dissipating, Capcom says

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    When Capcom first ripped the lid off the Devil May Cry series reboot, dubbed DmC: Devil May Cry, fans were angry with developer Ninja Theory's direction – specifically, Dante's new look and surroundings. Capcom US Producer Alex Jones understands this initial concern, but believes outrage is dissipating."There was always going to be people who saw new Dante and who didn't want it, and that's fine. Being angry about it – yeah I get that – but we always said, 'When you see the game and you play it, trust me, you're going to understand that we were doing the right thing.' Now that's happening," Jones tells VG24/7. "So yeah it's vindication, but it's not like smugly sitting back and going 'ha ha.' It's more like, 'We understand why you guys had doubts, and we knew that we had to prove this to you, and we were happy to do it.' That was our responsibility."Despite Dante's new look, Jones says there's a lot to the character that will be familiar to fans of the series – and not just his twin pistols and sword. "He's still irreverent, he's still – at the end of the day – the guy who will kick your ass and drop a cool one liner afterwards."The interview delves into story and other philosophies behind Ninja Theory's reboot, so hit up the source link below to read the full interview.

  • Capcom US, Japan's creative relationship with UK's Ninja Theory

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    DmC: Devil May Cry represents Capcom's focused, intentional effort to add western flair to a traditionally Japanese-styled game, left in the care of UK-entrenched studio Ninja Theory. Both Capcom Japan and US left the westernization entirely in Ninja Theory's hands, only providing advice on the game's core essentials and at times making strong suggestions about characters and controls. Otherwise, Capcom took a hands-off approach to the game's modernization.Among three branches of two studios in three disparate areas of the globe, creating anything successfully – let alone a new, yet familiar game in a popular franchise – was bound to be frustrating. According to Capcom producers Motohide Eshiro and Alex Jones, it certainly was stressful working with Ninja Theory, but it was also successful.Read their thoughts on Ninja Theory and the international DmC development process below.

  • Vergil's leading role in DmC: Devil May Cry

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Vergil, Dante's enigmatic twin brother, is back in DmC: Devil May Cry for a whole new era of demonic sibling rivalry. In the modern setting of Limbo City, Vergil is the boss of The Order, an organization tasked with battling the demons in control, and he recruits Dante to fight with him. This marks a new role for Vergil, tempered by familiar features."We tried to retain certain motifs that were essential to the character," Capcom producer Motohide Eshiro told Joystiq at Gamescom. "So he retains the silver hair, he retains the blue coloration of his outfit and the refinement of the character. Storyline-wise, as to how he may or may not interact directly with Dante and certain effects on gameplay, this is something we'll talk about at a later date. The biggest change, the visual, the way he interacts with the storyline, is quite different than what we've seen before. There's more to come; watch this space."When we asked directly if Vergil would be a playable character in DmC, Eshiro laughed and said, motioning to the PR rep in the room, "No comment there, or else he'll have to murder us, I think."The emphasis on Vergil's classic features was in no way a reactionary measure to fan backlash when Dante's new look was revealed, Eshiro said. Capcom and Ninja Theory had Vergil planned before the public saw Dante, and both teams knew exactly what they wanted then. Along with the traditional aspects of Vergil's appearance, the longstanding tension between him and Dante will play a part in DmC's story as well.Dante's other, smaller companion in DmC, a psychic named Kat, has more to offer than advice on navigating Limbo City's demonic and earth-bound worlds, Eshiro said. She's not necessarily a love interest, but she does help Dante connect with deeper emotions than his initial rush of vengeance and anger.As for any other cameos from classic Devil May Cry names, Eshiro said, "There are plenty of characters we haven't yet touched on. We're not ready to talk about what other characters are in the game just yet, but rest assured there will be some forthcoming news."

  • Capcom media megapost: Resident Evil 6, Lost Planet 3, Remember Me and more

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    Capcom just left a massive pile of trailers and screenshots on our doorstep, and rather than breaking them down into a bunch of tiny, annoying posts, we figured it'd be more convenient for you at home to bunch them all together into one big cornucopia of media consumables. Mediumables, if you will.Above and below, you'll find a gameplay trailer of Remember Me, as well as a corresponding gallery. Then, after the break, you'll find trailers and screenshots from pretty much everything else Capcom has going on for a while: Lost Planet 3, DmC: Devil May Cry, Resident Evil 6, Street Fighter X Tekken Vita, Okami HD and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure HD.%Gallery-162365%

  • Vergil brings brotherly love to DmC

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Vergil will have a role in Ninja Theory's DmC: Devil May Cry, Capcom announced during its Gamescom press conference today. Vergil, Dante's brother, will wield his classic Yamato sword and will have his standard white hair.Capcom plans to unleash a gameplay Vergil video later today, so stay tuned.

  • New Japanese DmC trailer shows Dante whipping platforms into shape

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here's the latest trailer from Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry reboot, hot off Famitsu's YouTube channel. You can see a few of Dante's new navigational tricks around the confusing world of Limbo, as well as a boss battle against a creature known as Succubus. Ugly!

  • Capcom plans panels and booth action for SDCC next weekend

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Capcom has nailed down its lineup for the San Diego Comic-Con next weekend, and there's going to be a whole lot "Cap-ening" down there. Booth #4844 will host demos of Devil May Cry, Lost Planet 3, Okami HD, Resident Evil 6, and the Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken. There'll be plenty of merch on sale, too, and Capcom will host some contests and giveaways.Capcom also has four panels throughout the weekend: on the 25th Anniversary of Street Fighter, behind the scenes on Resident Evil 6, a combined panel on Lost Planet 3 and Devil May Cry, and a "World of Capcom" panel, featuring all of the current projects and a big Q&A session. Capcom's official blog will be streaming from the show floor all weekend, and we'll be down there capturing as much of the news as we can. Capische?