

  • Guildwatch: It's not stealing, it's a ninja

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    That's Alyxandria of All That Remains on Sisters of Elune, professing the opinion that the stuff her guildies stole from Just a Game on the same server isn't being given back. Apparently taking a bunch of stuff out of the guild bank and then /gquitting doesn't count as stealing -- we'll leave you all to decide the morality there.For our part, we don't judge, we just report on all the guild drama, downed, and recruiting news from around the realms. If you've got some, feel free to send us a tip, anonymous as you'd like, at Whether it's a particularly interesting screenshot of chat (as above), or an all out hilarious forum thread, or just news that your guild has downed a boss they've never downed before, please let us know, and you can see it here next week.

  • Guildwatch: His name is Rob Parkins

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Whatever you do, don't get Rob Parkins angry. That's the lesson Nucholza learned when he watched a Warlock named Adriyel die to a double pull, and then nabbed one of the mobs (and the Fel Lotus it dropped) away. The good news is, Rob Parkins isn't for sale: Nucholza's account never did get "scrubbed." But be careful whose loot you gank -- you never know who's first cousins with Rob Parkins.That bit of funny drama and more, all after the break in this week's Guildwatch. And don't forget that your tips help fuel our column -- send in drama, downed, and recruiting notices (and make sure to include your guild and server, as in "US Cenarius-A") to Whether it's your guild's proud downing, or a rival guild's juicy drama on their forums, send it to us so we can all enjoy it!

  • Guildwatch: Don't stop believin'

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We're just going to go ahead and declare this Journey masterpiece the official song of raiders -- apparently one of our guilds in the Downed section this week found a lot of inspiration in these rockin' lyrics, and so for the rest of you, here you go. Just like your guild's attempts on Kael, it goes on and on and on and on. Be thankful -- we could have embedded this raid video, which doesn't quite have the same inspirational music to it.Click the link below to check out this week's news of guild drama, downings, and recruiting notices -- we've got everything from more app drama to a ton of great downed news from regular tipsters. In fact, a few people told us this week that seeing their guild in Guildwatch actually got them raiding better than ever -- if you want your guild here (and have something interesting to tell us), drop a line to

  • Guildwatch: Open your face jellyfish

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I know that image above is tiny, sorry about that -- click it to see the whole convo. Basically Mimszee got what he thinks is a bum deal out of a jewelcrafter (who he calls a "jellyfish" -- because he's too spineless to talk to Mimszee maybe?), and keeps telling one of the jewelcrafter's guildies to "open your face!" Your guess is as good as ours as to what that's all about. But that's not even the end of it -- there's more in this week's GW about Mimszee. A lot more.For other downed, recruiting or drama news from around the realms, click the link below. And to put your own guild's news here (or a particularly tasty morsel of drama about another guild), just drop us a note to, and you could see it here next week. Open your face!

  • Guildwatch: Drama, but the good kind

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    People just might have heard all the bad drama that they want to hear -- we had a few good stories this week of guilds actually doing well, or making their way past useless drama to continue with progression, or just generally making the world a better place for other players. Then again, we still got lots of good guild-breaking, whine-filled drama, so who says you can't have both good and bad?Both good and bad are after the break, as well as downed and recruiting news from around the realms. And don't forget, if you've got drama, downed, or recruiting news to support (if it's your guild or anyone else's), just drop us a note at We could especially use some really nice downed news and screenshots -- the shot above, from Kill on Sight on The Forgotten Coast, is good, but surely you all can do better, right?

  • Guildwatch: 25man raid LF24M, healers and tanks preferred

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    When most guilds have trouble in Sunwell, they go to Mount Hyjal or Black Temple to do a little raiding and pick up some more gear. But not Reforged on Runetotem, pictured above -- they go to Vegas and blow off some steam at the blackjack tables and the all-you-can-eat buffets. That's my kind of guild!That story and more, all in this week's Guildwatch, right after the jump. Don't forget to send us your tips of drama, downed, and recruiting news -- we collect them all at Whether it's your guild or someone else's let us know what's going on out there on the realms, good or bad.

  • Guildwatch: "Makes it sound like Teapot Dome up in here"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Menzoberranzan on Tichondrious-H decided recently that after a spat of drama, they were going to go on hiatus until Wrath, so their GL cooked up this video to show off some of the highlights of the guild. Most of it is just a slideshow of screenshots (so we're using it as the header shot this week), but jump up to 7:19, because there's some funny kids dancing.Lots (and I mean lots) of drama in the GW this week (including the "corrupt loot council" that spawned that gem of a title), so make sure to click the link below to read it all. And don't forget to send your own tips in -- is the email address. We want your downed, drama, and recruiting news, so send it all.

  • Guildwatch: Going too far

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The short version of the tells above: Renzor tried to start some drama by posting a vent recording on the forums, and when Avasa (who took the screenshot) posted against him, Renzor threatens to kick him (and, as you can see, claims Avasa "likes to create drama" when Renzor was the one who posted the vent recording). Click the image above to see the uncut convo (with some not so SFW language), and click the link below to check out the whole story, along with all of the other drama (including a bit of bank drama that will surprise you) from this week's GW.And if you've got drama, downed, or recruiting news from your own guild or someone else's, send it along to Your tips keep this thing running, so thanks in advance.

  • Guildwatch: The aftermath

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Just want to get something straight, so you all sending in Downed news can be sure to work out the "notice" mechanic correctly: every guild gets to put just one boss on notice every week. You can't put instances on notice (although if you do, you have to clear that instance all in one go, and we're going to need video or it didn't happen), and you can't put more than one boss on notice -- otherwise, everyone would put everyone on notice. One boss per guild, per week. Any other kills after that are just bonuses.Now that that's out of the way, on to the Guildwatch! Click the link below to see this week's drama, downed and recruiting news from around the realms, and be sure to send us your tips, from your guild or anyone else's at

  • Guildwatch: "officers dont do officers like u did"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    One person in the conversation above is making sense. And the other one is named "Krazyhunter." Be careful whose alt you roll against in Kingdom of Fire on Khadgar -- losing a roll on a piece you need to an alt of a co-GM might get you kicked. And, oh yeah, no matter what guild you're in, be careful who you send angry whispers to, because they might show up here on Guildwatch.The story above and much more in this week's GW, including the return of lots of recruiting news. If you have tips for any of the sections below, send them along to, and click the link below to see this week's drama, downed, and recruiting news.

  • Guildwatch: We're $#&(ing good at this game, too

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Guildwatch is back, and boy do we have a drama-stacked edition for you this week. How about this Vent recording we've got, complete with classical piano playing in the background. Or this hacked guild that didn't really get hacked at all? We've got Shaman ninjas, Auction House drama, and even a Warglaive fight. Our tipsters really, really came through this week (thanks everybody!), and you reap the benefits.Additionally, there's also plenty of downed news behind the break as well, and just a bit of recruiting news also (seems like most guilds are filled up for the time being). If you've got a tip for GW, whether for your guild or a great piece of drama you've seen somewhere, drop us a line at and see it here next week. In the meantime, click the link below to see this week's GW!

  • Guildwatch: Drama at the fishing tourney

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here on GW, we mostly focus on guild drama, obviously -- every week, we hear about GMs /gquitting with as little style as possible, ninjas cleaning out the guild bank, and friction between guild members. But guilds are really only a part of the ingame drama -- people can find silly things to fight about all over Azeroth. Think the fishing tournament is tame enough to avoid an argument? Think again.That story, and more, are in this week's GW, which you can read by clicking the link below. And don't forget to submit your own tips to us, whether they be drama, downed, or recrutiing news. is the address, and any tips you send to it will be much appreciated.

  • Guildwatch: Years between bosses

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here at GW, we love even the small downs (heck, this week, we reported on a downing in the Stockades -- although it was by the Horde), but when other guilds are able to clear out the whole endgame in the time it takes you to go from one endgame boss to another, it's probably not the best idea to go on to the forums bragging how great your progression is.That story and many others in this week's GW, which starts right after the break. Your tips fuel our column -- please send any and all tips about drama, downed, or recruiting guild news to Click the link below to read on.

  • Guildwatch: She fulfilled my everyone fantasy

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Only in the best situations do you have great documentation of great drama, and only in the best of the best do you have actual screenshots of it as it happens. But then again, that might just be more evidence that they're just messing around -- it's hard to believe that this really happened and was captured so perfectly.But as always with Guildwatch, you be the judge. For all the drama, downed, and recruiting news you can handle (most of it probably true... probably), click the link below. And don't forget to send us your own tips (anonymous or otherwise) at

  • Guildwatch: That's rediculous

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, we know the headline is spelled wrong -- that's the joke. (So feel free to make fun of anyone who points out the misspelling in the comments; they're fair game.) In the meantime, the more "rediculous" the guild names, the better for us. Why would you want to name your guild Sentinels of Azeroth when you could name it something like Dont Be That Guy?In the meantime, click the link below to see all the drama, downed, and recruiting news we got from across the realms this week. And don't forget to send your tips (especially drama -- let us know if you see anything either on your realm's forums or on your guild's forums) to Because not sending your tips to Guildwatch is pretty rediculous, if you ask us.

  • Guildwatch drinks your milkshake

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    There will be drama, and when there is, Guildwatch is there to ridicule and call out all parties involved. Because WoW is serious business! I've abandoned my main tank! I've abandoned my boy! I am the Third Revelation!Whoops, got a little carried away there. Meanwhile, this week's look at guild drama, downed and recruiting from across the realms starts right after the jump. And be sure to send your tips to -- this column flows directly from them like so much black, slick oil.

  • Guildwatch: No drama here

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Isn't it ironic that the guilds who always brag they don't have drama... seem to have drama? Today we've got a great story of drama, and the best thing about it is that the guild who went through it.. actually called themselves No Drama. Trust us -- Murphy wasn't kidding around.For more stories of drama, downed and recruiting news from guilds all over the realms, just click the link below. We've got a nice full slate of news this week, so jump right in and start pulling trash, even if you don't have a full raid yet. Enjoy.

  • Guildwatch: Running a Karathon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Herewith, a quick guide to Guildwatch jargon you may not have heard yet:Loot Reaver: Void Reaver, so called because he's basically a loot pinata; hit him a few times until you get epics to drop.Karathon: Coined this week, it's when you finish Karazhan all in one night.Flawless Victory: Finishing a fight without any deaths (using Reincarnation or the Druid rez doesn't count)."On Notice": Meesa boss is gonna die? Yes. Yes he is.Got more insider guild jargon for us? If so, send them (and all your other guild news tips, anonymous as always) to, and click the link below to see this week's Guildwatch, chock full of drama, downed, and recruiting news.

  • Guildwatch: Ninja happens

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I've been fortunate enough to have never seen a ninja go down live (as seen in the pic above), but I know it happens all the time. Master Looter, people! Of course, even then, if you pass off Master Looter to the wrong person, you're still going to see some trouble. And with the name changes and server transfers nowadays, you just kind of have to let it go. Ninja, as they might say, happens.Click the link below to see this week's GW, which is full to the brim with drama and downed news. We've got recruiting news, too, but not as much as usual-- if you've got a tip for next week, from your guild or another, sent it along to And we'll ninja it right out from under you.

  • Guildwatch: Incriminating evidence

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here at Guildwatch, we talk a lot about drama, but we don't really talk enough about how to prevent drama from happening in the first place. So consider this a great tip: if you're ever in trouble with a guild officer, just make sure you have an embarrassing photo of them dancing naked in Stormwind. You know, like the one above. A little blackmail in all the right places will make sure you're always on the officers' good sides.That's just one of the many things you can learn from this week's GW, which starts right after the jump. Be sure to send your tips on drama, downed, and recruiting to