

  • Guildwatch: Back in the swing of things

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I think I can now safely say that most guilds have either survived the expansion drama, or reformed as guilds that can, because things are really rolling in the endgame lately. Lots of guilds are moving up through Karazhan, and we're finally seeing those 25-man groups out there working on Gruul. Raiding times are here again?This week's GW starts right after the jump, but don't forget-- next week's Guildwatch is completely and totally supported by your tips! If you've got info about drama, downed, or recruiting going on around the servers, get 'em in the email right now, please:!

  • Guildwatch: A long struggle with raid cancer

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I would say that I'm sorry that Guildwatch is running a little late this week, but you didn't really notice, did you? No worries, we're here now, with all the drama, downings, and recruiting that any one man (or woman, or orc, or undead) can handle!And please-- please!-- remember that this column runs on your tips, so throw any and all news you have about drama going on around the servers, guild progression, or recruiting notices in the box at You do it-- we just report on it, right after the jump.

  • Guildwatch: Reasons for lack of progressions

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I'm not exactly sure why that guy's got a green triangle raid target over his head-- wait a minute. Is that Moroes?? Did he sneak up to the Prince with this unsuspecting guild? Look out guys! That garrote'll getcha every time!On a completely unrelated note, it's time once again for this week's Guildwatch-- your weekly dose of drama, downed notices, and recruiting pleas. If you've got something to share for next week, send your tips and info to, and click the link below to read this week's GW. But watch out for sneaky raid bosses impersonating fellow guildies!

  • Guildwatch: Drama, in comic form

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I think the picture above is like the best thing I've ever seen in putting this column together-- a member of the guild has actually put their drama in stick figure comic form. That's only two panels of it, actually-- click on the pic above to read the whole, awesome thing.And click on the link below to get your weekly fix of guild drama, downings, and recruiting notices. If you want your guild to appear here (or know of one that should), just drop an email to We're also asking for funny GMOTDs this week (make sure to read the note at the bottom of this week's column). Click on, clickers!

  • Guildwatch: Spartans! Tonight, we dine in.. Moroes' room!

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Man I hate that Moroes. My guild is so, so close to finishing him off, but our shackles are breaking, our Hunter's trap is resisting, or the aggro is wonky somewhere down the line. But don't worry, faithful readers, we'll get him. Prepare for glory!Meanwhile, it's Tuesday, and here's your weekly fill of Drama, Downed, and Recruiting news from around the realms. Remember, this column lives and dies on your tips, so if you've got news, we want it: drop a note to Clicky linky to read this week's GW.

  • WoW Moviewatch: A'dal downed

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This video has inspired me to coin what I will call the Lord British Postulate:If it exists as a living creature in an MMORPG, someone, somewhere, will try to kill it.History has shown that to be exactly the case, and I, Mike Schramm, deem it to be true. Get to work, Wikipedians.How else to explain that some crazed player has actually gone after the seemingly harmless A'dal of Shattrath City, and, in a "world first," killed him? That's just mean. Obligatory: But what did he drop?And I have to say that it's too bad the naaru didn't put up any more of a fight. Then again, maybe he just despawned. Do beings of sentient energy leave a corpse?

  • Guildwatch: What, no gnomes?

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Tuesday means its time once again for Guildwatch, your weekly look into unfolding guild drama, dying bosses, and folks who could use you in the endgame. I particularly like this week's guild picture, because it has both a sitting bear AND a furbolg. Throw in a dancing treeform druid and you'd have everything you need for a fun Saturday night.Remember, just like Sally, the waitress who's worked down at the Sidetrack Tap Diner for more years than you've been alive, this column lives and dies on your tips. If you've got 'em, send 'em to Click the link to read this week's GW.

  • Guildwatch: Splitsville, population us

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It seems we're right in the middle of Burning Crusade raiding drama-- guilds who had a solid raiding group before the expansion are seeing all kinds of trouble as they reset themselves for new instances and new group limits and requirements. Lots of guilds are splitting under the pressure.Not that it wasn't expected. But there sure is a lot of drama going around. This week's Guildwatch, your weekly look at happenings around the guild scene, starts right after you click the link below. And don't forget: your tips power this place-- if you've got news of drama, downing, or recruiting, let us know at

  • Guildwatch: Hot off the Gruul

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    You guys really had it out for Gruul this week-- we've got two guilds here that finished him off, and I'm sure they're not the only ones. Anyway, it's Tuesday, time for your weekly roundup of happenings and circumstances in guilds around the World of Warcraft. We've got reader submitted downings, drama, and recruiting notices for your pleasure.And if you've got a tip of your own, drop in our inbox ASAP: Show off your guild to the world.. or, y'know, just us. This week's GW starts when you click the link below.

  • Guildwatch: A crowd of raging ninjas

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This week's Guildwatch kinda snuck up on you, didn't it? We're like that-- dressed all in black, toting around sharp stars, and popping in when you least expect it. You know, to assassinate the head of an opposing clan or steal an ancient relic held by an evil ruling family. Normal stuff.And in between our ninja activities, we find the time to churn out a weekly report on drama, downings, and recruiting going on with the guilds throughout Azeroth. The Armory might tell you how many members these guilds have, but you'll only learn the inside story here on GW. As always, send us your tips, early and often, at Click the link to read the dirt.

  • Guildwatch: The anti-ninja strikes

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Hey hey all, it's Tuesday, and not only does that mean you sleep in (instead of waking up at 5 am to play WoW), but it also means it's time for Guildwatch, your weekly look at drama, downed, and recruiting guilds from around the World of Warcraft.This week's GW starts, as usual, right after you click the link below. To send us tips on your guild (or any other guilds you happen to know about-- anonymous drama tips are welcome), throw a note to

  • Guildwatch: Flawless victory

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    One of our featured guilds this week actually has a motto! My guild doesn't have a motto (at least not one that I know of), but if we did get one, I'd suggest "We're here to kick ass and disenchant epics, and our bank is already full of Nexus Shards." Actually, my guildies might not go for that one so much.Anyway, it's Tuesday, which means it's time for Guildwatch, our weekly informal look at what's happening with guilds around the game (your guild can appear right here by dropping us a drama, downed, or recruiting story at Click the link below to read this week's GW.

  • Guildwatch: We've been ready since 1.4

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's Tuesday, which means Guildwatch is back again with the latest around the realms in drama, downed, and recruiting news. If you want to see your guild here, all you gotta do is drop us a line at, and then just wait until next Tuesday.Oh, and you should probably have some drama going on, actually down some bosses, or just be looking for new people. To read this week's GW, clicky that linky!

  • Guildwatch: Black Temple or bust

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    After a short hiatus (due to a lack of endgaming on the part of most guilds), our much-loved and much-hated column Guildwatch is back in all its rumor-filled, grats-giving, petty guild drama glory! Here where, every Tuesday, you can see who's winning, who's inviting, and who's cheating.And don't forget, if you've got a tip on a guild that has drama happening (anonymous tips welcomed), is downing the 25-man stuff already, or is recruiting for Karazhan, let us know at Click the link to read the return of GW!

  • GuildWatch: Let's all go to the movies

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Blue Forge Fire (Bloodhoof-H) sent us two of their recruitment commercials to show this week. If you like this one, you'll love the one after the jump.Yup, once again it's time for GuildWatch, your weekly dose of guild drama, downings, and recruitment notices. If you want your guild here, email us at To read GW, clicky linky below-y.

  • GuildWatch: Deal or No Deal

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Not so much Howie Mandel in this week's GW, but we've got lots of guilds buying and selling. From raid spots to Ony cloaks, the wheeling and dealing is fast and furious.Click the link below to read it, and don't forget to send your tips to We need 'em like Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!

  • GuildWatch: Mashed Potatoes of Striking dropped from the Turkey Boss

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    That's a player's reconstruction of a Sapphiron kill, in case you couldn't tell. Considering the way it looks, I'm guessing the guild plays on Alliance side. ICE BURN!Happy Thanksgiving this week from GuildWatch. To go along with your turkey and gravy, we've got your weekly quota of Drama (including your chance to vote on our readers' work), Downed, and Recruiting notices from around the World of Warcraft. Click the link below to slice that sucker open and get to the tender, juicy meat inside.

  • GuildWatch: A Humble Request

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Tuesday night means maintenance is (most likely) over, and it's time once again for your weekly look at guild drama, downings, and recruiting from around the realms.Every week, GuildWatch asks for your help-- it's your submissions to that keep our column rolling with news, so if you've got some drama, a kill, or are recruiting (we especially want to hear about the recruiting, as this week we're a little low), please let us know. But this week we have another request, too, for the artistic types out there. Click the link below for details, and this week's GW.

  • GuildWatch: To the Victor Go the Spoils

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This week's GuildWatch is all about the loot-- to the victor, as they say, go the spoils. One guild finished off Nef, and gave out free loot to their guildmates. Another guild got a world first occurence-- not one but two Staff Heads of Atiesh from the same Kel kill (at least that's what their screenshot says-- I'll leave it up to you to determine if it's faked or not). And I even got some sweet loot this week-- my guild downed Ony, and I got our first Tier 2 helm for my Shaman. Yep, it felt pretty good beating Ony up for the first time, and now, I get the spoils: my eyes glow white with power.As always, if you have Drama, Downed or Recruiting news from your guild (or anyone else's), drop a note to us at This week's GW starts right after you click the link below.

  • GuildWatch: Desperately Seeking Healers

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Even though you were probably a little worried GuildWatch wouldn't show up this week (because it's pretty late), worry not, because here it is, with all the standard guild drama, downings, and recruitment to boot. You'll have to excuse us if we keep it short this week, however-- the GW staff ate a little too much Halloween candy, and they're starting to feel the snarl of the Snickers. The kick of the Kit Kat, if you know what I mean.As always, make sure to send your guild's news (or drama) to, and we will love you for it. Click the link below to see the latest.