
  • The Digital Continuum: Evolving past the Diku design Part 2

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The other movement of change sweeping through developers' design choices is the near removal of classes and/or levels. EVE Online was one of the first MMOs to do away with levels, and the upcoming All Points Bulletin and The Secret World appear to be doing the same. Now, titles like Champions Online and Fallen Earth are doing away with the idea of a class system altogether.

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: The auction house

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hello adventurers! It's been a while, hasn't it? We've been put off track thanks to an anime convention and a certain holiday, but we're back and better than ever! Last time I said we were going to talk about the auction gouse, and that's exactly what we're going to learn about today!Final Fantasy XI's auction house isn't your standard ebay-esque system. While there is bidding, there is no such thing as a buyout, and you can't actually buy from a specific person. Items are put into the auction house, you can see if there are any of a certain item in-stock, and you can choose to place an amount of gil for that item. This type of auction is a variant on the silent auction, where there is no auctioneer and rising bidding price. Interested? Keep on reading and we'll get into the specifics of how this system works -- it's a little tricky at first.

  • Anti-Aliased: You don't need PvP to be successful, honest

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Player vs. player combat has always been a double-edged sword, in my opinion. While it has the ability to be an amazing part of a game, I find that it usually falls flat thanks to a few loudmouthed jerks and people who exploit their way to "fame." Please note the use of fame in quotation marks, as fame through PvP isn't exactly fame as we understand it by dictionary definition. It is something far less desirable.So, I knew my stance on the issue. I like well executed PvP, but I don't like PvP in general. But I wanted your opinion, readers of Massively, and I got it thanks to a spot on The Daily Grind this week. What resulted from that story was a very interesting discussion on the place of PvP in MMOs, and if PvP is really the staple we think it is as a community.

  • Final Fantasy's April version update is live, brings A Crystalline Prophecy with it

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Sure, the majority of people are clamoring over Patch 3.1 for World of Warcraft today, but you Final Fantasy XI users already received something just as juicy -- the April version update.For those of you not in the know, the April update launched expansions to many of the current game systems -- such as Moblin Maze Mongers, Fields of Valor, and Campaign -- and also added the ability for players to enchant items via "Item Augmentation." The update also added some nice changes to the White Mage, Red Mage, and Summoner classes, and will be the first of Square-Enix's revisit to all of the classes in FFXI.The big news though was the unlocking of Final Fantasy's first "mini-expansion," entitled A Crystalline Prophecy: Ode of Life Bestowing. This expansion is a short little storyline, but gives players a nice piece of armor for completing it. Even better, you can choose how to augment the armor after you receive it, customizing it to your favorite class.Looking for all of the patch notes in their lengthy glory? Check them out on the Final Fantasy XI website.

  • Square-Enix security tokens on sale Tuesday!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    If you've been waiting to get your hands on one of those Square Enix authenticator tokens to keep your Final Fantasy XI account safe and sound, then you're in for some great news. Square Enix has announced that they will start selling their security tokens on Tuesday, April 7th in Japan, North America and Europe. These new tokens will cost $9.99 US and will be available for purchase through the PlayOnline viewer. Also, if you opt to pick up one of the security tokens, you'll get a special in-game bonus item called "The Mog Satchel." Apparently this nifty new item will grant you additional inventory space equal to a character's Gobbiebag capacity - up to 60 slots! Additionally, it will "benefit all characters on the PlayOnline account(s)". Now as to whether that means shared communal space between all the characters or just the ability to have one on each character, they didn't explain. Square Enix did note that the bag would be able to be accessed from anywhere; the Mog House or while out running around adventuring. For $10 to ensure your account's security and to score up to an additional 60 inventory slots? We know we'll be making that investment, kupo.

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: See no evil, hear no evil, smell... no evil?

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hola mi amigos! Hoy es la dia de Vana'diel! *clears throat* Ahem, sorry about that. Hello adventurers, and welcome to another edition of Starting out in Vana'diel! Today's topic is actually one that I find quite cool about Final Fantasy XI, especially when you compare it to other MMOs. It's the mechanic that puts the fear of Promathia into every adventurer's step.Today's column is all about the different monster aggro types -- yes, there are different types. You want to find out more? Come, follow me, and let's find out more!

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: Time to pick up that second job you always wanted

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hello again adventurers! Ready to go on another tour of Vana'diel? So, ok, you're in Valkurm Dunes. You're enjoying the luxurious beaches, the warm weather, the beautiful sandstorms, the nasty crabs that use defense buffs, and fish that fly in the air and attempt to impale you. It's all par for the course down here at Valkurm.Yet, I know what you're saying to yourself. You're saying, "Well Brennan, when are you going to tell me how to get that sub-job, so I don't look stupid around the other players?" Perhaps you're not putting it so nicely in your head, but you get the drift.For those of you who have thought that, then you'll be pleased to know that today's topic is getting your sub-job. Sure, the quest is pretty straightforward, but I have a couple of tips that may help you get through it that much faster. This way, when you get to level 18, you'll have a second job next to your name before your house moogle can say "Kupo~!"

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: Questing and you

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hello again adventurers! Today's topic is once again back on hard gaming ground instead of community theory as I introduce quests and their purpose.Questing in Final Fantasy XI is not like questing in other games. Quests exist, but they don't jump out at you with bright yellow exclamation points. NPCs don't scream, "I have things for you to do for me!" Quests don't hold your hand as you pursue their goals. Also, most importantly, quests don't reward experience.So why bother, right? If you're only going to get come cruddy gold and maybe an item, why should you spend your time doing the quest? Beautiful question, and a very accurate one. Let's take a look at the quest system, what it has to offer you, and how to find some quests at your level with ease.

  • Final Fantasy XI's April version update to include a mog house full of new features

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    The version update is a special time for all Final Fantasy XI players. A time where people gather around Tetra Master while they wait for the servers to come back up, a time when people cry nerf when Square-Enix changed how their class worked, but especially a time to drool over all of the coming new features.We already heard that Square-Enix would be expanding the Fields of Valor and Moblin Maze Mongers systems, but now we get to see that there's much more in store for April's update. Things like brand new nation missions, more areas in game that support treasure casket drops, notorious (elite) monsters appearing in the campaign system, and the huge announcement of "item augmentation," a type of enchanting system for pieces of equipment.For a game over six years old, FFXI keeps proving to its community that it can keep up with the features of newer MMOs, as well as deploy features that aid the playability of the game. As more information comes in regarding all of these new changes, we'll keep you updated with all of the juicy details.

  • The Daily Grind: Single or dual classes?

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    As more and more of the Massively staff jump in and check out Runes of Magic, we're having a ball playing around with different dual class combinations. Shawn Schuster, our Managing Editor, is running a Warrior/Mage combination he says is a lot of fun. Kyle Horner has a shiny new Mage he's thinking about what he wants to add to the mix. I've opted for a Rogue/Priest combination since I'll run the Rogue solo, and will be keeping the Priest to run with friends who are several levels lower. That way, I figure so long as I keep the Rogue's level well above the Priest, I can level the second class along with my friends who don't play as often. Of course, this system really isn't anything new - it falls in line with Final Fantasy XI's job system, offering players the chance to combine a couple of different things on the same character without requiring you to keep an alt to see a second class. This morning, though, we thought we'd ask what you thought. Do you think that more games should introduce a dual class system, allowing you to play two completely different classes (or a hybrid of them) at the same time? Or do you prefer to focus on one class at a time so you're not split in terms of trying to gear it up, or having to spend too much time to level two classes at the same time?

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: Community, controls and cooperation

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hello there adventurers! It's Thursday, and that means more tips for those of you who are new to Vana'diel.This time around we have some less documented topics to talk about -- the controls of Final Fantasy XI, how to get into groups and how to run groups, and answer one of the questions presented by reader Green Armadillo in last column's comment area.I know these topics may seem weird for a recurring feature that is suppose to be a guide to starting out in Final Fantasy XI. You would think I would be tackling more game play issues or tips on how to level. However, these topics play right into getting the most out of your FFXI experience. Knowing these things is going to help you tremendously in Vana'diel, so let's stop talking about it and get down into it.

  • Anti-Aliased: Yu rack disriprine pt. 2

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    CasualLolz player, meet OMGHARDCOREBBQ player The last part of odd group dynamics comes from how much our genre has grown since the days of EverQuest and Final Fantasy XI. Back in the days pre-Warcraft, the MMO community was a small group of gamers who, for the most part, had the same play styles. If you didn't like the genre, you probably didn't play the games. The games presented their basic dynamics to the player very quickly, and people who didn't like how the game was going had the chance to drop out at level 10 or earlier. That's not how the community is today. Thanks to the rampant success of Warcraft, friends are inviting non-MMO friends. People who haven't even touched a game before Warcraft are picking up MMOs. They jump in, do their soloing, fall in love with those dynamics instead of being immediately introduced to party dynamics, and then enter into parties with explosive consequences. It's then, at this late point in the game, when they realize that they don't want to be with other people. They don't want to re-learn everything because they feel that they have mastered what the game is all about. Then you have the player that has played the older games, who does know what to expect, and who runs his endgame content with an iron fist. Do one thing wrong and he screams at you, because in the "olden days" doing one thing wrong netted you extreme penalties and raid wipes. Putting these two people into the same group is not going to work. Yet, this occurs every day in Warcraft and other MMOs because of how huge the genre has become. Some people come because they want to have some easy fun, but then they falter when they get to the content that is obviously targeted towards people who have been in the genre for some time. The people who have been in the genre can't stand the people who are there for the casual soloing because they act too loosely in raids. Yet, it's not all that bad For how much we moan and complain about pick-up groups, you'd think the sky was falling. Sure, the rate of failure in grouping is much higher than it use to be, but that's the way it's going to become. The bright side to all of this is the very same sentence I used at the beginning of the article -- grouping is all about having experience grouping. As the newcomers and old players adjust to the new ways MMOs work, they will become more experienced. The fail wipes of today will become the successes of tomorrow, as long as players learn to stick with it and take the good with the bad. Failure will never disappear from online MMOs. It's a necessary game mechanic that can't be removed, no matter how much we try to minimize penalties. Just remember to learn from the mistakes you witness -- you'll be a better player because of it. Colin Brennan is the weekly writer of Anti-Aliased who thinks people might like to play with other people in MMOGs, but is probably totally wrong. When he's not writing here for Massively, he's rambling on his personal blog, The Experience Curve. If you want to message him, send him an e-mail at colin.brennan AT weblogsinc DOT com. You can also follow him on Twitter through Massively, or through his personal feed.

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: Going solo, tips for levels 1-10

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hello again adventurers! Welcome back to Starting out in Vana'diel! Last time I promised that I would talk about getting levels 1-10 done and what you should do once you're done. While this probably won't be the most exciting column that will ever be written in this series, it is one of the most essential.While not everything in Final Fantasy XI comes down to levels, they seem to be the main drive for any gamer who picks this game up. Plus, I know people really don't like grinds, but that's what levels 1-10 are going to be. I'm not going to sugar coat it -- these are the most painful levels of the game.But, thanks to Fields of Valor and the exp bonus ring that you should have in your possession, things should go very smooth. (You didn't lose it since our first column, right?) Join me after the break, so we can get started on getting you to the magical level 10.

  • Final Fantasy XI's first bite-sized expansion coming 'sort of' soon

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Take a look at your calendar boys and girls, because in just one week from today the first mini-expansion for Final Fantasy XI will be available for download at $9.99 with tax included. Yep, March 23rd is the date announced on the official website -- but there's a catch.Players who purchase the digital update right now won't receive the actual content until the next version update, which is tentatively scheduled for early April. So it's more of an announcement of a pre-order being made available soon... on a digital product.Hey, we're not marketing and business guys or anything, but isn't that kind of silly? We see no need to pre-order something that has an unlimited amount of "copies" and exists in an ethereal, digital, online state. Maybe if Square Enix offered some kind of little bonus for pre-ordering, that'd be one thing. As it is now, we guess this affords someone an ethereal, digital online piece of mind.[via Eurogamer]

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: Mission, very possible

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hello there adventurers! It's Friday, I know, and Friday is not Thursday. That, however, won't stop me from bringing Final Fantasy XI aid to you! I promised you more information on the mission system, and that's exactly what I'm going to be delivering in this edition of "Starting out in Vana'diel."Missions are one of the key aspect of the game. They tell the main story, a la a standard Final Fantasy title, they offer boss battles, chances to team up with friends, and, most importantly, tangible rewards. Missions offer gil and increases in nation rank, which in turn opens up more items for you to grab.Now I would love to walk you through the missions for each city, but all of them play out differently until the storylines intersect in the city of Jeuno. That makes a nice walkthrough very hard for a column like this. What I can offer you is some great tips on how to increase your rank, and exactly why you want to spend the trouble doing it.

  • Final Fantasy XI borrows page from WoW, offers authenticators

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With the rampant MMO account hacks that happen every day - and especially the seemingly high numbers that occur in Final Fantasy XI that we've heard about, we're glad to hear that this change is coming. Square Enix has announced that, like Blizzard, they will be offering an account authenticator security token to players, helping to ensure that their accounts are safer in the future from random hacks. There's no immediate information available on the exact cost or when they'll be offering them through PlayOnline beyond "in the near future", but we're sure that players will snap them up. Also, the FFXI variant will also be coming with a special in-game bonus "which may just prove indispensible during your many adventures in Vana'diel!"Of course, if you're a follower of [GM] Dave, game-master and celebrity Chef de Cuisine to hungry dragons in Final Fantasy XI, you'll likely have heard about this already. He claims to have been the one to think up security tokens years ago, before his supervisor nabbed the idea, and landed a promotion (and [GM]Dave's wrath) out of the deal. (Can you warp supervisors to zones full of dragons without them catching on, we wonder?) Ultimately, whatever the genesis of this decision is, we're sure the FFXI community is glad to see security tokens coming.

  • The Daily Grind: How important are console MMO titles to you?

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With the news out yesterday that Champions Online will not be seeing a launch day release to consoles along with the PC client, we're kind of wondering what's coming for the future of consoles in terms of MMO releases. Sure, there are already a handful of MMOs out there in the space: Final Fantasy XI, Phantasy Star Universe, and EverQuest Online Adventures, but they seem to be more the exception than the rule. Age of Conan, promised to be released to consoles shortly after AoC's PC launch, has been beseiged by setbacks and is now only rarely mentioned - if at all. Champions Online has been set back. Free Realms (and likely the other upcoming SOE titles as well), perhaps the strongest potential crossover due to SOE being part of SCEA, will still see console release well after the initial PC launch. So with all the delays or largely-vaporware-status of several promised console MMOs, we thought we'd ask you this morning - just exactly how important is it to you, as an MMO gamer, that there are more options for MMOs on the console? Do you look forward to the day when you can get a USB keyboard and hook it into your console, to enjoy a round of MMO gaming from the comfort of your couch? Or does it not really make much of a difference for you, as you'll be at your computer anyway; after all, consoles don't tend to offer the option of alt-tabbing out and checking database sites for item drops, locations, tips and other hints. How important are console MMOs to you?

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: Conquering conquest

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hello again Adventurers! So we've fought through the tutorial system, braved the Fields of Valor, and this week we get to go to WAR!No, not Warhammer Online. We're going to learn about Final Fantasy XI's conquest! The conquest system is the weekly determination of who gets control of a region in Vana'diel. Remember that signet buff that you learned about in the tutorial? Well we're going to need that, first and foremost.Signet may be a buff, but it enters you as a participant in conquest. Each time you destroy a monster, you will gain some conquest points and add to your nation's total for the zone. Each week, the Grand Dutchy of Jeuno will calculate all of the points and declare one nation as the winner of that zone. The nation that won gets to place their guards in the zone and will hold control of it until the next Sunday.But what does control do? What can you get from the conquest system? Follow me, and let's find out!

  • GM Dave goes for a ride in World of Warcraft, finds out it's not Final Fantasy XI

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Everyone's favorite drunken Final Fantasy XI game master, GM Dave, has decided to finally cross over to the dark side and take a spin in World of Warcraft. Instead of relating his experiences with feeding people who call GMs for unnecessary reasons to the FFXI dragon Jormungand, he's been asked to relate his experiences with World of Warcraft for one entire week by one of his site's donators.Surprisingly enough, even after an entire post about how his wife cheated on him with WoW, his feelings ended up being mixed with the game. While he enjoyed certain aspects of it, other aspects, like the community and ease of gameplay, put him off from full enjoyment. But, as he said in his blog, regarding playing a paladin, "I didn't hate it. That's big for me. I hate everything."GM Dave's full impressions of a week of playing can be found over at his blog, Bannable Offenses, and are all prefixed with the title "WoW."

  • New Aion video explores the vibrant and beautiful Poeta

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Aion consistently amazes us with these video flybys of the various zones in the game world. Poeta, however, is exceptionally jaw-hinge-swinging due to its -- and we say this with a supreme amount of joy -- Final Fantasy XI and Guild Wars influences. Specifically, the music has a certain "Eff Eff" feel to it while many of the more tropical zones took us back to Maguuma Jungle in a wonderful way. Sitting in the most northwestern portion of the world, Poeta is certainly going to be high on our list of "must explore" zones once Aion is released into the wild stateside. Big Download has the video, and you can check it out just above this post, too.