

  • Raising the quality bar: gamigo CEOs talk F2P success

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If you want to get the full scoop on how to make a free-to-play publishing studio work, there are few better people to talk to than the guys running Germany-based gamigo. Co-CEOs Patrick Streppel and Rainer Markussen have had years to experiment and learn from the free-to-play market, as gamigo has been involved with dozens of titles across the globe. Speaking with, the duo says that the studio splits their attention between self-produced titles and already-made Asian MMOs that are transplanted to a different market, and the two are quite different indeed. "With our self-produced titles we are trying to merge the two branches, so in a game like Cultures Online you have traditional browser-game monetisation like saving time, spending a little bit of money here and there. But they also have the more Asian-style revenue streams like crafting, enchanting, and paying for increasing the probability of success," Streppel said. The CEOs state that F2P actually caters better to hardcore players since those players will presumably be around for a long time and F2P will save them money over subscriptions. They also discuss how gamigo's had to "raise the quality bar" to stay competitive. The free-to-play world isn't about cutting-edge graphics, Streppel says, but instead "balancing, more about features, about gameplay depth." Because of their experiences, the CEOs have said that they've had to abandon complete genres such as sports and racing that proved to be failures for the company. They also predict that F2P will be coming soon to consoles in a big way, just as the iPhone and iPad market has embraced it.

  • Black Prophecy releases Episode 3: Rise of the Boids

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    It's been a big week for sci-fi fans, but what about the fans who are less about space-knights and melodrama and more about blowing things into oblivion with big spaceships armed with big guns? Don't worry, gamigo has you covered with Black Prophecy's newest addition, Episode 3: Rise of the Boids. So wtf is a Boid, you may wonder. Well, according to this press release, "the Boids are a robotic race who have been waiting eons for a mysterious, universe-altering event to occur." Ominous. On the gameplay side of things, Episode 3 raises the level cap to 50 while also adding "new story missions, one new warzone, a new open world sector for players level 40 and up, 11 new job missions and a brand new PvE raid system." That's right, a brand new raid system, which will allow large groups of players to band together to tackle the two newly added raids. And all of this comes with a few tweaks and fixes for various mishaps. For the update's official release trailer, click on past the cut, then head on over to Black Prophecy's official site to get in the game. [Source: gamigo AG press release]

  • The Firing Line: Aiming to misbehave

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hello folks, and welcome to my Christmas list (well, the Massively portion of it, at any rate). For this week's edition of The Firing Line, I decided to take a look at a few of the more obscure titles coming down the development pike. Now, when I say obscure, I don't necessarily mean shoe-string budget indie productions. The games I've got for you after the cut feature a cross-section of both big IPs and big-name development studios, but for whatever reason, they're still a bit under the radar when compared to the likes of PlanetSide 2, DUST 514, and Firefall. Turn the page to read about four online shooters you should be excited about. There might even be some video involved if you play your cards right.

  • First Impressions: Jagged Alliance Online

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    A short time ago, I posted my thoughts on UFO Online, one of the most exciting titles I found while at E3 this year. While I was there, I was given a tour of Jagged Alliance Online during the same sitting. Both games were thrilling in a "tiny army" sort of way, and both seemed to finally get what makes tabletop gaming and strategy games fun. UFO Online was more complex in some ways, and I found the beta to be further along than Jagged Alliance Online's, but I have had fun in both so far. I'm hoping that gamigo, the publisher of both titles, keeps getting them both right. I still had some issues with Jagged Alliance Online, but it's hard to say whether these will be corrected during one of the following betas. So while it is my duty to report to you these issues, I want you to bear in mind the state of the current game. Fortunately the title seems far enough along that I got a real feel for what is coming. War is coming. Click past the cut and I'll give you the details.

  • Black Prophecy bringing high-end raids with its next major update

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Endgame systems take time to develop properly and even more time to balance. But they're still an important element of any game, which is why Black Prophecy is bringing in a major new set of endgame mechanics with its next major content update. Episode 3: Rise of the Boids will feature new raid missions for large groups of players at the level cap, updating the PvE experience with what the developers promise will be "epic" experiences. Most of the details aren't yet known, as the announcement itself is fairly thin on hard facts, but players will be expected to form groups between eight to ten players in size. The encounters will focus heavily on group mechanics, and if prior experience is any indicator, they should reward players with significant increases in power when completed successfully. If you've gotten a bit tired of Black Prophecy's current PvE endgame, keep your eyes peeled for more details in the coming weeks.

  • First Impressions: UFO Online

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    I've written about UFO Online before. It should be obvious how much I am looking forward to this new browser-based, turn-based strategy combat game. When I got to sit down with representatives from publisher gamigo at E3 earlier this year, I felt that familiar old feeling that I used to get when shopping for tabletop gaming miniatures. There's something about controlling a squad of little dudes with guns, something that seems to resonate with my generation. Well, the board game has gone digital, and now we do not have to drive for miles and miles to get to the closest gaming shop and wade through six feet of nerddom just to hope that we aren't teamed up with players who really give the hobby a stereotypical bad name. Now we can digitally join up with fellow game geeks and have it out across worlds that fit in our browser. I was able to take a bit of a tour through UFO Online over the last week. So what did I find? Click past the cut and I'll let you know.

  • Martial Empires Path to Purgatory update brings big content drop

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's patch day in Martial Empires, and gamigo has a hellish road in store for fans of the free-to-play action MMO. The Path to Purgatory update features a new survival mode challenge that pits players against hordes of monsters as they carve their way through 32 levels of a gigantic tower. There's also a big nasty waiting at the end of the challenge, and that's only part of the package. The update also features various mounts and battle pets, guild research functionality, and a new quest series that stretches from level one through 55. gamigo is also planning a number of in-game events, according to its latest press release, and you can learn more about Martial Empires on the game's official website. [Source: gamigo press release]

  • Jagged Alliance Online and UFO Online entering closed beta testing

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Double your turn-based strategy and double your fun with gamigo's upcoming UFO Online and Jagged Alliance Online. Both browser-based titles are gearing up to enter closed beta very soon. UFO Online, which focuses on defending territory from opposing factions and aliens (the extraterrestrial kind), begins its open beta today, while Jagged Alliance Online -- a squad-building, mercenary-themed title -- will follow in the next few days. To sign up to be a part of the testing, head on over to the games' official sites. [Source: gamigo press release]

  • Otherland dev video talks design and going off the rails

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    What's happening in the world of Otherland? How about a new making-of video, for starters. RealU and gamigo, the developer and publisher responsible for bringing Tad Williams' sci-fi novels into the MMORPG realm, are offering up a new five-minute clip that takes fans behind the scenes for a brief look at the development process inside the game's Singapore studio. The clip is full of quick glimpses of devs at work as well as a few talking head soundbytes. In terms of how the game plays, the most revealing quote comes from lead designer Nic Cusworth. "What we've been trying to do is bring those skills from a console game background into an MMO and give players something that's a little bit more immediate, more fast-paced to play. But at the same time, it has the scope and range of an MMO," he says. How will that scope and range manifest itself in the finished game? That's still speculation at this point, but the devs seem united in their desire to highlight Otherland's openness and its willingness to deviate from MMO norms. "We all like online games, but I find it quite frustrating how people's conceptions and ideas are so railed," says art director Holger Liebnitz. Check out the full clip after the cut.

  • King of Kings III's Moon Goddess patch adds dungeons, raises level cap

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    As cool names go, gamigo's King of Kings III ranks right up there, and the "ultimate PvP MMORPG" is continuing that tradition with its new Moon Goddess update. The patch also brings quite a lot of new content to the free-to-play title, including 200 new skills and 24 new maps. If that's not enough to wet your whistle, how about a level cap increase from 140 to 180? Let's see, there are also four new dungeons, including an Angel Arena wherein players will battle six celestial henchmen before squaring off against the fearsome Gabriel. Daily dungeons are also available, and they offer "big-time action without all the build-up skirmishes." This means you can skip the trash mob grind and go right into a series of boss fights. Head to the official King of Kings III website to learn more and to download the game. [Source: gamigo press release]

  • Jagged Alliance Online closed beta registration now open

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    In a press release today, gamigo announced that its MMO resurrection of the Jagged Alliance franchise, Jagged Alliance Online, will be beginning its closed beta test sometime before the end of this year. For those who can't wait to get in on the action, beta sign-ups are now available over at the game's official site. Until the beta begins, though, check out the gallery below for four new screenshots from the title. [Source: gamigo press release] %Gallery-136999%

  • Otherland dev talks timelines and Tad Williams' influence

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    MMORPGs based on pre-existing intellectual properties are a tricky business, and for every Lord of the Rings Online -- which at least makes an attempt at remaining faithful to its source material -- there's a Star Wars Galaxies or a Star Trek Online that sacrifices canonical authenticity on the altar of gameplay. Then there's Otherland, gamigo's ambitious MMO based on Tad Williams' famous sci-fi cycle. A new interview with gamigo CEO Patrick Streppel sheds a bit of light on the title's timeline and canon and teases fans with glimpses of what they'll see and do when they plug in to what amounts to a virtual world set in a virtual world. "Tad [Williams] has been very involved in the project from the beginning and provided lots of input to the development team on top of the source material. He is truly passionate about his vision being turned into a game," Streppel says. How will the game present that vision? It is "essentially a sequel" to the novels, and as a result of the dramatic conclusion at the end of the fourth and final book, it will now "be up to the players to get [Otherland] back online." The interview also delves briefly into gameplay topics, character creation, and more, so head to to have a look.

  • Black Prophecy celebrates World Space Week with bonus events

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Did you know that it's world space week? Yep, it is, and gamigo is leveraging the occasion to hype its free-to-play Black Prophecy MMORPG. A new company press release has the details, and they boil down to a couple of special events both in and around the space shooter. First up is an XP boost that grants players a 25% increase on both missions and enemy kills. gamigo is also offering an additional 15% extra cash on all cash shop packet purchases. Also of note is Black Prophecy's first official expansion. Episode 2: Species War is out now, and you can view an official trailer for the new content after the break. [Source: gamigo press release]

  • Reakktor and gamigo release Black Prophecy tutorial videos

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're having trouble sleeping at night, Reakktor and gamigo have a series of new Black Prophecy tutorial videos that just might do the trick. OK, that's mean, but the producers could stand to work on the monotone voiceover that drones throughout the entirety of three separate clips. Happily, the clips themselves are pretty informative, and they cover interface basics, advanced UI features, and basic game functions. If you're new to MMOs or new to the world of Black Prophecy, it's probably worth spending the 10 minutes required to check them out (and of course you can do so after the break). Just make sure you've got a Red Bull instead of a glass of warm milk.

  • Magic Campus beta a success, gamigo announces

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    gamigo's new Magic Campus MMO has "passed the beta stage" according to the company's latest press release. The title is a tactical browser-based affair, and gamigo says that players will take on the roles of magicians in training and beast tamers bent on capturing the hundreds of critters that populate the "colorful anime world." The game boasts six classes, turn-based battles against both monsters and other players, and guild and crafting systems designed to offer an alternative to combat. Magic Campus is free-to-play, and you can find out more about it, as well as download the client, at the official website. [Source: gamigo press release]

  • Players of the world vs. Malephar: Fiesta Online creates the ultimate showdown

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The colorful Fiesta Online -- the party MMO that is always prepared to breakdance if someone turns on a beat -- has conga'd forward with its latest update: Malephar's Lair. Named for a nasty centaur who doesn't play well with others, the update has plenty of new challenges for high-level players. Geared-up level 105 players can attempt to take Malephar down in his fortress, but before they do so they'll have to beat a pair of mini-bosses that serve as gatekeepers to the encounter. Take him down, and new legendary weapons will be yours for the taking! The update also includes 10 additional sets of armor, class balances, repeatable quests for those levels 89 and higher, and a special unicorn mount that lasts for just a week and can only be obtained by excelling in the guild tournaments. [Source: gamigo press release] %Gallery-108290%

  • Black Prophecy escalates the species war with Episode 2

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    "The time of peace has ended," gamigo writes in the introduction to the second major content update for Black Prophecy. We weren't under the impression that this was a tranquil game up to this point, but we suppose it's going to get a lot less peaceful with the introduction of warzones. Episode 2: Species War takes PvP to a much more intense place, as players will be encouraged to duke it out for the control of strategic locations in space. By pulling up the warzone tab, ship captains can identify where the contested borders are and zip right over to them. Up to 200 players can engage in a single warzone, pursuing multiple objectives with the ultimate goal of capturing the command center. By participating, players will not only earn honor points, but XP and loot as well. Black Prophecy is adding rare blueprints that can be purchased with these honor points. The update addresses the game balance in several ways, such as equalizing the benefit of shields and hulls. Players will receive a free skill reset because of the changes. To celebrate Episode 2's release, gamigo is throwing two consecutive bonus PvP XP weeks, from September 21st through October 6th. %Gallery-131819%

  • Black Prophecy community letter addresses known issues, item shop, and the future

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Hold up just a minute there, space cowboy. Gamigo's Patrick Streppel has released a new community letter, which addresses a few questions and grievances that have been raised by Black Prophecy players. The letter first takes time to address some known issues with the game. Foremost of said issues is the acknowledgement that with the game's first major content update, many users began to experience large performance issues. Streppel states that fixing these issues is numero uno on the team's priority list but that it "cannot promise immediate improvement" due to the fact that the source of the issue is "spread across several internal game systems." Next up is the touchy subject of the item shop. Players have long decried the game's cash shop for being too expensive while simultaneously failing to give players an adequate description of what exactly they're spending their money on. In response, the team has lowered item prices and will proceed to alter item descriptions "in order to give [players] a clearer picture of what [they] are actually buying." The letter then gives players a brief glimpse into the game's future. The next episode of the game features warzones, which are "a brand new PvP experience" allowing players to duke it out with the opposing faction for control of key territories. Conquering these warzones will grant players XP, rewards in the form of exclusive upgrade blueprints, and "greater individual and group powers" for the victorious faction. For the full letter, which includes further details about the warzone system and more detailed discussions of the game's known issues, click on through the link below to the official forums.

  • Gamigo celebrates Black Prophecy + Raptr bundle with giveaways

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Gamigo announced today that its free-to-play sci-fi MMORPG Black Prophecy now comes bundled with the gaming-centric IM client Raptr. For those of you not in the know, Raptr is a multi-protocol instant messaging client that allows gamers to keep in touch with their IM friends while in-game, while also allowing players to see what their friends are playing and arrange to join their friends' games. To commemorate the union of game and IM client, gamigo is hosting a promotion, which is going on now and will end on September 16th, 2011. To participate, players have to scamper over to Black Prophecy's Raptr page, follow it, and leave comments on the stories posted each day. What can players win for their troubles? Well, 20 lucky players will receive an in-game prize pack, which includes a 30-day Character Card, 10 XP bonus consumables, five Concentration Boost consumables, and an in-game Synaptic Impairment Protection II item. Four grand-prize winners will receive all of that plus a top-of-the-line gaming joystick "with a total of over $2000 in gear and in-game items." Who doesn't love free stuff, right? So what are you waiting for? Get on it, space cowboy.

  • The Daily Grind: What was the juiciest reveal at Gamescom?

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Every summer, the Massively staff spends time lurching from con to con in a drunken haze of MMO reveals. And every summer, we mull over those reveals, mentally ranking each one for quality, practicality, guts, and comic-relief. Gamescom has provided another such opportunity. WildStar? 2007 called; it wants Tabula Rasa back. The Secret World in April? Ambitious. Otherland? About time. Huttball? Wait. Really? Huttball? Then again, we'll play just about anything. So you tell us: What would you deem the best reveal of Gamescom? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!