

  • Samsung Galaxy S Blaze Q may be renamed to equally awkward Galaxy S Relay 4G (update: image)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    The Samsung Galaxy S Blaze Q might have missed the August 15th date mentioned in its leaked press shot, but a rumored name change would still put the future T-Mobile device in the running for the most convoluted phone name ever. Although there's a distinct lack of tangible evidence -- take this with a grain of salt -- the usually reliable TmoNews hears Samsung's TouchWiz-infused QWERTY slider will be called the Galaxy S Relay 4G when it ships. No, we're not feeling it, either. While there's no word on an updated release date, we'd at least like the earlier claims of a Snapdragon S4 to be true so that the phone is worthy of the respect the name isn't providing. Update: Just in case there was any doubt, TmoNews has snagged a training document that shows the new name and mentions a 1.5GHz processor of an unknown make (likely the S4), a 4-inch display, S Voice and support for mobile hotspots.

  • Google+ update lets iOS open links in Chrome, Android join Hangouts on Air

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you've been dutifully checking your mobile app updates (you do check, right?), you may have noticed a Google+ upgrade slip through largely unannounced. That revision might be bigger than you think -- although its exact value depends entirely on the platform you're running. If you're an iOS user, you now have the choice to open web links in Chrome for iOS instead of Safari; it's not the same as changing the default browser, but it will keep Google fans firmly ensconced in their preferred ecosystem while they're using Apple devices. On the Android side, it's now possible to watch live Hangouts On Air sessions if friends aren't ready and waiting for a chat. Both versions now let teens join any kind of Hangout, and there's a raft of tweaks on either side of the fence. If you've been waiting for either of the two major features to jump in, the app downloads are waiting at the source links.

  • Huawei Ascend D Quad XL hits the FCC with North America-friendly 3G, 12MP camera mention

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We'd been hoping that Huawei's flagship Ascend D Quad would roll by the FCC, hinting that the long-in-waiting hardware was soon to become a reality. It's here, and it looks to be the XL version we were promised back in Barcelona, with no mention of the LTE that some US carriers love so well. Like the Ascend D1, though, it's carrying pentaband HSPA+ that would let its 3G fly at full speed on any North American GSM carrier. There's a slight surprise in the camera. Schematics mention a 12-megapixel sensor as a possibility alongside the officially announced 8-megapixel shooter -- that said, whether it's a quiet upgrade, a regional variant or just a discarded dream isn't made obvious here. More certain references can confirm video out through HDMI and MHL as well as the increasingly de rigueur NFC. We don't need the FCC to confirm launches that start late this month in China and October in Europe, but the approval guarantees that there won't be rude surprises for the release or for any imports, whether they're unofficial or through a carrier deal.

  • Fujitsu's Stylistic M532 quad-core tablet ships to the US with toughened body, dash of security

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Fujitsu's Stylistic M532 has had a protracted development process that saw it appear on our radar as early as January; imagine our surprise after it ships to the US with barely more than a knock on the door. Now that it's here, it looks to be on the sunnier side of average for an Android 4.0 slate. A quad 1.4GHz Tegra 3, a 1,280 x 800 display and 32GB of built-in space won't rock our world in mid-2012, but the rough-and-ready among us will likely appreciate the military-spec abuse tolerances and a year-long subscription to Absolute CompuTrace theft tracking, just in case it's pilfered from an open bag. Fujitsu's obstacles? Apart from not having much of a cachet in the tablet arena, the company also has to convince buyers that the extra safeguards are worth a $549 price -- for those who treat their tablets more delicately, there are a few tempting alternatives.

  • Kno textbooks arrive on Android with the Galaxy Note 10.1, take on a social side

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Kno's post-hardware textbook platform has called the iPad its only tablet home for more than a year; it's about to spread its wings. Starting with a bundled presence on the Galaxy Note 10.1, Kno is an option for K-12 and college students who'd rather go the Android route. While all the 3D, note-taking and navigation features remain the same, there's an obvious selling point in supporting the S Pen (and hopefully other pens) to more directly put thoughts to virtual paper -- or, let's admit it, doodle in the margins. All of us, Android and otherwise, get a new Social Sharing component that lets us crib each other's notes before the big exam. We're still waiting on Kno for other Android devices as well as the already-promised Windows 7 support, but it's hard not to appreciate at least a little more variety in our digital learning.

  • Live from Samsung's 'Meet the new way' event in New York City!

    Sarah Silbert
    Sarah Silbert

    It's just about time to "meet the new way." Samsung's sketch-heavy invitation clearly points to some type of pen-input device, and given the timing of the event and the fact that plenty of tablets have already been sold across the pond, we're expecting the Galaxy Note 10.1 to be outed properly... again. Judging from reports earlier this month, there will be plenty of new features (and color options) to be demoed since our last in-depth look at the evolving device, so expect a fairly packed show, complete with the typical Samsung fanfare. The event kicks off at 11AM ET, so stay tuned right here for the play-by-play from NYC.

  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 packing 4G LTE comes to Verizon on August 17th

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Verizon subscribers jonesing for a 7-inch LTE tablet won't have to consider springing for the pricey Galaxy Tab 7.7 any longer. The carrier just revealed plans to offer up a 4G-equipped (and previously hinted) version of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 starting on August 17th. There's no revolution under the hood outside of the cellular link: it's still toting Android 4.0, the rear 3.2-megapixel and front VGA cameras, a (slightly faster) 1.2GHz dual-core chip and a somewhat thin 8GB of built-in memory. At the $350 contract-free asking price, however, the tinier Galaxy Tab is low-hanging fruit for data lovers.

  • PSA: Adobe halts new installs of Flash on Android as of tomorrow

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Adobe has been broadcasting as much as possible that Flash on Android is going away, although it's been offering a grace period for those addicted to the plugin. It's now time to wean yourself off. As Adobe warned earlier in the year, new installations from Google Play won't be an option from August 15th onwards. Any downloads after that point will be limited to updates for existing installations or to those willing to raid Adobe's archives -- assuming would-be users aren't already running Android 4.1, that is. While we'd still expect Flash to preserve some of its relevance in mobile as long as phones ship with it preinstalled, and alternatives like Skyfire persist, we'd strongly suggest getting comfortable with HTML5 and native apps from now on.

  • Sony Xperia S gets a Dark Silver wardrobe, no release date

    Jamie Rigg
    Jamie Rigg

    If you're the media-hungry type sold on Sony's first smartphone in the post-Ericsson era but felt the standard black or white color choices didn't quite fit your style, how about something in between? Sony's outed a new color for its Xperia S, "Dark Silver" -- although we'd say it's closer to grey than the precious metal moniker suggests. There are no changes to anything but the plastic here, so you'll still be getting the same Ice Cream Sandwich device with an impressive display. If you're planning an upgrade soon and the Dark Silver edition is floating your boat, we're sorry to say availability info is absent from Sony's reveal, but we would expect the option to find its way to retailers before too long.

  • Pebble team posts UI preview, provides an early look at how you'll interact with the E-Paper Watch

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Sadly, Pebble won't be making its way to backers by its original September estimate, but the design team wants you to know that it's hard at work, traveling the world to source components, running shipping tests and spending time refining the user interface in order to provide a top-notch experience once you do receive your device in the mail. To that end, Martijn, the UI designer, has dropped by Vimeo to provide us with a "sneak peek" at the device's operation, including some demos on iOS and a connected prototyping board, using a custom tool that sends designs to the Pebble screen from any graphics program in real-time (a feature that will reportedly also be available in the SDK). From what we've seen, there appears to be plenty of space on the screen to show incoming calls, read emails with eight lines of text at a time, view appointment details, select songs and control volume, and, of course, see the current time. Commenters seem to be quite pleased with the design so far, and we have to agree -- it's a pretty slick UI. Jump past the break to see it in action.

  • Acer Iconia Tab A110 allegedly caught brandishing Jelly Bean in press shots

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    When we last left Acer's Iconia Tab A110, it was going to be yet another 7-inch Android 4.0 tablet. No big deal. The proposition just became a little more intriguing now that online shop Ebuyer has posted what might be formal press shots of the A110 sporting a fresh coat of Jelly Bean, making it one of the first third-party Android 4.1 tablets that we've seen. Assuming the gallery isn't just a clever attempt to whip customers into a frenzy, the posting suggests Acer's design will follow the Nexus 7 formula all the way through to the stock interface. About the only differences are that empty home screen and incredibly generic wallpaper. Where it goes awry is the timing: without any hint of a release date, we don't know if a Jelly Bean update would push the A110 beyond its original summer launch target. Any truth to the story, however, can only mean good things for the tablet's larger A210 sibling.

  • Judge cuts international Galaxy S and S II, Galaxy Ace from Apple lawsuit against Samsung

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Apple rested its side of the case in its main lawsuit against Samsung on Monday, and with the switch of focus came a small sacrifice. While Samsung failed in a Hail Mary bid to have the suit dismissed, it successfully argued that a few devices should escape the clutches of a full-fledged ban. Don't get too excited, though: the exclusion list mostly touches on phones that only reach US shores through unofficial importers, including the Galaxy Ace as well as international editions of the Galaxy S and Galaxy S II. The decision still leaves the American variants of phones under scrutiny, and it doesn't change Apple's hopes of a large licensing fee for all the alleged transgressions. We'd still say the exemption provides some small amount of relief for Samsung, however. Most of Apple's early, less-than-flattering accusations of trade dress violations focused on the more familiar-looking foreign Galaxy models and lose some of their thunder when leveled against the conspicuously altered designs that eventually set foot in the US.

  • Motorola Droid 4's Android 4.0 upgrade clears Verizon hurdles, brings global roaming soon (update: starts today)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    The Droid 4's update to Android 4.0 has been in the making for long enough that we'd started to wonder if someone in the QA department had a grudge against keyboards. Verizon just proved that there's still plenty of QWERTY love to go around by posting a document, and starting a soak test, that gives the OS upgrade a rubber stamp. Motorola's messaging phone is getting more than just a new software layer with this upgrade: the Android 4.0.4 release will switch on global roaming for those willing to pay Verizon for access abroad. Camera quality should get a quiet lift in the process, while the rest of the phone is getting a proper polish as well. Verizon hasn't mentioned just when we'll see that update notification flit past our screens, but the carrier's tendency to push updates days after notices like these could see Droid 4 owners treated to Android 4.0 well before August wraps up. Update: Apparently, "soon" means "today" for Verizon: over-the-air updates should already be rolling out to Droid 4 owners as part of a phased process.

  • LG Optimus Vu coming to wide-minded Americans by summer's end

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you're enamored with the 4:3 ratio of the Optimus Vu but remain disappointed that there isn't an American model to call your own, LG is bringing some sunshine to your day. The Korean company has confirmed plans to port the LTE-equipped version of the extra-wide phablet to the US sometime during the third quarter of the year -- in other words, anytime between now and the end of September. Thanks to our friends at the FCC, we even know that it's headed to Verizon first, if not exclusively. Most of the other details are scant. The timing makes it likely that Android 4.0 will ship with Big Red's edition as a matter of course; LG's me-too Q Voice interface won't speak English until 2013, however. We mostly know that, between LG's American plans and Samsung's next Galaxy Note, the Great PDA Revival of 2012 is still very much in full swing. [Thanks, FT]

  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi gets taste of Ice Cream Sandwich in the US

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Samsung was widely (if unofficially) expected to upgrade the Galaxy Tab line to Ice Cream Sandwich this summer. Thankfully, that wasn't just wishful thinking on the part of a few fans. Numerous Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi owners in the US have reported receiving an official push to Android 4.0.4 shortly after getting out of bed on Monday. The new TouchWiz, Chrome support and more are all welcome -- just don't anticipate any unique twists from the upgrade. In some respects, we're likely getting a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 with a Tegra 2 processor. The only real uncertainties are when the rest of the eligible Galaxy Tab line will make the leap as well as the possibility of Jelly Bean; hopefully, it's not the end of the update road for some of Samsung's earliest tablet adopters in the country.

  • Sony LT25i Tsubasa pops up in benchmarks, may swell the high-speed Xperia ranks

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Add another future Sony Xperia model to a rapidly growing pool. The LT25i Tsubasa (not to be confused with the ST25i/Xperia U) has been caught by Tencent in AnTuTu and NenaMark2 tests, seemingly running the same mix of a 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4, a 720p screen and Android 4.0 that we've seen in the upcoming Xperia T (LT30p). So what's different? There's rumors of in-cell touch to keep the display thin and vivid, but even the unverified source isn't certain that it will become a reality. The crew at Xperia Blog also claims that there will be international LTE and HSPA+ models along with China- and Japan-specific editions. Assuming the details are at all consistent with the truth, having the Tsubasa arrive on the scene mostly hints that Sony might be readying a broader speed-up of its roster than we first thought.

  • CyanogenMod 9 now stable on every supported device, get your fix today

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We saw CyanogenMod 9 reach the perfect poise of a stable release on the Galaxy Nexus just this past Thursday. It's now time for everyone else to join the club: all devices that can run CM9 now get the firmware in the same polished state, giving more conservative fans a path to CyanogenMod's custom Android 4.0 build. The code brings an audio equalizer, OS gesture commands and themes, among other tweaks that you won't find sitting in that vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich. If you're not so adventurous as to live on the bleeding edge that is CyanogenMod 10, hit the source link for the (considerably safer) next best thing. [Thanks, Bryson]

  • Google Earth adds detailed 3D imagery for Denver and Seattle, might not render the local Starbucks

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Google only launched detailed 3D maps in Google Earth for a handful of cities, but it's branching out to provide that extra dimension to a wider swath of the public. Today, it's Denver and Seattle: Android and iOS app users can immediately see the dense, textured 3D City View in their respective western cities. The updates probably won't let Seattle residents spot their hometown coffee brand without going into Street View, but it will let them thread the eye of the Space Needle while their friends in Denver spin past the State Capitol. We can't help but think that Google also enjoys offering some Microsoft staffers a little taste of what they're missing.

  • Mystery Samsung GT-P8110 tablet passes through the FCC (update: likely not the P10)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We know our fair share about the redesigned Galaxy Note 10.1, but wait -- what's this? Another Samsung tablet, the GT-P8110, has made a trip through the FCC to complicate what was looking to be a simple near-future strategy for the Korean tech giant. The likely Galaxy Tab variant isn't a familiar design by any stretch, with curved sides and the absence of a back antenna window pointing to a change in aesthetics. The wireless features of the 16GB model at the agency are the conservative elements -- there's just 802.11n WiFi, Bluetooth and NFC. Our only current hint at what the unknown slate might be is a mention of the 11.8-inch P10 in court evidence, but we don't know if that's what the P8110 represents or if the P10 is even on track for 2012, as Samsung's roadmap hinted in the past. We're not counting on Mobile Unpacked to shed any more light on the subject than the FCC does today. Update: We're less inclined to think it's the P10, since the dimensions as we understand them wouldn't realistically support that 11.8-inch screen.

  • OTA Update Center encourages PC-free upgrades for custom Android ROMs

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Over-the-air firmware updates are mainstays for most smartphone platforms, but custom ROM builders have rarely had such a luxury, even with Android. The OTA Update Center wants to shoulder that noble burden. Along with simply hosting the updates to prevent outrageous bandwidth bills, the Center enables everything an Android ROM creator might need, such as update checks, on-device firmware flashing and wiping either a cache or all user data for the more dramatic upgrades. In practice, the real perk is the cost: it's free to use, so everyone from hobbyists to seasoned teams can take advantage. While the list of those either using or planning to use the OTAUC isn't public, we're hoping it leads to a few more experimental builds of CyanogenMod and other ROMs that can now get the same tender loving care as the official code.