

  • Guildwatch: Rolling the endgame

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Boy, there's definitely no Naxx bump this time around (unlike the old Karazhan bump) -- guilds are hitting 80 and rolling right into the endgame. Of course, with even casual players moving this fast (surely casual players are 80 by now right, Ghostcrawler?) there may eventually be a problem of having new content to experience... unless you consider all of the rep grinding and Wintergrasp to be new content (and we do). But pretty soon, we'll have to have guilds reporting on achievements instead -- anyone actually beat Sarth with the three drakes yet?In the meantime, there's plenty of regular downings, crazy drama, and some good guilds recruiting right after the jump, so click the link below to see what's new around the guilds of World of Warcraft.

  • Guildwatch: Now recruiting... everyone

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Now's a great time to join a guild -- everyone and their cousin Roman is recruiting. Usually, our recruiting section is tiny, but this week, it almost outweighs the Downed section -- there's not a lot of endgame, and a whole lot of people who want some extra help in conquering it. If you've never joined a guild before, and you're nearing level 80, you're in luck. But don't worry, there's still downed (Naxx is getting beat up), and drama news to read through, too. Click the link below to see it, and if you've got tips about drama, downed, or recruiting news in your guild or realm, let us know at, anonymity assured.

  • Counterpoint: Yes, we should track raiding progression

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    There's been a lot of hemming and hawing lately about how Wrath is too easy. And there's no question that it is: Ensidia cut through the endgame like an epic dagger through the Vykrul, and any guild that steps into the endgame these days, even with low numbers or cheap gear, finds success. Adam suggested this morning that raiding is so easy these days that we shouldn't bother to track progression, and while Adam is a great writer and a terrific player, I'm here to disagree with his opinion: progression is exactly what the new endgame is all about.While Karazhan was one of the (if not the) most successful instances ever, it had one big problem: it killed guilds. It murdered progression. It was a roadblock after a roadblock, so much so that it took some guilds months to conquer, if they survived at all. Ten man Naxx obviously doesn't have that problem -- anyone with a little raiding experience who wants to beat bosses in there can do so, and Obsidian Sanctum is just as easy. The problem now, however, is that guilds like Ensidia and guilds who pushed through to Sunwell in the old endgame, are finishing the content already, and wondering what's next? They were 80 two weeks ago, and now, barely a month after the expansion's release, they've toppled every dungeon they can find.And what's wrong with that? Nothing.

  • Guildwatch: "I'm a #(*$ing fantastic Rogue"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    "Oh boy. Look, it's not you, it's us. We'd just rather take PuGs to Obs. Sanctum, ok? When we recruited you, you were a Ret Pally, and that was fine, but we'd really rather have a Holy Pally now, see? And we've got these old friends we're running with, and, well, it just isn't working out. You'll find someone else, you really will."Guild breakups, lots of endgame conquering, and plenty of new guilds to join (just in case you got that speech above) in this week's Guildwatch. Be sure to send your drama, downed, and recruiting news to (and we need lots of it, so if there's news from your guild worth reporting, send it along!), and click the link below to see this week's news from around the realms.

  • Guildwatch: The calm before the Storm Peaks

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've come upon the time we most dreaded here at GW: when guilds are done with the old endgame, and not quite yet into the new endgame. The drought will be over in a week or two (and actually, we've still got lots of news after the break anyway), but in the meantime, if you're one of the few guilds breaking into the new endgame (or especially know about some good post-BC drama), please do drop us an email at We have a feeling that thanks to the expansion and the holidays, it's going to get slow, so the more news you've got for us, the better.Meanwhile, find this week's downed, drama, and recruiting (lots of recruiting news this week) news from around the realms all over the break. And have a great Turkey day from all of us at GW!

  • Guildwatch: "The odor of the stagnant trash"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Don't get us wrong: ninja'ing the guild bank is one thing, but when your guild gets ninja'ed and everyone wonders who the guy who did it is and why he has access to the bank, it might be time to look at your security plans and reevaluate.Lots more drama, downed, and recruiting news in this week's Guildwatch below. If you've got news of drama on the realms, your guild has dived into the endgame with panache, or you'd like some good WoW Insider readers to join your guild, send us an email at wowguildwatch AT gmail dot com. Click below to read on.

  • Guildwatch: Goodbye endgame, hello new game

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Just to give you an idea of how different this expansion's transition has been, a story: last time we had an expansion release, Guildwatch actually went on hiatus -- so many guilds had stopped raiding, and Karazhan was such a roadblock for newer guilds that there just wasn't enough guild news to go around. But this week, with the new expansion, the endgame is so packed that we couldn't fit nearly all the news we had into today's column (if you submitted something and don't see it here this week, it'll be here next week).Just shows you how Blizzard's lolpatch has really kept guilds going through a traditionally slow time for guilds. We'll have to see how guilds handle the transition up to Wrath and Naxx next week -- hopefully there'll be more downed, drama, and recruiting news than just "we're leveling, leave us alone." Send us a note at if you've got some guild transition news.

  • Guildwatch: Nowhere's safe from ninjas

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yup, that right there is an Arcanite Ripper ninja. Congrats, Slu, not only did you steal a piece of loot, but you stole a piece of loot that most players in the game will have two or three chances at the most to get. Was the trippy guitar animation really worth ruining your reputation? Maybe so.In other news (and yes, we're running a little late thanks to the historic election results), Guildwatch has all your drama, downed, and recruiting news from around the realms. If you've got a tip to send us, email it along to wowguildwatch at gmail dot com, and you'll probably see it here next week. Click the link below to read on.

  • Guildwatch: The lolpatch buff

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, last week it was slow going, but this week, guilds are charging ahead, powered by the crazy raid nerfs (not to mention our shiny new 51-point talents). There's nothing wrong with that -- Blizzard did exactly the right thing by letting guilds who'd never been into the later content see some new bosses and nab some epics before we all head to Northrend and pick up ten more levels. But all the same, even guilds downing bosses for the first time have to admit -- this is the time of the lolpatch.Drama, downed, and recruiting news from around the realms all after the break. Want to see your guild here (or see a particularly tasty drama thread, on your guild's forums or somewhere else, with some delicious tears to drink)? Just email us your tips at wowguildwatch at gmail dot com, and make sure to include your guild's name, server, and faction (and try to keep it short, if you would -- some people are sending us novels about their guild, which we appreciate, but as you can see below, there's not much room if we're going to fit everyone in). Thanks -- enjoy this week's GW.

  • Guildwatch: Slow going

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's a little silly, we admit, to say "every time an expansion patch comes around," because this is really only the second time it's happened, but every time an expansion patch comes around, guild action slows down a bit, and as a result, this week (and probably the next few weeks) will find Guildwatch poking around for a little more guild news.But the good news is that lots of guilds are taking advantage of the easier endgame, so if yours is, be sure to drop us a line at -- no down is too small, and no drama is too minor. Whether it's your guild or someone else's, we want to hear about it, and then post it here on GW for all to see.

  • Guildwatch: Prime Time Hours!

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's good to know that, whatever changes in the World of Warcraft, be it talents or raids, or pets or mounts, or anything else, there'll always be people that take the game too darn seriously. And when they do, that's usually when Guildwatch shows up, mostly, let's admit it, to point and laugh.Oh, but we also praise those who get things done, too. It's all in this week's Guildwatch, as usual -- check behind the link below for drama, downed, and recruiting news from around the realms. Patch 3.0.2 is here, Wrath is just around the corner, and Guildwatch continues to cover the good, the bad and the ugly in the world of guilds.

  • Guildwatch: Still dropping bosses

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    That's Cooldown of Darkspear, above, basking in the glory of a boss kill. While it seemed like raiding came to a standstill before BC, that's not really the case before Wrath -- while it's certainly slower, there's lots of people out there still killing bad guys.And Guildwatch reports on as many of them as we hear about -- if you'd like to see your guild here (or have a good time on some wacky forum drama, either on the offficial forums or somewhere else), drop us a line at And click the link below to see this week's drama, downed, and recruiting news from all the guilds around the realms.

  • Guildwatch: Sometimes things do go right

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's been a while since we posted a downed picture here at the top of Guildwatch (usually it's some hilarious chat log from our drama section), but let's try to stay upbeat this week. Here's the Deathknight Trainers hanging out with Akama after a successful boss attempt -- congrats to them and all the other guilds making progress in our weekly column.And if that doesn't excite you, well we've still got drama, too. Click the link below to see everything we've got this week, and if you've got a tip on some good drama, downed or recruiting news for next week, hit us up at with an email (don't forget to include the guild's name and server so we can make sure it's listed below, too).

  • Guildwatch: A little raid ID problem

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Sure, it's a lot of good items being nabbed from the guild bank there, but how much will those really be worth in the expansion, right? Look on the bright side -- you'll have a bunch of new gear, and that former guildleader will still have a bad reputation.Downed and recruiting news and the ever-popular drama can be found as usual in this week's Guildwatch. To read, just click the link below, and don't forget to send all your tips to -- things are a little slow before the expansion, so if you've got news of progression (or a nice juicy drama story), please do share it. We thank you, and a host of drama-hungry readers will thank you as well.

  • Guildwatch: It's not me, it must be you

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I don't think I've ever seen the fall of a guild as documented as Underscore is in Guildwatch this week -- someone has been taking screenshots aplenty of all the whispers going back and forth, and surprisingly, most of them have actually come from the guildleader of the guild in question. If you've ever wanted to see how a guild can fall apart from tell to tell, here's your chance.That and lots more (including some actual good news) in Guildwatch this week, which starts right after the link below. Guild news is slowing down for Wrath, so please help us fill our inbox: send your downed, drama, and recruiting tips to if you have them, so we can make sure the column is nice and packed next week. Thanks!

  • Guildwatch: "Are u a Tauren or a mouse?"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The "negotiating a /gkick" drama above was probably the most legendary drama this week (in fact, if you're a drama connoisseur like we are, you probably already heard about it), but we've got lots more, including the "Tauren or a mouse" quote above, and the usual weekly requisite of ninjas and loot drama. Good times, as always.For more drama, downed, and recruiting, news, click the link below. And don't forget to send us your tips -- wowguildwatch@gmail is the address. Whether you're tipping us about a great down your guild did, or a hilarious forum thread you saw on your realms' forums, we want to read it all!

  • Guildwatch: "10 guilds kicked me in a row"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The above screenshot is a little hard to read, and for that we apologize. But it comes from Diablo of Stormscale -- apparently they had a healer who /afked in the middle of a raid for about 30 minutes, and when he got switched out of the raid for a Resto Shaman got a little testy. He says he's going to go do his dailies while he adds up the "pros and cons" of staying with the guild, and the GM solves his problem fast: "Here's the con." /gkick.We have to admire that kind of quick decision making. After the break, more stories of guild drama and woe, and some good news, too -- downed reports and recruiting notices. Make sure to send in any guild news you see to, and click the link to see this week's GW.

  • Guildwatch: Unknown withdrew... any chance of joining another guild

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Consider yourself lucky if you've never seen the sight above before -- it's the sign of a former guildleader yanking everything out of the guild bank (including all the stuff above and a good 12,000g) and transferring off to another server. Good times. This is why I usually keep all of my Hearts of Darkness under my mattress at home -- the banks just aren't safe.This isn't the only guild leader ninja we heard about this week, and it's definitely not the only messy drama -- there's lots more right after you click the link below. Don't forget to send in your tips about drama, downed and recruiting news from around the realms to We really appreciate it, and lovers of drama of all kinds do too.

  • Guildwatch: Hanging out with Illy D

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Dark Haven on Baelgun actually killed our buddy Illy D this week, but we liked this picture on their website better. Yes, they're coming for you, Defiler.This week's Guildwatch is chock full, as always, of drama, downed, and recruiting news from around the realms. If you've got some to share with us, about your guild or anyone else's, feel free to send it along to Click the link below to see what's going on this week in guild news.

  • Guildwatch doesn't have time to play games, either

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    And yet we play World of Warcraft all the time. You wouldn't think this tiny little tell, above, would cause a guild to rupture apart, but in fact it did exactly that -- Runforyalife sent this tell to someone, they posted it on the forums, and the next thing you know, the GM had kicked Run right out. For his part, Run regrets what he said (we think the GM is a little testy, and whoever posted the tell is at fault, too), but there's a point to be made here: even the little tells you send in game can cause big trouble.All this drama and more after the break. We've got good news too, though: there are guild downings aplenty, as well as a few recruiting notices (though it seems recruiting has slowed down with the Wrath beta in full force. If you've got a tip, send it to as always. Click the link below to read on.