intellectual property


  • T-Mobile joins Verizon to support Samsung in Apple patent lawsuit

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Verizon was the first carrier to come to Samsung's defense in the company's patent dispute with Apple, but it's not the last. As Reuters reports today, T-Mobile has now also sided with Samsung in the lawsuit, stating in a court filing that a sales ban on certain Samsung products would "unnecessarily harm" the carrier and its customers, and that, "at this late date, T-Mobile could not find comparable replacement products for the 2011 holiday season." The carrier also noted that its ads also "prominently feature" some of the Samsung products in question, and that those investments "cannot be recouped easily." As for the case itself, the next big date is an October 13th hearing on the injunction request.

  • More talk of an Avatar MMO surfaces from director James Cameron

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hollywood IPs don't have the greatest track record when it comes to making the transition to the MMORPG space, but celebrated film director James Cameron recently told IGN that he thinks his Avatar franchise is up to the task. In an interview that touches on 3-D entertainment, single-player gaming, and real-world themepark rides, Cameron also says that "Avatar is a perfect IP for an MMO." The massively multiplayer portion of the project seems to be in its infancy, as the director notes that the fictional universe established in the 2009 blockbuster needs to be fleshed out and expanded via the upcoming sequels before consumers can fully grasp how big Avatar really is. "The film is really just a leaping off point," Cameron says, "so we've got to create a rich and diverse world that lives well beyond the films." This isn't the first time that scuttlebutt about an Avatar MMO has hit the intarwebs. Cameron's producing partner Jon Landau floated the topic in early 2010, and UbiSoft originally planned to release an Avatar MMO in conjunction with the film's holiday 2009 debut.

  • Ask Massively: Let's stop the tomfoolery edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Last week, it was brought to my attention that our header image of ham rendered the entire column completely inappropriate for several of our readers. And you know what? That comment was entirely right. We've subsisted on ridiculous headers and general japery for far too long in this serious and businesslike column, and it's time to bring the calm and measured dignity that people expect -- nay, demand -- from Ask Massively. Unfortunately, this decision comes too late to avoid the fact that this week's header image is a kitten attempting to scale the back of an adult cat's head. It will probably help if you imagine both of these cats wearing business suits and discussing profit margins. Moving along: This week's questions should provide you with clean and intellectual discourse, covering free-for-all PvP and the recent free-to-play announcements from Sony Online Entertainment. If you have a question for a future edition of the column, please leave it in the comment field or mail it along to

  • Samsung countersues Apple in Australia, claims iPhone / iPad 2 violate its patents

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Man. Exciting stuff, here. Stuff like lawyers yelling at each other in varied continents because "your stuff looks too much like my theoretical stuff." The long, winding and increasingly mind-numbing battle between Samsung and Apple has taken yet another turn in Australia, with the former slapping the latter with a bold countersuit. According to The Wall Street Journal, Sammy feels that the iPhone and iPad 2 both "violate a number of wireless technology patents held by Samsung." Spokesman Nam Ki-yung stated the following: "To defend our intellectual property, Samsung filed a cross claim for Apple's violation of Samsung's wireless technology patents." The suit is being filed just days / weeks before a ruling will decide on whether the Galaxy Tab 10.1 can be legally sold Down Under, and in related news, Samsung is also appealing a recent ruling back in Germany. If ever the world needed an out-of-court settlement...

  • Google loads up on IP again, buys 1,000 more patents from IBM

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Seems like we've heard this story before -- Google buys a bunch of patents to protect its cute little green baby from all the big, bad patent lawsuits. Only this time, instead of buying a hardware manufacturer to expand its patent warchest, team Mountain View merely purchased 1,023 bits of IP from IBM. Covering everything from a method for filling holes in printed wiring boards to a method for file system management, Google seems to have grabbed quite the eclectic collection -- one we're sure Big G will put to work for itself and its buddies in no time. Those looking to see the full results of this latest patent shopping spree can hit the source link below.

  • US Senate passes patent system reform bill, Obama expected to sign into law

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Think it's time to change our patent system? So does Congress. Yesterday, the Senate approved the America Invents Act by an 89-8 vote that could bring about the most drastic changes to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in five decades. Under the bill, which the House approved back in June, patents would be awarded not to the first person to invent a technology, but to the first one to actually file with the USPTO, bringing US policy in line with protocol adopted in most other countries. It also calls for a streamlined application process and would allow the USPTO to charge set fees for all apps. The revenue generated from these fees would go directly to a capped reserve fund, allowing the office to retain the lion's share of the money, rather than funneling much of it to Congress, as had become the norm. Supporters say this extra revenue will give the USPTO more power to chip away at its backlog of some 700,000 patent applications, while a new third-party challenge system will help eliminate patents that should've never received approval in the first place. Opponents, meanwhile, criticized the bill for not eliminating fee diversion altogether (an amendment that would've placed more severe restrictions was ultimately killed, for fear that it would jeopardize the bill's passage), with Washington Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell questioning the legislation's impact on small businesses, calling it "a big corporation patent giveaway that tramples on the rights of small inventors." But Senator Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat who sponsored the bill, argued that yesterday's approval marks a major and historic inflection point in US patent policy: The creativity that drives our economic engine has made America the global leader in invention and innovation. The America Invents Act will ensure that inventors large and small maintain the competitive edge that has put America at the pinnacle of global innovation. This is historic legislation. It is good policy. The America Invents Act will now make its way to President Obama's desk, where it's expected to receive his signature. For more background on the legislation, check out the links below.

  • WiLAN lawyers up, picks patent fight with Apple, Dell, HP, HTC and others

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    You know what the tech world needs? More patent litigation, which is why WiLAN is at it again in the rocket docket of the Eastern District of Texas. This time, instead of suing cable companies, it's going after the likes of Apple, Dell, HP, HTC, Kyocera, Novatel, Alcatel-Lucent and Sierra Wireless. There are two patents at issue: no. RE37,802 that covers CDMA and HSPA data transmission, and no. 5,282,222 which is related to data transmission tech with WiFi and LTE. Will the plucky patent troll get some quick cash, or will the big boys fight this one to the end? Stay tuned.

  • Apple wins German injunction against Samsung, Galaxy Tab 7.7 pulled from IFA

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Apple's ongoing patent battle with Samsung has taken yet another twist, now that Cupertino has won an injunction blocking German sales of the recently unveiled Galaxy Tab 7.7. According to FOSS Patents, Samsung pulled its new Android tablet from both the IFA show floor and its German website on Saturday, in compliance with a Friday decision handed down by the same Düsseldorf Regional Court court that banned sales of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 last month. The 7.7-inch slate had previously been on display with a sticker that read "Not for sale in Germany," but, as we noticed yesterday, all demo models, posters and other promotional materials have since been removed. Samsung spokesman James Chung told Bloomberg that the new injunction "severely limits consumer choice in Germany," but confirmed that the Korean manufacturer "respects the court's decision," and vowed to do everything it could to defend its intellectual property. Details on the ruling remain hazy and Apple has yet to comment, but we'll let you know as soon as we hear more.

  • Openwave sues Apple and RIM for patent infringement

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Add one more to the tally of patent lawsuits involving Apple and RIM. This time it's Openwave Systems using the license-by-litigation technique, and it's alleging that multiple devices infringe five of its patents on mobile internet -- including offline email access, cloud computing, and secure server access. The company claims that Apple's iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4, the iPod Touch, both iPads, plus RIM's Blackberry Curve 9930 and the PlayBook all infringe its IP. Apparently, Openwave initially took the pacifist route to persuade Cupertino and Waterloo to pay up, but when its overtures were ignored, it decided upon more aggressive tactics. As others before it, Openwave wants to fight a two front war in the ITC and federal court, but we'll have to wait and see if the ITC elects to take up the cause. Armchair attorneys can get a gander at all the juicy details at the source below.

  • Netherlands judge rules that Samsung Galaxy S, S II violate Apple patents, bans sales (updated)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    A judge in The Hague just issued a ruling in Apple's patent infringement case against Samsung, prohibiting "the marketing of Samsung smartphones Galaxy S, S II and Ace for violation of Apple Inc. EP 2,059,868." In an official press release, the court explains that The Hague judge ruled to "ban trading of Samsung smartphones Galaxy S, S II and Ace," adding that Samsung also violated other did not violate Apple patents with its Galaxy Tab 10.1 and 10.1v. The judge determined that Samsung violated patent 2,059,868, which deals with "method of scrolling," but did not infringe 2,098,948 for "recording a flag in connection with multiple screen taps," or 1,964,022, which relates to dragging a slider to unlock the phone. We haven't been able to confirm, but from an online translation it appears that The ban will remain in effect through begin on October 13th. Hit up the source link for the full 65-page verdict (in Dutch). Update: A dutch IP attorney has pointed out that the judge has ruled patent 1,964,022 to be null and void, meaning Apple can no longer make claims in the Netherlands based on this patent. The judge also found that Samsung did not infringe on patent 2,098,948. The infringement of 2,059,868 does not affect the Galaxy Tab 10.1. (Correction: the main patent in question is 2,059,868 not 2,058,868.) Update 2: According to, Samsung says that it will replace the software that infringes on Apple's patent (the Gallery application, specifically), which should allow it to continue to sell the phones. Notably, that Gallery application is the standard Android one used in Android 2.3, which also explains why the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is not affected by this ruling. Less clear is what the ruling means for other Android phones that use the same application. Update 3: Samsung Mobile's Kim Titus released the following statement: Today's ruling is an affirmation that the GALAXY range of products is innovative and distinctive. With regard to the single infringement cited in the ruling, we will take all possible measures including legal action to ensure that there is no disruption in the availability of our GALAXY smartphones to Dutch consumers. This ruling is not expected to affect sales in other European markets. Samsung has a proud history of innovation in the mobile industry. We will continue our plans to introduce new products and technologies that meet and exceed consumer expectations. And we will defend our intellectual property rights through the ongoing legal proceedings around the world. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Did Apple shrink the Samsung Galaxy S in Dutch lawsuit filing?

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    We haven't had a chance to head on down to The Hague to have a look-see for ourselves, but Dutch tech site Webwereld spotted some more inconsistencies in Apple's Samsung lawsuit filings. This time the culprit is a shrunken Galaxy S, standing side-by-side with an identically tall iPhone 3G -- when in reality the Samsung phone is seven millimeters taller than its Apple counterpart, and slightly wider as well. The image, filed in the Netherlands, is part of an intellectual property suit against Samsung, and came to light just days after accusations that Apple manipulated photos of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 that it submitted to a German court. While misleading, this latest error isn't nearly as concerning as last week's shrunken Tab -- which could easily be described as image manipulation, considering that the tablet included in that filing represented an incorrect 4:3 aspect ratio, while the Samsung device has a 16:10 display. Update: The phone pictured above is the Samsung Galaxy S, not the Galaxy S II. [Thanks, Florian]

  • Kodak shopping its IP wares, looks to cash in on the patent buying craze

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Pssssst... wanna buy some Kodak patents? The venerable photography firm has decided to unload a fair chunk of its IP -- 1,100 patents, give or take -- to boost its bottom line. You see, Kodak's got cash flow problems, and it thinks selling a portion of its portfolio is part of the solution. The company must've seen dollar signs after Nortel made a mint selling its patents, as Kodak's now marketing its IP merchandise using the same firm that helped Nortel do its record deal. Strong move Kodak, now if you can just settle up with Apple and RIM, you'll really be in the money.

  • HTC files trademarks for Enamor and Rhyme, keeps on hustlin'

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    We've seen a few leaks from HTC lately, and now we've got the scoop on two more. And get this: one is being developed just for aspiring hip-hop moguls! Okay, not really... but a couple of new names were filed with the USPTO last week, as it keeps spittin' game in the mobile marketplace. Four total trademark applications were filed for the HTC Enamor and HTC Rhyme -- covering smartphones and tablets along with their hardware and software cohorts. No specs have been revealed (or much else) as of yet, but if you'd like to scope out the particulars for yourself, hit the source links below.

  • Apple faces infringement lawsuit over fast booting patent once owned by LG

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Apple's facing yet another patent infringement lawsuit -- this time, in Florida, where a company called Operating Systems Solutions (OSS) is taking aim at OS X's fast booting operation. According to court documents, the plaintiff alleges that Cupertino's function (most prominently displayed on this year's MacBook Air refresh) violates at least one protected claim, which details a four-step method for speedy booting, and involves files like config.sys and autoexec.bat (seriously). Interestingly enough, the patent in question was originally granted to LG Electronics, back in 2002, but is currently owned by the little-known OSS. It's still unclear whether or not LG has any involvement with the suit, but we'll bring you the details as soon as they emerge. In the meantime, you can hit the coverage link below to dig in to the full complaint. [Thanks, Lucian]

  • Sun CEO's deleted blog post to help end Oracle vs Google patent dispute?

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Ever heard of estoppel? The term, sadly, does not denote a new German electronic bus service, but is rather a court-ordered way of telling companies "no backsies" on previously made public statements. It could also prove to be another nail in Oracle's patent dispute coffin, should Google's latest Wayback Machine defense hold up. Thanks to the internet's never say die policy, a 2007 post, recently deleted by Oracle, from Sun Microsystem's then CEO Jonathan Schwartz has surfaced, in which he enthusiastically endorsed Android's Java base. The public statement falls in line with the aforementioned legal doctrine, potentially contradicting new owner Oracle's patent infringement claims. Unfortunately for both parties, Judge William Alsup doesn't seem to be too cool under the collar as he's reportedly blasted each for "asking for the moon" and chiding them to "be more reasonable." A final ruling in this case is still a ways off, but in the meantime you can head to the source to read Schwartz's damning praise for yourself.

  • Judge tells Oracle to rethink $2.6 billion claim against Google

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    The war between Google and Oracle is far from over, but the big G keeps racking up tiny victories in what are admittedly modest battles. Now the Redwood Shores-based company has been told to go back to the drawing board with its damages report. Originally Oracle sought $2.6 billion, but its theories were largely dismissed and Judge William Alsup suggested an alternative starting point of roughly $100 million. The company still has an opportunity to present a new report, one that will likely seek much more than the proposed $100 million, but things are looking increasingly tough for the claimant. It wasn't all good news for Goog, though. While the judge told Oracle to narrow its focus from Android as a whole to just specific infringing features, he did agree that related advertising revenue should be included in the theoretical royalty base. He also offered harsh criticism for what he viewed as its "brazen" disregard for intellectual property rights. The trial is still scheduled for October, so we should have a better idea of how this whole thing will play out by Halloween.

  • Lodsys adds Rovio, Atari, EA and others to patent suit, makes birds even angrier

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    If you thought Lodsys was done making a spectacle of itself and dragging app developers to court, you were sorely mistaken. The king of the patent trolls has amended its original complaint against mobile devs, removing one company, but adding five new ones -- all of them big names. Rovio, Electronic Arts, Square Enix, Atari, and Take-Two Interactive have been added to the list of defendants in the suit filed back in May. Vietnamese company Wulven Games has been dropped from the complaint, but Lodsys has more than made up for it by directly targeting possibly the largest mobile title out there -- Angry Birds. You can find the completely amended filing at the source link and, if you're in the mood for a bit of a refresher, check out the more coverage link.

  • It's official: Nortel patent sale approved by US and Canadian courts (updated)

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Nortel was just looking for some quick cash when the company put its 6,000 telecommunications patents up for auction. Then Google decided that IP would make a mighty fine troll deterrent, and started a crazy bidding war to get it. A coalition of the willing -- including Apple, EMC, Ericsson, Microsoft, RIM, and Sony -- opposed Big G and paid $4.5 billion for the prize portfolio pending approval by the powers that be. Well, both Canadian and US bankruptcy judges just gave the purchase two thumbs up, and the deal is officially done. Now the question is whether the auction's victors will use these patents as a shield against those with trollish intentions or as a sword to strike at their enemies? Update: To clarify, the deal was only approved by the bankruptcy courts, and the US DOJ is examining the sale for its possible anti-competitive effects.

  • Apple seeks preliminary injunction on Infuse 4G, Galaxy S 4G, Droid Charge, and Galaxy Tab 10.1

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Drama. Rather than leaving well enough alone -- at least long enough for its lawyers to properly enjoy the Independence Day weekend -- Apple has seemingly kicked its ongoing legal battle with Samsung up a notch. According to a filing discovered by FOSS Patents, the perturbed in Cupertino have filed a motion for a preliminary injunction with the US District Court for the Northern District of California. Interestingly, the motion hones in on just four devices: the Infuse 4G, Galaxy S 4G, Droid Charge, and Galaxy Tab 10.1. It's a pretty bold move on Apple's part -- if this thing holds, and it's determined that the aforesaid products may well indeed be infringing on Apple's rights, Sammy could be forced to yank those products from US shelves within a couple of months. If it falls through, however, Apple's entire case will likely take a serious hit. We'd ponder why everyone can't just get along, but at this point, we're guessing the act of forgiveness has become a foreign concept for both parties.

  • Microsoft inks Android patent deal with Itronix, causes more heads to explode

    Jesse Hicks
    Jesse Hicks

    We've already noted our slip into Bizarro World, a strange and topsy-turvy land where -- thanks to patent-infringement claims -- Microsoft strikes licensing deals with Android device makers. Redmond has used a carrot-and-stick strategy thus far, suing competing manufacturers (Barnes and Noble, Motorola) while reaching a protective royalty agreement with HTC, which, not coincidentally, also makes Windows Phones. Today, another company joins the licensee list: General Dynamics Itronix, known for its rugged computers, some of which do run Windows. Neither company offered much in the way of details, other than declaring that Itronix will pay royalties, but we've no reason to believe it's too different from HTC's arrangement. See the press release after the break for an excellent example of terse, unrevealing business-speak.