

  • Fracture to (literally) change 360 landscape

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    LucasArts, in cooperation with Day 1 Studios, has announced a new franchise for Xbox 360 and PS3. Entitled, Fracture, the game is based around the concept of destructible environments and land deformation. The game's plot is interesting to say the least. Fracture takes place in the 22nd century, after the polar ice caps have melted, causing the Mississippi River to flood and effectively cut the United States in half. In this new chaos, the eastern half of the U.S., known as the Atlantic Alliance, has opted to survive by employing cybernetic technology. The western half, now the Republic of Pacifica, modify themselves at the genetic level, effectively creating a race of mutants.The gameplay revolves around destructible environments and shaping the land to your advantage. Played from a 3rd person perspective, players use different weapons that can destroy or otherwise reshape the land. For example, you might throw a special grenade that creates a pit in the ground. On the other end of the spectrum, another grenade causes the ground to shoot upward, potentially giving you access to higher areas. See a video of Fracture after the break.

  • Just announced: Fracture by Lucasarts and Day 1 Studios!

    Colin Torretta
    Colin Torretta

    Lucasarts just announced a brand new third-person shooter in collaboration with Day 1 Studios. Titled Fracture, the shooter is set in America in the year 2161, and is supposed to integrate highly destructive environments into its gameplay. The story involves an East vs West divide along the Mississippi, with mutants on one half and cybernetically enhanced humans on the other. Now, everybody knows that cyborgs and mutants hate each other, so of course, conflict is natural.As Joystiq points out, the whole 'destructive environments' thing is something we've heard many times before and it has never really been delivered. I loved the Red Faction series myself - but I always thought it was odd how the second one actually toned down the destructive environments. I liked taking down whole bridges with people on them. It was fun.

  • Destructible game, Fracture, announced for 2008

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Fracture is the new collaboration between publisher, LucasArts, and developer Day 1 Studios. To be released in mid-2008 for the PS3 and 360, the third-person shooter will rely on destructible environments as a key component of the gameplay. We've heard that promise before, but like a bass noticing a Shad Rap, the game's potential is high enough for us to follow this lure to the boat.It's the year 2161, and the United States has been divided by its flooded Mississippi River. The East is full of cybernetically enhanced humans, while the West is populated with powerful mutants aided by genetic engineering. The freaks can't get along, and this premise -- which hopefully plays out better than it sounds -- incites a world war based in America. (We look forward to the "K" broadcasters finally settling their feud with the "W" stations.)[Update: Be sure to check out our impressions of the title as well.]%Gallery-2929%

  • Saints Row and Lego Star Wars II go platinum

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Got some money leftover from Easter that's still burning a hole in your pocket? For less than the cost of a $3.95 latte every day for a month solid, you can score yourself Saint's Row and Lego Star Wars II for the Xbox 360 ... and still have enough left over to pick up a full-priced title of your choosing. Saint's Row stretches out the GTA-style replay value with downloadable content, and Lego Star Wars II is about the most fun you can have bashing Lego bricks, so either one ain't a bad value.

  • The Joystiq Weekend: April 14 - 16, 2007

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Joystiq reader Omer van Kloeten sent us this picture of his painting, a tribute to the old LucasArts adventure game Day of the Tentacle. We're intrigued that he kept the pixelated look when he had the artistic license to smooth out the edges. You can view the entire process here. Check out the highlights for this weekend:JoystiqueryToday's "everything's fine, honey" video: Biohazard Wii editionWeekly Webcomic Wrapup: international editionNewsRed Octane says Xbox 360 guitars patched via Xbox LiveBungie confirms X-button functionalityReuters: The guitar is killing your relationshipEA to partner in new digital avatar conceptPunch Out, Virtua Fighter and Bonk hit the Virtual ConsoleGuitar Hero 3 to feature online multiplayerCarcassonne making roads to Xbox Live Arcade on June 7thDisney wants Michael Bay for Prince of Persia filmJudge: Louisiana must pay ESA's legal bill, Taxpayers: Crap.This Wednesday: XBLA brings Gyruss, Minigolf Adventures, end of worldSony talks My SingStar Online, Final Countdown makes the cut"I Am 8-Bit" art exhibit opens tomorrow night in Los AngelesSony now 'considering' 80GB PS3New games this week: Bust-a-Move Bash! editionTHQ boss talks multi-platform trendsScratch that: The Xbox 360 might damage discs after allNY Post: "Pariah" Uwe Boll unapologetic over 9/11 clipGamestop ups Xbox 360 trade-in value just in time for EliteSega announces Sonic Rush Adventure for Nintendo DSMicrosoft lends support to On BroadbandRed Octane 'looking into' Guitar Hero II patch problemsDANCE! Online being racist? Nah, just using workaroundRumors & SpeculationPachter: Activision right to buy Red Octane instead of HarmonixCulture & CommunityGallery exhibit looks to teach parents about video gameseBayer sells video game collection because he's getting marriedHow did various media outlets report the FTC gaming report?Heck crams a Sixaxis into an Xbox 360 controllerUse your Wiimote to play Resident Evil 4 now, not laterUniversity professor uses Halo to teach HomerTop ten Guitar Hero video clips, courtesy of FHMAm our gaming learning?How to make your Xbox 360 and your Mac play nice

  • ScummVM ported to Wii and Gamecube

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Here's some fantastic news: ScummVM can now be run on the Wii! Rodolfo Portillo just released a Gamecube version of the program, which allows classic LucasArts adventure games (and others!) to be run on systems other than the old PC's they were designed for.You still have to have the original files, and you have to have a Gamecube SD adapter, but you guys all have your own copies of Sam & Max Hit the Road, right? Right? One other small issue: this isn't a Wii-specific port, so Wiimote pointing is out.

  • More Force Artwork Unleashed

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    LucasArts released six pieces of new concept art of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Artist renditions of Force Push and Force Electricity Lightning are displayed in very colorful manners and all in all if they can bring the scope and feel of these into the actual game, it will be very promising for Star Wars fans. They also illustrate some of the bosses and Jedi that you will be up against, as well as the environments. Are any of these desktop wallpaper worthy to you?[Via]

  • Rumor: Star Wars Battlefront III only on the Xbox 360?

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    This one slipped into the Bothan couch cushions: Those rebels at Games Radar report that Star Wars Battlefront III is looking like an Xbox 360 exclusive, yet another salvo in the war for exclusives. Their source is PlayStation World magazine, which makes the info a bit harder to swallow. According to the article, LucasArts is moving the sequel from developer Pandemic to Free Radical, where it'll be made as a 360-only title, although it's unclear why. Maybe Pandemic crossed George Lucas, and once you cross him ... you never come back. Especially with that Jabba the Hutt-like neck of his. Now, if this post had vanished right after that was typed, that would be some comedy.Given the extreme success of the Lego Star Wars games, it seems highly unlikely that they'll confine Star Wars Battlefront III to just one console, especially given the fact that it's a sequel to a game that has appeared on just about every platform except your watch. More on this as it develops, unless Lucas squashes us.[Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]

  • Star Wars Battlefront III60 exclusive?

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    According to GamesRadar, the March issue of UK Magazine Playstation World spilled some beans on Star Wars: Battlefront III. On page 65, they state that LucasArts is moving the series from Pandemic, who developed the first two in the series, to Free Radical, of TimeSplitters and GoldenEye fame. They go on to say that SWBIII is listed as an Xbox 360 exclusive, but don't think it will stick. Still, Free Radical has a history of making some badass multiplayer games, and hopefully it will translate well in Star Wars: Battlefront III's online skirmishes. Are you looking forward to the new gen iteration of the series? What are your thoughts on the potential exclusivity and Free Radical taking the helm?Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, that box art is fan made, and not official.[Via GameStooge]

  • Star Wars: Delay Unleashed

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    The Death Star wasn't build in a day and apparently Star Wars: The Force Unleashed won't be either. The game did have an official release date of November 2007, but now its release date has switched to "TBD" and the rumor is that it won't be out until sometime in 2008. Much like the Star Wars universe, game delays are both good and bad because while the extra time usually helps make the game better, it tortures fans awaiting that particular title. Let's hope that like cookies in the oven, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is worth the wait. Mmmmm cookies. [ Via Games Radar ]

  • Star Wars: Force Unleashed shows some emotion

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Whether you're a Star Wars fan or not, you probably know the basics of the story behind that galaxy far, far away in events taking place a long time ago. That's where the newest game enters based on that galaxy: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed takes place after Episode III, involving Darth Vader nominating you as his apprentice. Since this is supposed to be the "next big thing" in the Star Wars story, George Lucas himself is getting his grubby paws into the game as much as possible.Anyway, the game is shaping up to be pretty brilliant. Fantastic lighting (and lightning) effects, incredibly emotional characters (above and beyond anything achieved in the latest three movies!), gorgeous worlds... this game is looking damn good. Hopefully the story will hold up, too. We're not going to go into what IGN covers in their preview -- it's simply too long and everything too important to summarize, but if you take the time to read it, you'll get pumped too. Might be the first Star Wars game I'll actually purchase since the N64 Shadows of the Empire. That game was awesome.

  • Force Unleashed to get novel and comic series

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Star Wars fans who have been watching our coverage of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will be pleased to hear that the game will be getting both a novelization as well as a graphic novel series. It will be written by Sean Williams, who is a New York Times bestseller and has published eighteen novels, including the Force Heretic series, and co-writing The New Jedi Order series. This will give readers additional insight into the storyline taking place between Episodes III and IV than that found in the game. Also, due to the multiple endings possible in Force Unleashed, the novel will be shedding light on the true canonical ending. So, after playing through the game, are you going to hit your local library to read the book?[Via]

  • Clone Wars coming to PSP

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    There is an upcoming CG Star Wars Clone Wars TV series coming in 2008. LucasArts must have lots of confidence in the property because their making a game based on it and Clone Wars will be their first internally developed handheld title. LucasArts Shanghai is doing the honers and has Feargus Carroll as the project lead. He previously worked on such popular games as Freedom Fighters, Black & White 2 and Battlefield: Modern Combat. If both the game and and the new TV show are as good as the previous Cartoon Network Clone Wars than I'll be a huge fan of both. [Via DCEmu]

  • Clone Wars may be coming to a handheld near you

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    LucasArts announced that they'll be bringing Genndy Tartakovsky's distinctive designs to "a handheld" for a game based on the animated series Clone Wars. This will be the first handheld game developed in-house by LucasArts. EA's Feargus Carroll, who boasts a record that spans everything from comedy to squad-based games, is set to helm the project. While we don't know that we'll be able to boast this title on the DS yet, as no platform has been announced, it just seems like a natural fit. We'll keep an eye on this developing story!

  • Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Ten Unsung Games

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Everyone knows about the good Indiana Jones games (because there have only been a couple), but do you remember the unsung games of Indy's yesteryear? Gnomeslair has compiled a list of the ten best unsung Indiana Jones games, and there's a few on there that really bring back memories. Although we'd have to argue and say that the Atari 2600 Raiders of the Lost Ark game wasn't really unsung ... people loved that game. Mostly because it was about the best you could do in 1982, and thankfully it wasn't the E.T. game.Likewise with the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom arcade game that came out in 1985. That was a game that used a voice synthesizer ("Soon Kali Ma will rule the world!") and had that really fun mine cart sequence in it. Sure it got ridiculous, with Indy having to whip flaming hearts out of the air, but so what. It ate our quarters faster than anything.Check out the list and let us know if these should be sung or unsung. It's really made us want to boot up ScummVM and play Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine all over again. Plus we might have to start bugging Nintendo and asking if Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures will be coming over to the Wii via the Virtual Console. And Lucasarts, when is your Indiana Jones game coming out, eh?[Thanks, Konstantinos]

  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed art and videos

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Game Daily has 13 concept art images for the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed as well as details to add on top of what we reported earlier. Since the subtitle "The Force Unleashed", your destructive character will have at least these four powers at his disposal: Force Lightning, Grip, Repulse and Push. The decisions made throughout the game will have an impact on the ending, which takes a few pages out of KOTOR's book, but that's a good thing. Enviroments will vary from Raxus Prime to a TIE-Fighter construction site, and even Chewbacca's neck of the woods, Kashyyyk. As for the game's engines, we've got some videos for you to have a look at after the break.

  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the website unleashed also

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    LucasArts has launched the website for their newly announced Star Wars title, The Force Unleashed. Developed for the Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, Nintendo DS and PSP platforms, the game presents the first active collaboration between LucasArts developers and the film special effects team at Industrial Light & Magic. Putting players into the hooded cloak of Darth Vader's "secret apprentice," the game's events unfold in-between the last rubbish Star Wars movie and the first good one. Judging by the artwork on display, the action will likely feature countless stormtroopers being tossed about like paper dolls and at least one livid jedi throwing a force tantrum. Looks like Tosche Station was out of power converters. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is currently slated for release this November. Check after the break for a video demonstrating some of the technology used in the game. %Gallery-1662%

  • More Star Wars Unleashed on PSP

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    LucasArts has finally officially announced their next Star Wars game. It will be called Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It's coming out to nearly every system around and luckily that means our PSP will be able to unzip ... errr unleash the force. While the last Star Wars PSP game was the gaming equivalent of a car accident, hopes are still high for this newest Star Wars outing. The game's storyline is being overseen by George Lucas himself and will take place between the events of the new and old trilogy. Interestingly you'll assume the role of Darth Vader's apprentice, who's goal is to hunt down the remaining Jedi Knights. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed hunts down PSP Jedi this fall. [Via Gamespot]

  • Next Star Wars game details Unleashed

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    The latest issue of Game Informer brought forth information on the latest Star Wars game. Titled Star Wars: Force Unleashed, it is set to help bridge the 19 year gap between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. You get to play as Darth Vader's apprentice, as he wants to overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy with you at his side. At the same time, there is a galaxy wide hunt to exterminate the remaining Jedi from existence. Force Unleashed also boasts LucasArts' Eurphoria engine, capable of real-time environmental damage. For instance, when using Force powers on steel, it will dent appropriately. Another example includes a tree either splintering or breaking in two, dependent on the type of impact. You may be concerned that given the title is taking place between the two trilogies that your actions aren't going to have a huge impact, as the events are set in stone. That's not the case, as LucasArts is saying that there will be multiple endings that can really shake up the Star Wars Universe. At least you have a shot of taking down Palpatine before the first Death Star is fully operational. Does this pique your interest, or does any (finished) Star Wars game without the word "Knights" and "Republic" in the title get ignored?[Via]

  • Star Wars: Force details emerge... metachlorines, seriously?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    No offense, Mr. Lucas, but that's probably why you should hire some darn good writers instead of spearing your own child into the ground with your lackluster pen. Seriously... metachlorines? Terrible. Which is exactly the word we hope won't describe the upcoming Star Wars: Force Unleashed game. Since it's been quiet for a few months, you know some serious gameplay elements were being built and now we can take a peek at them. Behold: Timeline wise, the game is between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope (III and IV). Darth Vader is training an apprentice who he plans to use to destroy the Emperor. Guess who you play as? The apprentice. One of your main tasks is to assist Vader in hunting down any surviving Jedi. Have fun with that. Force abilities are being tweaked to better represent their power. Some stronger ones will require a bit of charging, whereas simpler ones will be nearly instant. For the Star Wars enthusiasts out there: Rancors. They will eat you. You can play as Vader... somehow. Multiplayer is planned, so we should expect something good. All right. That's really about all we could garner about this game. It sounds like it should at least be as exciting as those Knights of the Old Republic games -- you just don't have to worry about being good or bad. You're just bad. Badass.