

  • Batman Nokia Lumia 900 priced at £600, throws in some free movie tickets

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    We said it was coming soon, and the Dark Knight-themed WinPho hasn't disappointed. Phones 4u has just announced that pre-ordered laser-etched Lumia 900s will be delivered on June 1st; that's this Friday. Off-contract pricing is pegged at £600, although multiple contracts are also available from the UK retailer. There doesn't appear to be any extra functionality on the special edition, although bragging rights do count for a lot. The phone will arrive in limited numbers, but neither Nokia nor Phones 4u is spilling the beans on precise unit numbers. The retailer is also throwing in free tickets to see the Dark Knight Rises at UK cinemas (or theaters) this summer, plus the chance to hit up the premiere. Pre-ordering heroes can zip-wire their way to the source link below. Update: SlashGear's been told by Phones 4u that there will be 900 of the special edition phones.

  • Batman-themed Nokia Lumia 900 coming soon, utility belt clip not included

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    A befuddled Joker once pondered "Where does he get all those wonderful toys?" Soon you'll have a chance to inspire the same sort of wonderment amongst your friends -- at least the more eagle-eyed ones. Nokia has announced it's launching a Batman-themed Nokia Lumia 900, with the minimalist logo of (spoiler alert) Bruce Wayne's alter-ego laser-etched onto the back. It's the same treatment that was given to a special edition Lumia 800 earlier and, no surprise, it'll be available exclusively in Batman's favorite color. It's also exclusive to Europe, at least initially, where it's said to be going on sale in a few weeks. Act fast and you might have yours in time to listen to Christian Bale grumble his way through the conclusion of the Dark Knight Trilogy.

  • Angry Birds and PES 2012 join Skype: won't work on Windows Phones with 256MB RAM (updated)

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Putting the squeeze on those hardware specifications has lead to several more app casualties on Microsoft's ever-growing mobile platform. Unfortunately, it includes one of mobile gaming's biggest hitters: Angry Birds. We gave installation a go on our own Lumia 610 and were met with the unfortunate message seen above. According to WindowsPhoneApps Spanish, it's not the only one affected by the reduction in RAM on these lower-priced smartphones. PES 2012 won't run on the lower-specced smartphone, while videocall app Tango also joins its rival Skype on the no-go list. Update: Nokia's confirmed that Rovio is, indeed, working on an optimized version of Angry Birds for the Lumia 610, though an exact release date is still up in the air.

  • BBC iPlayer reaching Windows Phone within 'weeks,' will catch up with Sherlock on your Lumia (update: perhaps not)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We've see BBC iPlayer reach many devices over time, but it's been conspicuously absent on Windows Phone. Nokia has stepped into give us some relief, and it's now promising that a port of the TV catch-up service will be ready for your Lumia 800 "in weeks." Good news no doubt, although Nokia's encyclopedic knowledge of British TV streaming is also dashing hopes of using the Sky Go mobile app on Windows Phone anytime soon: the same Nokia rep doesn't see Sky being ready for a "good few months" at the earliest. As such, you'll have no problems keeping up with Doctor Who and Sherlock when they're airing, but we wouldn't count on watching live football matches for awhile. Update: Pocket-lint is reporting that it quizzed the BBC over this issue and got a firm denial about a Windows Phone version, which suggests that The Inquirer's report, or its Nokia source, may have made an illogical deduction.

  • Nokia Alpha, Phi, PurePhi and PureLambda pop up in tests, bring Windows Phone 8 along for the ride

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Not long after the Lumia 900 surfaced, Nokia's Windows Phone roadmap appeared to have come screeching to a halt -- official and otherwise. However, the first signs of Nokia's second wave may have just surfaced in WP Bench's testing leaderboards. The Nokia Alpha, Phi, PurePhi and PureLambda have all shown up at varying points in the chart; we've seen them for ourselves, although you'll need WP Bench on a Windows Phone to see them first-hand. Not much is visible without seeing the devices themselves, but the PureLambda appears to be running a build of OS 8.0 -- better known to most as Apollo, or possibly Windows Phone 8. As long as these aren't elaborate pranks, they could represent entry, mid-tier and high-end phones; we're wondering if the Pure tag isn't a reference to the PureView-equipped Lumias Nokia said were inevitable in the long run. No matter what the four phones turn out to be, any real devices will show us what Nokia can do with Microsoft's OS now that it's had time to strategize.

  • Nokia World broken up into smaller events, bumped up to September 5-6

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We hope you hadn't planned too much of your late summer around the original Nokia World 2012 schedule, because the timetable has just been given a big shakeup. Instead of holding one, monolithic event in late September, Finland's phone giant is splitting the show into smaller, more targeted events. The first will start much earlier than planned, running between September 5th and 6th in Helsinki, but don't expect any big Lumia introductions: the early show is focused on carrier and store partners rather than any opportunities for a public hands-on. Details of more events are coming in the weeks ahead, and some of those gatherings we imagine will be more about new devices than wheeling and dealing.

  • Nokia uses Lumia 900 as a hammer in a torture test, makes us wince (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    As much as we're familiar with mobile device torture tests, they're normally inflicted by us or otherwise not-so-voluntary. Nokia, however, has stepped up to the plate and doled out the abuse to the Lumia 900 itself with a hammer and nail, all based on a wager that the Windows Phone's use of Gorilla Glass would hold up to Sonim-level punishment. The company's Chris Ruble and Mike Meyers (not that Mike Myers) used a Lumia 710 as a dry run before an on-camera demo that not only saw the 900 assaulted with the hammer, but used as a blunt instrument itself -- all without a crack or scratch. We imagine that other toughened-glass phones would survive the hit, and there's every possibility that smacking the polycarbonate plastic would leave more than a scuff mark. Nokia's test still proves that its pride and joy can withstand more than just a casual roughing up, and you can see the slightly cringe-inducing test in the video below.

  • Microsoft exec says Windows Phone outselling iPhone in China

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Going by Microsoft's Greater China COO Michel van der Bel, the launch of Windows Phone in China is off to an auspicious start -- enough to give Apple the shakes. He claims that devices like the Nokia Lumia 800c have helped Windows Phone reach seven percent of the Chinese market, or just enough to get past the six points of the iPhone. We're waiting on hard data before we take van der Bel's word: the top smartphone makers worldwide aren't depending much or at all on Windows Phone, and the iPhone has a thriving gray market in China that masks some of its real numbers. Having said this, we've seen signs of Windows Phone enjoying a bit of a surge even in an iOS- and Android-loving Europe, so we'll be watching to see if there's an uptick in the number of buyers saying ni hao to Microsoft in the near future.

  • Kantar: Windows Phone clawing back share thanks to Nokia, but Android still rules the roost

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    It's seldom the case that we get to look at world smartphone market share on a national level, but Kantar WorldPanel has given a rare peek that might give Windows Phone fans some good news to crow about. Even though things haven't always gone well for the Microsoft camp, Nokia phones like the Lumia 800 sparked a minor Renaissance in some countries in the three months leading up to mid-April: Windows Phone was up to between three and four percent in France, Italy, the UK and the US. The Metro interface must also be sehr gut for Germans, which nearly doubled Windows Phone's local share to six percent in that short space of time. Kantar is eager to point out that it's still mostly a tale of Android and iOS successes, though. Google took extra ground in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US, while Apple was on a tear both on its native soil and in the UK. HTC's upbeat predictions may have played a significant part in Android's continued rise -- the One X cracked the British top 10 list despite having only been in shops for a few days. About the only underdog story not going well in early spring was RIM's, where the BlackBerry's share of the US was cut to a third of its year-ago glory at three percent.

  • It's not your imagination: Nokia promises fix for purple hue problem seen on some Lumia 900 screens

    Jason Hidalgo
    Jason Hidalgo

    We didn't notice any purple screen niggles during our Lumia 900 review. For some users, however, the purple hue issue is real and not so spectacular. If you're one of those hapless souls seeing purple on your Lumia phone, Nokia recently tweeted that it will release a software fix for the issue -- though it declined to provide details on when the update will drop. For the uninitiated, the purple screen problem reportedly occurs when automatic brightness is turned off and the display is set to "low." The good news for Nokia is that the issue apparently hasn't prevented folks from gobbling up the Lumia 900. "What if I'm seeing blue instead of purple," you ask? Uh, you might wanna see a doctor for that, buddy.

  • Nokia City Lens augmented reality browser hands-on (video)

    Sean Cooper
    Sean Cooper

    It warms the heart to see Nokia's Beta-Labs delivering goods we actually want on our handsets -- and even more so when we really want the handsets themselves. Espoo's revered Lumia line has been treated to a new toy and it costs not one red cent: Nokia City Lens. Using an augmented reality browser, the user is offered a virtual view through walls and buildings of various points near you that can be browsed by categories such as food, nearby, sights or searched for with text. Better still, searching for AT&T WiFi will find access points nearby and all you then need to do is hoof it in the direction shown by the small icon on the display. Sound neat? We agree. Follow the break to see a video of it all in action, then take your Lumia-owning self on over to Beta-Labs to grab a copy.

  • Nokia announces string of new Lumia app partnerships at CTIA

    James Trew
    James Trew

    CTIA is gaining momentum, and Nokia has just announced a slew of new app partnerships for its Lumia line at the show. Sports fans can look forward to PGA Tour, a dedicated app to cover the golfing action, while the ESPN sports hub will get a series of updates, plus an exclusive Lumia-only Fantasy Football app in autumn. Gamers will get new treats from EA -- including FIFA, NBA Jam and more -- and Rovio, which is creating a dedicated development team to create titles for Nokia Windows phones. Other notable names on the list to either get a new app or an update include Groupon, PayPal, Time, NewsWeek and more. Be sure to poke the source link for the full list.

  • Nokia City Lens arrives for trials on Lumia devices, augments your reality (video)

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Nokia's rolling more of its experimental Symbian projects out to its Windows Phone hardware and City Lens is the latest to arrive in its immaculately-kept Beta Labs. Not to be confused with existing efforts, it throws together an augmented reality interface to give you a better overview of the best places to eat in town, and those tourist hotspots you simply must see. It'll then connect with your current location (which can be shared with your your contacts) and even offer up directions if you're in need. The app remains in testing for now, but you can help Nokia out by donning your labcoat and registering for its Beta Labs at the source below.

  • Nokia Drive, Transport features revealed, not yet heading to a Lumia near you

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Did you think the addition of offline maps was the end of the update road for Nokia Drive? That's simply not so. After previewing the planned 3.0 refresh for us at Mobile World Congress, it appears Espoo's drawing closer to a finalized version of the Windows Phone app, bringing with it the ability to learn driving habits, display real-time movement and traffic on the homescreen live tile, as well as allowing users to manually adjust routes. The Finnish company's Transport app will also be seeing a bump up to version 2.0, letting users see nearby transit options based on their location, transfers and scheduling for 87 countries, amongst other features. There's no word on precisely when Lumia owners can expect to see this one-two navigation punch hit their handsets, but we're guessing sooner rather than later.

  • MasterCard gives PayPass blessings to HTC One X, 16 other NFC phones

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    MasterCard is widening the universe of phones that officially support PayPass in a big way, with a new MasterCard PayPass Ready program certifying that devices with NFC will play nicely with its mobile payment system. A total of 17 phones are part of the first wave getting the official A-OK. Some of these are known quantities already using PayPass, like the LG Viper 4G LTE and the Samsung Galaxy Nexus HSPA+, but others are new to the PayPass ways. Among the picks are the HTC One X, Intel's smartphone reference device and the Nokia Lumia 610 NFC. A raft of BlackBerrys and lower-end Samsung Galaxy phones are likewise in the fray. While only a handful of these might ever work with Google Wallet or other US-focused NFC payment methods, you can check out the full roster in the release after the break.

  • Nokia flips internet sharing switch on for Lumia 710 and 800c in Tango update

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Looks like Espoo's finally ready to do the Tango with Lumia owners. According to a report on Nokiapoweruser, updates for localized variants of the 710 and the China-only 800c have been spotted on NaviFirm, indicating a planned firmware rollout for those WP 7.5 devices is underway. Users in Belgium, the Netherlands and Vietnam who download the software should see that previously dormant internet sharing ability enabled, in addition to the installation of a trio of Nokia apps -- Sportstracker, News and Creative Studio -- as standard on handsets. No word on when the company intends to release the package to other markets, but with this latest news, it can't be far off now. [Thanks, Nish]

  • Skype app won't work on low-end Windows Phone devices (update: works on Lumia 610)

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Buried within Skype's announcement that its app has finally graduated from beta on Windows Phone, the mention of a 512MB minimum memory requirement reveals that the Internet phone service won't -- currently -- work with the likes of Nokia's Lumia 610 and the ZTE Tania. Skype has logged this under "current issues", which we hope means the company is working tirelessly to squeeze the app into cheaper Windows Phone hardware. Other features still being worked on include Bluetooth compatibility and Skype SMS messaging support. C'mon, they're part of the family now -- can't they all just get along? Update: Nokia's told us that it's now got the Skype app working on the Lumia 610.

  • Nokia Lumia 610 headed to the (Pacific) 'Ring of Fire' in coming months for €189

    Andrew Munchbach
    Andrew Munchbach

    The Lumia 610 is a colorful thing, going on sale, in the Firery Ring. Bound by tepid desire, it's about to launch in the Ring of Fire. It's about to launch in the burning Ring of Fire. Sales are down, down, down, and the burning platform feels higher. But it's going on sale, sale, sale, in the Ring of Fire. And also China. The full press release is after the break.

  • Nokia's Q1 2012 financials: $9 billion in sales can't stop a $1.7 billion loss

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Nokia's released the bundle of spreadsheets that comprise its 2012 Q1 financials, just a week after it acknowledged that it would make a loss, despite bullish sales of the new Lumia 900. The numbers reveal that the company had net sales of €7.4 billion ($9.7 billion), down from €10.4 billion ($13.6 billion) at the start of last year. Net sales are down 30 percent year-on-year, which means the company's posting a loss of €1.3 billion ($1.7 billion) for the first three months of 2012. That loss is broken down as €772 million to restructure Nokia Siemens Networks, €101 million to restructure the Devices & Services and Location & Commerce departments, principally in shedding employees and relocating its factories to Asia. It had forecasted an operating margin of three percent below "break even," and says it's likely to remain that way well into the second quarter. Stephen Elop pointed out that much of the loss is due to both increased competition and the costs of restructuring, but also seemed to tacitly confirm rumors we'd heard that UK carriers have been resistant to Nokia's new direction, saying that establishing momentum in the country has been "challenging." However, it's still promising to arrest the slump and in a statement to Moody's on Monday, the company pledged that it was prioritizing "cash conservation" exercises, although its liquid cash reserves have fallen 24% in a year, meaning that the company's only got €4.8 billion ($6.3 billion) put aside for a rainy day.

  • Canada's WIND Mobile lists Nokia Lumia 710, says it's coming soon

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    It's now been a few months since we first laid our eager palms on Nokia's Lumia 710, and although it isn't getting any younger, some carriers are still adding the device to their lineup. We'd previously seen Rogers land the entry-level 710 as an exclusive in Canada, but now it's looking like the deal's expiring and WIND Mobile's ready to give its users a taste of the Mango-flavored handset. So far, WIND's keeping deets to a minimum, with the site only listing the device as "coming soon." One thing we do know, however, is that specs-wise it's likely to be a clone of any other network's variant. Needless to say, WIND may have to match, if not best, Rogers' prices in order to attract a new breed of customers to its white and orange shop. While you wait for the rest of the info to spill, you can always give those free Nokia covers a gander and decide which one you'd like to snag if the promo ever hits the True North.