

  • E3 2014: Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter details fan festival dates

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Fans have been eagerly awaiting the dates for the Final Fantasy XIV festival in October, and during the most recent live letter from the producer those dates were finally revealed. The gathering will take place on October 18th and 19th at Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, October 25th at the Tobacco Dock in London, and December 20th and 21st at the Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo. Other revelations from the letter? Personal chambers are going to be priced at approximately 300,000 gil for players who want a room of their own off of their Free Company house. Patch 2.3 will be going live on July 8th. There are also more questions asked regarding the new floors of Crystal Tower, the addition of new items, and the Frontline system, but all of those answers can be found in the official translation thread. Massively's on the ground in Los Angeles during the week of June 10-12, bringing you all the best news from E3 2014. We're covering everything from WildStar and Landmark to Skyforge and H1Z1, so stay tuned!

  • E3 2014: Hands-on with Black Gold's PvP

    Andrew Ross
    Andrew Ross

    It can be hard to demo an MMO at E3. Some studios stick a bunch of journalists together and have us try an instance, which can be fun or, if the worst of us ends up taking a key position, it can be rather frustrating. Other studios let you into a questing area but, to be brutally honest, these usually feel pretty stale compared to the nearby console games that let you do more than kill 10 goblins. Snail Games broke from the mold by letting us PvP in its upcoming Black Gold Online MMO, and while there were some issues, I felt a bit more confident about the title than I did last year.

  • E3 2014: Hands-on with Star Citizen and a chat with Chris Roberts

    Andrew Ross
    Andrew Ross

    Chris Roberts prefers a joystick or controller to the mouse and keyboard. This came up immediately upon meeting him for our Star Citizen demo/interview at this year's E3. As someone who's mainly watched news on the game from the sidelines, sitting in awe of what looks like a terribly complex title with tons of gameplay options, I was a bit intimidated going into this sit-down. But I came out of it feeling, well, relaxed.

  • E3 2014: FFXIV's Yoshida on 2.4, 3.0, new classes, and more

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    After the recent E3 2014 announcement that Final Fantasy XIV was getting a new class and a marriage system, fans have been understandably eager to learn more. And the best way to do that is go to the source! We sat down with producer Naoki Yoshida to discuss the content slated for upcoming patches and expansions. Before delving into the new, Yoshida spoke about the old. He noted that since last year's expo, FFXIV has enjoyed a successful relaunch, added a couple of major updates, and given millions of gamers around the world the opportunity to play. He then led into the new by saying, "We want to continue to grow the game from here. We have a lot of exciting content building up to 3.0." Part of said growing includes expanding the availability of the game by getting it into even more regions; this summer, for example, FFXIV will launch in China. Another part of the growth process is expanding the content and introducing new features, which is where patch 2.4 and the 3.0 expansion come in.

  • E3 2014: Destiny gameplay trailer sells you on the experience

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Bungie might have your attention with its upcoming Destiny shooter, but what is it really? For those still a little unclear what this title will have to offer, the team's put together a seven-minute trailer for E3 that covers the gamut of story, features, and sweet hoverbike action. It's not just eye candy (ooh, reflective water puddles!); it's informative as well. We've got the full trailer after the break, so what are you waiting for?

  • E3 2014: Hands-on with World of Warships and World of Tanks Blitz

    Andrew Ross
    Andrew Ross

    If is known for one thing, it's for being big. Nowhere is that more evident than E3, where displays for games like World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and World of Warships typically dominate the show floor. Naturally this year's big reveal is the new Warships title. Although it's the third World of vehicles battler, gamers who haven't played the previous two won't be at a disadvantage. That said, it's the hands-on with World of Tanks iOS version that really got my attention.

  • E3 2014: Hands-on with Skyforge, World of Speed, and Armored Warfare

    Andrew Ross
    Andrew Ross

    I won't lie: I went to an E3 meeting with publisher thinking only of Skyforge. I'd heard about Armored Warfare and World of Speed, but I didn't expect much from either title. I'd seen tank games and racing games trying to move into the MMO sphere, and while they were sometimes interesting, I didn't pay a whole lot attention. And ultimately they weren't as interesting to me as Skyforge, but I did walk away thinking they are titles that will appreciated by a portion of the MMO audience.

  • E3 2014: Hands-on with H1Z1

    Andrew Ross
    Andrew Ross

    I'm coughing. My head hurts. I'm tired, hungry, and thirsty. I'm not hearing things anymore, but when I close my eyes for too long, I feel disoriented. And this was before I got my hands on H1Z1! I'm sick at E3, but well enough to see through some spin while looking at a winner. If you're tired of hype, false promises, and pay-to-play alphas, come read between the lines with me as I recount the experience of my H1Z1 demo.

  • E3 2014: Hands-on with Elite: Dangerous and the Oculus Rift

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Is it possible that a hands-on demo of Elite: Dangerous and a talk with Frontier Development's Adam Woods, producer, and David Braben, CEO, would make a space sim fan out of me? Yes! I liked what I'd heard about the game before, but after experiencing it for myself at E3 2014, I can definitely say I am hooked. And it isn't just because of the Oculus Rift. I got a tour of the newest playable build, a sneak peek of the upcoming system and space station, and watched a brand-new trailer on top of the VR time.

  • E3 2014: World of Speed trailer pimps its rides

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    We've got a new World of Speed trailer for you to check out today, fresh out of the E3 oven and into your eager hands. Careful, you wouldn't want to burn yourself on cars this smokin' hot. The trailer's focus is on customization, both with a car's look and its gear. The message here is clear: that your build can and will make a difference on the race track. Check it out after the break and fantasize about what you would want in your ride.

  • E3 2014: Final Fantasy XIV discusses ninjas and same-sex marriage

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The first of two official livestreams for Final Fantasy XIV has just wrapped up at E3. While the stream focused on a variety of questions from the fans, two big points were hit during the discussion. The first was the revelation of a new class slated for introduction in patch 2.4: the Rogue class, which will lead into the Ninja job. This will be a damage-dealing class that dual wields knives and daggers, complete with enhanced movement skills and stealth abilities. Producer Naoki Yoshida also announced that the game's marriage system will allow any two characters to be joined together, regardless of race, nation, or gender. The translated answer explained that in the world of Eorzea, it seemed inappropriate to restrict the system. Players will be given the options of having their characters pledge eternal love or simply eternal friendship, with the possibility of special mounts for the happy couple. Massively's on the ground in Los Angeles during the week of June 10-12, bringing you all the best news from E3 2014. We're covering everything from WildStar and Landmark to Skyforge and H1Z1, so stay tuned!

  • E3 2014: Skyforge previews classes and customization in new video and images

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Sci-fi MMORPG Skyforge has landed at E3 with a brand-new video and new screenshots. Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment promise players "a glimpse of Skyforge's unique Ascension Atlas, the Sunken Temple location, and three new character classes: the weapons-centric Gunner, the ruthless Berserker, and the merciful Lightbinder." The atlas itself allows players to customize their characters in "billions of ways with adapted skills, talents and spells." We'll have more from our E3 Skyforge demo later this week, but for now, enjoy the previews! [Source:, Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment press release]

  • E3 2014: The Crew launches November 11th, is totally an MMO

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    While a lot of attention has been focused on The Division, not as much discussion has gone on surrounding Ubisoft's other MMO-ish title, The Crew. According to a recent development blog, though, the game is totally an MMO, even if you're not necessarily taking all of it on as a group. The game is based around an asymmetric multiplayer model in a persistent world, and there are even different classes of cars for players to specialize in depending on preference. Of course, you won't have to rely upon the word of the developers about that for much longer. The game has been given an official release date of November 11th, with beta starting on July 23rd. There's also a trailer past the break that shows in-game time-lapse footage of driving from Miami to LA, covering the entire United States during the trip. Check out the development blog regarding customization, game mechanics, and the game's MMO nature as well.

  • E3 2014: No Man's Sky gets a new trailer

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Procedurally generated space exploration sandbox No Man's Sky resurfaced at E3 yesterday with a new trailer and a commitment to launching first on the PlayStation 4. The sci-fi title blew us away late last year with its first trailer, and even though it probably won't fit everyone's definition of an MMO, we're keeping tabs on it due to its multiplayer ripple effect and its vast gameplay space. You can watch the new clip after the break!

  • E3 2014: Here's four minutes of Destiny footage

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Bungie took center stage during yesterday's Sony E3 press conference with a four-minute trailer offering an up close and personal look at Destiny. If you're a PlayStation 4 owner, you can get an even closer look at the upcoming sci-fi shooter via the weekend alpha that starts June 12th. Destiny's beta starts July 17th exclusively on the PS4, with release planned for September 9th. Click past the cut to watch the trailer.

  • The Daily Grind: Has E3 become irrelevant to MMO gamers?

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    During last year's E3, I asked the Massively readers whether they thought E3 was slowly becoming irrelevant for MMO gamers thanks to 1) competing, gamer-friendly conventions like PAX and 2) E3's focus on tech and blockbuster non-MMO titles, not to mention 3) the expense of showing at a venue like E3 for smaller MMO studios and existing games. Lore Hound's Patrick Mulhern recently voiced similar concerns, suggesting that MMOs in particular show poorly at conventions partly because of the noise-and-visuals-induced sensory overstimulation of the arena but also because few MMOs provide a "hook" that can grab a typical attendee during a 15-minute demo. Consequently, he argues, it's not worth the trouble for studios or MMO journalists to attend. Massively writers are present at this year's E3 to report on MMOs, but we're curious what you think all the same -- has E3 become irrelevant for our genre? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • E3 2014: See Dawngate's 'badass bookish nerds' honored in a new video

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Dawngate is looking to bring a little something different to the MOBA field, as evidenced in its catchphrase, "break the meta." In a new video, Waystone Games devs list off several reasons why Dawngate isn't your average MMO. These include more of a focus on flexible team strategy, an epic storyline, and even the embrace of "badass bookish nerd" characters. Is this all just big bluster or shrewd design strategy? Check out the video after the jump and let us know what you think.

  • E3 2014: The Division will get content updates on Xbox One first

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    While The Division has been delayed until next year, players will have their choice of platforms on which to play it. Unless, of course, those players really want to have the newest updates every time, in which case they're going to need to play on the Xbox One. At Microsoft's E3 opening presentation, developers revealed that content will come to The Division on the console first, prior to the PlayStation 4 or the PC. The announcement was accompanied by a brief gameplay trailer and some recap of the game's mechanics and setting. While it was originally scheduled to launch this year, the game was officially delayed until 2015 last month. Massively's on the ground in Los Angeles during the week of June 10-12, bringing you all the best news from E3 2014. We're covering everything from WildStar and Landmark to Skyforge and H1Z1, so stay tuned!

  • E3 2014: SOE's evil ways on display in this H1Z1 teaser

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    SOE has taken the wraps off "My Evil Ways," a new trailer for zombie sandbox H1Z1. The clip is comprised of gameplay footage and seems to endorse the kill-or-be-killed mentality that typically permeates apocalyptic fiction. View it in full after the break!

  • EVE Fanfest 2014: EVE's plan to remove tutorials and reinvent the new player experience

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    When we asked you what you wanted to hear about at EVE Fanfest 2014, the biggest area of interest was EVE Online's New Player Experience. Every player who's ever signed up to EVE following news of some huge battle or event will remember the frustration of his first few days in the sandbox. A new player's first experience of EVE is wading through windows full of text in a succession of boring tutorial missions that could take you hours or days to get though, followed by being ejected into the big bad world with very little direction. If that's been your experience of EVE, you might be interested to know that something's finally being done about it. Developers revealed during Fanfest that of all those who sign up to EVE and pay for a month's subscription, 50% of them don't renew and a further 40% or more end up in solo professions like mining and mission-running, which have the highest rate of player turnover. Only between 5% and 10% of those who sign up will ever get into the kind of gameplay that attracted them to EVE in the first place. CCP's response? Completely remove the tutorial. Read on to find out why killing the tutorial could be the best thing that has ever happened to EVE's new player experience.