

  • Massively Exclusive: SOE's John Smedley reveals F2P model for DC Universe Online

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    For those of us who lack Batman's financial resources, maintaining several monthly MMO subscriptions can be a challenge. Sony Online Entertainment recognizes this, and as a result, the company has just announced that DC Universe Online will be officially joining the freemium revolution toward the end of October. The new business model will feature a familiar tiered access plan with three membership levels. The Free, Premium, and Legendary plans feature full access to the current game while offering different levels of "convenience and flexibility." Free players will be limited to two character slots, and new "downloadable game packs/updates, additional character slots, powers, and more" will be available for purchase via microtransactions. Premium players, i.e., folks who have spent at least $5 US on the game (including former subscribers and in-game item purchasers), will receive additional character slots, inventory slots, and higher cash limits. Legendary players will take home "maximum features and benefits" including free DLC, more than 15 character slots, and more than 80 inventory slots, all for the regular $14.99 monthly fee. DCUO will also continue to be available on SOE's Station Pass (and subscribing to the monthly all-in-one service nets you Legendary status in DCUO as well as access to all of SOE's MMORPGs). Finally, Massively sat down with SOE president John Smedley and producer Lorin Jameson to chat about the new model, and you can find that transcription after the break.

  • Massively Exclusive: New Eden Eternal trailer teases new race, racial crafting

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    To commemorate free-to-play MMO Eden Eternal's latest content update, Aeria Games has released a short trailer showing off some of the new features available to players. For starters, there's a new race: the amphibious Anurans. Racial crafting has been introduced alongside the new race, allowing each race to ply its specific trade. For the full trailer, hop on past the cut, then head on over to the official site to download the client and register to play.

  • Massively Exclusive: answers our World of Warplanes questions

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Flight sim fans are abuzz over's recent World of Warplanes announcement, and many are casting an expectant eye toward this year's Gamescom in Cologne, Germany. The reason? is set to officially reveal the action MMO that features a large selection of aircraft from pre-World War II to the jet age. Today we're pleased to bring you an exclusive interview with project manager Alexander Zezulin, so join us after the cut for loads of details on the game, including the debut trailer from Gamescom. Much like its World of Tanks predecessor, World of Warplanes looks to make squad-based vehicular combat more accessible to a wide audience while maintaining a sense of historical accuracy when it comes to said vehicles. %Gallery-130862%

  • The Anvil of Crom: An exclusive preview of Dead Man's Hand

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Welcome to a special edition of The Anvil of Crom. It's not often that I give up the captain's chair on this here column (in fact, today is the first time, if you want to get technical about it). In the interests of bringing you fine folk an exclusive Savage Coast of Turan content preview, though, it seemed like the prudent thing to do. Today's installment will give you a first look at Dead Man's Hand, and no, I'm not talking about the unfortunate Xbox title that I once purchased in the hopes of playing Red Dead Redemption six years prior to Red Dead Redemption. No, this Dead Man's Hand is a new single-player instance in Age of Conan, and it's debuting shortly with all the rest of AoC's movie tie-in adventure pack content. Head past the cut to join me in discovering what Funcom has to say about its latest dungeon endeavor (and oh yeah, I've got some exclusive screens and concept art for you as well). %Gallery-9836%

  • Massively Exclusive: Maplestory Age of Triumph trailer

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, Nexon announced the conclusion of the Chaos series in their free-to-play fantasy side-scroller MapleStory -- Age of Triumph. Today, the studio offers Massively an exclusive video trailer for a peek at the action that is scheduled to release on August 17th. The video highlights the three main features coming up in this patch: The new PvP game Capture the Flag; footage of the new Silent Crusade story line, a full-length quest for players level 37-110; and even the new Crusader Codex, a book highlighting the various monsters that roam Maple World which players can add to after defeating new monsters. Click past the cut for a look at these upcoming features in Age of Triumph.

  • Massively Exclusive: Battle of the Immortals Titan update lore blog

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Perfect World Entertainment's Battle of the Immortals -- which hit its one year anniversary just last month -- is gearing up for its upcoming Titan update. Precious little information about this upcoming addition to the game has been released (all we know right now is that two new instances will be introduced, along with updates to the game's existing features), but today PWE has treated us to an exclusive tidbit of lore to fill players in on the events leading up to the update. Unfortunately, that's about all we have in regard to this brand-new update, but be sure to check back with us from time to time because we'll be keeping you up to date on all the freshest information on Battle of the Immortals and its Titan update as the news drops. So without further ado, head on past the cut for the first lore blog post from Battle of the Immortals' Titan update.

  • Massively Exclusive: Aion mentoring guide

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Aion's 2.5 patch is on final approach, and in fact the new content and game systems made a smooth landing on NCsoft's test server just last week. One of those new systems allows high-level players to mentor their low-level counterparts, and today Massively has teamed with NCsoft to present you with an exclusive guide to the new functionality. In a nutshell, low-level players will receive XP and unrestricted loot drops while the high-level mentor earns token rewards that go toward the purchase of high-end gear. One of the complaints consistently leveled against Aion over the first two years of its North American life has centered on the game's steep leveling curve. When coupled with the new quests introduced in previous updates, the mentoring system looks to provide a quick and easy path to the cap for young Daevas as well as an excuse for Aion geezers to wax nostalgic about how much harder it was way back when. Join us after the cut for the skinny on Aion's mentoring mechanics.

  • Exclusive: A look at RIFT's Saboteur

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    You can call them rogues, thieves, scoundrels, but by any name they're stealthy little bastards. RIFT's Rogues are no exception, with the difference being that the soul system allows them access to several unique flavors of sneaky little bastard. There are the backstabbing Assassins, the sniping Marksmen, and the defensive Riftstalker all under the same overarching aegis, allowing players a wide variety of different options. But none of them yet has been the truly annoying sort, the one who looks to be finally caught flat-footed just as you realize he's been playing you the whole time. Rounding off a week of new soul previews is the Saboteur -- and while it might seem a bit less glamorous to come last, that's exactly how the Saboteur would want it. An expert in preparation and subtle traps, the Saboteur is vulnerable without time to prepare his various battlefield modifications, but immensely destructive if he's in control. Click on past the break for more backstory and information on RIFT's resident schemer. %Gallery-101448%

  • Exclusive: A look at RIFT's Dominator

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Mages in RIFT are not particularly nice people. Admittedly, that's not speaking to their character so much as the souls available to them, but between the corpse-raising Necromancers, entropy-spreading Warlocks, and strength-leeching Archons, the precedent has been set. And today's reveal of the Dominator isn't going to change that image, even though it's a soul quite likely to make a number of new friends. But those friends may or may not be willing companions. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, even if you have little to no intention of letting your opponent use it. That's the Dominator philosophy in a nutshell, with a number of abilities designed to confuse, terrify, and control opponents. Although physically fragile, the Dominator will hopefully be in a position where none of his opponents are still coherent enough to take advantage of physical weakness. Take a look at more lore and ability details on RIFT's latest soul past the break, and check back tomorrow for our last soul reveal. %Gallery-101448%

  • Exclusive: A look at RIFT's Void Knight

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Magic is a fact of life in any sort of fantasy setting, and RIFT is no exception to this. The Warrior, of course, is the last class you'd expect to be dabbling heavily in magic, an assumption that would be largely correct. But with the plethora of souls available to characters in the game, it seems nigh-on inevitable that a Warrior would have at least one option if he wanted to ensure his opponent was just as bereft of magic, to even the footing down to a contest of arms. And the Void Knight is precisely that. The Void Knight isn't just capable of enduring magical attacks -- he actively absorbs them, using them to power his most spectacular abilities. Although he's not up to a straight contest of arms against a non-magical character, he's more than the equal of a caster, easily capable of turning the most devastating curses or enchantments into the equivalent of an energy drink. Take a look past the break for the full rundown on both the lore and abilities of the Void Knight, and check back each day this week for another new RIFT soul reveal. %Gallery-101448%

  • Exclusive: A look at RIFT's Druid

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Within RIFT's soul system, there's room for a wide variety of different classes within the four core options -- two different Clerics might have very different sets of souls equipped and play like two completely different classes. Trion Worlds has been slowly providing information to players about what they can expect from the various souls, but every time a new soul is revealed, it's something completely different from what's come before. The Druid is one of the souls available to Clerics, for instance, but it couldn't be more different than options such as the Purifier or Sentinel. Druids are a pet class, but not in the traditional sense. Where a Mage with a pet-using soul would rely on his pets to deal damage, the Druid uses her pets as conduits to empower her, making her a fierce combatant in her own right. Although vulnerable if her companions are damaged, the Druid herself is the core of her strength, using a variety of companions for a multitude of effects. Click past the break for more information and backstory on RIFT's Druid, and check in every day this week for more heretofore unseen souls. %Gallery-101448%

  • Massively exclusive: The lore of TERA's Castanics, Part II

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    While TERA is being developed overseas by Bluehole Studio, the western localization and lore is in the hands of the excellent team at En Masse Entertainment, whose members are busy crafting a deep and interesting backstory for the world. At this time, we know that there will be six different races players can choose from in the upcoming game. En Masse is making sure that each of the races is getting its own unique history, such as the lore developer blog we've been given for the fiercely independent Castanics! In this second installment of the story Fates Be Damned by R. K. MacPherson, we catch up with Havelock, Calastra, Zufikar, and other Castanics as they try to make sense of what happened in the last tale. Why did this moment of malicious betrayal change the future of an entire race and cause them to leave their homeland? Read on past the break to find out as we dive into part II of our exclusive TERA developer blog! %Gallery-98895%

  • Massively exclusive: TERA lore dev blog

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    While we had a chance to get our hands on with the upcoming mmo TERA at GDC 2010, there was little we could glean about the overall lore of the world beyond the broadest of brush-strokes. That's why we were so glad when the folks at En Masse Entertainment offered to give us some exclusive insight on some of the history of this interesting new world. This developer blog, written by David Noonan, Lead Writer at En Masse Entertainment, turns an eye towards the history of the High Elves, but in a fascinating way. Written in the format of a research paper -- complete with editorial remarks from a wizened professor -- it gives us a closer look at the bloody, violent, and fascinating culture of one of the elder races in TERA. While TERA's warlike High Elves are cautiously accepted now in the ranks of the Valkyon Federation, they're still not entirely trusted by the other member-races. Only recently did they stop their bloody and bitter wars -- and the memory of the world's inhabitants have not yet faded in terms of what the "Children of Karas" once did. The High Elves, aware that their own survival is dependent upon cooperation with any other enemies of the Argon invaders, actively look past those previous differences; their cause is now that of saving all life on the planet. They act with strength, patience, and honor to achieve their goals of moving "forward, together and strong" -- a tenet that is just as important to the High Elf race as the benedictions spoken at meals in elven homes for well over 3,000 years. Curious about lore on the High Elves of TERA? Join us behind the break for the dev blog from David Noonan or check out the gallery below for a handful of exclusive new screenshots! %Gallery-86517%