

  • Wings Over Atreia: Boss world tour -- Heiron

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Or should l say world boss tour? Not counting the bosses at the ends of instances or campaigns, these are the baddest of the baddies, the top tier of PvE opponents. Some are beyond huge and make your heart stop the first time you stumble upon them; others are just average and innocuous-looking yet can wipe the floor with you when they sneeze. As vicious and imposing as they are, they often hold the most coveted loot. Not only is the loot sought after by just about every Daeva and his daggie, but these behemoths only spawn randomly. In order to even have the chance to defeat them (and thereby snag the gold goodies), you must have a fair bit of luck to catch them when they are active and roaming the lands. That, and find them when they aren't being camped by others who also want those same goodies. So where are these bosses and how can you get your wings on them (or avoid them, as the case may be)? Whether you want to sneak a peek at one of these mega-mobs without getting eaten or you want to strategize a way to defeat them and hoard some loot, Wings Over Atreia will introduce you to the highest-level named mobs in Atreia for your oggling or slicing-and-dicing pleasure. Today begins a series of articles highlighting the who, where, what, and even some how of Aion's world bosses. Glide on past the cut to delve into the world bosses in Heiron.

  • Aion kicks off, Artisan's Expo event

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Early bird Daevas looking to get a head start on their Wednesday were thwarted by the patch gods this morning as Aion servers were briefly offline. The good news is that the downtime was in service of the new 2.1 patch (or more accurately, the second portion of it). Today's update shines the spotlight on crafting, and citizens of Atreia will be enjoying bonus crafting, essence-tapping, and aether-tapping gains courtesy of the Artisan Expo event that runs through February 2nd. As for the patch itself, it features a bevy of tradeskilling tweaks, chief among them reduced material requirements for high level recipes, increased drop rates on some rare Balic materials, and an increased chance at rare gathering drops. The patch also addresses the long-standing issue of the Balaur taking over Kysis Fortress during normal siege times. Check out NCsoft's announcement post as well as the full patch notes for all the details.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Feeding trolls

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    "WoW was the first MMO." "WTF you --------- [bless the filter]." "Your mom just left here." Channel /3 will be the death of me. Or perhaps just my sanity. If not, then it may be the cause of some random homicides soon. Although I had another topic all planned out (and already mostly penned), I had an about-face for this week's article. This subject is something that is always on the edge of my mind, and as of late, it has been more front and center. In fact, this week has seen discussions on the matter with friends, colleagues, legion-mates, and even my munchkins. The hot topic? Trolls. Aion players know that /3 is the LFG (looking for group) channel, and occasionally you can actually find people looking for groups there! However, because it is the only server-wide channel, people mostly use it for any type of random chatter. And by chatter, I mean a range of sexual comments, preening, raging, and flat-out trolling. Granted, sometimes following along with /3 chatter is simply amusing, but oftentimes it becomes annoying or even outright offensive. In any case, it's hard to pick out anything of value through the fast-paced spam. Now don't get me wrong; I am all for quips and banter and building a community, but it seems that the folks with any amount of consideration and class stay quiet for the most part. If we were to judge society off of universal chat channels, I think I would be all for large-scale nuclear annihilation; people treat others in virtual worlds like they wouldn't dream of vis-à-vis. Why is that? And what can we do to increase civility, decrease trolling, and improve gaming experiences overall? Cross the bridge (don't stop to feed the trolls!) to explore these points with me and share some amusing trolling moments from your server! (Please keep it clean folks!)

  • Aion update tweaks crafting difficulty

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Part two of the Aion 2.1 update is on the way to servers across Atreia, and the dev team has posted the official patch notes to the game's website. The build debuted on the public test servers yesterday and is scheduled to take a bow on the live servers next Wednesday, January 26th. The second half of the 2.1 patch focuses on Aion's crafting, and many new recipes are included in the mix. NCsoft has also upped the drop rates for many crafting materials (including desirable Balaur components like hearts and balic items). Your chances of snagging a "greater" version of the resources farmed from harvesting nodes have also been increased, and many crafting quests will see reduced difficulty (including the wince-inducing expert crafting quests as well as the Miragent Holy Templar and Fenris Fangs quests). The patch also brings a number of tweaks to instances, NPCs, and items, and you can see the full list of updates via the official website.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Hit or myth?

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    You know they are out there. You hear them -- sometimes whispered in reverence, sometimes shouted by a particularly spazzy groupmate. Whether treated as ancient wisdom or snickered at, they cannot be avoided. But how much do you believe in them? Superstitions. Superstitions (myths, legends, folklore) are not by definition bad or even incorrect. In fact, superstitions are another way for a community to bond; shared beliefs go a long way towards creating a cohesive group. Every culture has superstitions, and gaming -- a unique culture, but a culture nonetheless -- is no different. And each game has its own unique collection of folklore. Whether they consist of avoiding specific loot, crafting with a full DP bar, or something almost whimsical (such as turning around in a full circle before my second attempt at Miragent's leggings), Aion is full of little snippets specific to the world of Atreia. What superstitions are prevalent in Aion today and just how much truth do they hold? Knock on wood and cross over the break to check it out.

  • NCsoft planning more Aion rifting tweaks

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The month-long rifting experiment begun by NCsoft in early December has apparently given the Aion devs enough data to continue with a trial aimed at revisiting the decision to nerf the PvP mechanic with last fall's 2.0 update. Players were recently asked to complete in-game surveys relating to the new changes (which boiled to down a removal of Heiron/Beluslan protections and changes to the large protective defender buffs), and NCsoft reports that the majority of survey participants responded favorably to the change. In a post on the official Aion website, NCsoft says it will continue the rifting trial "a few more weeks," and the devs will also tweak lower level player protection in Morheim and Eltnen. Finally, a new player survey will be sent out and the rifting protections will be "restored to their previous levels" while feedback is collected and analyzed.

  • Aion Myth Breakers examines crafting DP and manastones

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    After failing to proc master crafting and miragent armor recipes on multiple occasions, Aion players naturally gravitate towards superstition, luck, and the equivalent of in-game urban legends in order to deal with the nightmare that is high-level crafting in the world of Atreia. One of those legends concerns the supposed effects of a full Divine Power (DP) bar on crafting success. This particular myth is thoroughly debunked in the second installment of Victor Shugo's Aion Lab: Myth Breakers, an ongoing series that provides statistical data regarding some of Aion's mechanics. In addition to laying the crafting DP myth to rest, this edition examines the loot drop rates for Draupnir Cave and Commander Bakarma and also provides a success rate table for level 50 and 60 manastones. So the next time you shake a fist at the Seraphim lords over a failed socketing attempt, rest assured that statistically speaking, you're bound to do better next time.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Out with the old, in with the new

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    New year, new rig. Yup, you got it folks. I had the lucky chance to start the new year in Aion with a spiffylicious new gaming computer. As a disclaimer, it is very possible to play and enjoy Aion on lower-end machines; I know, because I have friends who play on laptops (although most do not participate in sieges) and I myself enjoyed the game using my less-than-stellar rig with the graphics set to just one notch below max. However, in order to participate in large-scale PvP and sieges, I was forced to lower all settings to rock-bottom and use shift+F12 to remove all enemy and ally rendering (remember folks, when you do this always have enemy names turned on!). Even with these measures, I would often still have difficulty moving -- not the best situation for an assassin who depends on quick strikes and even quicker evasions. I could still sorta do my job (scouting was best) and enjoy the fights, although I would often find myself dead before I even knew I was being hit. I have experienced Atreia this way for the past year, but there just comes a time in a Daeva's life when you want to participate more fully in sieges -- to see the battles as well as fight. After saving, I came to the conclusion last fall that I was able to go ahead and put together a new gaming rig (and yes folks, a girl can build her own machine!). While not top-of-the-line, it was a still a decent upgrade and would provide a new gaming experience. In true gamer's style, I sat down New Year's Eve and assembled my new toy. So, what difference does the new rig make while playing? Jump past the cut to see what I have pulsing in my case and just how much of a difference it has made.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Death of a legion

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It happens. You might be trucking along, grinding your own business when BAM! Suddenly your /l chat is gone. What the... ? Yup, your legion just disbanded. Or perhaps the leader just disappears offline for an extended period of time. Could be that the leadership drives members away by its actions (or inaction). So the death knell tolls. With reasons ranging from real life (work, family) to game mechanics (boredom, frustration) to the most frequent culprit, drama (cyber-relationships gone bad, over-inflated egos, power-hungry control freaks), legions fold. It is a fact of gaming -- though not always a negative one. But in Aion, where reputation, ranking, and Abyss contribution are significant factors to players, the death of a legion can have more consequences than just missing a chat channel. If you are lucky and have forewarning, you can plan ahead to minimize the impact on your gaming experience. If your legion has folded -- or is about to -- what are your options? Let's drop our wings and dive past the cut to explore some available paths to take when this fact of e-life happens.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Top 10 of 2010

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It's the end of the year, and although many are in food- and good-cheer-induced comas, we will still drag ourselves to the keyboard to delve into Aion. Why? Because we enjoy our game. And maybe, just maybe, there is a smattering of addiction in there. I'm not judging, mind you, as I also logged some holiday time with a shugo! Many things have happened throughout the year, and this Daeva has flown about, soaking up the news and activities, in order to report them back to you. From the sweeping changes of three major patches (expansions, updates -- whatever you choose to call them) adding content, removing content, and re-adding content (*cough* rifting *cough*), to holiday events, to everyday life in Atreia, 2010 has had its ups and downs, with a variety of twists and turns thrown in. The year certainly cannot be called uneventful. And in true end-of-the-year count-down style, I am going to rattle off my top 10 favorite columns of Aion tidbits. So what columns made the cut? Grab a noisemaker and shimmy on past the break to see which were my favorites as well as share yours in the comments!

  • Wings Over Atreia: All I want for Solorius is...

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    While admittedly they don't include two front teeth, there are definitely some things I would be thrilled to see in my virtual stocking this holiday season from the developers of Aion. At this time of year, you almost can't help but look ahead and dream about what things would make it a better world. Don't believe me? Name me one other time when you hear "peace on earth" more -- not counting a beauty pageant! But our desires for a better world need not be confined just to that real one we inhabit when our computers are shut off; in fact, wishing for a better Atreia (though peace among Daevas may be counter-productive) is right in the holiday spirit! I am not looking for any "I win" or easy button -- just a few things that will make for a better and brighter Atreia, some things that will put more fun into my time in Aion. I'm making my list and checking it twice. After all, 'tis the season of miracles, right? Sleigh ride past the break to take a peek at part of my Christmas... er, I mean Solorius... wish list!

  • Wings Over Atreia: Going steady with Kromede's Trial

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, I bared my soul and shared my first date with my favorite mid-level Aion instance, Kromede's Trial. OK, so maybe it is the only mid-level solo instance, but that doesn't diminish the fact that I enjoyed it immensely -- enough to return over and over and over again. Not even the lure of rifting changes could pull me away... although the second I hit level 45 and cannot enter the instance, I am off to Morheim! Until that moment, I am enjoying a combination of full-clears for armor and XP and quick runs just for the weapon. So what about this instance hooked me enough to manage four different runs in one day during the reactivation celebration (while the lockout timer was reduced to four hours)? A steadily filled experience bar, a consistently filled cube, and the promise of a gold weapon after completing one repeatable quest 20 times, not to mention a growing collection of corrupt judge's armor pieces and a chance at Kaliga's key for a fabled weapon are why I simply can't say no. All this without having to deal with the inconvenience of forming a group, and all my other Aion goals can be met while the instance is on cool-down. What more could a girl want? Peek past the cut to watch this love affair unfold as I continue to court Kromede's Trial. Enjoy a screenshot gallery as well!

  • Aion experimenting with temporary rifting changes

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Rifting is a sore spot for many Aion players. On the one hand, some folks no doubt felt that the mechanic was intrusive and forced PvP on people who simply wanted to quest, gather, and otherwise PvE. On the other hand, the drastic changes introduced in the Assault on Balaurea expansion all but killed most of the rifting in the game, causing some to question NCsoft's all-or-nothing approach. Starting today, the devs are experimenting with a month-long trial designed to bring an element of risk back to Atreia and also strike a balance between rifting and PvE. The protective buffs placed on homeland defenders will remain in place for the low-level Morheim and Eltnen zones but will be significantly reduced. Protection buffs for defenders in the higher-level Heiron and Beluslan zones are going away entirely. What does this mean for you? In a nutshell, you'll have an easier time completing those spy quests that have been clogging your journal for weeks, and you'd also best keep an eye on your radar for incoming reds.

  • NCsoft answers questions on Aion's new security

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Ever been in the middle of a duel with a friend in Aion and watch him (or her) drop offline in the middle of a conversation, then come back online on each alt, strip it down, and sell off everything -- right in front of your eyes? That very scenario has happened to me, and similar situations have happened to others. Even counting RNG rages, nothing really compares to the frustration and heartache of losing all you have worked so hard for in-game, and no one wants to experience this. With this in mind, NCsoft has introduced an extra layer of security -- a new PIN system designed to better safeguard your virtual stash. We were able to speak with Sean Neil, Associate Producer of Aion, and Lance Stites, Executive Vice President of Game Operations and Production at NCsoft West, to bring you the scoop on this new system. Join us past the cut to hear what they had to say.

  • Wings Over Atreia: My date with Kromede's Trial

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    I couldn't help myself. It isn't you, really -- it's me. I mean, you offered so much. The nights in Taloc's Hollow were rewarding. But I needed more. I craved a new experience. I craved excitement. I craved hawt armor! So I needed to step outta my skin -- literally -- and expand my horizons. This decision wasn't easy for me, but I think it was worth it. I know, I know... after admitting my difficulties with (and distaste for) playing alts, here I am sharing with you my adventures on just such an alt. But truly, how could I resist? With the great things I have heard about Kromede's Trial coupled with my desire to see and experience everything in-game, what choice did I have? Why the excitement to run this instance from the tender levels of 37 to 44? There are plenty of reasons: a horde of XP; bucket-loads of kinah and cash drops; the corrupt judge's armor sets; satisfying the urge to parade around as an Asmodian female for a while; experiencing new game lore; a chance at a gold weapon; a sawteeth rotan pet; and the ability to upgrade a blue weapon from the Fire Temple into a gold -- just to name a few. Now, is there any reason not to go? Certainly not now, since the usual 22-hour lockout timer has been reduced to only four hours for the Reactivation Celebration, which is going on until the 13th. Not to mention the double XP during the same time! So it was with eager anticipation that I moved my way up the level ladder until I could finally experience this solo instance for the first time. And why I keep going back. Again and again. Zone past the cut to follow along on some of the of the best action available to the mid-level Aion player.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Altaholics anonymous

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    OK, now I've done it... my status as an oddity at Massively is exposed for all the world to see. I confess -- I do not like to play alts. Whew. There, I said it. That wasn't so hard. And being unique is not such a bad thing, right? In gaming, and in Aion especially, I definitely feel out of place for this philosophy. After all, Aion not only encourages but rewards you for playing alts; what other game gives you an impressive armor set and weapon only after you reach mid-level on numerous characters? And even for those who eschew playing alts, there are times when you are forced to do so (like I was). Pathetic available inventory space? Make a mule. Miss lower-level solo instances because they were introduced after you were too high of a level? Make a noob. But these are only a couple of examples involving mechanics. What makes people create so many alts that they need spreadsheets just to know who has what and is where? Head past the cut to delve into the pros and cons of managing multiple characters in Atreia.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Easy button

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    You young whippersnappers don't know how easy ya got it! When I was your level, we had to delve deep into the heart of KHQ to do our campaigns, uphill, both ways! And it wasn't no namby-pamby walk in the park, either -- you wiped multiple times just to get where yer going! Why, back in my day, we could go days, sometimes weeks without skills, trying to scrimp and save enough for the books. There is no question about it: The Aion of today is much different than than the Aion of yesteryear. Heck, it's not the same game as last week! Yup folks, with each successive patch and update that NCsoft rolls out, the game we love (or love to hate, as the case may be) gets progressively easier. Patch 1.9 saw the addition of repeatable quests to ease the leveling curve; 2.0 brought more quests and higher kinah rewards from them; and Wednesday's 2.1 increased drop rates to astronomical levels. All good news, right? Personally, I am leery of this seeming accelerated trend towards installing an easy button in the game, and I think that there are some serious repercussions to over-simplifying. Now, don't get me wrong -- I am all for lightening the load and eradicating flawed designs that have a fun factor of zero (hot heart of magic, anyone?), but at what point does making the game a bit easier go too far? While the game certainly shouldn't be a job in itself, do we really need to cater to the instant-gratification crowd by dumbing it down completely? I firmly believe in the old adage "you appreciate what you have to work for," and I think that spoon-feeding players is a bad idea that is going to come back and nip NCsoft in the... ankle. Glide past the cut to explore for yourself the new easy buttons within Atreia.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Taloc's Hollow speed runs

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The tropical breeze rustling through the branches. The exotic wildlife. The blessed solitude. While reminiscing about your previous excursion to famed Taloc's Hollow, you find yourself wanting to relive those great moments. OK, maybe you just want to tank up on some XP and loot. And who can blame you? Taloc's Hollow is one of "the" destination hotspots in Aion for those over level 51 to gather both kinah and experience. If you are in it for the XP, chances are you want to just clear everything in your path; after all, it isn't often you get to be in deity-mode, killing elite mobs on your own. However, there comes a time when you simply you don't want to or can't spend a couple hours clearing the instance out. Then what? Well, then you aim for a speed run. These runs are often considered money-maker runs and are factored into a Daeva's wealth portfolio. While decent loot can and does drop off the trash mobs, many people reach the point that they only want to focus on a boss run and ignore everything else possible. Can you do it? Yup. Dash past the cut for hints to help you get through Aion's highest-level solo instance quickly and efficiently.

  • NCsoft reveals juicy details on Aion 2.1, item drop rates substantially increased

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Aion is the lucky recipient of "the single biggest change ever implemented by NCsoft across its entire portfolio of games." Version 2.1 is hitting the Public Test Server (PTS) today, with a launch date for the live shards currently scheduled for November 17th. What's so special about 2.1, you're probably asking? In a nutshell, loot, and lots of it. More specifically, significantly increased drop rates are the order of the day. Now, we've heard the jokes as well. "Significant" means an increase from .01 to .02 percent, right? Wrong, as this time NCsoft means business. Aion's devs have offered up some specific statistics via press release, and you'll want to check out the tables after the cut for all the details. If you've spent much time in the lands of Atreia, you're probably familiar with Beshmundir's Temple and the named bosses contained therein that players often farm for loot. Over a period of 20 Perilous Path Temple runs, testers collected 138 total loot items. Of these, 121 were fabled quality (including wings), and 17 were eternal. Similarly, NCsoft testers cataloged 20 runs through the famed Dark Poeta dungeon, recording all loot items acquired from Spiritmaster Atmach to Brigade General Anuhart. A total of 68 fabled items dropped, which averages out to 3.4 per run. This was also sans the final boss, so the actual numbers will likely be higher. Finally, NCsoft is also gifting players with the new Aion Adventure Guide. According to the press release, the guide will "give players advice on where to find level-appropriate in-game content that will help with progression and reward them with items along the way. Crafted in-game messages and guides let players know where to go to find game content (quests, instances) that help progress them to the next level and give them hints on how to use new areas, such as the Abyss, and systems, such as Stigma Stones to their advantage." Don't forget to fly past the cut for a detailed breakdown of the Beshmundir Temple runs in table format.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Destination guide -- Taloc's Hollow

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Are you weary of group dynamic bickering, spittle-laced rants, or plowing through repeatable quests until your head is spinning and your hands have a death-grip on your weapon? Are the crowds around Atreia just getting to you? Why not spend some quality time alone... when you needn't answer to anyone else? That's right folks! Leave your friends, your legion-mates, and all reminders of real life behind and come visit beautiful Taloc's Hollow! Thinking of just kicking your heels up in Pandaemonium or Sanctum? Lounging around in an inner tube on dry land hardly a getaway makes, so hurry on down to the lush lands of Taloc's Forest (Inggison) or Krug Basin (Gelkmoros) for a little R&R -- rewards and, well, rewards. What does Taloc's have to offer? For the discerning level 51-55 adventurer, Taloc's offers the unique opportunity to gather treasure and soak up experience, all without having to share any of it with your compatriots. Need a random five-minute break to grab that leftover pizza? No problem! Find an awesome piece of fabled jewelry? Nope, you don't have to roll -- it's all yours. Choose Taloc's Hollow as your next Aion destination spot today! Ready for adventure? Cruise on past the cut for a guided tour, along with some helpful hints, special tips, and time-saving deals for your trip.