

  • New games this week: Rock Band 2 edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We were about to say that the time has come to dust off all your fake instruments for Rock Band 2, but if you're anything like us, you haven't given them a chance to acquire any signs of disuse. But somehow, "Get ready to go about your regular routine except with a different disc in the drive" just doesn't have the same pizazz.Even if you have no interest in pretending to play music, there's a lot of goodness on the release shelves for you. You could pretend to be an über-powerful Sith with Force Unleashed, an ATV driver with Pure or a creepy, gun-toting, irradiated hobo with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky. Decisions, decisions!%Gallery-27156%

  • New games this week: Spore edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Well, of course it's Spore. Let's not even waste too much time examining the whys and wherefores, the biggest release is the 27-years-in-development existence simulator. Naturally.But even if you don't feel compelled to reenact the entirety of a civilization, there are other, less taxing diversions ... like, say, TNA Impact! or ... two different hockey games. See why it was an easy choice? Gallery: Spore

  • New games this week: Mercenaries 2 edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We hate to be the ones to break the news to you, but, with the season still three weeks away, the fall onslaught has officially begun. The biggest release is the oft-delayed Mercenaries 2, sure, put you've also got a new Viva Pinata, Trouble in Paradise, and Facebreaker, which ... well, at least it has Snoop Dogg in it. See the rest of the week's releases right after the jump. %Gallery-1961%

  • New games this week: Tales of Vesperia edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We had a little trouble picking our favorite release this week. Though Mario Super Sluggers made a compelling case, in the end, we had to go with the little game that helped the 360 rise, phoenix-like from the ashes in Japan (before, you know, it dug right back in to those comfy ashes the following week): Tales of Vesperia.Portable players get some good news this week too with the handheld release of N+. Check the full list right after the break.%Gallery-17071%

  • New games this week: Madden '09

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    You can feel it in the frat house rec rooms. It's positively electric in the dormitories. You can sense the excitement in the living room of that guy you work with at Arby's who probably hasn't turned his 360 on since last time this year: It's Madden 09 week. As you can probably guess, it's enough to net him the featured spot.It's not as though he's completely uncontested, though. PC players get to look forward to Gas Powered Games' Space Siege and DS and Wii's Line Rider sequel looks like fun, though decidedly less free than its Flash counterpart. Check out the full list after the break.

  • New games this week: Books edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We were about to hit this week's new releases, but then we thought "Hey, aren't there enough video games on Joystiq? Wouldn't it be better if we took a time out to talk about other stuff people like? Like books?" So, let's do this. ... Wow, so, books, right? Don't you totally love them? Like the way you have to hold them up to your face to see the squiggles? And the way you can't see them in the dark?ARRGGH! OK! We give! We can't pretend like we know how to read for one second longer, we just couldn't face the prospect of elevating one of this week's games above the others. Do you know how bad things have to get before you consider letting the Cheetah Girls and Hannah Montana share the title? Pretty freaking bad, that's how bad. If you need proof, see the full list after the break.

  • New games this week: Soul Calibur IV edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Try as we might to fully embrace the idea, the inclusion of Yoda and Darth Vader to the Soul Calibur series still feels like something we would have dreamed when we were 12, told our friends about and then been mercilessly teased for. In fact, we won't be entirely sure the whole thing's not an elaborate prank being pulled on us by Namco-Bandai until we get our hands on a retail disc, which, appropriately enough, will be this week.Also this week, Sam and Max come to the Wii, as does the completely mystifying Summer Athletics The Ultimate Challenge. We hear you can train to be the top runner guy and get the platinum medallion for running challenges.

  • New games this week: Final Fantasy IV edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Wow, it's a great week to be a Wii owner. Well, we mean, it's comparatively great, if only because console competitors Xbox 360 and PS3 are getting absolutely nothing. On the other hand, all those Wii offerings were beat out for the top slot by a DS game that, in its original form, was released 17 years ago, so we guess it's all a matter of perspective.If you've got a hankerin' for mummy-centric games that star a character that sort of but not really looks like Brendan Fraser we've got a full list after the break.

  • New games this week: NCAA Football 2009 edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    E3 is a magical time for video game lovers, with new games being announced and games that you've already known about for three weeks getting re-announced. But for actual game releases? Well, it's straight dookie, if you want some of our its-E3-so-we-don't-have-time-to-be-clever honesty. Straight dookie.Sure, there's a new NCAA game, but beyond that? Pretty darn slim. Just exactly how slim will become horrifyingly apparent to you just after the break.

  • New games this week: Civilization Revolution edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Listen, we're excited by this week's biggest new release Civilization Revolution, but it looks to us like it's going to play pretty fast and loose with the truth. How can we tell? Well, let's take a look at the box art. It looks fine, right? Until you realize that Napoleon is towering over Genghis Khan! Napoloean, as the less educated among you (and Firaxis) perhaps do not know, was 2-feet, 4-inches tall, so the thought of him being taller than anyone, let alone some of history's greatest leaders, is an affront to logic itself. The only thing we can imagine is that Lincoln is on his knees and Napoleon is standing on a apple crate of some sort, in which case we can only suggest that Honest Abe needs new representation. %Gallery-4355%

  • New games this week: Guitar Hero Aerosmith edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Well, it's the end of an era. We've had a lot of fun over the last few months making fun of Aerosmith, both for their membership among the ranks of the walking undead and for passing mediocre music on an unsuspecting public for decades. But today we must report that, despite our most acerbic cursing into the blogging darkness, Guitar Hero Aerosmith is, in fact, being released. You win this round, Tyler.So why are we featuring it? Well, you ever see that scene in Hook where Peter gives Hook the dignity of having his hair back, even though they're mortal enemies? It's sort of like that. ... And yes, the closest contender is Purr Pals on Wii. Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.%Gallery-24025%

  • New games this week: Battlefield: Bad Company edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    After the New Games crown was sullied by Jimmy Threenames last week, Justin McElroy has pulled a Kerafyrm and awakened from his slumber, seething with rage. But, before the rampage could even begin in earnest, the beast has been soothed by the music of loads of new games.You've got Battlefield: Bad Company, Alone in the Dark, Supreme Commander, Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, Guitar Hero: On Tour and it's the middle of June! What's going on here? We don't know, but whatever it is, we hope it never ends.%Gallery-17120%

  • New games this week: Spore Creature Creator edition

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    They say records are made to be broken. And all great streaks must come to an end. Today, 45 consecutive weeks of "New games this week" brought to you by Justin McElroy has abruptly ended. For no good reason.As we take a moment to reflect on Justin's special achievement, we can't help but acknowledge the magic behind it. What manner of intelligent design commanded his fingertips at the keyboard? How is it that on the day the streak began, Justin seemingly wrote for the day the streak would end? Let us illustrate (with just a few, slight tweaks inserted):"It's days like this that make us pine for a time machine. Can you imagine being able to tell you from five years ago that the biggest release one week would be an original IP from EA where you [drag] and [drop] arms around to [create new life]? Oh, and also, you appear to be a giant pink squid-Travolta ... and it's called [Spore Creature Creator]. This new release list doesn't just tell you what games are coming out, it reminds you that wonders never cease."

  • New games this week: Metal Gear Solid 4 edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    What, you're surprised? You thought perhaps we'd use the global Joystiq stage to feature NASCAR 09 or Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm? Nope, it's all about Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, finally being released on an unsuspecting public this Thursday.This is by no means a one-snake show though. The 360's getting Don King Prizefighter, and the somewhat intriguing Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles is coming to the DS. But, of course, the biggest non-MGS 4 release has to be Snood Deluxe on the PC. Let us be the first to say: "Finally, we can pay money to play Snood again."%Gallery-23093%

  • New games this week: Ninja Gaiden II edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    See, now this is what a video game release week is supposed to be like. Not a lesser of several evils rising to the top like some sort of wicked curd separating from more sinister whey, but rather one glistening title beating out other worthy competitors. This week, where we feature Ninja Gaiden II, is just such a week.But if totally flipping out and killing people isn't your style, fear not! There are several other decent choices this week, like Lego Indiana Jones, The Bourne Conspiracy or GRID. Check out the full list after the break.%Gallery-7335%

  • New games this week: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    This was a close call this week, because the offerings are very ... how to put it politely? ... Porty. Which is to say, if you were interested in them, you've probably already played them. There's even Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition, which is a port onto the SAME SYSTEM! C'mon, feel the synergy!But we decided to go with Enemy Territory: Quake Wars largely because it's on two platforms this week instead of one like Mass Effect PC, and we're all about pleasing the masses. Check out the full list after the jump.%Gallery-1618%

  • New games this week: Wii Fit edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    It was a close call for the featured pick this week, and not because we don't see the value in people getting healthy with Wii Fit. But the Joystiq moms and wives all agree that we're perfect just the way we are, so the stereotype perpetuators among us will continue to rock the hearty keg or spindly champagne flute look in lieu of a six-pack.Check out all of this week's releases, like Haze on the PS3 and (finally) Garfield: Lasagna World Tour on the PS2, right after the break.%Gallery-4815%

  • New games this week: We Ski edition?

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    It's not unintentional that this week's headline ends with a question mark. We just wanted to be completely clear that we have no clue what the best game being released this week will be. There are just too many questions! On the one hand, you've got Prince Caspian, which is a licensed game. The trouble there is obvious. Then you've got Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm, which we'd love to be good so we can feel like men (if only virtually) for a few hours. But let's be honest: It probably won't be.So, the honor falls to We Ski. Can we promise you that it's not solely because it's really funny when you say its name aloud? No, dear reader. No we can't. We're hoping next week will be better; you can check out the whole month right here. Gallery: We Ski

  • New games this week: Boom Blox edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    After the release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii, this week's release of Boom Blox completes a hat-trick of really solid recent Wii releases (or, as we like to call it, the "Sorry You Can't Play GTA IV 3-Pack"). Perhaps even more so than the previous two, Boom Blox seems to be an experience perfectly suited to the console, despite the opportunities for it to go elsewhere.The other big two are (by far) getting the shorter end of the stick this week, with nothing on the Xbox 360 and just the Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year edition on PS3. Check out the full list after the break.%Gallery-15449%

  • Migrating your flock to a new MMO

    Eric Vice
    Eric Vice

    When the temperature starts to drop and the food supply starts to dwindle, it's a common sight to see flocks of Canada Geese airborne and flying en masse to a warmer more hospitable climate. The analogy holds for online gaming as well. When you've run the same content over and over again and the once-lush graphical terrain of your virtual world starts to lose its luster, it can be an indicator that it's time for you and your flock to spread your wings and look for a new online world to call your own. After all, once you've assembled all the elements of a finely-honed grinding machine in the form of your circle of online friends, why re-invent the wheel? It's often best for you to all uproot at the same time and move together.Our friend Relmstein has written an excellent article on the subject of how to migrate your circle of friends from one MMO to another. As the author points out, there are a number of MMO titles coming along soon that are going to cause shifts in server population throughout the MMO galaxy. Instead of starting over from scratch why not take your friends with you? Check out Relmstein's article and learn some of the secrets of how to make a successful MMO transition.