

  • New games this week: Grand Theft Auto IV edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Yeah, so, big surprise, right? Grand Theft Auto IV is the biggest release of the (first half of) the year and it's our featured game this week. But if you like the digit "3" to stay far, far away from your console name, fear not: There's good stuff for you as well with Mario Kart Wii and Iron Man (which looks like it may not be terrible) also being released.See what other non-hooker-beating-related wonders await you after the break.

  • New games this week: Emo kids win (or Persona 3:FES) edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    And verily did Eyelinerus decree that in the fourth week of April the goth kids would hold sway over all that they surveyed. And all the films at the cineplex would be replaced with The Virgin Suicides, and the radio would be replaced by silence, for the mere playing of recorded music through electronic amplification makes it too commercial. The week would be peaceful, save for the Great Goth Kid Purging, a bloodless, but still teriffically weepy affair. And the games? Well, the most impressive console release would be Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: FES, a souped-up version of the RPG released in August of last year. And on portable consoles? Why, The World Ends With You, sure to be an emo kid classic. Oh, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon would also be released too, for reasons Eyelinerus would prefer not to talk about. See all the slightly less emo titles that slipped through the cracks after the break.

  • New games this week: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Things are marginally better this week for PS3 owners with the release of driving sim super sample Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and PC gamers are getting some console ports like Turok and Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Wiis are even getting a nice release in the wolf-shaped form of Okami.Times are still tough for 360 owners though, who are marking their second week with no new releases. Game publishers: For just $10,000 a day you can sponsor a title for these needy gamers. Honestly, they'd be happy with anything. Another Bubsy game. A cart racer based on Blinx. Can't you please give? After the break we've got a full list of games just begging to be ported.

  • New games this week: Portal edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Yeah, it's old. But it's also Game of the Year, so we figure it's probably worth noting when the incredible, delectable Portal finally moves out of her parents' house and into an adorable studio apartment of her own. It's a good week for PCs all around actually, with the excellent Assassin's Creed arriving in a "director's cut" form. Oh, and this week's "Game That Sounds Like it Was Named by Us As 8-Year-Olds and Then Sent Through Time Into the Future Award" goes to Mini Copter Adventure Flight. We would have traded our Chris Sabo rookie card and a half-empty packet of Lik-M-Aid for a game with a name like that in a heartbeat. There's a full list after the break.

  • New games this week: Call of Duty 4 Game of the Year Edition ... edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Ahh, can you smell that? That's the smell of a new quarter, when companies realize they have three whole months before they have to report their profits again and so, like a lackluster Econ major, they decide not to worry about money until the last week. To that end, we've got almost nothing to report in the way of releases this week.It's so bad that our featured game, Call of Duty 4, actually came out in 2007, but we figured that the devil we knew was better than the Monkey King: The Legend Begins we didn't. (Note: We confirmed with Activision and Infinity Ward that Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year Edition will be released for PlayStation 3 at a later date.) Check the full list after the break.

  • New games this week: Dark Sector edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We've got to be honest, this pick is as much for nostalgia as it is for the game's importance: Just four short years after it was announced, Dark Sector, the very first next-gen game, is being released to store shelves. Way to never give up, little guy, you did it. Now please be good.If you haven't been holding your breath (and it's lucky for you that you haven't) there are a few other interesting picks this week like Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword and Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core on the PSP. Check the full list after the break.%Gallery-6390%

  • New games this week: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We were fiends for Rainbow Six: Vegas' incredible multiplayer modes back in 2006 (and into 2007, truth be told) so we had to give it the featured spot this week. That said, we'll be interested to see if it can remove current champ Call of Duty 4, which dethroned even the world's favorite Spartan.There's not a whole lot else of note, save for a new Hot Shots Golf. But we've still got the full list after the break for your perusal.

  • New games this week: Super Smash Bros. Brawl edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    What, are you surprised? The featured game this week is none other than Super Smash Bros. Brawl. We'd almost like to give it to George of the Jungle for going toe-to-toe on the Wii with Smash. Keep on chasing that rainbow, George. If you're in the mood for something a bit less brawly, this week also marks the release of Condemned 2: Revenge of the Zombos Bloodshot. We've got a full list for you right after the break. %Gallery-8530%

  • New games this week: Army of Two edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    OK, so we were sorely tempted to give the featured game honor to God of War: Chains of Olympus this week, but we've already told you how awesome it is in a metareview, and we featured a PSP game last week, so we're mixing it up with Army of Two. Will it be good? We have absolutely no idea. We hope so, but we just don't know. Also, the Best Game Title From a Game We'll Never Play award goes to ... wait, what's this? A three-way tie! Our congratulations go out to Petz Bunnyz, Homie Rollerz and, of course, Lets Ride Friends Forever. Way to go you three.

  • New games this week: Patapon edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    No matter which system you prefer, you have to be happy about a release week as beefy as this one. We say "beefy" because we're not really sure about the quality of most of the games on this week's slate with one notable exception: Patapon. We've played it, and it's officially a must-buy for PSP owners. For the uninitiated, it can be best understood as a rhythm RTS which is just as unusual as it sounds.Check out the full list after the jump.

  • New games this week: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Last week, we decided against highlighting the quirky DS title in favor of the arguably more mainstream console release. Then, we were raked over the coals for it in the comments, and rightfully so. Now, as a contestant on Project Runway might say, we're following our bliss, and selecting Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (the follow-up to the Phoenix Wright series) as our top new game of the week.To see what it beat out (including The Club and Dragon Quest: Swords), check the full list right after the jump.

  • New games this week: Lost Odyssey edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We were fully prepared to make the absolutely delightful-looking Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village our featured game but we were afraid ... well, we were afraid that you'd make fun of us. There, we said it. So we went with the predictable choice: The sweeping, "no, we swear it's not Final Fantasy" epic RPG adventure of Lost Odyssey, which we know will send several of your hearts aflutter this week.Also of note this week, we're looking forward to Wipeout Pulse and (in a sick sort of way) Jumper, which promises to be the best game based on a movie starring Hayden Christensen in which you do not actually play his character ever.

  • New games this week: Devil May Cry 4 edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    It seems like the release train is back at full speed now, after taking a month-long stop at Sleepytime Station post holidays. This week we've, of course, got the demonic emo action of Devil May Cry 4 and the actual release of Turok for the action fan. On portables, there's the new DS version of Assassin's Creed. PS2 owners are even getting a nice release with Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition. Welcome home, video games. ... Welcome home.

  • New games this week: Turok edition [Updated]

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Maybe we've taken one too many cerebral bores to the head, but we've decided to feature Touchstone's Turok relaunch as our game of the week. Since we didn't get the demo here in the states, (Ed: The demo is available, but only on PSN). We have no idea if it's a solid title or more of the dreck that the series devolved into. But we hate dinosaurs so much we want it to be awesome. Nay, we need it to be. Check the full list after the jump.[Update: Though GameStop has the game set to launch this week, Turok's official site says Feb. 5. So don't go looking for it this week.]

  • New games this week: Burnout Paradise edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We're happy to report that, for the first time in a long time, the choice for the new release of the week is clear: Burnout Paradise. That said, after playing the paradigm-shifting demo, we wonder if all of the series' fans are going to make the leap to this new iteration. How about you?Also: Good news for Wii fans this week too, with the sublimely odd No More Heroes also arriving. See the full list after the jump.%Gallery-2874%

  • New games this week: Rail Simulator edition [Updated]

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We have to admit we were a bit daunted by the task of trying to pick the release this week that was most important. Honestly, we look at this list and just start hoping there are some good Virtual Console games. But then we realized that we could cash-in on synergize with the fact that singing competition/awfulness parade American Idol was returning to the airwaves this week and let you choose the featured game. We've picked a few from the full list after the jump, and you just need to choose the one that you think is most significant. You can even try to sway others to your position in the comments, if you can muster up enthusiasm about any of them. You'll have until Wednesday to pick at which point we'll update the post with the winner. And yes, before you ask, we though about putting a "How boring, I'm waiting for next week" option, but didn't want a complete blowout. [Update: Way to go Rail Simulator!]

  • New games this week: Harvey Birdman edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    There are a few somewhat decent-looking titles this week, a welcome change from the mini drought that's been plaguing us since mid-December. But of all the titles on the list we're most looking forward to getting our hands on Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. We have no idea how well the series will translate to a game, but as fans of the show, we're looking forward to seeing the results. Check the full list after the jump.

  • New games this week: Crappy racing edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    You know what, Bold Games? We're going to give you a pass on the name. There's no denying that releasing six Wii games on the same day that literally nothing else is coming out is actually pretty darn bold. We have no idea if these $20 games will be any good (Spoiler alert: They won't), but if you can't go more than a week without buying a brand new game, here are your choices:Nintendo Wii: Monster Trux Offroad Classic British Motor Racing Kawasaki Quad Bikes Rig Racer 2 Kidz Sports: Basketball Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom What a fantastic way to start 2008.

  • New games this week: Santa hates you edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    You know what Santa's bringing to you and all the other good gentile/agnostic/festive atheist boys and girls this year? Nope, neither do we, because that's a Christmas miracle surprise, and the very knowing of that secret is a crime against Lorthos, the god of the Yule.But we do know what Santa's bringing to all the good/evil/very evil retailers this Christmas Day: Absolutely nothing. Squat. Nada. Zilch-o. Good thing they're selling those Mario-themed stockings, because it will be a great place to put their fat lump of coal.Just remember the oldest Christmas adage, kids: Santa giveth and Santa taketh away.

  • New games this week: NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    With this week's close proximity to Yule, we like to think of it as a gift to NiGHTS fans. That's right, gang: The sequel to your beloved game, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams is finally arriving. Have fun digging your cosplay gear out of the closet, here's hoping it still fits (spoiler alert: it doesn't). For those you with more earth-bound tastes, it's pretty much MX vs. ATV: Untamed or nothing. Check the full list after the jump.%Gallery-7638%