

  • GDC10: Dragon Nest hands-on

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Ever since the Diablo franchise hit it big with gamers across the world, competing companies have attempted to replicate Blizzard's addictive click-and-loot gameplay with varying degrees of success. There's just something satisfying on a primal level when you wipe out entire armies of monsters with a mere 2,142 mouse clicks. Mega-MMO publisher Nexon (Mabinogi, Dungeon Fighter Online) is bringing over another contender in Dragon Nest, a fast and furious dungeon crawler (minus the Vin Diesel, unfortunately). At GDC 2010, we were fortunate enough to nab a hands-on with Dragon Nest, a title could almost be considered a sibling of Nexon's Vindictus. Both games are action-oriented, twitch-based and include cutting through swaths of enemies for the glory of your inventory. However, while Vindictus is serious in tone and looks, Dragon Nest goes for a "cuter" feel. In markets where Dragon Nest and Vindictus exist simultaneously, such as Korea, each can co-exist peacefully while not undercutting one another. Of course, Dragon Nest is more than a cute face and a mouse waiting to be worn out -- hit the jump after the gallery to chew through this colorful game with us. %Gallery-118909%

  • GDC10: Massively's day 4 roundup

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Day four of the Game Developer's Conference is in the books, and was one for the books as well. Massively managed to score a number of interviews, hands-on features, and we even got our mug in front of the cameras at one point during all the craziness. As you're aware by now, there is still much more to come from our trip to San Francisco, so take this opportunity to catch up on any stories you may have missed. The future of Champions Online Massively set to appear on live Internet TV Massively's interview with Dungeons and Dragons Online An in-depth look at Black Prophecy Nexon's Vindictus revealed Vivox's Monty Sharma interviewed NCSoft speaks on Aion 1.9 Massively's interview with DC Universe Online Be sure to check back tomorrow for our final day coverage as well as a wrap up of all our favorites from the show.

  • MapleStory introduces Dragon Master Evan

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Evan is just an ordinary small town farm boy that stumbles upon a magical dragon egg. Little did he know, it would forever change his life. He had suddenly become a dragon master. In Nexon America's leading free-to-play game, MapleStory, you'll be able to play this new class and character. If you choose to do so, you will be expected to live up to some mighty high expectations, taming a powerful dragon and stopping the Black Mage in his quest to destroy the world. If you want to experience Dragon Master Evan and see what else is new in MapleStory, visit the official website. It's free, fun and can run on older machines so go check it out today. And if Facebook is more your thing, become a fan.

  • GDC10: Nexon's Vindictus revealed

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    I'll admit to being somewhat of a Nexon fanboy, and someone that considers them to be in the toy business rather than in the MMO business. They manufacture joy in my eyes. Bright, shiny joy. But the recent announcement of their new title "Vindictus" shows us a game that we are not used to seeing from Nexon. While it will follow the same business model that other Nexon games do, it promises to be a "sexy" game: a game that will make players feel like a hero. It promises to be more of an action game, or as Nexon America's Vice President Min Kim put it when he sat down with us for an interview, "an mmoACTIONrpg, epic, fierce and intense." Want to know more? Want to see the killer trailer? Join us after the jump. %Gallery-88064%

  • MapleStory pitches leveling rewards

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Leveling in our favorite MMORPGs can be a controversial topic. Some of us rush to endgame, but just as many enjoy the journey and find the curve to be rewarding in and of itself. Nexon, publisher of the F2P side-scroller MapleStory, is offering players even more incentive to grind out those levels in the form of their A Perfect Pitch event which kicked off on March 3. In a nutshell, players will receive a Perfect Pitch for every level achieved during the event time frame (currently slated to wrap up on March 30). Pitches can be traded in with Inkwell in Henesys or at the entrance to the Free Market, and prizes include the Spirit of Rock Chair, which recovers 60 HP and 30 MP every ten seconds, and the Wild Wolf Bandana which offers a number of desirable stat boosts. Head on over to the A Perfect Pitch announcement post for complete details.

  • Nexon iNitiative launching contest for new games

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Having a great idea for a video game goes hand-in-hand with playing them, and it goes double for MMOs. (Admit it, you have at least two that you keep locked up tight in your mind on the chance that Blizzard or Turbine or NCsoft come calling. It's okay.) But more often than not, those of us who specialize in playing and talking about making games never get beyond the idea stage. Making these things costs quite a bit of money, after all, and one lone game fan ranting about ideas isn't usually going to attract venture capital. Nexon America wants to make life just a little bit easier for the indie game developers and aspiring developers out there. They've just launched the Nexon iNitiative to bring funding to smaller studios and independent games, with an open contest for submissions. The best idea gets a cool million dollars of invested money, as well as a chance at a Nexon publishing contract. So while it's not quite a private design studio to make your great MMO idea come to fruition, it's a great chance for small developers to get a big leg up. If you think you've got what it takes, check out the submission guidelines and get cracking!

  • Mabinogi's Alchemy update brings in new boss

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With the most recent patch to the American Mabinogi servers, Nexon introduced the Alchemist to the world. Since then, players have been pitting their skills in special Shadow Missions against the evil denizens of the Shadow Realm. But now there's a new threat looming on the horizon, bringing with it all new challenges. Added to the game with the update is a special boss monster available to players towards the end of the Alchemist storyline, Claimh Solas, who is described as the "fiercest and most terrifying" of the newly added monsters. Claimh Solas will spawn once a week, on Saturdays, for players to band together into groups and take down in a special arena dedicated to the fight. While he starts out as a dangerous monster, players will have to battle together to weaken him and summon the golden dragon from the Mabinogi: Dragon update to assist them in taking him down. However, he will then respawn in a different form, his demonic wings replaced by swords to be used against his attackers. So if you're one of the many folks hanging out while Mabinogi goes through extended downtime, it's a good time to plan out leveling through the Alchemy story -- or seeing which friends will be around on Saturday, if you're already there. With that said, if you're one of the people who hasn't checked out Mabinogi but this sounds interesting to you, we've included the trailer for the recent Alchemy update behind the break.

  • MapleStory adds two new levels: Neo City and Kerning Square

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    If you thought that MapleStory was all about livin' in the here and now, then you can just forget it. MapleStory's looking towards the future because they have a new toy to play with -- a portal through time! Oh, and a shopping mall too, but the time portal is way cooler. That's not one, but two new areas to enjoy! Maplers can now go back to the future (Flux Capacitor not included) to Neo City and help the new NPC Andy save Maple World from becoming a dark wasteland. By jumping back and forth through time, players can help alter history to make sure the Maple World doesn't fall apart at the seams! But, if time travel isn't for you, then you can go shopping in Kerning Square! Oh, just make sure not to get your face rocked off by a spirit of music, or fall victim to the home appliances that have taken on a life of their own. Ok... maybe the mall isn't any safer than time travel. Either way, there are loot rewards at the end of both areas that players will certainly want to get their hands on. If you want a visual look into the two new zones, however, just check after the break! We have two teaser trailers just waiting for you! Plus, we have patch notes. Everybody loves patch notes.

  • Mabinogi fuses science and magic with new Alchemist update

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    In real life, alchemy was an early scientific movement that wound up stumbling upon a few concepts important to modern science. In Mabinogi, it's at the heart of the most recent update as a mixture of both science and magic, allowing characters access to new skills and abilities through research and magical prowess. The Alchemist update for the game has just been released into the wild, and brought with it a new form of gameplay, the aforementioned Alchemist abilities, and not one but two different holiday events for players to enjoy. Within the new zone, Taillteann, players will be able to explore both the Alchemist's House to research components of the new skills, or take part in the game's new Shadow Missions. If taking part in the missions and the new storyline isn't as appealing for the moment, however, there's also an event running for both Valentine's Day and the Lunar New Year, with both offering players a few carrots if they take part in the festivities. Mabinogi has been keeping a steady stream of content updates for some time, and this newest update promises to give players even more to explore within the world of Erinn.

  • Mabinogi adds Shadow Missions

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Mabinogi, aside from having a bit of an alphabet soup name, is not a game known for holding things back until the next content update. If they can think of something neat to add in, they'll happily do so more often than not. So it's not exactly a surprise that with their upcoming Alchemist update, focused around (wait for it) the Alchemist, the game will be adding brand-new "Shadow Missions" as well. Meant as a cross between regular party quests and dungeons, Shadow Missions are part of a new struggle against the nebulous Shadow Realm and the inhabitants of Erinn, Mabinogi's setting. The approach might feel a bit like the Skirmish system from Lord of the Rings Online, as you pick your mission from a message board in Taillteann depending on which of several types you feel like undertaking. Once you've chosen a mission, traveling north from town lets you cross over into the Shadow Realm and take part in the battle, either protecting important figures or leading the siege against the dark inhabitants of the area. The official site has a small preview with a list of mission types for what looks to be an interesting addition to Mabinogi's gameplay.

  • Dungeon Fighter Online raises the Threshold of Power

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Threshold of Power, the newest addition to Nexon's Dungeon Fighter Online has been released. This game update gives players a wealth of new areas to check out, and raises the game's level cap to 50. Of course, no fighting-style game would be complete without a variety of new moves, either. Add to that the 2x experience and item drops going on this weekend, and you can see why now is a good time to check out Dungeon Fighter Online if you're at all intrigued by the idea of an MMO based on old-school arcade fighting games. Thankfully, Nexon has sent out a video that shows off all the shiny new attacks off for those of us who aren't level 50. With moves as varied as giant energy dragons, on down to a very funny attack called 'Neil, the Sniper,' the video we've embedded for you behind the break is chock full of funky Dungeon Fighter Online craziness. We've also managed to make off with a bunch of screenshots showcasing the new areas and attacks from Threshold of Power, so be sure to check it out! %Gallery-84242%

  • Mabinogi enters open beta in Europe

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    While those of us in North America have been able to enjoy Mabinogi for some time, our fellow gamers in Europe haven't had the chance to check it out. That is, until now. Nexon Europe have just opened up the beta for Mabinogi in Europe, so anyone who has been curious about this fun little world can now check it out. To add to all the launch fun, the Nexon Europe team have put together a video featuring lots of in-game footage from the world of Mabinogi. Between the recently revamped starter areas, job systems, real-time combat, and fun things like the composing/performance skill, it's worth a look if you like free-to-play games. Check out the trailer after the break, or pop by the Mabinogi site to sign up for open beta.

  • Dungeon Fighter Online announces major content update

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Not content to sit idle after their last update, Nexon has announced another major content update for Dungeon Fighter Online, entitled Threshold of Power. The game is still in open beta but doesn't lack for content, and players that have been enjoying Dungeon Fighter Online for a while will appreciate this update when it arrives. The level cap will increase to 50, and the update will add hundreds of new items as well as lots of new quests and skills. Seven new dungeons will be added, offering up variety in the form of everything from a huge walking tree invading Frostfield to hordes of skeletons and the Death Dragon Spirazzi in The Catacombs. If players find the content a little daunting, they'll like the addition of Advanced Avatar Items, the other major feature being added with the update: "these rare Avatar items offer a boost for Dungeon Fighters and when collecting a set of eight pieces, players gain additional boosts. " The update will arrive on January 27th, so gear up and be prepared for the new challenges!

  • MapleStory releases videos for new content

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Earlier this month, we told you about some fun new content for MapleStory fans -- Nett's Pyramid and the Abandoned Subway. While they were both designed for mid-level players, they are worlds apart in style and content, offering up two very different challenges. Venture into the Abandoned Subway to battle hordes of Ribbon Pigs and Horny Mushrooms (no, really). For a change of pace, visit Nett's Pyramid to take on Pharaoh Snakes, Skeletons, and Mummies while being told "The curse of the pyramids will be upon you!" by a very large and annoyed guardian of the pyramid. Want to see for yourself? Nexon has given us a closer look at the two new areas with some short combat videos of both the Subway and Pyramid. We've included both of them here for you to enjoy. Follow along after the jump to take a look, and good luck with the pigs, mushrooms, snakes, and skeletons!

  • Latest Mabinogi update revamps beginner areas

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Nexon has revamped the starter area in their free-to-play MMO Mabinogi, lowering the difficulty in several dungeons and streamlining the Advent of the Goddess storyline a bit in order to make things easier and faster for new players to settle in. Veteran players won't be left out in the cold, however -- this is a great opportunity for them to revisit the beginning storyline. From now until February 9th, twenty random characters from each server that complete Advent of the Goddess will receive a Premium Human Character Card. That's not the only event adding interest to the world of Mabinogi. Players visiting Qilla Base Camp will notice a very special tree growing nearby with pieces of paper attached to the branches. Those pieces of paper are Wish Notes, found in treasure chests throughout Rano and Connous, and players can write wishes on them and attach them to the branches of the Wish Tree. At midnight, the wishes float up to the skies of Rano in a truly eye-catching display, and players have reported that their wishes come true! With these new updates, the worlds of Mabinogi are better than ever for both new and old players.

  • MapleStory introduces new quest areas

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Nexon America's long-running MMO MapleStory is introducing two new areas to their players, less than two months after an extensive content update with a brand new class and storyline. Players can now explore Nett's Pyramid and the Abandoned Subway, party quest areas available soon to all mid-level players. Nett's Pyramid is an ancient-Egyptian themed area full of pyramids and hieroglyphics, along with plenty of creatures such as mummies and skeletons to battle. The Abandoned Subway is a gloomy underground map full of creatures waiting to attack those brave enough to venture in. The new areas are great for hunting and leveling, and will allow players to experience the "Monster Survival" feature, as well as some nice extras. Players who manage to clear all stages in one of the new maps will be rewarded with bonus maps, medals, and buffs. The content will be introduced to MapleStory soon.

  • Nexon bringing Poptag to North America

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Hey, you guys know about Nexon America, yeah? The people who brought us MapleStory and Dungeon Fighter Online among many other titles. Well, they've announced that Poptag is coming stateside, which is sort of Bomberman only fully online and with water balloons... So, it's definitely got a specific "thing" going on. While throwing water filled balloons may not quite match up to tossing explosives, the game goes for a fast paced arcade style that should still appeal to people looking for that sort of experience albeit with cutesy water balloon throwing characters. And yes, this will be a free-to-play title with an item store, but that being Nexon's only business model thus far should've had you guessing as much already. But hey! The game also features a "sweetie" system that actually allows players to marry one another in-game proper -- aww. Poptag is scheduled to be released sometime during the first half of 2010, so if you find yourself interested in playing, keep on the lookout.

  • New Dungeon Fighter Online video highlights NPCs

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Dungeon Fighter Online released its first major update back in December, refining their game and clearing up some areas that had been giving players trouble. Now they are shifting their focus to helping players get to know the world in Dungeon Fighter Online, beginning with the NPCs. With this goal in mind, Nexon America has released a new video highlighting four of the main NPCs. Lady Kiri the Gunnar specializes in firearms and mechanics -- she has a wonderful contraption known as the Equipment Re-Enforcer that can make your equipment much stronger. It can also break your equipment, so be careful. She also has several quests, at least one of which tells you to go to Mirkwood. Surely she's not asking you to go play another game, right? We'll assume not, and move on to alchemist Loton Maximug, who sells potions for a variety of buffs to your character as well as use of his Disassembling Machine. This machine can break unused equipment down into smaller building materials. Traveler Delilah is next on the list, found at the end of each dungeon ready and willing to make equipment repairs for the right price. The last NPC is the mysterious GSD. He's blind and has a demon-possessed arm, but is heralded as the greatest swordsman around. He serves as a trainer and weapons vendor for Slayer characters. Follow along after the jump for the video introduction to these NPCs.

  • MapleStory releases television promotion

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    If you're pondering some last minute holiday gifts for the younger set, a gift of Nexon cash may be a welcome pre-emptive strike. MapleStory is hitting the television airwaves this season with a new holiday promotional commercial. The commercial -- which is oh-so-conveniently included here -- showcases MapleStory's brand new update. The Aran update added a fair amount of new content, introducing a new and storyline and namesake warrior class, the Aran. The new content also added a brand new start-up tutorial intended to give players "an easier and immersive entry into the world of MapleStory," so Nexon seems to be planning on an inrush of new players for their long-running game. The commercial is scheduled to run on Disney XD, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Nickelodeon, and Teen Nick. It began yesterday and will continue showing until January 3rd. Follow along after the jump for a firsthand look at the new MapleStory commercial.

  • Dungeon Fighter Online begins the Dawn of Retribution

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    It's the holidays, and the elder spirits of Dungeon Fighter Online are in a giving mood! The first major update to the game, the Dawn of Retribution, fixes three main areas that have been giving players some trouble with the game. If you felt things were going a bit slow, then worry no longer as the leveling curve has been reduced, speeding up your progress through the advancement tree. Less grinding, more punching monsters into the dirt where they belong! For the newer players entering the game, the lower level dungeons have been made easier and the tutorial has been revamped. So not only are the starting instructions clearer, but the starting dungeons won't beat you as hard as they use to. There's also the usual holiday event added to the mix, where snow will fall on the ground once per day for an hour. If you're there when it's snowing, you'll be enjoying a 20% experience boost during your adventures! There's also loot to steal off of Chrismas goblins and the special notorious monster, Snowblin. So get out there and get dungeoneering!