

  • "Non gamer" flip-flops, praises Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Remember yesterday when we linked to a story about an Australian "non gamer" lauding the PS3 for being a "serious console?" Well, apparently he's either got split-personality syndrome or decided to run for office, as we haven't seen such a case of flip-flopping since the last election. Usually such a situation as this is used to drum up page views, tainting the institution's, and writer's, reputation forever, deservedly. In this case, we're sad to say we have to link back to the site in question, but if we have to link to it one last time to show everyone their true colors, then we can live with that. [Thanks vidGuy!]

  • Wal-Mart passing on Wii demo units due to safety?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    As any console launch date draws near, you can usually count on one thing happening: being able to test out that fresh new machine at your local Wally World, whether or not they have any in stock, and regardless of whether you can actually afford to take one home. However, when November 19th rolls around, you're likely to be stuck demoing the oh-so-coveted PlayStation 3 all by its lonesome. It's being reported that Wal-Mart will not have its usual demo station for the Nintendo Wii for simple safety concerns over the fling-fests that could inevitably ensue. While it's certainly not a stretch to envision how quickly a Wii Sports battle could morph into a full-fledged spat, the world's largest retailer is apparently playing it safe by keeping those untethered Wiimotes out of the unpredictable hands of youngsters (and us not-so-young folk, too). Although the corporate giant won't answer its phone and the big N refuses to comment on rumors, our pals over at Joystiq were able to confirm the lack of pre-planned demo space for the Wii in the Q4 store layouts. So while you might not have much luck trying out the Wii at your nearest 24-hour SuperCenter, you can rest assured it'll be available -- along with those questionably priced accessories -- for purchase.

  • Sharpen those pitchforks: self-professed "non gamer" trashes Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's probably not a good idea to try and trash the Wii with little-to-no fact behind your fiction. One columnist found that out, the hard way, and now we have someone else trying to put the "man pants" on and beat down Nintendo like they're his red-headed stepchildren? Oh, no, we aren't having it! Like Forrest said "stupid is as stupid does."And that's exactly how this piece is coming off: ignorant. Why are you trying to write about the gaming industry and put weight behind your word after you profess to not even be a gamer? That totally validates your opinions, amirite? No, it does not. On top of that, you profess that "if you're a serious gamer looking for serious graphics and serious choice, you'll gladly pay double for a serious console." For being a "non gamer," you sure do know our kind well. Also, since when does "serious graphics" make a console and/or game? Some of the industry's best games have had sub-par graphics!We're usually calm-headed and objective, but this kind of biased "journalism" gets under our skin. We'll call a spade a spade any day of the week and while our blog is named Nintendo Wii Fanboy and our header image reiterates this title, it by no means makes us irrational, over-bearing fanboys. We love Nintendo because of the great products they provide us, not because they give us "serious choices."Whatever that means ...

  • CNET users vote Wii number 1

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Surely you'd expect to see the Wii reach the #1 spot on certain niche websites, but on a popular consumer site like CNET? Of course not, which makes it that much more awesome! On its weekly Top 20 list, CNET has seen the Wii present for 2 weeks running, just this week taking the top spot away from some other gadget thing and Microsoft's Zune. This shows us that Nintendo is realizing their goal of getting gamers and non-gamers alike interested in the platform. Hopefully we'll have a repeat next week, when the list resets.

  • More fuel for the free browser fire? [update 1]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Over at Internet Ad Sales, they're reporting that Opera will offer its web browser for a free period until 2007 on the Wii. What's confusing, however, is that the article makes no mention of territories. Now, you all know that this is how things are going down in Japan because you read this (right?), so are we to assume this news is just a late reporting of the previous, Japan-exclusive browser news, or has Nintendo adopted this strategy for other markets outside of Japan?We've contacted our Nintendo rep and will update the post with their response.[Via Codename Revolution][Update: Confirmed to be the real deal Holyfield folks! Rejoice!]

  • Hardware pr0n: nunchuk undressed

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If we had to equate the series of pictures for the Wii's nunchuk that are embedded into the post, after the break, to anything it would be Demi's dancing in Striptease. It has such lovely curves, we want to reach through our monitor and touch it. Our doctor says to not get so worked up, on account of the lack of nourishment caused from living (maybe you could call it living) in a dungeon, as well as the daily beatings, but we can't help it! We wants it! Our precious ...

  • TGS 2006 wrap-up: the Wii, videos, and you [update 1]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Now that the Tokyo Game Show has come to a close and you've been assaulted with numerous videos, we can all finally take a deep breath and carefully scrutinize all of this new data following the event. For Nintendo having no presence of their own at the show, the Wii was out in full-force. Before we get into what we liked and didn't like from the show, let's recap on what the show brought us, for both the DS and Wii: Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker in-game footage A new Bleach trailer A pretty sweet Elebits booth Kingdom Hearts creators unveil new DS game FFXII: Revenant Wings trailer and art Heroes of Mana animated trailer New Sonic and the Secret Rings trailer Best in Show: Elebits The TGS booth to rule them all New footage for Q? Entertainment's Gunpey It's a Wonderful World gets the preview treatment Lost in Blue 2 trailer More Final Fantasy remakes coming to the DS? So how did Nintendo do? The DS certainly rocked the house! Even though the DS was literally bombarded with nothing but RPGs, it still had a great show. A slew of new content will keep the already incredible platform from going stale. Those with an insatiable appetite for turn-based battles and potions will get their fix with Square-Enix's incredible lineup of RPG games to come. As for the Wii, it had a smaller presence through third-party publishers this year. Konami had the award-winning Elebits on-hand for eager attendees, as well as Sega tossing down the red carpet for their mascot with Sonic and the Secret Rings. Nintendo failing to make a unified presence themselves could've hurt their momentum going into launch, but we aren't worried. If we should be, then why?For all of Joystiq's Tokyo Game Show 2006 coverage, click here.[Update 1: Added in the interview with the Final Fantasy III developers.]

  • TGS 2006 wrap-up: the DS, videos, and you [update 1]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Now that the Tokyo Game Show has come to a close and you've been assaulted with numerous videos, we can all finally take a deep breath and carefully scrutinize all of this new data following the event. For Nintendo having no presence of their own at the show, the Wii was out in full-force. Before we get into what we liked and didn't like from the show, let's recap on what the show brought us, for both the DS and Wii: Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker in-game footage A new Bleach trailer A pretty sweet Elebits booth Kingdom Hearts creators unveil new DS game FFXII: Revenant Wings trailer and art Heroes of Mana animated trailer New Sonic and the Secret Rings trailer Best in Show: Elebits The TGS booth to rule them all New footage for Q? Entertainment's Gunpey It's a Wonderful World gets the preview treatment Lost in Blue 2 trailer More Final Fantasy remakes on the DS? So how did Nintendo do? As for the Wii, it had a smaller presence through third-party publishers this year. Konami had the award-winning Elebits on-hand for eager attendees, as well as Sega tossing down the red carpet for their mascot with Sonic and the Secret Rings. Nintendo failing to make a unified presence themselves could've hurt their momentum going into launch, but we aren't worried. If we should be, then why? We can't forget about the DS, either! Even though the DS was literally bombarded with nothing but RPGs, it still had a great show. A slew of new content will keep the already incredible platform from going stale. Those with an insatiable appetite for turn-based battles and potions will get their fix with Square-Enix's incredible lineup of RPG games to come. For all of Joystiq's Tokyo Game Show 2006 coverage, click here.[Update 1: Added in the interview with the Final Fantasy III developers.]

  • When incredibly zealous gamers attack

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    What do you get when you combine a camera and incredibly zealous fanboys? Not to be confused with a joke involving an owl and a bungee cord, this video quite possibly demonstrates Wal-Mart's worst fears. Regardless, the video is some light humor for your mid-day Monday.As always, the video is embedded into the post, after the break.[Thanks Erich!]

  • Nifty countdown timer for your desktop [update 1]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Filed in our "pretty nifty" folder, this desktop application will place a countdown timer to the Wii's launch in plain view, to be ogled by all the computer-using fanboys in the vicinity. We understand that not all of you may sit in front of a huge clock, just staring for hours, for fear of making the almost-criminal amount of time left until the console's launch go that much slower, as well as just plain old having better things to do, so that's why we bring you links to cool things like this. It's kind of our thing.For those of you on Macs and in other regions: Europe Japan Australia United States [Update: Added in links for countdown clocks in other regions than the US for Mac users. Thanks Vidar!]

  • Rumor: Wal-mart considers Wii dangerous?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Tipsters, whether they submit to Joystiq or one of the excellent Nintendo Fanboy blogs, usually are a breed unmatched. Willing to submit news and following the blogs much like a detective monitors a murder suspect, they are ever-vigilant in their quest to find and submit all news. Such a news tipsters spends his days as an employee at Wal-mart, a kind of double-life we imagine an extra-terrestrial super-hero or millionaire vigilante might live. During his off-hours, working at his store, this tipster commented that his higher-ups informed him that Wal-mart would not be receiving any Wii demo kiosks later this year for fear of "our shoppers being awakened from their brain-dead, zombie-like state and rebelling against us, their low-cost, reassuring overlords." No, wait that's wrong. What he really said was the company had a "fear of some kid getting hurt or injuring others in the process of flailing his arms around." Last time we checked, that's all kids do (besides crying in restaurants and ruining the experience at the movie theater).Joystiq tried to get a comment from someone at Wal-mart, only to never hear back from them and received the obligatory "we do not respond to rumors" response from Nintendo on the matter. [Thanks Nushio; via Joystiq]

  • TGS 2006: Sonic and the Secret Rings trailer

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    With the Tokyo Game Show in full swing, we're sure there will be plenty of posts like these to follow. While it may seem suffocating, these videos are for your own good. You need to see them. You want to see them. And this latest trailer for Sonic and the Secret Rings is no exception.Continue into the post to see the embedded video.

  • Rayman Raving Rabbids rumors debunked [update 1]

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    When a game like Rayman Raving Rabbids has this much hype, the rumors go flying. It turns into a he said, she said ordeal and 1up has put that to an end. For those of you thinking that this is strictly a platformer, you are wrong friend. This, as Nintendo cleared up, is a mini-game collection. As 1up tells us: The single-player story mode does feature Rayman running around in third-person along the lines of a platformer in places, but these places are limited to the game's overworld hub set in a gladiator arena. There is no "gameplay" connected to these scenes -- they simply involve moving Rayman from one challenge to another, without camera control, watching cinema sequences and earning prizes like costumes. Next, the rumor going around that the FPS mini-game has the player changing directions with the analog stick is false. The game automatically moves you and you aim with the Wiimote. Lastly, Rayman Raving Rabbids has not been moved to release in 2007. It is considered a launch title and looks like it will be one of the best (right after Zelda, of course). [Update: Fixed a typo.]

  • Hudson names flyer, reveals other info

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away we made a claim that the rumored Pilotwings title coming to the Wii would be developed by Hudson. Well, we were wrong. Turns out, Hudson doesn't even need the Pilotwings name as they've come up with their own flight-based title in Wing Island. We aren't surprised in the least as Hudson has pledged to fully support Nintendo's console.Naturally, the Wiimote will act as a yoke for the plane, allowing a more realistic control scheme for navigating the skies. A variety of missions and unlockable content, the game will also feature multiplayer, however we're unsure as to whether multiplayer encompasses playing online or if it is strictly limited to local play. Does this mean that the rumored Bonk title is a no-go or being put on the back burner?The game's page at Hudson's site may be accessed here.

  • Wii: then and now

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    "People change. Hairstyles change. Interest rates fluctuate." When Hillary Flammond uttered those words in Top Secret, she clearly hadn't experienced the gaming industry -- a marvelous, often magical place where things change very quickly indeed. As today's cataclysmic explosion of Wii news demonstrates, things can change for better or for worse. Yesterday's truth may become today's obsolete press release. So, what has (and hasn't) changed for Nintendo between then and now?Then: The Wii could play DVDs via an unspecified and entirely nebulous dongle. The original console description reads: "Two Disc Formats, One Slot: Instead of a tray, a single, innovative, self-loading media bay will play both 12-centimeter optical discs used for the new system as well as Nintendo GameCube discs. Owners will have the option of equipping a small, self-contained attachment to play movies and other DVD content."Now: Inserting a DVD into the system will likely produce a polite error message indicating a complete inability to play DVDs. Nintendo's Perrin Kaplan explains DVD playback was removed "in order to deliver the machine at a cheaper cost and because most people today already own DVD players." On the plus side, this reduces the amount of times we'll have to type a dubious word like "dongle."

  • Live at Nintendo's NYC Wii press conference

    Peter Rojas
    Peter Rojas

    Yeah, so we already know most, if not all, of the gory details, but we're here live in New York for Nintendo's US press conference for the Wii anyway. We'll have updates on the regular, stay tuned!9:20AM EST - Perrin Kaplan is on stage doing an introduction. 9:21AM - Reggie! He walks on, "We will reveal all the relevant information for the Wii." "Today marks our next planned step in driving this industry forward."9:23AM - "Our strategy is based on one core belief: brining gaming back to the masses. It's literally that simple. Appealing to current gamers as well as broadening the market. Four landmarks we've brought to market. Today marks the fifth. The first, the Nintendo DS."9:26AM - "How we changed the user interface, with two screens, voice activated microphone, changed the definition of what a video game could be. 2nd: Introduction of touch-sensitive games. Nintendogs, Brain Age. DS supplements your life instead of replacing it. Is it working? Definitely. New Super Mario Bros. exclusively for DS. Sold to 1M players in less than two weeks. What's driving growth are new players enjoying new types of games. In past four months, New Super Mario Bros. represents 35% of first party sales. Touch-generation represents 39% of sales."9:27AM - "So far in 2006 everyone is pleased with industry revenue growth at 8%. Nintendo DS is up 142% over last year. Take away DS, industry only at 2% growth. Nintendo WiFi Connection is the 3rd. 4th, the Wii controller."9:29AM - "The Wii Remote. The reaction has been astounding. The 5th step is today. We're not just altering the interface between player and game, but in the household. Here's the hard news: Wii November 19th, worldwide debut happens right here in the Americas, same place as Nintendo DS. On Nov. 19th, avail. in 25,000 retailers in the Americas."9:30AM - "MSRP: $249. One price, one config, one color: white. This simplicity allows us to maximize volume throughout the Americas. Our shipment goal worldwide is 4M consoles during the 43 days between launch and Dec 31. The Americas will receive the largest share, a continuous flow of units." Continued...

  • Mortal Kombat Armageddon interview

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Ed Boon likes the Wii. This makes us smile since he had made comments before that the Wii isn't a great place for fighting games. He has taken those hurtful comments back stating that it will be a good challenge to fit the game for the system. Mortal Kombat happens to be one of our favorite fighting games (entering the blood code while our parents weren't watching gave us quite the adrenaline rush) and we are thrilled to hear that the king of fighting gore is appearing on the Wii, especially when it brings every single MK character with it in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Anyway, MK god Ed Boon had a lot of nice things to say about the Wii including pearls like: "I hope the Wii is going to carve out its own market and will be very successful. As budgets for game development keeps going up and the prices for each system does the same, the Wii will become a more and more attractive option for both gamers as well as developers." When it came to talking about Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, he let us know that they are currently trying to find a way to fully utilize the Wiimote in this rather sticky transition. After all, we doubt you will find solace from fatalities with the usual combo breaker. Boon also stated that he would love to see classic Mortal Kombat games be a part of the Virtual Console. Again, we can't help but smile and twist our fingers in anticipation for Armageddon to reach our bloodthirsty fingers.

  • More Raving Rabbids scientific facts

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Those silly rabbids! Baths are for kids! These quarky scientific facts about rabbids always make us smile. Yet, with this video and the next, we find ourselves missing the old music. One of the main reasons we loved watching these 30 seconds of joy had a lot to do with the crazy rabbid screaming. Now, you can't really hear it all that well. It is drained out by rather annoying music. Annoying music doesn't mean we are done watching them. In fact, we have another Raving Rabbid scientific fact for you!

  • Disaster: Day of Crisis Interview

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    IGN recently interviewed Monolith Soft's president, Hirohide Sugiura about their Wii game Disaster: Day of Crisis. Sugiura had little to nothing to tell about the game and kept requesting IGN to wait for more information, be patient or ask Nintendo themselves. Hmm... Honestly the game sounds a bit like that movie that came out in 2004. The US is in danger of a lot of natural disasters and instead of watching people die or survive them, we play as someone trying to survive. Sounds interesting but we still don't know a lot about the game and all we are getting is: