

  • The Queue: Swimming kitties

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Alex Ziebart will be your host today. Today we address the real issues. Issues like kitties on broomsticks. aldristavan asked: I'm very upset. My feline familiar isn't riding on a broom. Kitty's just floating in air! >:( Is this a bug?

  • The Queue: I never get to go to BlizzCon

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. Have never been, not going to get to go this year either. Ah well. Hopefully it'll still be a fun time for everybody that does get to go. Me, I'll be at home. My prediction is that there won't be any news about a new WoW expansion, but rather other Blizzard games instead. ScottLeyes asks: Soooo... Argent Tournament Dailies? Frustrating or FRAKKING Frustrating? I swear there are more players in Icecrown than there were on the ENTIRE server pre-patch. "Get Kraken" quest took me NINE times to count eight spear tosses. On the podcast Anne Stickney said much the same thing. It seems that the quest damage is scaling with iLevel much as the Gunship in ICC is, and the Kraken dies with one or two harpoons, exacerbated by the sheer number of people doing those dailies for pets and heirlooms. I agree it sounds very frustrating and I'm sorry you're not having a pleasant time.

  • The Queue: Stuck on dancing

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. On the discussion of dancing in WoW, Nocjin and jonmynard reminded me of the existence of the above video, which is still pretty awesome, even with the old models implemented. I'm just wondering what it would look like if it used the newer models. Far less flipper hand, for one thing! ISO1600 asked: QftQ: Why oh why do old, easily-soloable raids still have weekly lock-outs? They obviously want us to farm them for transmog, and I REALLY want a Hammer of the Naaru, but only being able to run the Lair once a week sucks. Because all that stuff is still content to be completed. We are powerful, yes, but our characters are not gods, and should not be able to just mow over all prior content with no limitations in place. If you were able to just run in for a four hour stretch and smack bosses around until you got your hammer, that would pretty much eliminate any reason for you to go back and continue to do that content. Transmog managed to create new uses for old content that didn't exist before -- they aren't going to remove that aspect of the feature, not when it's so wildly popular.

  • The Queue: Okay so now can we have a Dance Studio?

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. You guys, I couldn't be happier with how the new models look. There are a few weird anomalies here and there, but overall the effect is a vast improvement to the game. It looks way, way better than it did only a week ago. Of course the blood elf models still need a touch up, but that's on the way after the expansion launches. So how about we dream big -- I mean really, really big -- and consider the thought of maybe, just maybe seeing a Dance Studio in the game? I mean, the models are all fresh and new. And if the old blood elf model looks this good doing the pandaren female dance as-is, things can only go uphill from here, right? Right? Devin asked: So what's your favorite change that you didn't discover until live? I just realized that changing my active talents will automatically update my key-bind. I previously had a macro for this that was accomplishing this but only passably. I was pretty delighted to discover that dialogue has its own volume slider in the game options now. I'd completely forgotten that that was a thing that was going in. I'm also pleased that the grass physics from Draenor seem to have made their way into Azeroth, too. Go try walking through some tall grass and see what it does.

  • The Queue: PvP Power, More subs, Transmog by color

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. Patch 6.0.2 allows you to basically kill Nefarian, Onyxia, Sinestra and Deathwing solo. You can basically wipe out the entire ruling lineage of the Black Dragonflight save for Sabellian and Wrathion in one evening, if you're so inclined. Ineptone asks: Is pvp power and resilience still left on pvp gear effective? I'm not sure if its just omitted from the character screen just in preperation to display level 100 stats or if its plain turned off. Let's ask Brian Holinka. .@williebuchan PvP Power is still on level 90 gear and still works. It is gone from the character sheet as it's gone from future gear. - Holinka (@holinka) October 15, 2014 So the answer is yes, those stats are still on the PvP gear, and they still work, but they won't be on PvP gear in Warlords and aren't on the character pane.

  • The Queue: Rexxar is the best

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. Rexxar is really strong. And brave. And cool. And the best, pretty much. He's Draenor's superhero. Jammy asked: Wtf, how does a 583 rogue die in a 5 man? Painfully. No really though, trash was easy, but the first boss of Mogu'shan Palace is actually three bosses rolled into one and bandages don't exactly do a lot of self-healing these days. Any other boss and I likely would have been absolutely fine. I also wasn't really prepared for or paying much attention to anything beyond a quick test run to see if I could bowl over heroic bosses as easily as I murdered my way through the Firelands the other night.

  • The Queue: Fine Draenor cuisine

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. I always kind of wondered how one cooks clefthoof meat. Apparently it involves throwing the entire clefthoof on a campfire. This seems like it would be a particularly entertaining addition to any mystery basket on Chopped. Chrth asked: Q4TQ: If you were to have a social* dinner with anyone from Azeroth, who would it be? Wrathion. I mean, come on. His table manners are likely impeccable and if I'm lucky there'll be some kind of temper-tantrum floor show or at the very least some really juicy dirt about some dignitary or another.

  • The Queue: Tachiraptor Admirablis, Proving Grounds, Consumables

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. Yes, they've discovered a new dinosaur in Venezuela, and yes, I'm writing about it in The Queue. Really, you only have yourselves to blame. Despite its name, Tachiraptor Admirablis isn't a member of the dromaeosauridae, but is rather a much older Jurassic era dinosaur. We know it's most likely a theropod, and that it lived over 200 million years ago, putting it near the beginning of the Jurassic and just after the Triassic extinction event. It's a very exciting find. And now to the Queue. What questions may we answer today? As Tachiraptor might say, skreeeeee. Armenius asks: Q4TQ: Is the silver Proving Grounds requirement for queuing for randoms retroactive or do we have to get it again at level 100? You will have to achieve silver in Proving Grounds at level 100 to queue for heroics at level 100.

  • The Queue: Podcast, Azeroth, The Matt Rossi, PTR

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) will be your host today. I really like that I got to name something The Matt Rossi today. I mean, there are so many great things that I could name after him. Cheeze, pizza, coffee, soda, puppies, etc... That gets me thinking, I need some more pizza in my life. Stroke asked: Where's the downloadable podcast?

  • The Queue: Proper orc posture

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. I like how every now and again you'll run into an orc with a suitably grim and fearsome scowl on his face to act as a counterpoint to the neatly braided beard. Do you think orcs braid their own beards? Who teaches them how to do it? Is this something you can ask your local goblin barber to take care of for you? nist asked: Why all orcs but Thrall are crookbacked? Nist, the standard answer to this is that mostly it's in place to further differentiate Thrall's model from your run-of-the-mill orc NPC. I have my own theories about this however, and they've got nothing to do with game mechanics and everything to do with the lore surrounding the orcs, and Thrall in particular.

  • The Queue: I feel like there's a joke in here somewhere

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. Have I mentioned lately how very odd it is to see almost every NPC and vendor in game suddenly showing up with fresh faces and gorgeous new models? It's a little disconcerting. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, but it's really, really weird right now. arwilkes9001 asked: In the Beta, have we seen what happened any of the orc NPC's that we fought during siege around Orgrimmar? Overlord Runthak & Ol Auctioneer Thathung & others, did any of them survive? Also are there any NPC's or flavor text that mention the events of the siege? Overlord Runthak has been replaced by a new, bluer, taller Overlord. A troll overlord. As for Auctioneer Thathung, I haven't seen him. I have, however, seen the orc above, who may or may not be a distant cousin.

  • The Queue: Pandaria CRZ, a whole lot of nonsense, class/race combos

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. So I got asked a huge set of questions and that's kind of taking up the majority of this installment of The Queue, so let's get on with things, shall we? Let's do. MichaelVakian asks: Q4TQ: Any thoughts on if 6.0 will drop on a Tuesday or a Thursday? I know generally Tuesdays are the magic day, but there has been something about them terrible Thursdays that keep pricking the hairs on the back of my neck. My default assumption is a Tuesday until I hear differently, which has not been the case so far.

  • The Queue: Release the Kraken!

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. Surprise! It's me! Writing the Queue the way I do sometimes. I decided to release a kraken today, I haven't done that in a while and I got to missing it. Besides, all these krakens piling up around the house, it's crazy, I can't get anything done. Snitch76 asks: Is there likely to be any more beta patches before 6.0, or any changes between the last patch and 6.0? I'm really hoping for a few last minute changes to my class(es) of choice! They did one last night. They'll keep doing beta patches until they're satisfied with balance, so you really can't be sure they're done until they outright say they're done.

  • The Queue: I swear it's a screenshot

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. The above is a small fountain/shrine/draenei structure along the path between the borders of Shadowmoon and Talador. I'm not exactly sure what purpose it serves, or what those pretty glowing lights are, exactly, but it's beautiful either way. Jalamenos commented: Seriously, that header image. I thought it was concept art at first because it's so beautiful. It's absolutely a screenshot. The fun part is that Draenor is absolutely full of scenic vistas like that one, and the one above. Honestly, this is one of the other reason I don't mind that we don't have flying right now in Draenor -- if you could fly everywhere, you'd miss running into these scenic little areas, and that would be an absolute pity because they are gorgeous. The whole world is utterly gorgeous.

  • The Queue: Plants are pretty awesome

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. I've been in the Warlords of Draenor beta since it began and there are still environments that completely take my breath away. Whoever was doing all of the plants and trees and grass and mushrooms and other assorted flora of Draenor deserves a crate or two of cookies. Klok asked: For what reason(s) does one need 5 Warriors? Well I imagine when being attacked by a rampaging army of bloodthirsty orcs, the more warriors you have, the better off you'd be. But seriously though, I think we can just safely say that Rossi really, really, really loves the class he plays.

  • The Queue: A great many words

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. So I missed the seventh anniversary of The Care and Feeding of Warriors, which makes sense, because I don't get to write it any more. It's strange because for the longest time, it was the lynchpin of my week here at WoW Insider - every Thursday night (like tonight, as I write this) I would sit down and I would think to myself 'Okay, what next? What are we going to talk about next?' and then I would do it. In a way the Friday Queue has taken that role, but it's not the same - as maddening as it could be to try and come up with another 1k words about warriors week in, week out, it was also something I really loved doing and it's something I dearly miss. Still, I'm grateful y'all let me take a whack at your questions week in, week out. I have nothing negative to say about paladins. They do their thing, I do mine. Live and let live, you know? Anyway, here is a Queue for you. Let's talk about World of Warcraft. Maybe there will be some warrior questions. I would like that. (Yes, I know they discovered a new species of Ankylosaur this week.) Krhe asks: Q4TQ: I'm not sure if this has ever been asked or answered but once we replace our Legendary cloaks in WoD will we ever to be able to xmog our new cloak to have the same visual effects as our Legendary? I can't say never but as of this morning (1 am eastern) the answer on the beta was a resounding no. You can't mog to legendaries and you can't mog special spell effects from one item onto another. So even if you could mog your legendary cloak appearance over your new cloak, it wouldn't duplicate the special effect of the cloak.

  • The Queue: World chat, flying, and legendary disappointment

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) will be your host today. Hey I don't know where this idea came that I hate Death Knights. I hate Paladins. Paladins stink guys. Xlol asked: What if I can't win a Silvershard MIne or Kotmogu PVP by the time 6.0 comes out? I've done Silvershard 15 times and have lost every single one of them.

  • The Queue: Beard obsession

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. I don't know why exactly a good chunk of you were so completely obsessed with beards in yesterday's Queue, but okay, I'll indulge with a Cyanide & Happiness short that seems suitably appropriate for the topic at hand. Or chin, I guess. Jorsha asked: Q4tQ: is Coren Direbrew a whole long dungeon fight or is it just the boss fight like Headless Horseman at Hallow's End? I need Coren to finally finish off the Brewmaster achievement, but I really don't enjoy running dungeons so I've never done it. I love the H.H. fight because that's all it is.... just kill him, hope for the mount to drop (still waiting) and then move on. Cheers! Coren is in fact just like the Headless Horseman. When you zone in, you do so right in Direbrew's room at the Grim Guzzler, and all you have to do is speak to him to start the fight. No trash, no dungeon, nothing but Direbrew and his cronies to take down. Easy enough! ... although be careful about pulling the rest of the bar while you're fighting him. It probably isn't that much of an issue these days, but I remember a few entertaining "oops" pulls when Coren was first introduced.

  • The Queue: Dinosaurs because it's Friday

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. Yesterday, I deliberately didn't go on and on about dinosaurs. So today, I'm not being nearly so restrained. Dinosaurs. Lots of dinosaurs. Also some mosasaurs and pterosaurs because hey, prehistoric critters, good enough for me. Portuguese scientists have apparently discovered the smallest dinosaur ever to be found in Portugal. I love when we find new tiny dinosaurs, because it helps remind us that they were living creatures that filled every niche. A rare dinosaur find in sub-Saharan Africa. Bruce is officially the largest Mosasaur skeleton on display in the world. Congratulations, Manitoba. Pterosaur species named after flying creature from Avatar (the James Cameron movie, not the airbender TV show) Alioramus skull seized by US Federal agents from smugglers Okay, that should keep me calm for a while. Let's get on with the World of Warcraft questions, which I suspect will be disappointingly dinosaur free. FabioKasecker asks: Q4tQ: I know that the questline for the cloak will be gone on 6.0.2 and with the release of WoD, but what about the vendor? What if I don't have enough gold to buy the second cloak for a second spec when WoD drops? Will I still be able to buy it after the release of the next xpac? The vendor isn't going anywhere. If you completed the quest before it is removed, you can still purchase the items.

  • The Queue: Legendary decisions, Lore, A boring lack of dinosaurs

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. No dinosaurs today. We are going straight into the meat of the Queue. Arthonos asks: With all the flack that Blizzard is getting right now over their decision to remove the Legendary quest chain, do you think they should be more upfront at the release of an expansion what will and will not be temporary content? More importantly, why should a company destroy content it created? I can see if the intent is to update or upgrade stuff, as they did in Cata, but this is removing content that would remain entertaining even after it has served its purpose as a source of loot. This is one of those times where I'm not happy with a decision but my unhappiness with said decision doesn't seem to be the same as everyone else's unhappiness with said decision. I don't care that they're taking a legendary out of the game or making it so people who don't have the quest by 6.0.2 can't start the quest. But I feel like making it so people who've started the quest can't finish it once Warlords drops is a bad move. Even if we feel like those people have had plenty of time, the legendary cloak is a huge ball of RNG luck, tons of time and dedication, a lot of really hard single player moments, that stupid lightning serpent on the Throne of Thunder - if people are on any part of that quest, they've done a ton of work, and to my mind they should be allowed to finish that work. Just zeroing out the quest and getting rid of their quest items doesn't sit right by me. Maybe I shouldn't care. But I really don't like the precedent that sets. The idea that the coming of a new expansion should erase all that effort. They've removed legendaries before - you can't get Atiesh anymore - but this is the first legendary that was simultaneously accessible and yet felt like such a personal achievement. Maybe that's why it has to go - a level 100 player could probably breeze through the chain. It still feels weird to me. That's my take on it, which doesn't really directly answer your question because I have no idea if Blizzard knew they were going to take the quest out when they introduced it.