

  • The Queue: In which stuff got weird

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. This week has been kind of strange. I put together an image in Photoshop last year of Elsa in the Lich King's armor, because it was kind of funny. Then I stuck the image on Twitter, and a lot of people liked it. This week, it popped up on a news site with an article about how Elsa dolls have dethroned Barbie dolls as the dolls of preference this holiday season. A lot of people told me about this, I found the whole thing very amusing, and then the image was pulled. Ah well. I still have the mental image of Barbie resigned to a Bolvar fate in my head, and that's enough for me. Lamneth commented: The dungeon system I miss from WoTLK was the Frozen Orb. They should make savage blood available via the LFD system. Even if it was just 1 or 2 at the end that everyone got to roll on. Would encourage people to stay for the whole dungeon and give me a reason to sign up for them when I already outgear them. If they put Savage Blood in as a drop reward for completing a heroic dungeon, I would start doing heroics again immediately. Without question. As is stands, the amount of time I have to spend in queue as DPS and the lack of any rewards that are at all currently useful to me make heroics largely useless as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure there are plenty of other people still getting use out of them, I'm just not one of them.

  • The Queue: I'm turning into Rend Blackhand

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. If you read today's Breakfast Topic, you know why I said this. It's a really surreal feeling, let's just go with that. Merkavar asks: Q4TQ anyone else miss the way dungeon rewards worked in wotlk. where you got one bonus reward per day but you could save up to 7. so you could smash out 4-7 dungeons in one go instead of doing one a day. im not on every day so it would be nice if one or two days stacked I feel much the same way. The weekend is the best time for me to get in some uninterrupted WoW time, and it would be nice if I could do a bunch of dungeons on Saturday/Sunday instead of trying to log on every day. I get why they made the change, but personally I miss the flexibility to my schedule this provided.

  • The Queue: Lockouts, level 3 mine, Nagrand, and NSFTQ

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) will be your host today. Kyra asked: If I already cleared Highmaul on normal difficulty with my guild, can we still do it on Heroic and get loot? People don't really agree on this, some say yes and others no. Any idea?

  • The Queue: You shall not pass

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. Today's Queue has absolutely nothing to do with Gandalf, I swear. Whiteout asked: Question for the Eminent Queue: Have you discovered anything odd in World of Warcraft, not a bug or error produced by lag, but something intentionally placed in the world, whether it be in Outland, Azeroth, or Draenor? Once upon a time back in vanilla WoW, there used to be places you could get to through ... creative use of game mechanics. I may or may not have been pretty good at getting into said places due to my overwhelming affection for punching the space bar and making my character jump every where I went. Back then, Hyjal wasn't a zone. It wasn't even an instance, it was a completely blocked off section of the map. There was very little in it save canyons, paths, a few houses, and a layout that looked kind of similar to what we got with the Hyjal zone in Cataclysm. That big crater that Goldrinn's shrine is in? It was there back then. There were also a few instance portals that looked like they could go to a raid or a dungeon at some point in the future. And if you happened to follow the trail all the way to the top, you were treated to an amazing view of Archimonde's skeleton impaled upon the World Tree. And at the very, very end of that trail were the construction signs shown above, marked "Blizzard Construction Company." It was weird. Maybe not quite as weird as the crypts beneath Karazhan, but it was pretty weird.

  • The Queue: Disturbing orc face

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. I think maybe I'm just never going to ask an orc to smile for the camera ever, ever again. maalin asked: Q4tQ: I got started late and am struggling to get my ilvl up before MC goes away. Why does MC not even show up in my lfg/lfr list? Others show up as disabled and the tool tip tells me what ilvl I need to queue. Molten Core won't actually show up on your list of raids until you're at an ilvl of 615.

  • The Queue: My cat is the best rogue ever

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. That's my cat Sasquatch. He is adorable, and also, apparently he's a master of stealth. Just look at him up there. Oh, wait, you can't, because he's just that stealthy. Right now, let's answer some WoW questions! The way Sasquatch would, with all the craft and guile of a master of subtlety. Failing that, let's just hide under a rug. Bapo-The-Paladin asks: So do all three world bosses share a loot lockout, or is it just Drov and Tarlna? The hotfix makes it sound like it's just them, since Rukhan also drops higher ilvl gear? Based on my reading of the patch notes it's just those two. I don't think there's a third for this to be applied to yet anyway.

  • The Queue: It could all be about the pet battles on iPad

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) will be your host today. Welcome to another week of Warcraft -- let's talk about WoW today, shall we? Sgracy asked: Do you think they should allow the battle pet game to be separately available on iPad, etc? I think it would do really well like Hearthstone, and Blizzard could make money too. I subbed 1 year back and really liked collecting battle pets. Since there is no pokemon on mobile yet, it would do really good.

  • The Queue: Sha crystal power, make up

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. Since I already had one short video yesterday, I figured I'd do another one today. If you haven't seen Just Another Summer Night in full, you really should watch the whole thing. Let's get to the Warcraft questions ... or actually, first, let's look at a comment. atanae commented: For those of us old enough to remember beanie babies... If Blizzard made plushies of all the battle pets...yeah...license to print money. I never collected beanie babies. I couldn't throw money hard enough at Blizzard to collect plushie battle pets. Priorities... This is something I have wished that they'd do for years, and I have no idea why they haven't jumped on that particular licensing opportunity yet. No idea!

  • The Queue: Mom's not home

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. The above film was a little too short for a Moviewatch, but just right for a Queue header. I could totally see a couple of goblins doing this, too. What's the Azeroth equivalent of Vine? Do we have one? Should we have one? hordak asked: is there a way for alts (or toons in general) to fly at 85 in Pandaria? I thought I saw something about a tome on the BMAH, but it wasn't specific and my google searches have come up short. There is a book called Grimoire of the Four Winds that is Bind-on-Account so you can send it to your alts. However, the book is only available in the Black Market Auction House in Nagrand, and the starting price is 1k. Leveling is pretty speedy these days, so unless you're dying to fly prior to level 90, honestly I'd say just use your ground mount.

  • The Queue: Sunday is my birthday

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. It's been a rough month. Physically, at least. I've been unwell, let's put it that way. Anyway, Sunday is my birthday and I'm pretty excited about it. Excited enough that I'm going to address Sheoll's comment about galloping crocodiles here instead of as a WoW question, because, well, it's not a WoW question yet. (But it could be. Come on, WoW devs, give us some panzercrocs.) I've liked terrestrial crocodilians like Pristichampus for years, but Serano's galloping crocodiles are evidence that crocodiles were a very broad group with significant variation between members. Crocodilians are an incredibly successful group, the only surviving archosaurs besides birds, and its fascinating to see them in the fossil record varied from 40 foot long, 9 ton Sarcosuchus to tiny Araripesuchus, with body plans for completely terrestrial life, semi-aquatic, and even fully aquatic lifestyles. Seeing crocodilians with fully upright gait still blows me away. One of the concepts I love when discussing paleontology is that of deep time - essentially, instead of trying to create a narrative for these animals (like, as an example, the one that argued dinosaurs were doomed to extinction because they were more primitive than mammals, which has been entirely disproved by now) you have to realize how vast the periods of time we're discussing. The Cretaceous alone was over 79 million years long. That's just the Cretaceous, that's not even counting the Triassic or Jurassic, nor periods like the Permian that predated them. Essentially, it's impossible to compress that much time into anything like a meaningful narrative - too much happened that we don't know, can't know, and will never know. It puts a birthday in perspective, let me tell you. Anyway. World of Warcraft questions. Let's discuss them. CaptainCakewalk asks: Q4tQ: Seeing as there has been a rather enormous amount of mounts in Warlords, I am wondering what is your favourite so far? A pig. Specifically, this pig. Now if only there was a boarcroc mount in WoW.

  • The Queue: Pressure pushing down on me

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. My birthday is in six days. What did you get me? You didn't get me anything, did you? This is my sad face. You can't see it, of course, because it's just that sad. And also because I didn't actually take a picture of it. Let's all just listen to my favorite David Bowie song, which also happens to be my favorite Queen song. PhantomQuasar asks: How would you like to see the Garrison evolve in the next expansion? What could be done to improve this concept even more? The three ideas I've seen for Garrisons that I've liked so far are as follows: Warcraft style Garrison PvP, where you and your followers (acting as hero units ala Warcraft 3) do battle against another player and his followers. Mobile Garrisons - maybe an airship like the Skybreaker or Orgrim's Hammer, or gigantic naval craft, or if we go up against the Burning Legion maybe something like a Naaru dimension ship. Heck, maybe we can get our hands on Tempest Keer. And maybe it can transform into a giant robot. Yeah, I like Macross so what? Dance Studio. Just make it happen already. I don't necessarily think it should be the same Garrison, or even called a Garrison next time, but if we're going to evolve the concept, I love the idea of a mobile base that takes you from zone to zone. Kind of a quest hub that follows you around.

  • The Queue: This is a Placeholder

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. I've had this song stuck in my head for a while now, so you guys get to follow me on a trip down memory lane. I think one of the more entertaining memories I have from vanilla is that invariably, when something messed up with the servers, it was always the boats and graveyards that seemed to be affected. One minute you were sailing away, the next you were falling to your death at a graveyard in Stonetalon Peak. Why Stonetalon? Mysteries, my friends. Mysteries that will never be explained. midnightlurker asked: Do you think there could ever be a T4 garrison? It looks like there's space to expand past the south gate. Absolutely! If they felt like doing so, they could expand out a bit. Or just put in level four buildings without changing the map, that would probably work too -- they'd just have to be careful to design the buildings within the same footprint that the level three buildings already take up. It really just comes down to whether or not they feel it's necessary.

  • The Queue: All about that base

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. I love my garrison and I probably spend way too much time in it. But I really like the whole home away from home base that I built all by myself. It's cool. I can invite my friends to it. I keep discovering new and weird things about it, every day. Did you know the NPCs really hate it if you sit in chairs that they're allowed to sit in? They will either stand directly behind you and breathe down your neck to try and get you to leave, or stand directly in front of you with their butts in your face, trying to accomplish the same thing. It's like living with a fleet of cats. They'll leave you alone unless you want to be left alone. slipperee asked: Q4tQ: Who is your favorite follower and why? Mine is Blook because who doesn't like having a big ogre/gronn stomping around? At the moment, I think my favorite follower is still Lantresor. I loved his story in Burning Crusade, and I was really happy to see him again on Draenor this time around. But I tell you what, if Cro Threadstrong ever somehow magically made his way into the follower database I would never, ever, ever deactivate him. Ever.

  • The Queue: What's up with Gorehowl?

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. Those of you who had a holiday yesterday, I hope it was festive. Those that didn't, I still hope it was festive. I hope you had random festivities just happen because you're cool and you should get to be festive all the time. Now let's talk about World of Warcraft. Our first question is one I've mused about before. ChaosInHyrule asks: do both Garrosh and Grom wield Gorehowl? if so, did Grom ever notice? Yes, and yes, sort of. When Garrosh was transported to Draenor, he didn't have Gorehowl - he left that behind in the chamber the Heart of Y'shaarj was discovered in and where the forces of the Alliance and Horde faced the Sha of Pride. When Garrosh informed Grommash of what Gul'dan's offer would mean, the elder Hellscream wielded Gorehowl in the fight against Mannoroth. But when Garrosh took Grommash's place as Warlord of the Warsong Clan from Garroshar in Nagrand, he was using Gorehowl, and when we see Grommash in flashback scenes like the one in Shadowmoon Valley, he isn't using Gorehowl, which implies that he entrusted it to Garrosh along with the responsibility of leading the Warsong. So, since it seems that Grommash let Garrosh use Gorehowl, he probably did notice that Garrosh was using it.

  • The Queue: Draenic marshmallows

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. Look, I'm not going to argue the mechanical wonders of goblin engineering. I mean I'm a goblin engineer and everything. But I'm wondering where the heck this particular goblin managed to find marshmallows on Draenor -- I'm not objecting, mind you. I'd just like some for myself, thanks. BlazeNor asked: Do anyone know if the rarity of followers effect the benefits to the profession shops they are assign to? Nope! All rarity affects is how many traits your follower has, which in turn plays into how good they are at completing missions. An uncommon follower with the ability to work at the Engineering shop will offer exactly the same things as an epic follower that has the same ability.

  • The Queue: Not cute

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. You might think the above screenshot is incredibly cute. Aw, look at the little podlings! They've found an elekk to ride around the town. Yes, it's very adorable until you target the podlings, realize they are in fact Hungry Podlings, and then have to deal with the disquieting possibility that they are eating that elekk alive. Podlings are gross. Benjamin Seeberger asked: So once I hit level 100, how much time will it reasonably take me to actually get to ilvl 615? Not too long, all things considered! Questing in Nagrand will help considerably -- the rares out there drop some pretty high-end rewards, and quest rewards are also pretty good. You'll end up doing some dungeons as well, but with the changes to Personal Loot now guaranteeing you a piece at the end of an LFG dungeon run, you'll find yourself there in no time. You've got until January to run Molten Core, so there's really no need to worry about whether you'll be there in time. It took me a few days, but that was less because it was difficult and more because I didn't have a ton of time to run dungeons for gear right off the bat.

  • The Queue: Looking back on 10 years of WoW

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. Consider this one a slightly more personal Queue than most, because today's the start of WoW's 10th anniversary celebration, and that means telling a little story. That screenshot above is from just before I got my Sulfuras, which I still have - I've had it for eight years now. But I wouldn't have gotten it, or done any of the raiding I did then, or even played this game at all if not for the fact that WoW let me talk to Julian, my wife (she wasn't my wife yet then) when we were separated. World of Warcraft was our means to stay in touch after we were parted for a while, and it became something we did together - we ran through Southshore and up to Scarlet Monastery together, back before you could just queue for dungeons, when the only way to get summoned was via a warlock. Before Blackwing Lair was even out, we ran Molten Core together. We were both guilded together, raided together, and before that we leveled together. World of Warcraft has been special for me entirely because of how it made a bad patch for the two of us better, let us share sunsets on the docks, let us camp that annoying Horde druid who kept ganking lowbies outside Southshore and just kill him until it wasn't any fun for him anymore. I proposed to Julian during a Molten Core run. The game has been a part of our lives. It is just a game, admittedly so, but it's a game we shared, a game that we met friends in, a game we played together. A game where I was once forced to level a character entirely so I could stand in a swamp and cast Heroism so that my wife could tame a special rare pet. It's been a heck of a decade, World of Warcraft. I might not be married if not for you. I certainly wouldn't have a job writing about you if you didn't exist. So thank you. And now, for your questions. Zheo asks: QFTQ: Next expansion - Legion or something else? I can guess if you want. I have absolutely no evidence to support this, I'm making up an answer based entirely on my personal beliefs, no one's told me anything - but I think it's pretty likely that at the end of this expansion we well and truly tick the Legion off. I would not be surprised if the next expansion was the Legion come around again. That being said, I'd be okay with a completely different expansion. I still think a gnome themed expansion could work.

  • The Queue: Dungeon difficulty, Dungeon Queues, Boost a warrior.

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today. I'm one of those people who liked Mists of Pandaria. I thought and still think that it was a solid, well designed, well developed expac with a lot of solid new lore, well designed content, and that its major flaws were a lack of dungeons as the expansion continued, some PvP issues, and that deadly year plus with no new content at the end. So while I'm heartened to see Warlords having a positive effect and people excited for it, I'm not down on the 'stupid pandas' trip a lot of people seem to be on. If you didn't like Pandaria, that's your call, but it doesn't make those of us who did less intelligent than you. It's just a matter of taste. That said, I'm in a paraoxysm of joy over the draenei lore in this expansion. I haven't leveled Horde yet - my tauren's getting impatient, but I have so much to do on my main it doesn't feel like the right time yet. Draenor is an incredibly well designed and executed expansion so far. It's a joy to play through. Bugboy asks: Q4tQ: I haven't gotten into the new dungeons yet, but recall that, difficulty-wise, they're supposed to be somewhere between Cata and MoP. Is that about where they are? I'm of the opinion (based both on my own experiences and those of my friends) that some dungeons are harder than others. Slag Mines has issues if you're melee, as an example. I'd definitely argue that they veer towards the Cataclysm side of things. Skyreach and Auchindoun didn't seem too bad.

  • The Queue: DDoS, WoW's population spike, and flying

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) will be your host today. I've only answered two questions in the Queue today. Enjoy. Keleli asked: Are the DDoS attacks still ongoing or are these queues the norm now?

  • The Queue: Ode to the Frostwall Woodcutter

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today. Oh Frostwall Woodcutter, I know not who put you in this game, nor do I understand why you and your brothers are content to do endless rounds of squats rather than toting your lumber to the appropriate building. But I am certain, dear Frostwall Woodcutter, that perhaps you would be more comfortable with a shirt. I mean come on. There's snow on the ground here. Although I do kind of like that whole burly lumberjack thing you've got going on. Zug zug. DavidBaldock asked: Not that I'm concerned about getting to 100, but in a non rushed approach, if I start on Monday and put in say 3 hours a night every night, when should I expect to hit max level? Friday? The following Monday? Just curious. If it's three solid hours of questing and dungeons, I'd say maybe a week to ten days or so, two weeks at most -- and that's mostly if you spend a lot of time fiddling around. Leveling really doesn't feel like an arduous chore this time around. It's fun, and seems to be pretty well-paced. Make sure you park it in your garrison or an inn to get rested XP when you aren't playing, and the process should be pretty smooth and painless. No rushing necessary.