

  • Simpsons "Land of Chocolate" trailer on XBLM

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Despite the somewhat frustrating demo recently released on Xbox Live, we still find ourselves drawn to the upcoming Simpsons Game from Electronic Arts. The latest trailer for the game has been released on XBLM and the intertron, and it showcases the game's "Land of Chocolate" level. Fans will recognize the level from one of Homer's more interesting dream sequences from the television series, in which he is transported to a land where absolutely everything is made of chocolate. While we found the recent demo to have many classic flaws attributed to third person action games (bad camera, bad!), we're really hoping that the game's humor can help us see past them.

  • XBLM gets Simpsons and Conan demos

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Ah, who doesn't love a good demo? It's not quite like getting a free game, but it's close. Every day we turn on our beloved 360, hoping to see some shiny new demos winking at us coquettishly. Suckers that we are, we download them all, regardless of whether or not we're likely to enjoy the game. Today is extra special though, because not only do we have two new demos on Xbox Live Marketplace, but we have demos for games we've been eager to try. The first is Conan, which gives us license to chop, hack, and bludgeon hapless foes (and who doesn't enjoy that?). The second demo is for The Simpsons Game, which has been looking more appealing all the time. We're hoping that the demo gives us a nice long look at the self-referential humor that has been present in the recent trailers. But hey, whatever happens, they're free, right? Go give 'em a try.

  • The Simpsons game takes on EverQuest

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Not long ago, we posted a video from The Simpsons Game featuring a parody of Medal of Honor. We enjoyed the self-referential humor contained in the trailer, and now a new parody video has hit the web. The latest trailer, entitled "NeverQuest," is a parody of the popular massively multiplayer online RPG, EverQuest. The video features several jabs at fantasy conventions. You'll see hobbits, Homer dressed as Link, Marge as her MMO avatar, and plenty of other characters thrust into the stereotypical space. Our favorite is probably the two-headed Patty and Selma dragon. Scariest. Dragon. Ever. Oh, and listening to Homer goof on Gandalf's famous line -- "You shall not pass!" -- is priceless.While the gameplay looks like it could be somewhat derivative, here's hoping The Simpsons Game turns out to be a rare example of good writing triumphing over gameplay.

  • Simpsons Medal of Homer video pokes fun at EA

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Okay, rarely do gamers ever get excited about games based on movies or television shows. Sure, there is the occasional diamond in the rough, but by and large there is lot more rough out there. To top that, The Simpsons is sitting on more crappy licensed video games (NSFW) than just about any other entertainment property. As such, we're reluctant to get excited about the upcoming console iteration, but damn it, we just can't help it. The latest video from The Simpsons is a spoof of EA's Medal of Honor series, and it looks to be a pretty good one. If The Simpsons can maintain this kind of self-referential, tongue-in-cheek humor and implement even halfway decent gameplay, it could be a lot of fun. Here's hoping.

  • PSP Lite launches September 5th in Europe with Simpsons Yellow, Spider-man Red

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The race for PSP Lite is on! And ... Europe wins! The redesigned PSP-2000 will arrive in Europe on September 5th, and will feature two new movie-themed PSP systems to boot. "Simpsons Yellow" and "Spider-man Black and Red." We don't have pictures of these new models quite yet -- but our man in Leipzig should be able to steal a snapshot for you tomorrow. Unfortunately, according to Joystiq, it appears as though The Simpsons model is quite "gaudy."

  • Pirated Simpsons Movie footage snagged with mobile

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    A 21-year-old Aussie is looking at up to five years behind bars after being charged with "uploading a pirated copy of The Simpsons Movie on the internet." Interestingly enough, his weapon of choice was not an uber-small camcorder, rather, he chose to record the entire film with his mobile phone on its first day in cinemas. Merely hours after returning home, the footage was already making the rounds on the 'net, but he has since been arrested after having his home raided by Federal Police. Adrianne Pecotic, executive director of the Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft, was quoted as saying that mobile phones had "advanced to the point where users could do a lot of damage" with its built-in video recording abilities, and also noted that pirates were "increasingly ditching handycams for smaller mobile phones."[Thanks, Geoff]

  • Buying a Simpsons 360 is easier than winning it

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Has trying to win a Simpsons themed Xbox 360 got you down, tired and depressed? Have you given up all hope and believe owning a rare Simpsons 360 is impossible? Well, if you have the cash to back up your desires then we have good news for you.Up for auction on eBay one of these yellow Simpsons themed Xbox 360s that was won during a taping of MTV's TRL by tossing donuts into Homer's mouth. The winning donut tosser didn't want her yellow 360 and decided auction cash would suit her better. Currently, the high bid is at a whopping $1,900 with five days to go, so you better be packing a fat wallet.As the old saying goes, one person's winning TRL moment is another person's high bid which creates a profit-pay exchange that ends in a owner and a seller who are both happy, happy excited![Via Xbox 360 Rally]

  • E3 07: Hot diggity! The Simpsons DS videos!

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Though the Nintendo DS version of The Simpsons Game won't have the 3D frills that its console counterparts will feature, that's perfectly fine with us! We didn't need 3D to enjoy The Simpsons' license when it was an arcade game in the 90s, and we don't need it now!Judging by these first two video previews, the family's first foray onto our dual-screened system looks fantastic! As expected, the 2D platformer is teeming with references and characters from the show, even including a a level where you get to eat your way through the Land of Chocolate. According to Game|Life, Electronic Arts will be packing the handheld title with 2000 lines of spoken dialogue.We weren't impressed with most of the minigames we saw unlocked in Noiseland Arcade, but the "Pet Homer" Nintendogs spoof definitely made us smile. We've always wanted a donut-chomping lout of our own to poke, feed, and care for. Do the Bartman and dance past the post break for GameTrailers' developer walkthroughs.

  • The Simpsons meet their maker

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Warning: this post contains spoilers about EA's The Simpsons Game, specifically about the end of the game. If you're trying to go into this game with no knowledge whatsoever, go ahead and skip this post.But since we don't think there's anyone out there on a Simpsons Game Media Blackout, and since both our sources published this right in the headline, we'll go ahead and reveal the BIG TIME SPOILER: Simpsons creator Matt Groening will be appearing in the game as the final boss."I'm a boss that you have to fight at the end of the game. It was really fun recording a million ways of dying, going 'UGGH, ARGGH, EUURGH!'"Between the preponderance of old and new Simpsons characters, and the video-game-parodying plot, The Simpsons Game actually sounds pretty great![Via]

  • Fight Matt Groening to beat The Simpsons

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It seems the upcoming The Simpsons video game from Electronic Arts is positively full of surprises. First and foremost, obviously, is that it actually looks pretty good (visually at least). Add to that the news that Matt Groening, creator of television series, will star as the game's final boss (or one of them at least). Groening has stated, according to, "They did a send-up of videogames. It's a videogame about videogames; and I'm in the videogame. I'm a boss that you have to fight at the end of the game." Groening added that he has enjoyed recording his voice for the game. Eager Simpsons fans can get their hands on the game this fall.[Via Joystiq]

  • Another way to win a Simpsons 360

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Previously, we mentioned that you could win a yellow Simpsons themed Xbox 360 by participating in the Cloning Clyde Play and Win contest. Fine and dandy except for those of us who don't have or want to purchase Cloning Clyde to enter. Well, Microsoft has those of you covered by giving away another Simpsons 360 AND a trip to the movie premiere in LA to one lucky entrant who sends them an email. That's right, all you have to do is send shoot an email off to with the subject "Simpsons Movie Premiere" by July 14th and you are entered. Very simple. Again, one lucky winner will receive the coveted yellow Simpsons Xbox 360 and a trip to LA for The Simpsons Movie premiere. Good luck everyone!

  • Homer says burgers are good for Play and Win

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The Simpsons + yellow Xbox 360 = greatest Play and Win prize ever! Over on they've posted details about two new Play and Win events going down in July involving The Simpsons Movie and McDonalds' Burgercon. First up is the Burgercon Play and Win event which supposedly kicks off today through July 5th although we don't see any way to sign up. What we do know is that you'll have to play Forza 2 and they'll be giving away Microsoft points and 360 HD DVD players. Not too shabby, but not nearly as exciting as The Simpsons Movie Play and Win. This promotion runs from July 2nd through July 17th where you can win the sexy yellow Simpsons Xbox 360 featured to the right. They are giving away five of these yellow wonders and all you have to do to enter is play Cloning Clyde during the promo period for an entry each day. What's also nice about The Simpsons Play and Win is that you can actually sign up right now. How convenient.Two Play and Win promotions, one involving a yellow 360 and one we can't sign up for yet. No matter, it's fun and it's free, so go play already and win!Read - McDonalds Burgercon Play and WinRead - The Simpsons Movie Play and Win

  • WoW Moviewatch: The Simpsons spoof WoW

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    I recently saw this clip on You Tube and was giggling for a full ten minutes. Have you ever had the experience of playing online with your parents? I bought my parents the 10-day trial of WoW, and they took the disc, thanked me greatly, and proceeded to never install the program. In any case, check out what Groening does with World of Warcraft. My personal favorite is Dr. Nick. Previously on WoW Moviewatch

  • Wii version of Simpsons contains exclusive gluttony

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Surprisingly, the new Simpsons game, called The Simpsons Game, doesn't follow the storyline of the Simpsons movie (The Simpsons Movie). Instead, it puts the player in the roles of the Simpson family as they become aware that they are inside a video game, which enables them to use ingame abilities (Remember Bartman? No? Ask your parents.) The game draws from video game culture, poking fun at games like Grand Theft Auto and Zelda.The Simpsons Game is a platformer with two-player cooperative gameplay and a cast of 200 characters. Troublingly, the developers say that of those 200, 100 come from the show. Is EA creating 100 new Simpsons characters? Jiminy jillikers!Wii owners will get a special treat: an exclusive minigame in the form of an eating contest. Using the Wiimote like a fork, players will cram as much imaginary food into their avatar's gaping maw as possible in a limited time.

  • Simpsons game announced, trailers released [Update]

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    [Update: EA has requested that movies of The Simpsons game be removed. We will update in the future when we have videos available.]It's about time we got another Simpsons game. Sure, the last couple have been like Crazy Taxi or this and that or whatever -- it's been a while since those crazy Sega Genesis titles. Especially that fantastic arcade side-scroller. Anyway, EA came out and announced the new Simpsons game during a 400th episode party for every console ever. Thanks, EA. Why in the heck would anybody buy the game for PS3 if they can get it far cheaper for the PS2?The game will feature 16 stages set up as "episodes" with different themes and videogame parodies... possibly. It's due out this Fall, but after the jump we've got plenty of videos to show you. The one above is just the beginning and boy... does it look par.[Via Joystiq and GameTrailers]

  • Limited edition Simpsons Xbox 360

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We hope you like yellow. In celebration of the upcoming Simpsons movie, Microsoft has created 100 limited edition Simpsons Xbox 360s. Yup, there are only 100 of these babies in the entire universe. How do you get your hands on one? Well, we don't really know. According to the press release, they will be given away "through a series of special events and promotions." May we make a suggestion? Donut eating contest for the win. The special editions should be given away prior to the movie this july, but right now that's all we know.By the way, if you haven't heard, the game (which is unrelated to the film) is actually looking pretty good. Anyone interested in scoring one of the limited edition 360s to play it on?[Via Joystiq]

  • Video: The Simpsons are looking good

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Officially revealed yesterday, The Simpsons game from Electronic Arts looks to be shaping up nicely. A handful of videos of the game have popped up across the internet (the ones in this post courtesy of GameVideos). The gameplay looks more or less like standard 3rd person action fare, complete with double jumps, super powers, and gliding. Whether or not that's a good thing remains to be seen. However, one thing we know for sure is that the game looks great. The Simpsons uses cel shading to give the characters a cartoonish look. What makes The Simpsons more interesting is that EA has employed a technique that flattens the characters from whatever angle they are being viewed. This helps retain the 2D nature of the show itself. In action, it looks great. Truth be told, short of The Simpsons arcade game, there has never been so faithful a rendition of the actual show. Another video is posted after the break.

  • Microsoft unveils limited edition Simpsons-themed Xbox 360

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    It may have taken forever for The Simpsons to reach the big screen, but it looks like Fox isn't wasting any time turning products yellow to tie-in with the movie, following up its Simpons-branded Samsung cellphone with a Homer-fied Xbox 360. Obsessive collectors could be in for a hard time tracking one of these down, however, as Microsoft's only producing 100 units to be given out at a series of special events and promotions. While they've gone all out with the branding, Microsoft has skimped on the console itself a bit, using the 20GB Xbox 360 Pro instead of the Elite. From the looks of it, you also won't be getting EA's just-announced Simpsons game with it, which, for a change, isn't actually based on the movie.[Via Reg Hardware, thanks Ajv2809]

  • Simpsons details emerge, not a movie tie-in

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    New details about the Electronic Arts Simpsons game emerged today. First and foremost, the entire Simpson family (save Maggie) will be playable in the upcoming game. The premise of the game is amusing: a few minutes into the game, the Simpson family discovers that they're trapped in a video game. With this newfound knowledge, they devise appropriate powers for themselves. This premise is being used to lampoon the game industry itself, which seems appropriate for the Simpsons. The game is divided into several "episodes" each telling an original story (penned by the show's actual writers). Each level will be played by two members of the Simpson family. Players will be able to switch between the two at any time, or a second player can join in for co-op play.Perhaps the biggest tidbit of all: the game isn't tied in with The Simpsons Movie. In fact, the new game is scheduled to come out this fall, long after the movie premieres. Dare we dream that a good Simpsons game is on the way?[Via Evil Avatar]

  • Simpsons videogame trailer in two days?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    People aren't sure if this mysterious GTA knock-off site is for the Simpsons videogame, but as a Simpsons addict, I can assure you that yes, it is. First, the yellow background is reminiscent of the show, but the real key lies in the number XXII -- twenty-two for those not gifted in the Roman Numerals. See, the show started way back in 1987 on the Tracy Ullman Show. While this may not be exactly correct, add those shows to those that have been on Fox (19 seasons scheduled), we'd have approximately 22 "seasons". Or 21... maybe this game will be part of the 22nd. Okay, so that's a shaky bit of reasoning, but listen on.The biggest notion towards the Simpsons videogame is the countdown itself -- look at the font. That's unmistakably the Simpsons' own credits font. Ta-da. Will we finally get a port of that awesome arcade game from way back when? Will it be a sandbox, almost MMO type game where you can create a new character in Spingfield and interact with all those characters we know and love? Who knows. We'll check back in two days.