

  • One Shots: Angmar, you're going down

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It's a beautiful morning, so why not spoil it by going to Angmar? Oh Angmar, that blackhead on the face of Middle-earth, with your whining sky and your eyesores everywhere. Why can't evil ever be beautiful, can someone tell me? Perhaps reader Michael18, who took this particular photo, can: "To celebrate the release of the Helm's Deep expansion, I send you some of my screenshots. I tried to capture the beauty of the old zones of Lord of the Rings Online like Angmar. With all the Rohan pictures to be seen on the web over the next couple of weeks, this might be a nice diversion." That's it, Angmar; you're going down. I'm going to get some flowers and go plant them all over your fields. Take that!

  • Captain's Log: Arc Q&A with Perfect World's Noel Holmes

    Terilynn Shull
    Terilynn Shull

    A week or two ago, I came across a dev blog about the new portal called Arc on the Star Trek Online website that seemed to raise more questions than provide answers. Not unlike most passionate gamers, I reacted emotionally and admittedly with some unfounded anger. I realized very quickly that if I was having that kind of reaction, then there were likely many others who were having similar reactions. So I did the only thing that I could: I contacted the representatives of Perfect World to gain some clarification to the blog and hopefully ease my concerns. Instead of a shoving a palm to my face, Perfect World made available Noel Holmes in the hopes he would be able to clarify not only my concerns but also concerns borne by other Star Trek Online players as well.

  • Star Trek Online Season 8: The Sphere energizes today

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    As part of what I'm calling "Mega-Update Tuesday," Star Trek Online has released Season 8: The Sphere for brash and bold captains to explore. Season 8's storyline challenges players to explore a Dyson Sphere that could be pivotal in the politics of the galaxy. The sizable update contains a new adventure zone, a reworked Federation tutorial, a new reputation track, a battlezone, queued events, curved hallways, and more goodies for fleets. For a limited time, Cryptic is giving players a free Solanae Tribble to celebrate the new season. Massively's been to the sphere and back to bring you the trailer and an in-depth preview of Season 8, so consider it your captain's duty to check those out.

  • Captain's Log: Star Trek Online's Season Eight Preview

    Terilynn Shull
    Terilynn Shull

    It's almost here: Season Eight in Star Trek Online releases tomorrow, November 12th! There is a lot of new material that will be implemented into the game when the season goes live, so much that there really hasn't been a single list of everything that's to come. So in today's Captain's Log, allow me to do a breakdown of all of the new content that Star Trek Online players can expect to see when they finish patching. You can also catch a quick glimpse of Season Eight's material by watching the official Season Eight trailer that Massively revealed last week. As you can imagine, this column will be chock-full of spoilers!

  • Exclusive: Here's Star Trek Online's Season 8 launch trailer

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hey look, it's another Star Trek Online dev blog, this time focused on the Federation tutorial revamp hinted at yesterday. STO content designer Matt Miller is your guide for a look at the hows and whys of bringing the Fed newbie experience up to par with its Romulan and Klingon counterparts. We've also got an exclusive first look at STO's Season 8 launch trailer. Click past the cut and enjoy!

  • Star Trek Online dev blog details Federation interior revamp

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Star Trek Online environment artist Jeff Miller has penned a new dev blog focused on the upcoming Federation ship interior revamp. Players can look forward to dynamic hallways and smaller, more compact designs that still allow plenty of room for combat maneuvering. What's a dynamic hallway? It's a hallway "built in sections that can easily be swapped out with other things," Miller explains. "For example, if a mission calls for the player to be in a more engineering-type deck, we can very easily swap out a paneled wall section with piping. Another example would be what we like to call special situations. A special situation would be like if a mission required a sudden explosion to occur and an entire section gets blasted out into space. The way the new hall kits are made let us do cool new things like this a lot easier." There's much more to the dev blog, and of course the revamp itself will be playable via the new Federation tutorial coming in Season 8.

  • Captain's Log: Star Trek Online's Sphere of Influence, Season Eight, and reruns

    Terilynn Shull
    Terilynn Shull

    Just ask the Massively writers and they'll agree that writing about a specific game is a lot like chasing the tide; information about a game comes and goes in waves. It's been no different with Star Trek Online, but now the tide is rolling in. A lot is happening in Star Trek Online: release dates have been announced, a new beta Mac platform is coming, the new featured episode is live, old featured episodes have a rerun promotion, and a lot more is on the way, so let's just jump in because the water's fine! New featured episode Let's start with the most recent featured episode introduced into the game. Called Sphere of Influence, the mission involves the player being invited back to New Romulus to witness the power-up of the Iconian gate that he helped discover. Upon arriving, the player is informed that Klingon Ambassador Worf is also there to act as a consultant. Worf has had prior dealings with Iconian gates, and sure enough, when the player is introduced to the Ambassador, he will hear actor Michael Dorn's voice.

  • Star Trek Online dev blog on building the perfect Worf

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Last week we told you about Michael Dorn's return to Star Trek and his role in Star Trek Online's Season 8 content. Cryptic has followed up on that announcement with a dev blog focused on Worf's character design. Senior character artist Joe Jing walks readers through the design process and talks up everything from Klingon body models to uniforms to Worf's initial appearance in STO's The Next Generation 25th anniversary event. That version didn't exactly capture the character's essence, Jing explains, so Cryptic pulled out all of the stops for version 2.0. "There were key details missing to make a convincing Michael Dorn as Worf. For example, our existing Klingon forehead ridges didn't quite have the same look as Worf's ridges," Jing says. "And the textures for the face were missing one of the coolest and most distinguishing facial features -- the groove under the eye and in front of the cheek bone that helps make Worf look so damn tough. So we modified textures for both, making new versions that are closer to the show."

  • Star Trek Online Mac beta starts November 12

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    November 12th is a big day for Star Trek Online, and not just because it's launch day for the sci-fi MMO's Season 8 content. It's also day one of the game's Mac beta according to a post on the game's official forums. [Thanks Trekkie!]

  • Star Trek Online Season 8 set to release November 12

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    You've heard us gushing about Star Trek Online's Season 8 for a while now, from the new content to the new teaser trailer, and even a bit about celebrity Star Trek actor Michael Dorn making an appearance in the game. But now we have the official release date for the newest goodies: November 12. Season 8: The Sphere will introduce the ancient alien Voth species to players for the first time, while the Worf-laden feature episode Sphere of Influence is currently live. [Source: PWE press release]

  • Star Trek Online highlights its latest featured episode in a new trailer

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Star Trek Online players have had to wait a little while for the next featured episode, but the wait is finally over. A new video is available to show off the start of the next episode, Sphere of Influence. It all starts on New Romulus as the Republic tries to activate a newly discovered Iconian gateway... a project that leads to a massive earthquake, trapping the players and others underground with no avenue of escape. Except, you know, the mysterious gateway that could lead almost anywhere. What follows next is less clear, but it involves players taking the controls of an ancient starship and joining up with both Klingons and the Federation to fight off some new opponents. It's the sort of exploration, danger, and adventure that you'd expect from a featured episode, in short. We have the video embedded for you past the cut.

  • Dorn reprises Worf role in Star Trek Online's Season 8

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Worf is back in Star Trek, or rather, Star Trek Online. According to an interview with actor Michael Dorn on the official Star Trek website, the Klingon warrior will appear in the game's new Sphere of Influence feature episode. "I'm afraid Worf is always lurking somewhere in the background of my psyche," Dorn tells STO content designer and interviewer Kate Bankson. Read the full interview via the links below.

  • New ship and special items await STO players in 'Sphere of Influence'

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    With Star Trek Online's Season Eight: The Sphere content edging ever-closer to release, it's time for Cryptic to fire up the lore machine and start pushing players toward their destiny. Sphere of Influence, set to go live on October 31st, bridges the gap between current content and the upcoming Sphere additions. Starting Thursday, all players level 10 or above will be able to hail D'Tan from their mission journals and begin a new quest. This quest, which revolves around D'Tan's efforts to restore the Iconian Gateway, will take players into New Romulus to stand present at the gate's reactivation. Players who complete the quest will receive pieces of the ancient obelisk technology set as well as a special Obelisk ship that can be helmed only after the player reaches level 40. The quest will be available from October 31st to December 5th.

  • Captain's Log: Solonae space zone in Star Trek Online

    Terilynn Shull
    Terilynn Shull

    It's been another great week of new information about Star Trek Online's upcoming new Featured Episode and Season Eight. We've learned that the new FE, which is set to be released on Thursday, October 31st, will be called Sphere of Influence. The title isn't a much of a surprise as most of us have been expecting that the new FE will carry Star Trek Online's story from the Iconian gate on New Romulus to the new content featuring a Dyson Sphere in Season Eight. A new sponsorship system will be added to STO's reputation system, which should benefit those of us who like to play multiple alts. I've also had a chance to peruse the new Voth Command reputation faction on the Tribble test server and learn it contains some interesting new passive skills. Finally, a lot more content has been released onto Tribble, including the new Solonae space adventure zone. There's also some great news for those who don't subscribe to STO but still want to test the new content: Tribble has been opened up to all players, not just subscribers! If you don't want to know anything about the new content, be warned: This column will have a few spoilers!

  • Cryptic details Star Trek Online's latest fleet progression update

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Another day, another Star Trek Online dev blog. Today's wall o' text is titled Fleet System Expansion: Spire Outpost, and as you might guess, it concerns the game's next fleet holding. "The Spire can be most closely compared to the Embassy in terms of it being more about providing high-end equipment than it is about providing fleet convenience and discounts," Cryptic says. "That being said, there are some excellent benefits for fleets that progress through the Spire holding's tiers." The Spire ultimately provides an additional progression avenue for STO fleets, complete with new rewards, a new social environment, and plenty of unlockable special projects. Read all about it via the links below.

  • Star Trek Online dev blog outlines three-faction Dyson Sphere battlezone

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Star Trek Online developers are cranking out the dev blogs lately. Last night we got a look at the Solanae Dyson Sphere Adventure zone whereas today we'll be reading up on the Solanae Dyson Sphere Battlezone. What is the Battlezone? It's a persistent ground zone featuring Starfleet, Klingon, and Romulan combatants. Players must be level 50 to enter, and the area currently supports up to 20 players, each of whom can bring two bridge officers. The primary objective is to take and hold 18 out of 21 Voth-controlled points located in three different regions. And yes, there are plenty of rewards for doing so, including Dilithium and Dyson Sphere Marks. Read all about it at the official STO website.

  • Star Trek Online dev blog outlines new Solanae Dyson Sphere adventure zone

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Members of the United Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Republic alike ought to be polishing their phasers and preparing their away teams because the best and brightest of all three factions are going to be needed to fight back the Voth in Star Trek Online's new Solanae Dyson Sphere adventure zone. Which, as it happens, is the subject of the latest developer diary from the folks at Cryptic Studios. In this new adventure zone, which our own Teri Shull covered in her most recent column, players will board a massive Dyson Sphere in which the Romulan Republic has established a base of operations, but of course they're not alone. The Voth have brought in an armada of their own in hopes of claiming the Dyson Sphere themselves, and naturally it falls to the players to put an end to their nefarious machinations. Players can take part in a number of variable missions across the three major zones of the sphere in order to attain precious Dyson Marks and Commendations, which can in turn be taken to the Dyson Joint Command faction for valuable rewards. If you're looking for more intel on this vital mission, you can check out the full post over at STO's official site.

  • Captain's Log: Star Trek Online's Dyson Sphere ground battle zone

    Terilynn Shull
    Terilynn Shull

    Finally! We finally have some news to report involving Star Trek Online's upcoming new content! Some of the new Season Eight material is up on the Tribble test server, and the new Featured Episode will be released on October 31st! We still aren't exactly sure when Season Eight will be released, but it's now easier to see what's in store for us, including a new set of space missions and new ground missions that feature territory control. I've had a chance to jump onto Star Trek Online's Tribble server to try a few things out and to see these "dinosaurs with frikkin' lasers on their heads" for myself. So let's get to it.

  • One Shots: Dusting crops with the boys

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    We're going to begin today's column with a very important announcement. It's so important that I'm breaking all the rules putting very important announcement in bold like that, but hopefully you're paying attention by now. We had a glitch with our email that pretty much blocked all submissions for One Shots since September 22nd, and so I never received them. I'm so sorry this has happened, but if you sent in a picture since then, I'd urge you to do it again. Thanks! Meanwhile, Captain Matt paid a few thousand credits to go on a once-in-a-lifetime trip with Han and Chewie in Star Wars Galaxies. "Here's me going into lightspeed with the closest of friends!" As Matt's living it up playing space chess with a Wookiee and getting his arms torn off, we've got many very important submissions to check out after the jump!

  • Latest Star Trek Online dev blog talks dinosaurs, Voth technology

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Like Star Trek? Like the Voth species that made its way into Trek lore during Voyager's third season? Then you'll love Cryptic's latest Star Trek Online dev diary penned by systems designer Jeff "AdjudicatorHawk" Hamilton. He's got a lot to say with regard to STO's Voth ground combat experience including tidbits about Voth mechanical exosuits, bio-engineered dankanasaurs, and rank-and-file soldiers, medics, and so on. "When looking at the Voth as a species, our starting point was only one episode," Hamilton explains, "so we had to look at what stood out about them and extrapolate from there. Their actions demonstrated that they were highly defensive, both culturally and militarily."